Your 2 days argument is beyond stupid and let me explain why. Because everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty, they NEVER share what they are doing because it could hurt someone’s reputation. So it is the normal policy to not announce the search or make public comments about an investigation.
In this particular case, Trump himself is the one who outed himself. He is the one who went public with it and LIED about their degree of cooperation publicly. Obviously the numb nuts on the right ate it up and this sparked an outrage. To the point where FBI/DOJ are receiving death threats from you guys and one MAGA idiot tried to breach the FBI office in Cincinnati. So congrats, people are dying because of your stupidity.
So, the DOJ had to respond to this outrage and called Trump’s bluff. He chose to make this public, they’re saying okay, let’s show the world what we are were looking for.
You people are sick, Trump could molest a child in a live stream and you would be defending Trump ( “the child deserved it”, “the child was a leftist and had it coming”, “this was the daughter of an FBI agent”, “it was payback”). As much as the woke mindset is a mental illness, you guys are absolutely insane.