Do you ask them to say The Lord's Prayer to prove they are Christian? Should they seek to become members of Perry Noble's church before they come to America?
How about if they were Buddhist? Agnostics? Atheists? Jewish?
Do you really think we can create public policy based on a person's stated religious beliefs? Serious question worthy of a serious reply.
buddhist are ok, agnostics are ok, atheists are ok, and the jews are ok.
problem with the muslems is that we are bombing the shi$ out of their countries killing good Nd bad guys which create more bad guys, then herd them up as refugees and send them to america.
hey the statement from the leader of the nuts said washington is coming soon, so lets just ship all 10k to dc and restrict travel inside dc and sit back and watch
----"Opponents of refugee resettlement have called for more stringent security checks on Syrians to make sure they have no connections to ISIS or other terrorist groups, but Syrians currently undergo a lengthy screening process that resettlement experts say is already sufficient to uncover terrorist ties. "Refugees are subject to the highest level of security checks of any category of traveler to the United States," wrote Danna Van Brandt, a spokeswoman for the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, in an email to
Mother Jones. "Screening includes the involvement of the National Counterterrorism Center, the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense."---