Something Fishy is Going on with Kamala Harris, and Joe Rogan Can Smell It

He’s baffled by how Kamala Harris went from being “the least popular vice president of all time” to a celebrated “hero.”

“Try googling a negative story on her. You won't find one.”

But Rogan didn’t stop there; he took another interesting turn.

He asked why the Democratic party is so hellbent on pushing candidates like Kamala Harris when people like Tulsi Gabbard exists.

JOE ROGAN: “Well, it just shows you that what they're looking for is not what they say they're looking for.”


JOE ROGAN: “Because she [Tulsi] is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice in a medical unit. So she got to see people blown up by the war. She was a congresswoman for eight years.”


JOE ROGAN: “She is a person of color. She's everything you want, all those things you want, and you don't want her...

MICHAEL MALICE: “because she's not for war.”

JOE ROGAN: “Yes, well, she's also just not willing to play ball. There's a game that's being played, and if you're like, hey, you're not supposed to f—king move the ball. Like, oh, look at this bitch over here. Like, get out of here. You're gonna f—k up our game. It's not real democracy. It's controlled parties.”
🤣🤣🤣🤣 now they think they can tell us which candidates to run. You cannot make this up. Nobody would bother writing characters so idiotically unbelievable.

Something Fishy is Going on with Kamala Harris, and Joe Rogan Can Smell It

He’s baffled by how Kamala Harris went from being “the least popular vice president of all time” to a celebrated “hero.”

“Try googling a negative story on her. You won't find one.”

But Rogan didn’t stop there; he took another interesting turn.

He asked why the Democratic party is so hellbent on pushing candidates like Kamala Harris when people like Tulsi Gabbard exists.

JOE ROGAN: “Well, it just shows you that what they're looking for is not what they say they're looking for.”


JOE ROGAN: “Because she [Tulsi] is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice in a medical unit. So she got to see people blown up by the war. She was a congresswoman for eight years.”


JOE ROGAN: “She is a person of color. She's everything you want, all those things you want, and you don't want her...

MICHAEL MALICE: “because she's not for war.”

JOE ROGAN: “Yes, well, she's also just not willing to play ball. There's a game that's being played, and if you're like, hey, you're not supposed to f—king move the ball. Like, oh, look at this bitch over here. Like, get out of here. You're gonna f—k up our game. It's not real democracy. It's controlled parties.”
Uh maybe it's because Tulsi isn't really a Democrat?


Blossom Lyons

And look! They all look normal. They aren't wearing WEIRD CLOTHES/HATS and carrying WEIRD SIGNS
Not a big fan of this. Reminds me of the "deplorable" talk. While I certainly find the hats and hero worship and ridiculous tshirts strange, I don't think alienation and mocking are the way forward. Personally. Possibly a ridiculous analogy, but almost feels like kink shaming to me. Like, don't break into a government building, sure, don't harass people online or in public, etc sure. But criticizing what they choose to wear, etc, feels elitist. Even borderline hypocritical from the crowd that would support drag queens etc (for the record, I am that crowd, or at least I support the right for that group to exist and be who they feel they are). At the end of the day, both wearing a wig/makeup and a red hat/tshirt with a photoshopped Trump on it are both strange to me and not my thing. So not sure this is the area I'd like to see "liberals" fight fire with fire.

The whole campaign deal using "weird" feels very younger generation to me and I'm not sure its going to reach the crowd they actually need to win over.

Anyway, when you're not responding to an attack in kind, you often respond thoughtfully to people if they do so to you, so would just encourage you to think about the above.
Not a big fan of this. Reminds me of the "deplorable" talk. While I certainly find the hats and hero worship and ridiculous tshirts strange, I don't think alienation and mocking are the way forward. Personally. Possibly a ridiculous analogy, but almost feels like kink shaming to me. Like, don't break into a government building, sure, don't harass people online or in public, etc sure. But criticizing what they choose to wear, etc, feels elitist. Even borderline hypocritical from the crowd that would support drag queens etc (for the record, I am that crowd, or at least I support the right for that group to exist and be who they feel they are). At the end of the day, both wearing a wig/makeup and a red hat/tshirt with a photoshopped Trump on it are both strange to me and not my thing. So not sure this is the area I'd like to see "liberals" fight fire with fire.

The whole campaign deal using "weird" feels very younger generation to me and I'm not sure its going to reach the crowd they actually need to win over.

Anyway, when you're not responding to an attack in kind, you often respond thoughtfully to people if they do so to you, so would just encourage you to think about the above.
I get your point here. But I'll counter with in 2016 the country hadn't been exposed to 8 years of extreme maga weirdness. I think it's working the way we need it to.
I get your point here. But I'll counter with in 2016 the country hadn't been exposed to 8 years of extreme maga weirdness. I think it's working the way we need it to.
I’m not even saying it’s not weird tbh. I think it is. But there is just a whole heck of a lot of things I find weird and don’t understand. But part of the whole reason I think we are where we are (sides forming and becoming more and more entrenched) is calling the other side weird and “other” and letting something being “normal” influence how we feel about each other and more importantly treat each other. Because at the end of the day neither a weird hat or a crazy wig are hurting anyone.

I think a feeling of elitism from the left (or the uniparty for that crowd) is one of the key reasons in the rise of MAGA from my point of view. And there is a point there. Just want us to learn from it.
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I’m not even saying it’s not weird tbh. I think it is. But there is just a whole heck of a lot of things I find weird and don’t understand. But part of the whole reason I think we are where we are (sides forming and becoming more and more entrenched) is calling the other side weird and “other” and letting something being “normal” influence how we feel about each other and more importantly treat each other. Because at the end of the day neither a weird hat or a crazy wig are hurting anyone.

I think a feeling of elitism from the left (or the uniparty for that crowd) is one of the key reasons in the rise of MAGA from my point of view. And there is a point there. Just want us to learn from it.
I definitely agree with the last point.
Not a big fan of this. Reminds me of the "deplorable" talk. While I certainly find the hats and hero worship and ridiculous tshirts strange, I don't think alienation and mocking are the way forward. Personally. Possibly a ridiculous analogy, but almost feels like kink shaming to me. Like, don't break into a government building, sure, don't harass people online or in public, etc sure. But criticizing what they choose to wear, etc, feels elitist. Even borderline hypocritical from the crowd that would support drag queens etc (for the record, I am that crowd, or at least I support the right for that group to exist and be who they feel they are). At the end of the day, both wearing a wig/makeup and a red hat/tshirt with a photoshopped Trump on it are both strange to me and not my thing. So not sure this is the area I'd like to see "liberals" fight fire with fire.

The whole campaign deal using "weird" feels very younger generation to me and I'm not sure its going to reach the crowd they actually need to win over.

Anyway, when you're not responding to an attack in kind, you often respond thoughtfully to people if they do so to you, so would just encourage you to think about the above.
Ha, that last sentence makes me feel like you expected me to respond rudely, but I don't bite as long as you don't use trigger words like " dumb" lol.

Anyway, you do realize that was just a bad copy/paste of the tweet above it and not my words, right?
I see your point to a degree and I agree that "weird" is a little juvenile but I don't expect it to be more than a temporary jab because it doesn't really land.

But after 8 years of packed stadiums chanting "lock her/him up", relentless false allegations of cheating, him calling America a stupid, failing nation and those omnipresent red hats with a slogan that describes the opposite of what he'll do to it, I'm going to have a little fun with it, after all, this is probably the first enthusiastic rally in a packed stadium we've seen since Obama so we're all a lil guilty of being a bit giddy. I wouldn't take it any more seriously than that but I appreciate your input. ;-)

Btw, if you don't mind me asking - did you have a previous handle that we might recognize? It shows you just joined in June but you seem to know the history of this board pretty well so wondering if we would know you under a different handle? If you don't want to answer, I understand but just curious.