The challenge though is when anyone presents another data point or viable way to look at it, you and your buddies go liberal bat sh*t crazy and scream we all wear tin foil hats but you expect everyone to agree with your own version of the narrative.Have you noticed that these round table conservatives follow a pretty basic formula in all of these Covid threads?
@dpic73 presented a chart that showed that the Covid death rate in counties that voted for Trump is much higher than those that voted for Biden.
First, they attack the data. "That's not accurate man! There is no way they could know that! fake news! I know the data better than Johns Hopkins! herp derp!" @PawsFan_
Then @kudzuking provides additional data that shows the original data was in fact accurate.
Then they try to change the conversation.
@scotchtiger tries to change the conversation. "Obesity is more correlated to covid death!"
@jakefest starts babbling about what Biden has done to fight the pandemic. "Its the minorities fault!"
@CUT93 goes on a rant about how their is a MSM conspiracy to destroy republicans.
And yet none of them take a minute to recognize that data initially presented is correct. That would mean that they would need to accept something outside of their preexisting beliefs. Sad!
Like this report that basically tells you that Omicron is the common cold more or less but you'll still get on here and demand everyone get a booster or be considered unvaccinated, lose the ability to fly, not be able to enter a gym and wear masks in your car alone etc etc ......and then you'll spend all day on CNN waiting for them to publish something that helps you argue the data.......the reality is you aren't any different than anyone else on here. You trust your views over someone elses and that's the beauty of America is you get to do that. If you want to wear 9 masks when you watch pornhub in your bathroom alone, I don't be you, weirdo.
There is also plenty of data that suggests that vaccine related deaths are undercounted by 20x but the narrative is too dangerous to the administration's ratings if people stop getting the boosters because they realize there might be a risk associated and Pfizer might get angry when their revenue projections suffer. You very quickly arrive at the point that opposing data isn't welcome, which is what lots of folks have been flagging over and over since 2020.
The simple fact that people wasted time to do a study to look at covid related cases and death's by political affiliation tells you everything you need to know about how stupid this country has gotten.
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