Jamie Chadwell

Oh, I know. I know what they stand for. They are stuck in a time that makes some of y'all feel comfortable. Also, no one who understands the "home school movement" is shocked by their adoption of online school. I 100% know what I'm talking about and know the motives of that school.
Inquiring minds want to know.
I have a wife, but okay. I'm just not an asshole who lets a 1600+ year old book run their life. Also, some of the best people and parents I know are gay. Way better than many of my straight friends
Too bad the school was founded by a family who is a literal dumpster fire. I'm sure I'll get roasted for this, but that school can kiss my ass.
Why? What did the school do?
Oh, I know. I know what they stand for. They are stuck in a time that makes some of y'all feel comfortable. Also, no one who understands the "home school movement" is shocked by their adoption of online school. I 100% know what I'm talking about and know the motives of that school.
What do they stand for? What are there motives?

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Not everyone cares about your "gods design". Spoiler alert, not everyone believes as you do. Your faith does not supercede others thoughts or natures way.
What is natures way? I'm honestly not trying to be confrontational OR trying to degrade what you believe.

I'm truly trying to understand what you are talking about.
You're right.
All of this in my opinion is YOUR problem. This was a thread about a coach and you tried to make it about you being gay.

Nobody on this board that I'm aware of cares who you sleep with. You do you, or maybe he does you. I don't know of anyone who cares.

You be the best person you can be, and don't seek acceptance from anyone else. Just don't ask me to agree with it.
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Because for hundreds of years up until very recently, anyone LGBTQ+ could not live and let live. In a lot of places in this world they can’t.
The same people that support HAMAS would be thrown off a building because they are LGBTQ. How does that make sense?
It requires no faith to not believe in something for which there is no evidence. You keep deriving belief in things based on your feelings and you’ll keep believing in completely nonsensical untruths. I prefer objective truths and fact based evidence.

I really can’t understand why anyone would even want the teachings of Christianity to be true. It’d be terrifying to have such a narcissistic and authoritative creator constantly hanging the threat of eternal damnation over our heads.
So just keep doing what you have done before. Nobody is trying to make you thing otherwise.
Nearly everyone in our Christian church family is a true follower of Christ right up until the moment they go south. Peter had his moment. Falwell jr had his moment. Freeze had his moment. When was your moment? When will your next moment be? When your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter admits they are gay and tells you they still love God and God still loves them, I wonder what you will do? What would Jesus do? Why does God Almighty allow such moments to come into the lives of everyone of his children? My scripture reports Jesus said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" And, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Life is so easy, until it isn't.
Everyone needs to live their own life. GOD will always love you, but you have free reign on what you do. You know the difference between right and wrong.
Old Testament has nothing to do with it. Death of Christ on the cross served as the penultimate sacrifice to satisfy Mosaic Law. Ever noticed how Churches aren’t making burnt grain offerings or sacrificing goats every time a woman has her period, or aren’t stoning kids the second they mouth off to their parents?

If you’re going to start whipping the Bible out, you should probably know what you’re talking about. Why do you think the Pharisees, scribes, and Sadducees were against Jesus and His teachings? Because he proclaimed that final authority rested with the Father, not within the Law that the priestly caste was charged with enforcing.
Since we don't know, why don't you tell us.
Do you know what the original Hebrew texts say about Sodom and Gomorrah? What was the actual sin that was taking place?

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in God, and Jesus, and that Jesus died for my sins. But I also believe in tracing texts back to their origin and trying my to get as close to the source as possible, because organized religion can have ulterior motives.

You got feet in both worlds but count on the one you think you have in your pocket all the while you play the world card?

Good luck with your gamble.
It's a BIG one.
You’re right; not everyone believes, but the Bible tells us God’s way and thoughts are higher than ours. So, in a way, our faith does supersede our ways and thoughts.

God doesn’t hate the sinner; he hates the sin. Christians should have the same attitude.
That's actually another warm and fuzzy thought that the Bible debunks.

But, it sounds good.
The same people that support HAMAS would be thrown off a building because they are LGBTQ. How does that make sense?
It doesn’t make sense and not all people of the LGTBQ community “support” hamas. Seriously man step away from whatever news outlet and use your brain.

I guess you get decide what is or isn’t evidence? You see mountains, trees, humanity and animals and think what? Did they come from a massive collision of atoms millions of years ago? Collisions of anything produce chaos and are destructive, not creative. It’s a massive stretch of the imagination to believe the world that exists today does so without an intelligent creator.

(as a side note, can you name one time in recorded history that a collision or explosion produced creation and not destrcution? Cause I always hear about no evidence of God but I don’t see any evidence of collision creation.)
What are you talking about? We know where mountains, trees, humanity, and animals came from and none of it requires a creator. I’m also not sure what collision you’re on about.

I didn’t read the rest because you stated with “your view of the world” and I wasn’t really interested in a long, preachy post about what my view of the world is.
What are you talking about? We know where mountains, trees, humanity, and animals came from and none of it requires a creator. I’m also not sure what collision you’re on about.

I didn’t read the rest because you stated with “your view of the world” and I wasn’t really interested in a long, preachy post about what my view of the world is.
I know where creation came from. Please enlighten us on where you think creation came from.
What are you talking about? We know where mountains, trees, humanity, and animals came from and none of it requires a creator. I’m also not sure what collision you’re on about.

I didn’t read the rest because you stated with “your view of the world” and I wasn’t really interested in a long, preachy post about what my view of the world is.

I actually have no idea where you think God’s creation came from, you didn’t mention it.

Clearly you would rather not engage further on this topic and that is fine.

I hope you have a great day and know that I am pulling for you in all you do.