How many sheep are still buying global warming?

If cold and heat are signs of climate change, then how can anyone disprove it.

anyone remember back during the 80s when liberals told us were were going to usher in a new ice age?
I also remember Meryl Streep crying about pesticides on apples and how we were poisoning all of our children or how by the 1990s the oceans were not going to exist the way we knew them in the 70s. It's hard to keep up with which pending disaster we need to wring our hands about
I can get on board with man contributing to climate change .... but after spending time in Sao Paulo, Bejing, and Dehli .... the notion that the US is currently the major culprit ????? Ive seen what a billion people looks like shitting in the streets, it doesnt matter if we recycle our coke cans or not.
Those places sound like shitholes
I also remember Meryl Streep crying about pesticides on apples and how we were poisoning all of our children or how by the 1990s the oceans were not going to exist the way we knew them in the 70s. It's hard to keep up with which pending disaster we need to wring our hands about
Or the Cheer’s bartender, Sam- saying how in 10 years our coastal towns would not exist. This was like 25 years ago.
It truly is hilarious at how the liberals and other idiots across the world have folks believing in it. If it's too warm, global warming! If it snows where it pretty much never does or is colder than usual, global warming! Just like sheep being led to the slaughter house...
I am thankful for global warming. If not for the warming trend, we would be in an ice age by now. I'm already having SAD and it's only mid january. Time for some sunshine and and 70's. Maybe if I go drive my big truck around a little bit more I can get it here faster.

All you can say about the global warming alarmist/algore/inconvenienttruth is #blesstheirhearts
There’s a difference between climate and temporary weather patterns. The warming of the earth is scientifically documented, with degrees added to the average global temperature over the last century. 16 of the hottest 17 years on record have occurred since 2001. Given, this record is only about 150 years old, but the trend remains.

The poster above is right, in that fluctuations in the average temperature causes erratic weather patterns, such as the cold stretch this winter for the south. The number of violent storms experienced this past summer are also signs of general warming trends. Someone could easily turn this around and ask about the American West, which is currently having one of its warmest and driest winters in a long time.

Global warming is happening. That is not up for debate. The debate is whether or not humans are contributing to climate change, or is the earth simply going through a warming spell that will eventually smooth out.

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This is the coldest winter on record and it’s aleady sniwed twice. If you still believe in this propaganda Ive got some bit coins and ocean front property to sell you.
The question of global warming is a scientific question not a political one. On one side of the issue is Fox News and the Republican Party. On the other is virtually every scientific group in the world including the National Academy of Science. With that choice, I'll choose science to believe in.
The question of global warming is a scientific question not a political one. On one side of the issue is Fox News and the Republican Party. On the other is virtually every scientific group in the world including the National Academy of Science. With that choice, I'll choose science to believe in.

Well done OP. You caught one. And he seems pretty mad.
There’s a difference between climate and temporary weather patterns. The warming of the earth is scientifically documented, with degrees added to the average global temperature over the last century. 16 of the hottest 17 years on record have occurred since 2001. Given, this record is only about 150 years old, but the trend remains.

The poster above is right, in that fluctuations in the average temperature causes erratic weather patterns, such as the cold stretch this winter for the south. The number of violent storms experienced this past summer are also signs of general warming trends. Someone could easily turn this around and ask about the American West, which is currently having one of its warmest and driest winters in a long time.

Global warming is happening. That is not up for debate. The debate is weather or not humans are contributing to climate change, or is the earth simply going through a warming spell that will eventually smooth out.

It is up for debate. It's a freaking model. It's debatable. What you're saying is you have license to impune or make fun of anyone who disagrees with you. Saying it's not debatable is a tactic of debate itself.
It is up for debate. It's a freaking model. It's debatable. What you're saying is you have license to impune or make fun of anyone who disagrees with you. Saying it's not debatable is a tactic of debate itself.
A model supported by scientific data points. Unless you disagree with atmospheric science, then that is not debatable.

I am by no means giving license to impune or make fun of anyone, regardless of their thoughts or beliefs. I am simply saying that the data show that the earth is in a warming pattern. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, I even mentioned that there is room for debate as to the cause of these warming patterns. Most people want to dispute the warming of the earth, when the actual issue is what is the cause. Two separate issues.
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Pretty simple science when it comes to global warming/climate change. One look no further than the Waccamaw River for all the answers........Or was that the Pee Dee? I get so damn confused.

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