It’s done. Musk forced to buy Twitter

Musk is very interesting to me. I was a huge fan loved the launch of pay pal and tesla. He definitely surrounded himself with brilliant people and squeezed them for productivity and had good visions. His new strange libertarian stances are just odd to me though. Tesla makes most of it's money from government subsidies. Twitter will not make as much money if he tries to make political points. He seems to be fraying. Hey maybe it's just called getting old and arrigant.
I used to not believe in conspiracy theories but I do now. Twitter bans outright or shadow bans anything that doesn't follow the woke narrative. Same with Facebook and Instagram. People are banned for simply talking positively about things like a carnivore diet. If Elon can make it an unfiltered level platform then I am all for it.

Google actually filters search results based on their political/ woke views. This BS is real and needs to stop. I can make my own judgements, just give me ALL the info.
Elon trending the wrong direction here of late. Used to be he seemed to have the Midas touch. Lately not so much.

Didn’t come across well this week telling Ukraine to concede territory to Russia. As if that would placate Putin and stop the war…
He literally was repeating Russia's exact demands. There is no chance that Putin "stops the war" - only that the rest of the world capitulates.
Musk took a huge L.
People who think twitter will somehow change their user policies in ways they want are going to be disappointed
Lol, much like the electric car company will never work. I'm sure he will continue to allow liberal moderation that has been going on, riiiiiight. This went EXACTLY as he planned. He exposed them and opened the door to do he wants. Free speech will indeed return.
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Lol, much like the electric car company will never work. I'm sure he will continue to allow liberal moderation that has been going on, riiiiiight. This went EXACTLY as he planned. He exposed them and opened the door to do he wants. Free speech will indeed return.

Are you from another planet? You think he wanted to back out of the deal, force twitters stock to plumet, then have to over pay at the original stock price?
He was very smart to parlay the money he made from PayPal and invest in Tesla early on. That’s about it. So he’s a great investor. The rest is all bullshit to pump up stock prices.
To invest in Tesla? 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹

Martin Eberhard, is that you?
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never had a good feel for the guy...

on the one hand he suckled at the govt teet for every dime he could milk in subsidies etc to keep tesla alive and has talked a big game only to completely bail ie the cali train btw la and san fran he promised, rebuilding the puerto rico power grid, and claiming he could get those thai kids outta that cave. he did actually send something that time it was just a metal hunk of sht. oh and most recently that dumbass robot he trotted out

on the other hand he seems genuinely interested in advancing human quality of life, space-x is doing cool sht and a legit company, tesla is at least making a bold attempt at something groundbreaking, and he at least seems genuine in his interest in humanity's future and having some principles. used to rub me the wrong way with things like the infamous "funding secured" tweet that you just cant do as a company ceo. idno now, not sure if his appearing to genuinely care about free speech is just a function of him reading the room on the need for a champion of pc pushback and wanting to take those reins or out of genuine concern.

regardless, this is a massive L for him. not sure if he didn't want some things exposed in the lawsuit or would literally rather spend 40 billion than deal with that headache, but he caved and now twitter will take their sweet time and make a public spectacle of it.
Lol, much like the electric car company will never work. I'm sure he will continue to allow liberal moderation that has been going on, riiiiiight. This went EXACTLY as he planned. He exposed them and opened the door to do he wants. Free speech will indeed return.
never work? is it still 2013?
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This is definitely a loss for musk. Selfishly, however, I am glad he is getting twitter no matter the path. No doubt it will be better off in his hands than the current situation. He may not go completely unfiltered, but the unquestionable left wing bias/manipulation will at least be somewhat mitigated. Time will tell how much. Probably not as much as some think/hope, but progress toward free speech is progress.
Don’t know if I trust him or not. That said, if he comes in and actually does turn their code open source, it will be a huge win for everyone, even though the left will cry about it
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I used to not believe in conspiracy theories but I do now. Twitter bans outright or shadow bans anything that doesn't follow the woke narrative. Same with Facebook and Instagram. People are banned for simply talking positively about things like a carnivore diet. If Elon can make it an unfiltered level platform then I am all for it.

Google actually filters search results based on their political/ woke views. This BS is real and needs to stop. I can make my own judgements, just give me ALL the info.
Yea I’m a nobody on the the world stage so to speak but for some reason I don’t think Twitter likes me or something weird. So I’m a Christian with conservative political views but I don’t tweet about politics. I do follow a lot of conservative politics on there tho. A while back I checked my page and noticed I had retweeted some political things that I didn’t realize I retweeted. Figured huh I guess I hit the button on accident, hit undo retweet, didn’t think much of it. Noticed it again a while later then said ok lemme see sumthin. I turned on notifications with my burner account and sure enough busted them retweeting stuff on my main account. I started undoing the retweets real quick and they eventually stopped. So if they do that with me I can imagine what they do to conservatives with a big platform
Elon is great, I find it hilarious that so many people hate him
The left hates Elon because he is smarter, more successful and doesn't need them. He trolls them and it's entertaining. The first two full years of biden, how can anyone double down on the same mistake again in 2024? What a disaster the first two years have been.
I used to not believe in conspiracy theories but I do now. Twitter bans outright or shadow bans anything that doesn't follow the woke narrative. Same with Facebook and Instagram. People are banned for simply talking positively about things like a carnivore diet. If Elon can make it an unfiltered level platform then I am all for it.

Google actually filters search results based on their political/ woke views. This BS is real and needs to stop. I can make my own judgements, just give me ALL the info.

Can definitely tell you believe in conspiracy theories…. lol

The things people will believe when they don’t understand how systems work…or understand technology in general. Makes it easy to manipulate large swaths of the populace.
maybe check who invaded who? should they cede their whole country to satisfy putin and end the war? if so, i think i might take you to war for your land and house. after all, you should just give it over to stop me from attacking you, right?

serious question, are you sane?

ceding Crimea and Donbass back to Russia is the most practical path to peace. I don’t support Russia or Ukraine. I support lowering the risk of a nuclear attack on Earth.

is that insane?
Are you from another planet? You think he wanted to back out of the deal, force twitters stock to plumet, then have to over pay at the original stock price?
The guy is the richest non-government human on the planet and its not even close. I think he has a decent idea of what he is doing.