I don't really get the back and forth from republicans and democrats on all of this. Each side digs their heels in the sand on what they think is right. Why can't we make it harder for lunatics to get guns and harden off our schools for the ones that still get them? 3 out of 4 Americans want tougher gun laws. I own many guns including an AR and I want to make it harder to get them. I also want my children's school to be much more difficult to get into in an instance like this. I'm not saying anything will solve all of the problems, but it needs to be approached from all angles quickly.
I promise you this, bad people will always find a way to get a gun. Where there’s a will there’s a way. The sad truth of it is you will never be able to stop one individual with an idea like this in their mind. It will happen again and again.