Nikki Haley says she will not block Syrian refugees.....

ok love your nationalistic approach

if you wanna bring in christian refugees who believe in our values thats cool

but muslems are a big fat NO

Do you ask them to say The Lord's Prayer to prove they are Christian? Should they seek to become members of Perry Noble's church before they come to America?

How about if they were Buddhist? Agnostics? Atheists? Jewish?

Do you really think we can create public policy based on a person's stated religious beliefs? Serious question worthy of a serious reply.
Unfortunately it's only going to get worse in this country and we will elect Hillary - a woman who can't even manage her own husband.
Ha! I bet more than a few of the men on TI aren't managed by their wives, either. (And I am no fan of Hillary Clinton but kind of difficult to blame her for the actions of her husband.)
kgwilliston.... don't you work in / around DC where they say they want to strike. Let's see if your tune changes if or more likely when that happens.So easy to be civilized from an ivory tower.

We don't need to be taking these people in at this time. Send them to Saudi, or iran or maybe afghanistan. Oh, they don't want them either.
When the communists captured South Viet Nam, we made arrangements for many refugees to come to the United States. Some of those refugees and their offspring have become extraordinary and accomplished American citizens. After wars in Iraq, we made arrangements for persecuted Iraquis and translators for the military to come to the U.S. When Jews were being persecuted in the Soviet Union, we pleaded with the Soviets to let them emigrate to the U.S.

That is America!

Europe is taking a huge number of refugees. America's commitment to date is very small by comparison.

You're comparing apples to oranges. In truth, you don't know what you're talking about. I don't mean that to be harsh. Most Americans are clueless about this issue. I'd encourage you to do some research on your own.

Let me ask you, how would you feel about living under Sharia Law?
This is the WZ, not a forum full of level headed people with objective, fact based opinions about current events.
KG i like your effort and ability to try to have a conversation/discussion without condemnation, but I think it is futile.
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ok love your nationalistic approach

if you wanna bring in christian refugees who believe in our values thats cool

but muslems are a big fat NO

Why do you think they are leaving their homes, jobs, and the towns where they grew up? Their families are being killed by ISIS. Do you think this is easy for them? Do you not think they already know no one wants them, because of where they're from? Just think if you were in their shoes fleeing a war zone and leaving your home to go to a foreign country.
Sacrificing freedom for security is not the way to go. We've had too much of that already.

I understand if others disagree.
If we continue to sacrifice our security though, we'll eventually have no freedom left...the Syrian refugees need to go to another country, not just another state...we're at war with Islamic terrorism (even if Prez O won't say it) & measures must be taken
Ha! I bet more than a few of the men on TI aren't managed by their wives, either. (And I am no fan of Hillary Clinton but kind of difficult to blame her for the actions of her husband.)
I don't think many men on TI sleep with nearly as many women outside their marriage as Bill does. That's the least of the problems with her though. She is just terrible and a bad idea for this country. But, I think she gets elected b/c the liberal media has taken over and is going to ruin it all.

As long as Clemson is good and Charleston is good, I really don't let it bother me too much.
You're comparing apples to oranges. In truth, you don't know what you're talking about. I don't mean that to be harsh. Most Americans are clueless about this issue. I'd encourage you to do some research on your own.

Let me ask you, how would you feel about living under Sharia Law?

Do you think 10,000 Syrians coming into the US will persuade Americans to give up 225+ years of our way of justice to adopt Sharia Law?

I mean, really, c'mon. If you want to have an honest and intellectual discussion don't go suggesting that Sharia Law is just around the corner. Back in the day, John Birchers saw a communist behind every tree. They were wrong too.
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Do you ask them to say The Lord's Prayer to prove they are Christian? Should they seek to become members of Perry Noble's church before they come to America?

How about if they were Buddhist? Agnostics? Atheists? Jewish?

Do you really think we can create public policy based on a person's stated religious beliefs? Serious question worthy of a serious reply.

buddhist are ok, agnostics are ok, atheists are ok, and the jews are ok.

problem with the muslems is that we are bombing the shi$ out of their countries killing good Nd bad guys which create more bad guys, then herd them up as refugees and send them to america.

hey the statement from the leader of the nuts said washington is coming soon, so lets just ship all 10k to dc and restrict travel inside dc and sit back and watch

----"Opponents of refugee resettlement have called for more stringent security checks on Syrians to make sure they have no connections to ISIS or other terrorist groups, but Syrians currently undergo a lengthy screening process that resettlement experts say is already sufficient to uncover terrorist ties. "Refugees are subject to the highest level of security checks of any category of traveler to the United States," wrote Danna Van Brandt, a spokeswoman for the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, in an email to Mother Jones. "Screening includes the involvement of the National Counterterrorism Center, the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense."---
kgwilliston.... don't you work in / around DC where they say they want to strike. Let's see if your tune changes if or more likely when that happens.So easy to be civilized from an ivory tower.

We don't need to be taking these people in at this time. Send them to Saudi, or iran or maybe afghanistan. Oh, they don't want them either.

First, please get the handle name correct.

Second, yes, I live in the DC area and work in downtown Washington. But I lived here when the Pentagon was attacked too and I feel the same way I did then. I love our freedom and I love our American values. I am not in an ivory tower. If anyone should not be worried, it is someone living far away from NYC or Washington.
kgwillison... you forgot to say that "vetting" is being done by UN and lower level staff and that fake documents abound in the region. Our own officials even says we lack the ability to vet them properly including the FBI and the head of the NSA. I know details, details..
KG i like your effort and ability to try to have a conversation/discussion without condemnation, but I think it is futile.
Thanks for the compliment. I just have to keep trying. Never been a fan of ad hominem attacks of people I disagree with. Would rather discuss the merits of the argument.
I don't think the governor could prevent them from coming to south carolina even if she wanted to, once they enter the USA legally. Just like anyone who enters the USA legally they have the right to travel to any of our 60 states. Now some governors might be saying they'll deny them, but that's just popular posturing and cannot be enforced.

Yes they can.
Do you think 10,000 Syrians coming into the US will persuade Americans to give up 225+ years of our way of justice to adopt Sharia Law?

I mean, really, c'mon. If you want to have an honest and intellectual discussion don't go suggesting that Sharia Law is just around the corner. Back in the day, John Birchers saw a communist behind every tree. They were wrong too.

This is the ignorance I'm talking about. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Do you have any Muslim friends? If you do, ask them how they will view you upon the return of the caliphate.

Lastly, don't underestimate their numbers. 300 ISIL members took Ramadi when it was been held by more than 3,000 ISF.
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If anyone should not be worried, it is someone living far away from NYC or Washington.

Gov. Robert Bentley @GovernorBentley
I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way. We refuse Syrian refugees.
84 retweets216 likes

Fake Bo Pelini ‏@FauxPelini 9m9 minutes ago

Fake Bo Pelini ‏@FauxPelini 3m3 minutes ago
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Working in DC fully qualifies you for the ivory tower label. The problem is they are placing these people everywhere across the US and their ability to move is pretty much unfettered. Great map showing where they are being placed tells it all... they are being put in almost every state and in many medium sized cities. Terror is not just about cities it is about targets and with this attack we crossed the Rubicon, all are fair game.

Apologies on the name as I was typing too fast and missed it.
I love it. Nothing will happen because Obama assures all is right.....

Keep a good eye on these refugees and give them internet, steak dinners, and take them to a football game........sell them on America. They will be fat and happy and realizing that their oppressors were lying sacks of crap in no time. I too worry about the trojan horse mess, but if we vet correctly and keep a good eye on them, who is to say this isn't the first step in "winning hearts and minds?"

Serious talk, America sells itself. If we want to win the ideological battle, isn't showing them what America is about the best thing we can do?

I would probably limit it to women and small children however.

Not excited about the potential dangers, but what we are doing now sure ain't working either.
Thanks for the compliment. I just have to keep trying. Never been a fan of ad hominem attacks of people I disagree with. Would rather discuss the merits of the argument.

TigerIllustrated, home to the ad hominem and slippery slope defenses. If you're having trouble with an argument, plant doubt about their sexual orientation or how accepting refugees is is a mass-conspiracy to launch trojan horses of democratic voters.
Can't live your life in fear. Just gotta rock on. If it's your time, it's your time.

Let's get to 11-0.
While I agree with this personally, I have two beautiful young daughters that I worry about...which is probably the same thing most adults (that are parents) are worried about.
Just the fact that our federal government is basically telling us that we have no choice on this matter should be reason enough for at least a pause. We just keep finding reasons to let them take the power away from us.
Working in DC fully qualifies you for the ivory tower label. The problem is they are placing these people everywhere across the US and their ability to move is pretty much unfettered. Great map showing where they are being placed tells it all... they are being put in almost every state and in many medium sized cities. Terror is not just about cities it is about targets and with this attack we crossed the Rubicon, all are fair game.

Apologies on the name as I was typing too fast and missed it.

Ok, so you said they are being put in almost every state. So 10,000 refugees split between almost 50 states and then many cities within those states means what? About 200 Syrians per STATE. So, Greenville gets 10? Columbia gets 15?

Is this how the Islamic people create an American caliphate?

I'm serious here. Does the governor of Alabama really think his people are safer now or is he appealing to Xenophobia?
While I agree with this personally, I have two beautiful young daughters that I worry about...which is probably the same thing most adults (that are parents) are worried about.
I'm in the same boat. But you can't live your life in fear. I mean, you can, but it does no good.
Ok, so you said they are being put in almost every state. So 10,000 refugees split between almost 50 states and then many cities within those states means what? About 200 Syrians per STATE. So, Greenville gets 10? Columbia gets 15?

Is this how the Islamic people create an American caliphate?

I'm serious here. Does the governor of Alabama really think his people are safer now or is he appealing to Xenophobia?
I'm in the same boat. But you can't live your life in fear. I mean, you can, but it does no good.
That's what I'm saying...I don't live my life in fear. Whatever happens, me.

I do fear, however, for the world my daughters will grow up in...what happened in Paris is just around the corner for the United States I believe unless drastic measures are taken quickly...our President doesn't seem to be too concerned though.
Has anyone checked Nicki's birth certificate? I heard one of our State Representatives from Charleston called her a "rag head" when she was running for reelection. Sure she SAYS she's Indian, but has anyone checked it out? Arabs, Hindus, they are all the same anyway... She's just trying to get a bunch of HER people over here. Then before you know it, we are wearing robes, painting dots on our heads, and worshiping cows. I don't want any of that socialist curry shoved down my throat either... it's Cajun spices for me all the way...Yeah!! FREEDOM spices!
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My respect for Gov. Haley continues to increase.

You guys would have been real strong proponents of FDR putting Japanese Americans into concentration camps during WWII because "we couldn't trust Japs."

99 percent of the refugees are fleeing this type of terrorism. Many are Christian.

Some of the terrorists were apparently from Belgium. Do we turn away anyone from Belgium who wants to visit the U.S. or just the dark-skinned ones?

Where do you draw the line so you can be 100 percent safe?

Arbitrarily blocking any and all refugees is not the answer and doesn't represent the kind of nation I want to live in.

KG, I seldom agree with you but I do on this one. Some of the refugees are Yazidis, Maronites, Chaldeans or other persecuted Christian sects from the mainly Arab world. There is a huge and untold story of the eviction of Christians from the Middle East-it is reminiscent of the Nazi idea of sending European Jews to Madagascar in the 1930's before the "invention" of the Final Solution. This story doesn't sell papers. It amazes me how many folks are falling for this political red herring-Nikki gains all from this kind of comment without actually having to do anything. Its a non-issue in SC.
I have a daughter and son, 8 and 3. Syrian refugees turning into terrorist cells is right near the bottom of the things I worry about.
I promise, it'll go straight to the top when your local restaurant, grocery store, cinema, etc. is shot up by some of these nuts.
I have a daughter and son, 8 and 3. Syrian refugees turning into terrorist cells is right near the bottom of the things I worry about.


Even if their is a Paris style attack, which I am sure there will be at some point regardless of president you can't live in fear.

Still likely have a better chance of being killed by eating tainted vegetables or being stung by wasps.

Especially consider most of the people probably live in Pelion or Wateree or Lugoff.
Let me ask you, how would you feel about living under Sharia Law?[/QUOTE]

Under what scenario are we going to be living under sharia law?
It has already been stated at multiple levels of the intelligence agencies that it is impossible to "VET" all the refugees KG. So who is the "we" you are saying is going to do the vetting?
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Never seen so many people be so outright with their bigotry.
Please explain how this is bigotry. I'm pretty sure this has more to do with finding out that at least one Syrian refugee may have helped with the attacks. I wonder if France will open their arms to more of these refugees in the future. If they don't are they also bigots?
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