I just made dinner reservations for Monday night. TN is back open next week.

NYC has 27,000 people per square mile and is the outlier in North America. There is no other city like it in America that is so dense and relies so heavily upon subways and buses for public transportation.

Subways were the vector as this virus spread freely for weeks on the subway system. This virus is spread with prolonged exposure in close proximity to infected persons. Riders from The Bronx and areas outside of Manhattan spent over an hour each way on the subway systems with thousands of new people getting on and off at each stop.

Add to it the climate of NYC and the densely populated apartment buildings with people packed into 500-1000 SF apartments you have perfect Petri dishes for virus / community spread that does not exist anywhere else in the US.

The subways continued to run throughout the shutdown.

Then look at the poor health of many of the citizens. A full 94% of deaths in NY occurred with persons that already had serious health problems.

LA has 18 million people but it is more like one giant continuous suburb. Residents spend hours alone in their cars riding to work. Add in the sunlight and warmer temps and it didn’t spread as quickly but millions still caught it but we’re a asymptomatic.

Once we became educated about the virus and started using social distancing this became an effective tool to slow the spread combined with a far less dense population it became less dearly. I live in a 1 house per acre neighborhood.

Even with all of that there likely tens of thousands that already have had it here in TN too. Serological studies show 20x to 85x the reported infections have occurred. But It’s asymptomatic to 90+% of the people. Unlike NY We are not tagging every elderly person that dies of a heart attack as a Covid death unless they actually tested positive. Accounting for asymptomatic cases the hospitalization rate is sound .02% and the CFR is around .1% to .3% outside of NY.

Year over Year 2020 to 2019 even with 18,000+ Covid related deaths in NY there are only about 3,500 more deaths overall in NY than last year. This virus killed many of the same people that would’ve died of pneumonia or the flu or other causes last year.
Any insight into where you came up with what I bolded?
  • Like
Reactions: DecemberGrad
So, how long until the second wave lockdown? I’m thinking November, but with fun like this it could be much much sooner.

Good luck on beating the virus, if you get it and live through it there can be permanent lung damage, so you always have that to look forward to.

Sit on the sideline or go be legendary? Hmmm...

Username does not check out.
While I agree with most of your post there I don't think there is going to be fans at college football this Sept.

With that I don't think Football will happen as scheduled.

Also as long as Trump is saying stupid things at his press conference and blasting stupid things on Twitter the Media will control the spin which will in turn control the narrative.

Man I would absolutely love for Trump to stick to his script and get off Twitter. He would be unbeatable in November.

Agree with every single word.
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It's funny we have been on the completely opposite side of things during this time but being semi rational people and have gravitated towards the middle of the spectrum.

I think everyone knows what has to happen sooner than later. Sometimes we just have different opinions on paths to get there and as long as we respectfully disagree that’s OK. You mentioned running an event planning business and I can’t imagine how difficult it is right now. I want people like you to get back on their feet as soon as possible, because that’s has to happen.
I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!
Awesome Rob and Enjoy! I'm sick and tired of takeout myself, it's time!
  • Like
Reactions: nashvegastiger
So, are y'all gonna vote for the man leading the shutdown again this election?

Or nah?
I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!
Do you realize how many obese smokers you are putting at risk with this attitude? Their blood is on your hands
regarding question about virus transmission above... @ddot7

Lancet study on virus transmission and NEJM study which says masks are generally and don’t prevent transmission. The NEJM cites 10-30 minutes of close exposure within 6 ft.

MIT study showing subways as major vector of virus transmission. Last article regarding study from Department of Homeland Security and Science showing virus aerosols half life reduced from hours to less than 1.5 minutes outdoors in sunlight and warmer temps. Reduced from 18 hours to less than 1 hour on surfaces. I’ve also read that once the RNA spike is reduced that infection cannot occur. Traces of virus on a surface do not infect. Surface to hand to face transmission is very very rare. This cane from an Oxford trained epidemiologist blog citing numerous other studies.

There are other studies supporting that Outbreaks occur in nursing homes, prisons, and other tightly confined areas.

Outdoors with distancing much safer. Trending Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter&__twitter_impression=true
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I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!
Who cares

Oh yeah Go Tigers!
  • Like
Reactions: nashvegastiger
Do you realize how many obese smokers you are putting at risk with this attitude? Their blood is on your hands

I follow cdc guidelines for social distancing when in public but believe this virus will largely burnout over the summer. I’m against full lock downs and support the science that shows social distancing is enough protection to prevent widespread transmission or outbreak.

Those with health problems should take greater precautions. We shouldn’t lock down the healthy. We need to safely and thoughtfully return to work and normal life.

As we do it progressively people will realize it’s safe to play football and return to school this fall.
I follow cdc guidelines for social distancing when in public but believe this virus will largely burnout over the summer. I’m against full lock downs and support the science that shows social distancing is enough protection to prevent widespread transmission or outbreak.

Those with health problems should take greater precautions. We shouldn’t lock down the healthy. We need to safely and thoughtfully return to work and normal life.

As we do it progressively people will realize it’s safe to play football and return to school this fall.
I believe he was trying to be sarcastic, but I agree with your statement as well.
  • Like
Reactions: nashvegastiger
I follow cdc guidelines for social distancing when in public but believe this virus will largely burnout over the summer. I’m against full lock downs and support the science that shows social distancing is enough protection to prevent widespread transmission or outbreak.

Those with health problems should take greater precautions. We shouldn’t lock down the healthy. We need to safely and thoughtfully return to work and normal life.

As we do it progressively people will realize it’s safe to play football and return to school this fall.
I was being a smart-ass. I personally think we are wasting a once in a lifetime opportunity to fix social security and lower future health care costs with this quarantine.
So, how long until the second wave lockdown? I’m thinking November, but with fun like this it could be much much sooner.

Good luck on beating the virus, if you get it and live through it there can be permanent lung damage, so you always have that to look forward to.

I'll be you "identify" as a male. Am I right?
Bernie or AOC?
I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!

@nashvegastiger is the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.

Well done, my man! So jealous of yal, hope SC follows soon.
  • Like
Reactions: nashvegastiger
NYC has 27,000 people per square mile and is the outlier in North America. There is no other city like it in America that is so dense and relies so heavily upon subways and buses for public transportation.

Subways were the vector as this virus spread freely for weeks on the subway system. This virus is spread with prolonged exposure in close proximity to infected persons. Riders from The Bronx and areas outside of Manhattan spent over an hour each way on the subway systems with thousands of new people getting on and off at each stop.

Add to it the climate of NYC and the densely populated apartment buildings with people packed into 500-1000 SF apartments you have perfect Petri dishes for virus / community spread that does not exist anywhere else in the US.

The subways continued to run throughout the shutdown.

Then look at the poor health of many of the citizens. A full 94% of deaths in NY occurred with persons that already had serious health problems.

LA has 18 million people but it is more like one giant continuous suburb. Residents spend hours alone in their cars riding to work. Add in the sunlight and warmer temps and it didn’t spread as quickly but millions still caught it but we’re a asymptomatic.

Once we became educated about the virus and started using social distancing this became an effective tool to slow the spread combined with a far less dense population it became less dearly. I live in a 1 house per acre neighborhood.

Even with all of that there likely tens of thousands that already have had it here in TN too. Serological studies show 20x to 85x the reported infections have occurred. But It’s asymptomatic to 90+% of the people. Unlike NY We are not tagging every elderly person that dies of a heart attack as a Covid death unless they actually tested positive. Accounting for asymptomatic cases the hospitalization rate is sound .02% and the CFR is around .1% to .3% outside of NY.

Year over Year 2020 to 2019 even with 18,000+ Covid related deaths in NY there are only about 3,500 more deaths overall in NY than last year. This virus killed many of the same people that would’ve died of pneumonia or the flu or other causes last year.
I agree NYC is unique and hope its density is the sole reason for its extreme epidemic compared to the rest of the country. Other possible explanations are that it was the first because of its unique and massive connections to the rest of the world as one of the most international cities in the world (together with London). Another possible explanation is that the rest of the country used NYC as the example to distance, etc. before outbreaks elsewhere got out of control as the extreme epidemic in NYC was, predictably, the earliest in the USA. Another possible explanation is that the seeding in other areas of the USA was far enough behind that warmer, brighter weather subdued the outbreaks elsewhere, especially in SoCal and the sunbelt. Or all of these together. We will know a lot more by this December, I suspect. See below for the facts as to NYC. If I am reading this correctly, it appears that at its peak NYC had 4k-5k excess deaths per week. The reputable antibodies studies I have seen place actual infections at 10-20 times the confirmed cases. The Stanford 85x study is largely debunked, I believe. In any event, i personally believe most of the country needs to get back to work soon regardless. We cannot have a prolonged depression. In fact, if the weather is the primary assist then maybe we all need to go to extreme work hours until the fall so that we can then slow down if winter limits our ability to work then!

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I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!

be sure you throw away your own napkins silverware cups and plates.

who wants to touch them????
The "never returning to normal" and face mask people have lost their minds, along with those that think it is ok to destroy the economy, because of a virus with less than a .5% mortality rate, of which 90% have obesity, hypertension or diabetes.

we should outlaw food to those with eating disorders

similar concept to those who want to remove guns from those with mental disorders
  • Like
Reactions: Ron Munson
The "never returning to normal" and face mask people have lost their minds, along with those that think it is ok to destroy the economy, because of a virus with less than a .5% mortality rate, of which 90% have obesity, hypertension or diabetes.

I’ve enjoyed walking into Publix, Chipotle, etc without a mask on, and looking back at the folks wearing masks and smiling.
I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!
You go boy! I can’t wait
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Do you realize how many obese smokers you are putting at risk with this attitude? Their blood is on your hands
Their blood is on their own damn hands...they should have taken better care of the one thing in this world they have the most control over: their bodies/health.
Their blood is on their own damn hands...they should have taken better care of the one thing in this world they have the most control over: their bodies/health.
I'll pray for you
Their blood is on their own damn hands...they should have taken better care of the one thing in this world they have the most control over: their bodies/health.

you do make a good point

why do people who do not abuse food and beverages

have to suffer

along with those who dont take care of themselves?
It's really not hard to understand.
my point for asking the question was to address why this virus was not a threat to anyone except NY. you seem to imply that NY is at risk due to close contact. so we're saying the distancing is what prevented massive outbreaks in less populated areas? just hard to understand the hard-line stance with this huge exception being thrown around
For all of those convinced the virus will burn itself out in the US summer, how do you account for 60,000 cases in Brazil, 25,000 cases in Peru? It IS summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

I believe we have been fortunate in the US to control the virus because most Americans have the ability and the fortitude to self isolate themselves for the majority of these past few weeks. The strategy has worked. But I don’t think one can assume the warmer weather will kill the virus as experiences in other nations don’t bear that out.

Is it frustrating to stay home? Sure, to some degree. I am lucky to have places close by to take hikes with my dog; can go to the grocery store when I need to (went to Costco yesterday under very controlled circumstances and everyone has a mask); and I can work from home. Hang tough, America. We will make it even if college (or pro) football (along with the NBA, NHL and MLB) have to take a one year sabbatical.
For all of those convinced the virus will burn itself out in the US summer, how do you account for 60,000 cases in Brazil, 25,000 cases in Peru? It IS summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

I believe we have been fortunate in the US to control the virus because most Americans have the ability and the fortitude to self isolate themselves for the majority of these past few weeks. The strategy has worked. But I don’t think one can assume the warmer weather will kill the virus as experiences in other nations don’t bear that out.

Is it frustrating to stay home? Sure, to some degree. I am lucky to have places close by to take hikes with my dog; can go to the grocery store when I need to (went to Costco yesterday under very controlled circumstances and everyone has a mask); and I can work from home. Hang tough, America. We will make it even if college (or pro) football (along with the NBA, NHL and MLB) have to take a one year sabbatical.

I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!

Enjoy the steak, just do the people around you a favor and wear a mask when you can and practice social distancing. Keep in mind that when these southern states say restaurants, bowling alleys and hair salons are open, that means that the people who work in those places can no longer collect unemployment (most southern states cannot afford to pay unemployment more than another few months). So you have many people being forced to go back to work even if they feel it is unsafe. So, do them a favor and comply by the recommendations from the CDC. Not saying you won't, this is just a general comment for everyone.
Enjoy the steak, just do the people around you a favor and wear a mask when you can and practice social distancing. Keep in mind that when these southern states say restaurants, bowling alleys and hair salons are open, that means that the people who work in those places can no longer collect unemployment (most southern states cannot afford to pay unemployment more than another few months). So you have many people being forced to go back to work even if they feel it is unsafe. So, do them a favor and comply by the recommendations from the CDC. Not saying you won't, this is just a general comment for everyone.

If you read my post and responses I clearly stated I follow all cdc guidelines for social distancing.

If you live anywhere close to NYC I realize your experience has been vastly different than the rest of the country. I respect your recommendation and will do so. Just know that social distancing has worked here and we have had completely different experiences. In a state of 7 million we’ve had about 162 deaths total. All of which have had pre existing conditions.
Enjoy the steak, just do the people around you a favor and wear a mask when you can and practice social distancing. Keep in mind that when these southern states say restaurants, bowling alleys and hair salons are open, that means that the people who work in those places can no longer collect unemployment (most southern states cannot afford to pay unemployment more than another few months). So you have many people being forced to go back to work even if they feel it is unsafe. So, do them a favor and comply by the recommendations from the CDC. Not saying you won't, this is just a general comment for everyone.

Hardly anyone is going to wear a mask in a restaurant. Sure, some will but most will not wear a mask while dining in at a restaurant.
If you read my post and responses I clearly stated I follow all cdc guidelines for social distancing.

If you live anywhere close to NYC I realize your experience has been vastly different than the rest of the country. I respect your recommendation and will do so. Just know that social distancing has worked here and we have had completely different experiences. In a state of 7 million we’ve had about 162 deaths total. All of which have had pre existing conditions.

I hear you man. I have clients in franklin, they are eager to get back to work but also scared because they are the ones at risk, much more so than the customers. Most of them when they reopen are going to require masks. Make sure you tip really well.

Side note: I have eaten at Bricktops, it is good. Pork Belly Farmhouse in Nolensville is one my favorites.
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Agree with every single word.

Also agree, if he would just stay away from twitter and stay on script he is easily a re-elect. He has zero competition.

The thing he does best is boosting our economy and we will need that soon when we get back underway
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I’m sick and tired of reading all this bull$hit on here and all over the internet about NEVER returning to normal. We are getting back to normal sooner rather than later.

I’m having a steak at my favorite restaurant this coming Monday night!

I’ll post it on here so you can see what Freedom looks like in case you have forgotten.

Yes we will be safe. There will be social distancing involved in a restaurant at 50% capacity and maybe some masks at first. But I expect to be back to normal soon and it likely will be by June.

We are getting our lives back. There will be college football this fall. Kids will be back in college and at public school.

Older folks and people with co morbidities need to take more precautions and it may take a little longer for them.

But Younger healthier folks need to get out and get back to work. It’s time.

When the rest of the country sees what freedom looks like again people are going to start waking up and demanding their rights back or they are just simply going to start opening their businesses up and returning to normal.

Law enforcement isn’t enforcing these bull$hit shutdowns when people just start returning to work and to life.

Quit listening to all the liars out there talking about a 2nd surge and other bull$hit meant to scare you. This ain’t 1918.

No one under 30 has even died in SC. Less than 200 have died in SC overall And only 8 have died 50 and under. That’s it! There isn’t going to be a second surge in May or this fall.

Over half of the deaths and presumed deaths from Covid 19 are in 7 counties around NYC. And Many of the deaths you are seeing counted each day in NY and elsewhere are people that died from other diseases being marked as presumed Covid to get bailout money. Per the NYC Deptvof health public data 94% of Covid deaths in NYC had serious underlying health conditions. A tiny fraction were considered healthy and an even tinier fraction were under 65 and healthy. You have a far greater likelihood of dying in a car accident than dying from Covid 19.

Our hospitals are empty all over the country waiting on a surge that never came. Don’t let someone convince you a second a one is coming when other than NY there wasn’t a 1st surge. It isn’t happening because 99.9% of people that catch this live and 97% never go to a hospital when a symptomatic cases are accounted for.

Other than NY the deaths in this country are spread over 3.1 million miles. There is no large outbreak anywhere in the US right now. There are no hospitals being over run anywhere in the US. Serological testing is now confirming what we all believed early on; Millions of us have had this virus already with few or no symptoms and are now immune.

There are millions of cases that went undiagnosed that never got sick. That immunity is out there creating herd. It doesn’t take 60% to get to herd. Many great epidemiologists believe this is going to burn out and herd achieved at around 30% with social distancing.

Has it been deadly for some? Yes, it has but 75% or more of Covid Deaths would’ve died in 2020 from other diseases. You can’t live your whole life curled up in a ball at home worried about the GD boogeyman. You have get up and get out and start living. Practice social distancing and be safe but live your life.

Being outside is the safest place you can be. Get outside!

The construction industry never stopped in many states. Have you read about an outbreak at an outdoor construction site or any outdoor event yet? Has there been an outbreak from a beach or from going to the lake? No there hasn’t been one. This virus spreads inside in tightly confined spaces like subways, buses, prisons, homes, homeless shelters and nursing homes.

It’s not going to spread at an outdoor football game.

Football in Death Valley is actually going to prove to be one of the safer places to be by this fall. I will be there tailgating and so will you!

Go Tigers!!!

I totally agree....I wish I weren't 65.....but I am. Life can go on sooner rather than later. You WILL see older folks using masks and being prudent for as long as it takes to find a vaccine.

We were on the beach yesterday. Dear lowered it was busy with the Bolivar Peninsula being the only beach open and Galveston and Houston visitors. When folks crowded within 10' of us, we packed up and left. We stayed until we felt uncomfortable with the closeness. We never said a word because those folks needed it a helluva lot more than my wife and I.
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I totally agree....I wish I weren't 65.....but I am. Life can go on sooner rather than later. You WILL see older folks using masks and being prudent for as long as it takes to find a vaccine.

We were on the beach yesterday. Dear lowered it was busy with the Bolivar Peninsula being the only beach open and Galveston and Houston visitors. When folks crowded within 10' of us, we packed up and left. We stayed until we felt uncomfortable with the closeness. We never said a word because those folks needed it a helluva lot more than my wife and I.

are you wearing an N95 mask? if not, wearing a mask will do little for you and your wife if nobody else is wearing them. I wear a mask in stores to prevent me potentially passing something on to someone else, e.g. the 55 year old woman at the grocery checkout who has to go to work to support herself, despite being high risk.
Also agree, if he would just stay away from twitter and stay on script he is easily a re-elect. He has zero competition.

The thing he does best is boosting our economy and we will need that soon when we get back underway

it is going to take us years to recover from #trumpshutdown