****Meanwhile, at Clemson...

Maybe the first clue that you are doing some ish that you shouldn't be doing is when you have to wear a facemask so nobody knows its you.

But, if they follow their own rules of not blocking walkways, traffic, access etc. then by all means, go for it. Can't think Clemson as a public institution would be able to prevent it.
IMO, I think the administration should not suspend, but expel any students who have been warned and are later arrested and later convicted. Let the students and parents know this by email. I would think this would at least give pause and especially if the parents are calling their child and say " so you really want to jeopardize your education as well as your future?"

Just my .02
Safe non violent protests are a First Amendment right whether I agree with them or not.

Illegal encampments with vandalism, threats of violence and actual violence are not legal or ok.

I hope this sit in is safe and legal as they describe though I likely disagree with them on many points.
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Safe non violent protests are a First Amendment right whether I agree with them or not.

Illegal encampments with vandalism, hate speech and violence are not legal or ok.

I hope this sit in is safe and legal as they describe though I likely disagree with them on many points.
Hate speech is legal speech
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It is was TPUSA Clemson chapter that invited him. It was their right to do so just like it is this groups right to sit down on some steps free from harm and protest peacefully by right at Clemson University. Why? who knows why as Clemson has little if any ties to Israel or Hamas and the people they are responsible for. Ironically, these folks would not have the right to protest against Hamas in Gaza or anywhere in their control.....
Protest ok obstruct no. If they block entrances to buildings or start setting up tents they should be arrested and kicked out of school. I have a feeling most won’t be students
If the university would allow any other group(KKK, black panthers, etc) to do this then they should allow it. If they would not allow any other group, then they should not allow this one.

This obviously assumes it will be peaceful and not impact students ability to attend classes if it runs into the summer schedule.
Hate speech isn't a thing.
Threatening violence or to kill someone aggressively in public is not protected speech. If you threaten to kill the President of the University for example you could get arrested if the police and others believed it to be a credible threat. Another example is a direct call to incite others to violence. That is not protected free speech. I should've clarified what I meant.
I’m assuming this group will be primarily non-students.
That would likely be the case no matter the timing. Even more so here since this is finals week and most will either be gone or getting ready to leave by then.
i dont think the university hosted rittenhouse, but i could be wrong
The university didn't invite him but he was at the Strom Thurmond institute and required police protection to leave. I was told 250 people showed up to "listen"
George Soros and the Rockefeller Foundation are the 2 main contributors. They are funding all of these protests. Soros is the biggest piece of shit to walk the planet in our lifetime. He was one of the Jews that helped track down others Jews for the nazis. And he is the main person behind this socialist agenda
Well yeah, because these protestors are cowards don't want their names and faces attached to their cause.
What happened to people rocking the Guy Fawkes masks when they got up to hijinx? We used to be a proper country

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