***In Game Thread: Trump/Biden Debate #2***

Trump: nonanswers/deflection to Obama/Pelosi/Fear
Biden: speaks to actual plans
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You’re on drugs. I fully admitted last time he was a disaster, but he is doing a great job tonight. I am also very impressed with the moderator. Biden is not doing a bad job at all, but Trump is much better tonight.
Totally agree. Trump was a train wreck in the first debate and he's actually appealing to the average American tonight. Biden has taken the social media hot takes route way too many times tonight. Its petty
I predict all three of these participants will get generally positive reviews for their respective performances in this debate.

Trump was incredibly more disciplined than the first go-round. Biden did ok - nothing spectacular - but he also didn't make any major gaffes that will hurt him. And the moderator, Welker, kept control. Even Donald said she was doing a great job.

Many pundits felt that Trump needed a game-changing moment tonight. Though his performance was a huge improvement (maybe a winner in some people's eyes?), I just don't feel that he significantly moved the needle. If he did, it may be "too little, too late" since so many early votes have already been cast.

I honestly kept thinking of this the whole time:

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I predict all three of these participants will get generally positive reviews for their respective performances in this debate.

Trump was incredibly more disciplined than the first go-round. Biden did ok - nothing spectacular - but he also didn't make any major gaffes that will hurt him. And the moderator, Welker, kept control. Even Donald said she was doing a great job.

Many pundits felt that Trump needed a game-changing moment tonight. Though his performance was a huge improvement (maybe a winner in some people's eyes?), I just don't feel that he significantly moved the needle. If he did, it may be "too little, too late" since so many early votes have already been cast.

I honestly kept thinking of this the whole time:

Can we get someone who is under 50 please?
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Ole Joe just did something he never should’ve done, says he’d basically kill oil. Bad, bad move.

Good luck in Texas and good luck in some crucial swing states.
He'll feel better after he meets his two 8 year old "friends"
I predict all three of these participants will get generally positive reviews for their respective performances in this debate.

Trump was incredibly more disciplined than the first go-round. Biden did ok - nothing spectacular - but he also didn't make any major gaffes that will hurt him. And the moderator, Welker, kept control. Even Donald said she was doing a great job.

Many pundits felt that Trump needed a game-changing moment tonight. Though his performance was a huge improvement (maybe a winner in some people's eyes?), I just don't feel that he significantly moved the needle. If he did, it may be "too little, too late" since so many early votes have already been cast.

I honestly kept thinking of this the whole time:


He said he was going to end oil!

Goodbye, Pennsylvania.
Biden will literally say whatever he feels like he needs to say at the moment

“Your gosh darn right I’m gonna ban fracking, it’s a bunch of malarkey. What? I never said I was going to ban fracking, you’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier, show me where I said that. But yeah anyway, I’m gonna ban the hell out of it. Except in PA where I grew up and walked 8 miles to school in the snow, I’m not gonna ban it there.”

-Joe Biden
Biden will literally say whatever he feels like he needs to say at the moment

“Your gosh darn right I’m gonna ban fracking, it’s a bunch of malarkey. What? I never said I was going to ban fracking, you’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier, show me where I said that. But yeah anyway, I’m gonna ban the hell out of it. Except in PA where I grew up and walked 8 miles to school in the snow, I’m not gonna ban it there.”

-Joe Biden

This is delicious. Joe says to put the fracking comments on your website and Trump obliges. Trump won handily tonight. Big improvement.

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this debate was actually pointless

joe lost

they have hunters laptop

they have hunters emails

they have 2 witnesses

they have the witnesses phones

guys remember how much we thought out country was under threat by a phone call?

now the media and many politicians are running from this faster than running from a cheetah

this is just like watergate in the last few months before nixon finally came down

it takes a few months for the truth to sink in when you have spent alot of time trying to deflect or deny the truth.
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The oil comment will hurt him in TX, I also though Trump started to get under Joe's skin towards the end asking why Joe didn't do anything he was speaking to in his 8 yrs in office. You could tell Joe couldn't come up with any kind of response, except for Republican congress. Overall I think Trump did better than Biden tonight, to bad Trump didn't put on the same performance during the first debate. I also think this moderator was 10x better than Wallace.
Ole Joe just did something he never should’ve done, says he’d basically kill oil. Bad, bad move.

Good luck in Texas and good luck in some crucial swing states.

I really don't understand this. Everyone knows oil isn't forever. This is like saying "wow, he came out against COVID-19. Is he not worried about all the jobs associated with it?"

Oil isn't sustainable. It's bad for the environment. Alternatives are getting cheaper. It would bad if oil suddenly disappeared but anyone who wants oil to be a part of our economy permanently is a damned moron.

But perhaps you just speaking to how the damned morons will receive his line, delivered out of context.
I really don't understand this. Everyone knows oil isn't forever. This is like saying "wow, he came out against COVID-19. Is he not worried about all the jobs associated with it?"

Oil isn't sustainable. It's bad for the environment. Alternatives are getting cheaper. It would bad if oil suddenly disappeared but anyone who wants oil to be a part of our economy permanently is a damned moron.

But perhaps you just speaking to how the damned morons will receive his line, delivered out of context.

My gut says it's more about how you solve the infrastructure problem to eliminate the need for oil that's really at the heart of the issue, not necessarily whether or not it's going to go away.

I think much like Trump, line in the sand statements typically aren't always well received and the media will spin this much like they do anything Trump says to push an agenda. Also, given Oil still supports a great deal of families from income to investments, many will feel some adversity regardless of when it is slated to go away but as you say, it has to go away eventually.

I'd like to see some detailed plans for how they will fund the infrastructure required for alternatives to either be a fully fledged supplemental option or full swap out of oil reliance. (either party to be honest)
My gut says it's more about how you solve the infrastructure problem to eliminate the need for oil that's really at the heart of the issue, not necessarily whether or not it's going to go away.

I think much like Trump, line in the sand statements typically aren't always well received and the media will spin this much like they do anything Trump says to push an agenda. Also, given Oil still supports a great deal of families from income to investments, many will feel some adversity regardless of when it is slated to go away but as you say, it has to go away eventually.

I'd like to see some detailed plans for how they will fund the infrastructure required for alternatives to either be a fully fledged supplemental option or full swap out of oil reliance. (either party to be honest)

I think that's all totally fair. We can't just end our oil usage all willy-nilly. I just think the aspirational statement "we should stop using oil" is completely non-controversial. Those jobs certainly have to be replaced but jobs (as a reason on its own) is not a good argument for maintaining this very bad habit.
Here is where Joe should have given it back to Trump: Trump claimed Biden was unable to get changes to laws when the GOP controlled Congress. Trump said he should have persuaded the Republicans to support his views. This, of course, is soon after Trump whined that he couldn't get Nancy Pelosi to agree to negotiate on COVID relief! Trump was exposed for not proposing a health care plan for 4 years, having a bank account in China, and not caring about 545 children who will never be reunited with their parents. To win, Biden needed to stumble. His views on oil is not an issue that will move voters away. Think oil executives were supporting him in the first place?
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people dont care about debates, they are partisan dog and pony shoes. there arent undecided voters left out there, and anyone who says they dont have enough information to make a decision at this point and still needs to watch a debate to decide is either stupid, or looking for attention.

this election is already decided, one way or the other.
Here is where Joe should have given it back to Trump: Trump claimed Biden was unable to get changes to laws when the GOP controlled Congress. Trump said he should have persuaded the Republicans to support his views. This, of course, is soon after Trump whined that he couldn't get Nancy Pelosi to agree to negotiate on COVID relief! Trump was exposed for not proposing a health care plan for 4 years, having a bank account in China, and not caring about 545 children who will never be reunited with their parents. To win, Biden needed to stumble. His views on oil is not an issue that will move voters away. Think oil executives were supporting him in the first place?

No doubt. Biden left a lot on the table. I don't know how it hasn't been brought up that Trump brags about "shutting down the best economy in the history of the world" and then tries to criticize Biden for being willing to do the same thing.

I'm all the way biased but I think this was Biden's best performance. It was probably Trump's, too, but he didn't offer a single plan that I can recall. I don't know why he hasn't been raked across the coals for health care.
Here is where Joe should have given it back to Trump: Trump claimed Biden was unable to get changes to laws when the GOP controlled Congress. Trump said he should have persuaded the Republicans to support his views. This, of course, is soon after Trump whined that he couldn't get Nancy Pelosi to agree to negotiate on COVID relief! Trump was exposed for not proposing a health care plan for 4 years, having a bank account in China, and not caring about 545 children who will never be reunited with their parents. To win, Biden needed to stumble. His views on oil is not an issue that will move voters away. Think oil executives were supporting him in the first place?


I think the reality is that there isn't really anything that would cause a significant number of voters to switch their choice at this point. Nothing in the debates, or in the news, is going to change people's minds. It's all about voter turnout now.
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No doubt. Biden left a lot on the table. I don't know how it hasn't been brought up that Trump brags about "shutting down the best economy in the history of the world" and then tries to criticize Biden for being willing to do the same thing.

I'm all the way biased but I think this was Biden's best performance. It was probably Trump's, too, but he didn't offer a single plan that I can recall. I don't know why he hasn't been raked across the coals for health care.

republicans have had years, including the last 4 with the senate and presidency to come up with a healthcare plan, and they've got nothing. its utterly shocking. they have no plan. they have no plan.

healthcare is by far the #1 issue on voter's minds, both in the context of COVID, and then more generally. And republicans can say nothing other than "better, cheaper, pre-existing conditions" over and over again. Why dont they have a real plan?
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No doubt. Biden left a lot on the table. I don't know how it hasn't been brought up that Trump brags about "shutting down the best economy in the history of the world" and then tries to criticize Biden for being willing to do the same thing.

I'm all the way biased but I think this was Biden's best performance. It was probably Trump's, too, but he didn't offer a single plan that I can recall. I don't know why he hasn't been raked across the coals for health care.

I thought both held their own and I agree with another poster that I doubt it makes any material difference at this point. I'd say most of the US has already made up their minds at this stage. I wonder if it would make more sense to debate earlier in the campaign process?

Don't underestimate the influence of oil money, oil revenue, oil liquidity, etc etc. Still very prevalent in the US and across the world. The takeaway will be how the comment on oil was perceived and how well the right side of media can turn into a negative agenda, whether the comments are taken out of context or not.

I do think Trump should have to account for a Health Care plan but I also think Biden needs to articulate how he'll reform Obama Care. Upping my taxes to cover the gap isn't the answer. I admire the idea of Obama Care, but I challenge the execution/delivery of Obama Care. Simply put, it could be better.

Lastly, not specific to the debate but I still want to see the outcome of the laptop/emails/whistleblowers etc. As mentioned on here a few times, I ran a global P&L with local entities throughout Asia and Russia.......both are really challenging to operate in without the backing of very large organizations or billion dollar balance sheets and the ability to navigate the lengthy list of regulatory challenges, compliance hurdles....etc is a sustainable cost and legal hurdle. I don't want to suggest certainty here but I still feel there is some form of corruption associated. It may be that voters don't care enough to worry about it but there are red flags for me.
republicans have had years, including the last 4 with the senate and presidency to come up with a healthcare plan, and they've got nothing. its utterly shocking. they have no plan. they have no plan.

healthcare is by far the #1 issue on voter's minds, both in the context of COVID, and then more generally. And republicans can say nothing other than "better, cheaper, pre-existing conditions" over and over again. Why dont they have a real plan?

I disagree on health care being the #1 topic. The economy is the biggest concern as fueled by the rising potential of economic fall out, job market collapse etc. Sure, Health Care is always an important one but government stimulus won't last forever and the true bottom won't be found until it runs out. At that point, you're facing much larger issues than just health care.
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Here is where Joe should have given it back to Trump: Trump claimed Biden was unable to get changes to laws when the GOP controlled Congress. Trump said he should have persuaded the Republicans to support his views. This, of course, is soon after Trump whined that he couldn't get Nancy Pelosi to agree to negotiate on COVID relief! Trump was exposed for not proposing a health care plan for 4 years, having a bank account in China, and not caring about 545 children who will never be reunited with their parents. To win, Biden needed to stumble. His views on oil is not an issue that will move voters away. Think oil executives were supporting him in the first place?

You know down deep what’s coming.
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You assume when watching these debates that everyone else watching has a modicum of intelligence and can dissect what each candidate is saying and make informed decisions based off of that. And then you see shit like this and your jaw literally hits the floor and you worry about the future of our country....
I thought both held their own and I agree with another poster that I doubt it makes any material difference at this point. I'd say most of the US has already made up their minds at this stage. I wonder if it would make more sense to debate earlier in the campaign process?

Don't underestimate the influence of oil money, oil revenue, oil liquidity, etc etc. Still very prevalent in the US and across the world. The takeaway will be how the comment on oil was perceived and how well the right side of media can turn into a negative agenda, whether the comments are taken out of context or not.

I do think Trump should have to account for a Health Care plan but I also think Biden needs to articulate how he'll reform Obama Care. Upping my taxes to cover the gap isn't the answer. I admire the idea of Obama Care, but I challenge the execution/delivery of Obama Care. Simply put, it could be better.

Lastly, not specific to the debate but I still want to see the outcome of the laptop/emails/whistleblowers etc. As mentioned on here a few times, I ran a global P&L with local entities throughout Asia and Russia.......both are really challenging to operate in without the backing of very large organizations or billion dollar balance sheets and the ability to navigate the lengthy list of regulatory challenges, compliance hurdles....etc is a sustainable cost and legal hurdle. I don't want to suggest certainty here but I still feel there is some form of corruption associated. It may be that voters don't care enough to worry about it but there are red flags for me.
Here is the 'liberal' Wall Street Journal's investigation into so-called corruption:

If the WSJ won't back up the president's allegation, as they say in NYC, fahgetaboutit
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why do liberals think that if you are not from



some foreign country

that they label you a deplorable and ignorant

people who live in those areas of the world for some reason

thinks they know what regular americans want and need

Schiff- LA
Pelosi- SF
Kamala- CA

why are there no liberals from anywhere else in america?
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I disagree on health care being the #1 topic. The economy is the biggest concern as fueled by the rising potential of economic fall out, job market collapse etc. Sure, Health Care is always an important one but government stimulus won't last forever and the true bottom won't be found until it runs out. At that point, you're facing much larger issues than just health care.

sorry man, but you are objectively wrong. im not providing my opinion, im talking about national and statewide polling, both public and non-public.
The authors are

Andy Duehren graduated from Harvard in 2017 with a Literature Degree.

and James T Areddy who has spent most of his life in China

surprising the WSJ has lowered its standards
Hey, App: if you need medical care would you rather have a Harvard Medical School grad or Univ of Arkansas? I have never understood why people look down on folks who have attended an outstanding university. Jealously, I imagine, for many. Who would prefer to say, "I want to go to a mediocre university, not an Ivy League one"?
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The authors are

Andy Duehren graduated from Harvard in 2017 with a Literature Degree.

and James T Areddy who has spent most of his life in China

surprising the WSJ has lowered its standards
And a follow ... why wouldn't you want to use a reporter who has worked in China to source a story about China? Is Rudy Guiliani a better source?

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