Joe Biden on Omicron: “For the Unvaccinated, We Are Looking at a Winter of Severe Illness and Death” (VIDEO)

Studies have shown that vaccinated individuals spread the virus at roughly the same rate as unvaccinated people once a breakthrough infection occurs. However, viral load decreases more rapidly in vaccinated individuals. Thus, the timeframe for the spread is reduced.

Studies also show that it is more difficult to get infected in the first place if you are vaccinated. So while what you are saying is true, you are basically only telling half of the story.

Lack of symptoms increase socialization and increasing transmission rates. ...they won't study that.
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Link me the graph from one of their official sites please.
The graph was compiled by using data supplied by MIT and John Hopkins. The graph itself was not on their sites, but I'll link the data they used if you really wanna get wonky with it.

I've got more studies that show the same thing if you need more evidence, but it won't help you own me.

The graph was compiled by using data supplied by MIT and John Hopkins. The graph itself was not on their sites, but I'll link the data they used if you really wanna get wonky with it.

I've got more studies that show the same thing if you need more evidence, but it won't help you own me.

1. None of that data correlates a deceased person to a political party. It's based on the political party of the governor of the state. I'm not sure a study that weak finishes in the top 10 of a high school science fair.
2. If I ever owned you, I'd throw you away as the trash you are.

1. None of that data correlates a deceased person to a political party. It's based on the political party of the governor of the state. I'm not sure a study that weak finishes in the top 10 of a high school science fair.
2. If I ever owned you, I'd throw you away as the trash you are.
1. If that's all you got from that data, that makes you a dumb
2. Stay classy
guess we gotta tell MIT and Johns Hopkins that their data doesn't meet the standards of user PawsFan_ from TigerIllustrated
Read this really slow. The chart indicates it shows the political party of individuals who died. The data they got from MIT and Johns Hopkins does not show political the political party of individuals. It shows political parties of geographic areas. Therefore, there is no way they know the political party of individual people who died. If this is confusing for you, read a few more times and take notes.
For example. If you live in NYC you are more likely to be a democrat. If an individual in NYC dies, it does not mean they were a democrat, right?
Read this really slow. The chart indicates it shows the political party of individuals who died. The data they got from MIT and Johns Hopkins does not show political the political party of individuals. It shows political parties of geographic areas. Therefore, there is no way they know the political party of individual people who died. If this is confusing for you, read a few more times and take notes.
For example. If you live in NYC you are more likely to be a democrat. If an individual in NYC dies, it does not mean they were a democrat, right?
no of course not, but it's still a decent barometer to use for data gathering. it's not going to be 100%, but dems are more likely to social distance, have the vaccine, and practice safe habits than their R counterparts who tend to think it's not a big deal
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Read this really slow. The chart indicates it shows the political party of individuals who died. The data they got from MIT and Johns Hopkins does not show political the political party of individuals. It shows political parties of geographic areas. Therefore, there is no way they know the political party of individual people who died. If this is confusing for you, read a few more times and take notes.
For example. If you live in NYC you are more likely to be a democrat. If an individual in NYC dies, it does not mean they were a democrat, right?
You're spending way too much time quibbling over the phrase "by Presidential Vote". I get it that you find that terminology incorrect because they are using "vote by county" data. So in that regard, you are correct that it doesn't tell you the party affiliation of those who died but the chart is still revealing, though it's nothing we don't already know. The whole intent was to show how misinformation is leading to unnecessary death because 30% of the population is hellbent on owning the libs instead of getting the jab. I'm just showing how that leads to a bad outcome. If you don't like that graph, maybe you'll accept these reports - maybe.

You're spending way too much time quibbling over the phrase "by Presidential Vote". I get it that you find that terminology incorrect because they are using "vote by county" data. So in that regard, you are correct that it doesn't tell you the party affiliation of those who died but the chart is still revealing, though it's nothing we don't already know. The whole intent was to show how misinformation is leading to unnecessary death because 30% of the population is hellbent on owning the libs instead of getting the jab. I'm just showing how that leads to a bad outcome. If you don't like that graph, maybe you'll accept these reports - maybe.

I "find" the phrase incorrect the same way I "find" 4+4=7 is incorrect, it IS incorrect. So they are trying to combat misinformation by using more misinformation and deception. Also, the following is the first bullet point in the key points summary of the information in the link you provided- Just FYI. Thanks for the clarifying info.
  • Counties with higher levels of Trump support did not necessarily experience greater mortality rates due to COVID‐19.
I "find" the phrase incorrect the same way I "find" 4+4=7 is incorrect, it IS incorrect. So they are trying to combat misinformation by using more misinformation and deception. Also, the following is the first bullet point in the key points summary of the information in the link you provided- Just FYI. Thanks for the clarifying info.
  • Counties with higher levels of Trump support did not necessarily experience greater mortality rates due to COVID‐19.
That second report was from June FYI and if you read down just two more lines, it says
  • "The difference in COVID‐19 outcomes between counties with low and high levels of Trump support grew after several weeks of the policy implementation as counties with higher levels of Trump support suffered relatively higher death rates."

What is it that you're arguing exactly? Are you saying that it's not true that the anti-vax, anti-mask, anti mandate, COVID is a hoax, muh freedom, it's all 5G party experiences the same outcomes as the opposite party? Really?

Who cares about the "one" friggin word you object to, it doesn't change the analysis. Sh*t man, move on
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no of course not, but it's still a decent barometer to use for data gathering. it's not going to be 100%, but dems are more likely to social distance, have the vaccine, and practice safe habits than their R counterparts who tend to think it's not a big deal
Herein lies the problem. That chart was presented to be 100% accurate in what it depicted. The problem is that all too often, anecdotal information, whether it directly correlates or not, is used to as factual proof of whatever argument is being made. Why would they not just label the chart the way the info was given? Why not say it showed deaths in repub/vs dem cities/counties/states? The answer to that is bc that is not what they wanted the reader to see. They wanted the reader to see repub/Trump voters vs Dem voters. It was intentionally misleading.
That second report was from June FYI and if you read down just two more lines, it says
  • "The difference in COVID‐19 outcomes between counties with low and high levels of Trump support grew after several weeks of the policy implementation as counties with higher levels of Trump support suffered relatively higher death rates."

What is that you're arguing exactly? Are you saying that it's not true that the anti-vax, anti-mask, anti mandate, COVID is a hoax, muh freedom, it's all 5G party experiences the same outcomes as the opposite party? Really?

Who cares about the "one" friggin word you object to, it doesn't change the analysis. Sh*t man, move on
What I am saying is that the chart was intentionally misleading. They knew what the data was and made a conscious decision to change the info they got bc they want the reader to see Trump voters, not people in Trump counties. It is intentional deception. Otherwise, why change the way the data was labeled from their source? How about answer that question. They were being intentionally dishonest, but you are too blinded by your politics to recognize that is wrong.
Herein lies the problem. That chart was presented to be 100% accurate in what it depicted. The problem is that all too often, anecdotal information, whether it directly correlates or not, is used to as factual proof of whatever argument is being made. Why would they not just label the chart the way the info was given? Why not say it showed deaths in repub/vs dem cities/counties/states? The answer to that is bc that is not what they wanted the reader to see. They wanted the reader to see repub/Trump voters vs Dem voters. It was intentionally misleading.
i feel like you're being pedantic for no reason. dem voters aren't running around screaming about how the vaccine is a hoax and going onto airlines with their "let's go brandon" shirts causing a ruckus. i'm sure there's some dem voters in that data provided that are antivax (as vaccinations is probably the only policy that crosses the political spectrum where large swathes of both pubs and dems support/oppose it.) however, there is a very fair chance that the overwhelming majority of the people dying in counties where trump won are actual republicans
Additional insight on the data presented in @dpic73 chart above, methodologies, and additional general information on trends.

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Additional insight on the data presented in @dpic73 chart above, methodologies, and additional general information on trends.

This is data that is presented accurately(as opposed to the chart in the op). It will be interesting to see if this holds over the next few months. I suspect it may, but to a lesser degree.
Additional insight on the data presented in @dpic73 chart above, methodologies, and additional general information on trends.

I also posted that one on page 1. The whole point is to provide a counterpoint to all the misinformation coming through a firehose all day that most of this board ignores, which means they tacitly approve OR they don't care because they think it owns the libs.

Nobody is owning anybody by dying at a higher rate and filling our hospitals to capacity. Wouldn't it be great if it finally sunk in that taking a free, safe and preventative measure would be the best thing someone could do to help ALL OF US move past this crap? It's insane that we're still debating the science - insane.
I also posted that one on page 1. The whole point is to provide a counterpoint to all the misinformation coming through a firehose all day that most of this board ignores, which means they tacitly approve OR they don't care because they think it owns the libs.

Nobody is owning anybody by dying at a higher rate and filling our hospitals to capacity. Wouldn't it be great if it finally sunk in that taking a free, safe and preventative measure would be the best thing someone could do to help ALL OF US move past this crap? It's insane that we're still debating the science - insane.
there's just a global conspiracy against american republicans and no one's talking about it but joe rogan and ben shapiro. if you don't see that then you need to open your eyes man
there's just a global conspiracy against american republicans and no one's talking about it but joe rogan and ben shapiro. if you don't see that then you need to open your eyes man
I know man and no one talks about the benefits of the chip they implant that gives us X-ray vision and the magnetism that keeps us from losing our keys!? :rolleyes:
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there's just a global conspiracy against american republicans and no one's talking about it but joe rogan and ben shapiro. if you don't see that then you need to open your eyes man
Unless you are literally retarted, I mean as clinically defined, you are completely dishonest if you do not admit there is a conspiracy against republicans by democrats and their mouthpiece that is the media. Both spent over FOUR YEARS perpetuating a lie about Trump/Russia collusion. We now KNOW it was false, despite multiple democrat politicians and media members and outlets having claimed to have seen irrefutable proof. It was in fact, the democrat party colluding with a Russian agent for the sole purpose of taking down a political rival. This is a fact that no now disputes, but never admits. How any democrat can talk about disinformation when their own party spent YEARS creating and professing, not just misinformation, but outright lies is ridiculous. The fact that the media not only did not call out this lie, but rather sustained and supported it tells you how dishonest and insanely biased the vast majority of he media is.

This is not meant as a direct tie to covid, just your asinine statement about conspiracies. I don't know what your definition of conspiracy is, but if that does not meet it, you have the wrong definition.
I also posted that one on page 1. The whole point is to provide a counterpoint to all the misinformation coming through a firehose all day that most of this board ignores, which means they tacitly approve OR they don't care because they think it owns the libs.

Nobody is owning anybody by dying at a higher rate and filling our hospitals to capacity. Wouldn't it be great if it finally sunk in that taking a free, safe and preventative measure would be the best thing someone could do to help ALL OF US move past this crap? It's insane that we're still debating the science - insane.

Lot of focus on political party and vaccination status. Why not on comorbidity status? If we’re being honest, being fat has a far greater correlation to hospitalization or death rate than either of the other two.

We’ve known this for nearly 2 years by the way. So every single American has had 20+ months to fix their obesity, lack of nutrition, work on controlling or reversing their diabetes, etc. And exercise is free. Eating salads costs taxpayers $0. But of course that’s hard and getting a shot is easy.

Fact is, the people unhealthy through their own lifestyle choices are a far greater burden on covid hospitalizations and the overall healthcare system at large. And I’m guessing if you check an obesity map, it overlays pretty well with the death rates. Political party may have correlation, but not causation.

If the left wants to shame a group, perhaps that’s an more appropriate qualification than vaccination status.
Lot of focus on political party and vaccination status. Why not on comorbidity status? If we’re being honest, being fat has a far greater correlation to hospitalization or death rate than either of the other two.

We’ve known this for nearly 2 years by the way. So every single American has had 20+ months to fix their obesity, lack of nutrition, work on controlling or reversing their diabetes, etc. And exercise is free. Eating salads costs taxpayers $0. But of course that’s hard and getting a shot is easy.

Fact is, the people unhealthy through their own lifestyle choices are a far greater burden on covid hospitalizations and the overall healthcare system at large. And I’m guessing if you check an obesity map, it overlays pretty well with the death rates. Political party may have correlation, but not causation.

If the left wants to shame a group, perhaps that’s an more appropriate qualification than vaccination status.
This board has been filled with misinformation from the right for over a year in regards to the corona, so I was providing a counterpoint that it's not working. The right is now suffering from this pandemic at a much higher rate than those on the left.

And while I agree that obesity correlates to a worse outcome, that is for the "unvaccinated". 80,000 people died needlessly in this country in Oct, Nov because they listen to people on the right that care more about political shaming than public health. My posts were not intended to shame as much as they were attempting to illuminate the futility of that non-sensical way of thinking.

I see no point in focusing on the obese when the vaccine would have kept them alive, but to your point, sure, obesity is an issue that should also be addressed if we are focusing on the stresses being placed on the medical community.
This board has been filled with misinformation from the right for over a year in regards to the corona, so I was providing a counterpoint that it's not working. The right is now suffering from this pandemic at a much higher rate than those on the left.

And while I agree that obesity correlates to a worse outcome, that is for the "unvaccinated". 80,000 people died needlessly in this country in Oct, Nov because they listen to people on the right that care more about political shaming than public health. My posts were not intended to shame as much as they were attempting to illuminate the futility of that non-sensical way of thinking.

I see no point in focusing on the obese when the vaccine would have kept them alive, but to your point, sure, obesity is an issue that should also be addressed if we are focusing on the stresses being placed on the medical community.

Honest question - who is more likely to require hospitalization from covid or die - someone who is severely obese and vaxxed or someone who is healthy, exercises, has excellent nutrition and has avoided any comorbidities thanks a healthy lifestyle (yet unvaxxed)? Further, which person will likely create a greater burden on the healthcare system, health insurance premiums and taxpayers?

I don’t know the answer to #1 but suspect it’s the unhealthy obese person. The answer to #2 is obvious and while the focus is on covid, these people are an undue burden on our health system and cost responsible healthy people serious money.
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Honest question - who is more likely to require hospitalization from covid or die - someone who is severely obese and vaxxed or someone who is healthy, exercises, has excellent nutrition and has avoided any comorbidities thanks a healthy lifestyle (yet unvaxxed)? Further, which person will likely create a greater burden on the healthcare system, health insurance premiums and taxpayers?

I don’t know the answer to #1 but suspect it’s the unhealthy obese person. The answer to #2 is obvious and while the focus is on covid, these people are an undue burden on our health system and cost responsible healthy people serious money.
I can agree that they are an undue burden, but why throw out this red herring comparing the unhealthy vaxxed to the unvaxxed? Haven't we had enough of these conversations already? The statistics don't lie scotch, there is an easy, free and safe step to relieve the pressure on the health care system that everyone could take now. Most of us have done our part and we're tired of the debate. Going on a kale diet could also help in the long run but we need to nip this virus in the bud now, not three years from now.
I can agree that they are an undue burden, but why throw out this red herring comparing the unhealthy vaxxed to the unvaxxed? Haven't we had enough of these conversations already? The statistics don't lie scotch, there is an easy, free and safe step to relieve the pressure on the health care system that everyone could take now. Most of us have done our part and we're tired of the debate. Going on a kale diet could also help in the long run but we need to nip this virus in the bud now, not three years from now.

There was a free and safe option for higher risk individuals 20 months ago. Why didn’t they take it?

The point is there are multiple ways to reduce your risk and reduce healthcare demand. The vaccine is one of them. But we should focus on others as well.

And you mention relieving the pressure on the health care system. Covid will eventually pass (hopefully). Obesity and lifestyle induced chronic conditions will persist as a burden on the healthcare system and taxpayers. Anyone who falls into this category forfeits the right to complain about others.
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Unless you are literally retarted, I mean as clinically defined, you are completely dishonest if you do not admit there is a conspiracy against republicans by democrats and their mouthpiece that is the media. Both spent over FOUR YEARS perpetuating a lie about Trump/Russia collusion. We now KNOW it was false, despite multiple democrat politicians and media members and outlets having claimed to have seen irrefutable proof. It was in fact, the democrat party colluding with a Russian agent for the sole purpose of taking down a political rival. This is a fact that no now disputes, but never admits. How any democrat can talk about disinformation when their own party spent YEARS creating and professing, not just misinformation, but outright lies is ridiculous. The fact that the media not only did not call out this lie, but rather sustained and supported it tells you how dishonest and insanely biased the vast majority of he media is.

This is not meant as a direct tie to covid, just your asinine statement about conspiracies. I don't know what your definition of conspiracy is, but if that does not meet it, you have the wrong definition.
more and more data coming out to prove how wrong you are about omicron. how do you get so many things wrong so often?
i feel like you're being pedantic for no reason. dem voters aren't running around screaming about how the vaccine is a hoax and going onto airlines with their "let's go brandon" shirts causing a ruckus. i'm sure there's some dem voters in that data provided that are antivax (as vaccinations is probably the only policy that crosses the political spectrum where large swathes of both pubs and dems support/oppose it.) however, there is a very fair chance that the overwhelming majority of the people dying in counties where trump won are actual republicans
The vast majority of republicans are not running around screaming that covid is a hoax. Many of them, however just think there should be a choice about getting it. I am one of those. I got the vaccine and booster. I do not think it is a hoax. BUT, I do think it should be a choice.
Also, who cares what kind of shirt someone is wearing. Really? If a shirt causes a "rukus" for some people, then I would contend it says as much about the people offended as anything. What kind of simpleton has their life impacted by what shirt someone else is wearing?
more and more data coming out to prove how wrong you are about omicron. how do you get so many things wrong so often?
First, I think you replying to the wrong post. The only mention in that post of covid was to say it was not about covid. Second, I clearly stated that there was only preliminary data about omicron and that it was too early to tell for sure. Finally, can you point me to the data showing omicron is not milder than the prior variants. Genuinely curious, bc I have not seen any.
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The vast majority of republicans are not running around screaming that covid is a hoax. Many of them, however just think there should be a choice about getting it. I am one of those. I got the vaccine and booster. I do not think it is a hoax. BUT, I do think it should be a choice.
Also, who cares what kind of shirt someone is wearing. Really? If a shirt causes a "rukus" for some people, then I would contend it says as much about the people offended as anything. What kind of simpleton has their life impacted by what shirt someone else is wearing?
the shirt they're wearing didn't cause the're misinterpreting that sentence.
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There was a free and safe option for higher risk individuals 20 months ago. Why didn’t they take it?

The point is there are multiple ways to reduce your risk and reduce healthcare demand. The vaccine is one of them. But we should focus on others as well.

And you mention relieving the pressure on the health care system. Covid will eventually pass (hopefully). Obesity and lifestyle induced chronic conditions will persist as a burden on the healthcare system and taxpayers. Anyone who falls into this category forfeits the right to complain about others.
Was reading a study a few weeks back that talked about how detrimental obesity was in regards to a safe Covid recovery yet I don't see the government mandating people with super high BMI's lose weight or take a drug to help them lose weight. Obesity is one of the higher contributing factors to death via Covid.

Also, while I see a ton of political mentions in regards to who is anti-vax I don't see anyone mentioning minorities. The lowest vaccinated demographic in Manhattan are young black males.......going to go out on a limb here and suggest less than 1% of that group voted GOP. Before anyone sounds off around economic conditions being an influence, the vaccines are free.......

Joe Biden walked into office with multiple vaccines, a handful of therapeutic treatment options and momentum and yet he's not introduced a single new method for treatments or testing. Just think about that for a second........he's done zilch differently other than mandates which keep getting held up in the supreme court.
Was reading a study a few weeks back that talked about how detrimental obesity was in regards to a safe Covid recovery yet I don't see the government mandating people with super high BMI's lose weight or take a drug to help them lose weight. Obesity is one of the higher contributing factors to death via Covid.

Also, while I see a ton of political mentions in regards to who is anti-vax I don't see anyone mentioning minorities. The lowest vaccinated demographic in Manhattan are young black males.......going to go out on a limb here and suggest less than 1% of that group voted GOP. Before anyone sounds off around economic conditions being an influence, the vaccines are free.......

Joe Biden walked into office with multiple vaccines, a handful of therapeutic treatment options and momentum and yet he's not introduced a single new method for treatments or testing. Just think about that for a second........he's done zilch differently other than mandates which keep getting held up in the supreme court.
there was a first lady a few years ago that came out with a plan to help curb obesity in the US, but her plan was shot down and decried by all on the right because of "socialism." strange how that works out.

your argument about AA's being slow to get the vaccine is an absolutely valid one, and is something that needs to be addressed. however, to be fair, AA make up only 13.5% of the population in the US, so while their vaccination % may be higher as a group, it's still lower than the amount of those on the right who aren't vaccinated.
see the below recent article on this topic
Honest question - who is more likely to require hospitalization from covid or die - someone who is severely obese and vaxxed or someone who is healthy, exercises, has excellent nutrition and has avoided any comorbidities thanks a healthy lifestyle (yet unvaxxed)? Further, which person will likely create a greater burden on the healthcare system, health insurance premiums and taxpayers?

I don’t know the answer to #1 but suspect it’s the unhealthy obese person. The answer to #2 is obvious and while the focus is on covid, these people are an undue burden on our health system and cost responsible healthy people serious money.

So why are you republicans so fat and gross?
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Was reading a study a few weeks back that talked about how detrimental obesity was in regards to a safe Covid recovery yet I don't see the government mandating people with super high BMI's lose weight or take a drug to help them lose weight. Obesity is one of the higher contributing factors to death via Covid.

Also, while I see a ton of political mentions in regards to who is anti-vax I don't see anyone mentioning minorities. The lowest vaccinated demographic in Manhattan are young black males.......going to go out on a limb here and suggest less than 1% of that group voted GOP. Before anyone sounds off around economic conditions being an influence, the vaccines are free.......

Joe Biden walked into office with multiple vaccines, a handful of therapeutic treatment options and momentum and yet he's not introduced a single new method for treatments or testing. Just think about that for a second........he's done zilch differently other than mandates which keep getting held up in the supreme court.

U.S. FDA set to authorize Pfizer, Merck COVID-19 pills this week - Bloomberg News​

there's just a global conspiracy against american republicans and no one's talking about it but joe rogan and ben shapiro. if you don't see that then you need to open your eyes man

Have you noticed that these round table conservatives follow a pretty basic formula in all of these Covid threads?

@dpic73 presented a chart that showed that the Covid death rate in counties that voted for Trump is much higher than those that voted for Biden.

First, they attack the data. "That's not accurate man! There is no way they could know that! fake news! I know the data better than Johns Hopkins! herp derp!" @PawsFan_

Then @kudzuking provides additional data that shows the original data was in fact accurate.

Then they try to change the conversation.
@scotchtiger tries to change the conversation. "Obesity is more correlated to covid death!"
@jakefest starts babbling about what Biden has done to fight the pandemic. "Its the minorities fault!"
@CUT93 goes on a rant about how their is a MSM conspiracy to destroy republicans.

And yet none of them take a minute to recognize that data initially presented is correct. That would mean that they would need to accept something outside of their preexisting beliefs. Sad!
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there was a first lady a few years ago that came out with a plan to help curb obesity in the US, but her plan was shot down and decried by all on the right because of "socialism." strange how that works out.

your argument about AA's being slow to get the vaccine is an absolutely valid one, and is something that needs to be addressed. however, to be fair, AA make up only 13.5% of the population in the US, so while their vaccination % may be higher as a group, it's still lower than the amount of those on the right who aren't vaccinated.
see the below recent article on this topic
I stopped reading at "Sadly, it is a well-established fact that people of color suffer from poorer access to quality health care".......we aren't talking about quality of health care, we are talking about an insanely available free shot. AA's are choosing not to get the vaccine just as much as the right wing folks you seem to care more about.

It's amazing to me how a group can get a pass because they are a "smaller percentage of the population" but when it's politics, you think the right should hang for suggesting it's their own right to choose. Maybe if the left hadn't politicized Covid in the first place, there wouldn't be so much know, when Biden, Kamala, etc were telling everyone they didn't trust the vaccine? My how that all changed when they wanted to get credit for it.
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