Jamie Chadwell

They got rid of Mr. Dumpster fire, Jerry Jr. 4 years ago. I know many folks who kids go there, play sports there and I've been on campus many times. It's a beautiful school, athletic facilities are all brand spanking new and are as good as Clemson's, except the Stadium is smaller of course, about 42,000 capacity which is mostly full every game. The indoor track complex is better and bigger than Clemson's. Great coaches, profs and leadership. Great up and coming sports programs, check out there men and women's BB teams. Plus, they have about a billion dollar endowment because of their online classes. They are the largest online school in the world with 100,000 students taking classes and this is what brings in the cash and why everything on campus is brand new. Might not want to hate on what you don't know.
Bro they’re a cult. Hate on that shit. Weird place
They got rid of Mr. Dumpster fire, Jerry Jr. 4 years ago. I know many folks who kids go there, play sports there and I've been on campus many times. It's a beautiful school, athletic facilities are all brand spanking new and are as good as Clemson's, except the Stadium is smaller of course, about 42,000 capacity which is mostly full every game. The indoor track complex is better and bigger than Clemson's. Great coaches, profs and leadership. Great up and coming sports programs, check out there men and women's BB teams. Plus, they have about a billion dollar endowment because of their online classes. They are the largest online school in the world with 100,000 students taking classes and this is what brings in the cash and why everything on campus is brand new. Might not want to hate on what you don't know.
My daughter went to school there. I was at the early basketball game against Clemson. Was pretty cool going to a game in the morning. She was there before they did the complete makeover. She loved it and we did too.
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I have a wife, but okay. I'm just not an asshole who lets a 1600+ year old book run their life. Also, some of the best people and parents I know are gay. Way better than many of my straight friends. 🤷‍♂️
You're wasting your time on this board, dude. The people that are willing to argue with you are not about to have their minds changed.
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Why can’t you and your husband live and let live? Why do you care that many others have a religious objection to your lifestyle choice? So long as they don’t threaten you in any way who cares?
Because for hundreds of years up until very recently, anyone LGBTQ+ could not live and let live. In a lot of places in this world they can’t.
Not everyone cares about your "gods design". Spoiler alert, not everyone believes as you do. Your faith does not supercede others thoughts or natures way.

You’re right; not everyone believes, but the Bible tells us God’s way and thoughts are higher than ours. So, in a way, our faith does supersede our ways and thoughts.

God doesn’t hate the sinner; he hates the sin. Christians should have the same attitude.
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I mean I guess, but only one school is openly prejudice against gay studemts
Not embracing or affirming lifestyle choices is not the same as "openly prejudice".

I'm sick and tired of words like "prejudice" or "racist" being thrown around every time someone disagrees or doesn't share the same view as the "offended".
I wondered how a Jamey Chadwell thread could have 3 pages after 10pm, so I clicked on it. My mistake.

Post #2 sent it off the tracks and now it is a train wreck of biblical proportions.
Not embracing or affirming lifestyle choices is not the same as "openly prejudice".

I'm sick and tired of words like "prejudice" or "racist" being thrown around every time someone disagrees or doesn't share the same view as the "offended".
That’s what our communist liberals and media do. They are serving the devil for sure
Being gay is outside of God's design. A Christian University is for sex inside of marriage between 1 man and 1 woman for a lifetime. Period! If not, they are not true Christ followers.
Yeah but there is no god so the entire university is based on a made up mythos which just makes them bigoted cultists.
Too bad the school was founded by a family who is a literal dumpster fire. I'm sure I'll get roasted for this, but that school can kiss my ass.
Look another liberal demonstrating their intolerance. Shocking I tell you.
Not everyone cares about your "gods design". Spoiler alert, not everyone believes as you do. Your faith does not supercede others thoughts or natures way.
It’s a Christian school. If you don’t like what they stand for, and aren’t a Christian, don’t go or send your kids there. No one is forcing their beliefs on you. Also, their coach is pretty good.
I have a wife, but okay. I'm just not an asshole who lets a 1600+ year old book run their life. Also, some of the best people and parents I know are gay. Way better than many of my straight friends. 🤷‍♂️
Good for you. How many people, Christian or otherwise, harass you about your beliefs? Nobody cares what you think. Live and let live, right? At least that’s what I always thought liberalism was…and I’m making the assumption that you are a liberal. You are free to virtue signal until the end of time.
Being gay is outside of God's design. A Christian University is for sex inside of marriage between 1 man and 1 woman for a lifetime. Period! If not, they are not true Christ followers.

These super religious people are lunatics. Nobody waits til marriage for sex anymore. This isn't 1935.
Being gay is outside of God's design. A Christian University is for sex inside of marriage between 1 man and 1 woman for a lifetime. Period! If not, they are not true Christ followers.
Nearly everyone in our Christian church family is a true follower of Christ right up until the moment they go south. Peter had his moment. Falwell jr had his moment. Freeze had his moment. When was your moment? When will your next moment be? When your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter admits they are gay and tells you they still love God and God still loves them, I wonder what you will do? What would Jesus do? Why does God Almighty allow such moments to come into the lives of everyone of his children? My scripture reports Jesus said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" And, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Life is so easy, until it isn't.
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I mean I guess, but only one school is openly prejudice against gay students.

What a shocker, a school built and educating students using the tenets of Christianity not openly embracing the LBGTQ (feel like i am missing some letters) lifestyle.
But he spoke/gave visions directly to David. He dealt harshly with his other sin, but then called David a man after his heart.

Just saying, it reads to me like God had much higher concerns that David’s monogamy

Interesting take given it made the list of 10 things not to do.

I think what you will find is after David dishonored God with Bathsheba and killed her husband to cover up his transgression; he was put on the sideline and wasn’t much of a factor in God’s plan moving forward.
We got a portal offer out there, a spicy projection this morning, a top tier OL coach nearly signed and this is what y’all are yapping about?

Y’all need to make a Jesus illustrated or something
Yeah but there is no god so the entire university is based on a made up mythos which just makes them bigoted cultists.

You believe what you believe. Most people form their system of belief based on life experiences, they use the physical experience and the resulting emotions derived from that and mix in ideas and thought to inform a belief system that will support the former.

You aren’t any more intelligent of a human being than I am, or vice versa.

My life experiences have led me to believe something very different than you.

Personally I think it takes more faith to believe there isn’t an intelligent creator, but that is just me.
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Personally I think it takes more faith to believe there isn’t an intelligent creator, but that is just me.
It requires no faith to not believe in something for which there is no evidence. You keep deriving belief in things based on your feelings and you’ll keep believing in completely nonsensical untruths. I prefer objective truths and fact based evidence.

I really can’t understand why anyone would even want the teachings of Christianity to be true. It’d be terrifying to have such a narcissistic and authoritative creator constantly hanging the threat of eternal damnation over our heads.
It requires no faith to not believe in something for which there is no evidence. You keep deriving belief in things based on your feelings and you’ll keep believing in completely nonsensical untruths. I prefer objective truths and fact based evidence.

I really can’t understand why anyone would even want the teachings of Christianity to be true. It’d be terrifying to have such a narcissistic and authoritative creator constantly hanging the threat of eternal damnation over our heads.


I guess you get decide what is or isn’t evidence? You see mountains, trees, humanity and animals and think what? Did they come from a massive collision of atoms millions of years ago? Collisions of anything produce chaos and are destructive, not creative. It’s a massive stretch of the imagination to believe the world that exists today does so without an intelligent creator.

(as a side note, can you name one time in recorded history that a collision or explosion produced creation and not destrcution? Cause I always hear about no evidence of God but I don’t see any evidence of collision creation.)

Your view of the world is through your eyes for your benefit to assuage any conviction you might otherwise have about you being accountable to something other than what you think you should be accountable to. You want the freedom to do what you deem right in your own eyes without any concern for a higher set of standards that you don’t have input on deciding.

You’ll convince yourself that the laws of the land enacted by the will of the many are standard enough but you can look around the world as it is today or has been and see there are many societies that employ the same methods with very differing results. History shows this is true. So its ok to have numerous standards that are vastly different and let the plot of land your feet happen to be standing on, in the era you live, be the difference maker for what is right or wrong in that moment.

You see narcissism where I see a jealous desire by a creator to redeem what he created for Holiness. Christians are not the standard, Christ is the standard, but people view the fallen who seek to be sanctified and they judge the creator on a vastly unfinished work.

For His purposes and for His reasons, continual reliance on Him is the method by which he has chosen to redeem what He created. Day by Day bit by bit brings Him Glory for his reasons and purposes, not mine.

Evil exists in this world and I suspect you think that is true, but you don’t really know what is or isn’t evil without a standard to evaluate it against. Evil can’t be comprehended without knowing what goodness, love and mercy are. How do you or I know what they are? When were those concepts made, who made them? You can‘t be intellectually honest and not ask where are the many ideas of thought and laws of society derived from, what standard did we borrow them from.

Most people who claim to be atheist ultimately concede they are agnostic and at the end of the day, they will boil down their entire belief system to one concept. If there is a God, why does evil exist and why do bad things happen to good people.

They simply don’t think a Loving God can exist and have what we see today and have seen in the world since the beginning of time happen. They cannot rationalize that both can be true and work together in a greater plan for a greater good.

Because we know that numerous children were killed in Sandy Hook, you ask yourself how can a Loving God exist and claim to be all powerful and allow that to happen. So it is just easier to say I see no evidence of God and move on.

But maybe I am mistaken.
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I wondered how a Jamey Chadwell thread could have 3 pages after 10pm, so I clicked on it. My mistake.

Post #2 sent it off the tracks and now it is a train wreck of biblical proportions.
I opened it because I originally saw it on the WEZ, then saw it again in OT and wondered “Huh, how did that happen???

After reading a couple of posts “Ohhhhhhh yup, that will do it”

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