Minneapolis just ended racism

Need just give half of US, middle to the West, to the liberals and build a wall and let the conservatives have the middle to the East. They could have a no gun, no police, and divide what they have equally to everyone and they should be happy then.
I don't mind that idea at all. My only question is, how long before the East side takes over the West side? Or more accurately, how long before the West begs to be let back in?
Need just give half of US, middle to the West, to the liberals and build a wall and let the conservatives have the middle to the East. They could have a no gun, no police, and divide what they have equally to everyone and they should be happy then.
We would have to build a wall to keep the liberals out. They would have their side torn up in no time and start bitching about how conservatives got the good side. They would turn their half into a thrid world country . What a great idea though.
Need just give half of US, middle to the West, to the liberals and build a wall and let the conservatives have the middle to the East. They could have a no gun, no police, and divide what they have equally to everyone and they should be happy then.
Oh and just by the way, California already had an idea like this, to split the state into 2, a Northern and Southern California. I think it was over water, where the northern part of the state did not want to keep giving "their" water to the Southern part of the state.
Thomson recalls telling his officers. “Don’t call us—we’re not coming back to get you until the end of your shift, so if you got to go to the bathroom, you need to make a friend out here. You want to get something to eat? You better find who the good cook is.”

Lets see... Will pay you $10 an hour to figure out what to do... No bathrooms and no food...:D. SMH

Yeah this has seemed to worked well...o_O

Article talks about 2011 etc so here is NJ stats 2018
The town with the most violent crime incidents is first and then the rest are in descending order.

  1. Camden, 1198
  2. Jersey City, 1233
  3. Newark, 2069
  4. Paterson, 1076
  5. Trenton, 973
  6. Elizabeth, 897
  7. Passaic, 406
  8. Irvington, 354
  9. East Orange, 333
  10. New Brunswick, 309

Read More: The 10 most violent cities in New Jersey (and the least) |
Rate is still bad, but look at the drop.

There's an increase of cops from 250 to 400, busted a union to hold people accountable, and they're pushing cops to be more involved in the community.

Doesn't sound all that "progressive" to me. Definitely doesn't sound anything like what Minneapolis will go for.

It's also concerning to hear they're not reporting all their stats, yet being shown as a model for others. Sounds a lot like it could be a lot like "The Wire" where stats are juked.

What about the not making arrests unless there's something "vile" being done? Maybe violent crime is down, but has anything else truly improved?

Maybe it's a start in some ways, but I'm not sure just it should be made out to be a model for the nation.
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really? Being booed off stage most have changed his point of view
He was booed off because he feared political ramifications of a yes or no statement in front of a crowd. If you think this man isn’t involved in this to whatever degree I don’t have the words nor will to argue about it. It’s a microcosm that isn’t worth anymore time
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because people had jobs maybe bc of a president that knows how to create an environment where business can thrive. Idk. Maybe.

Camden uses the Sheriff Department. They get same training as local police. Here is the kicker, when a sheriff department takes over a town, they demand more deputies. Where do you think the deputies come from?
I just imagine it becoming a private sector outsourcing. Would be cheaper than having government pay for it and private sector companies will be more inclined to reign in the BS and good ol’ boy system
I just imagine it becoming a private sector outsourcing. Would be cheaper than having government pay for it and private sector companies will be more inclined to reign in the BS and good ol’ boy system

I can’t imagine being this naive and clueless. First, are you trying to say that the government will now pay for private sector security while also saying it will be cheaper? If you’re not saying that, which I hope for the sake of your intelligence you aren’t, then I assume you are saying that private citizens and companies will now pay for their own security. If you’re saying that, do you honestly believe that people and companies that can afford their own private security will remain in Minneapolis and endure those cost??

I will give you credit though, you’re the first one in this thread even attempting to defend this blatant display of retardation. Dems have truly become a cancer to this Republic.
Liberalism is a mental disorder
Democrats and Liberals are fine. They are folks that you can hold a discussion with BUT at the end of the convo, you can still have a beer with them. I present to you @iceheart08 as an example.

Leftists live in a fantasy world and will drag us all into a faithless world where are sexes are nonspecific, we pay for items with love and dried cucumbers, we all make $15k a year, live in 400 sq foot shanties made of wheat and grass, and wrap our selves in rainbows and warm hugs..... and if you don’t agree with this woke world .... F YOU!!! We’ll burn your shit to the ground, rape your humans who identify as women, steal your shit and label you as the aggressor because your ancestors did some bad shit 400 years ago.
Democrats and Liberals are fine. They are folks that you can hold a discussion with BUT at the end of the convo, you can still have a beer with them. I present to you @iceheart08 as an example.

Leftists live in a fantasy world and will drag us all into a faithless world where are sexes are nonspecific, we pay for items with love and dried cucumbers, we all make $15k a year, live in 400 sq foot shanties made of wheat and grass, and wrap our selves in rainbows and warm hugs..... and if you don’t agree with this woke world .... F YOU!!! We’ll burn your shit to the ground, rape your humans who identify as women, steal your shit and label you as the aggressor because your ancestors did some bad shit 400 years ago.

mostly agree, but disagree on Dems and Liberals being ok. If white people are no longer afforded the benefit of the doubt and considered complicit to racism even if they treat everyone with respect and go about their business, then libs are complicit in the shit show we are seeing because Libs like @iceheart08 never speak out against any of this nonsense. They made the rule that silence is being complicit, so they can live in filth with all the other leftist losers unless they grow a set and shut them down.
My guess is this is Minneapolis’s way of getting rid of the police union and rebooting the police department under another name. That’s the only way to do it.
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If the president doesn't intervene, then the 70000 somolians that came over and settled there will be running the place in no time.
I can’t imagine being this naive and clueless. First, are you trying to say that the government will now pay for private sector security while also saying it will be cheaper? If you’re not saying that, which I hope for the sake of your intelligence you aren’t, then I assume you are saying that private citizens and companies will now pay for their own security. If you’re saying that, do you honestly believe that people and companies that can afford their own private security will remain in Minneapolis and endure those cost??

I will give you credit though, you’re the first one in this thread even attempting to defend this blatant display of retardation. Dems have truly become a cancer to this Republic.
Im not defending it at all. I think that’s the only way it could ever work and no, I don’t think that option is even possible.

don’t be so quick to jump down someone’s throat for having open discussion on a message board