*****Official Election Night Thread

Repubs MAGA's +3 net pickups in the House race. Sitting at 186 to Dem's 160 with 89 seats left to be determined.
It's now 0400 and I have been watch this thing all night long. Michigan a Trump lead of 4 with 84% of the count for 4 hours. Wisconsin has been at a 3.5 to 4 lead for Trump with 93-98% of the voting in and CNN and CNBC will not call either for Trump. yet, they called New Jersey for Harris with her leading by 4 with 89% in, and New Hampshire Harris leads by 4 with 79% and they called both of them for Harris. I am almost afraid to go to bed and wake up and see Harris won those two states by 300,000 each!!!

If they cannot cont the ballots by 0200 then the state should be hit with a big and severe fine. This is bullish!t. I've been voting since 1976 and we always knew who won by midnight until the last two elections. This crap has to stop. We are smarter than this... 🤔

0407 in Wayne County, Michigan and they have counted only 54%!!! They got to be a bunch of slow people there that can't count or read!!!
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If Wisconsin and Michigan cannot finish the count by 0600, a judge needs to come in and make a ruling and shutdown the count at whatever it is at 0600. This is complete bullshit that the ballots cannot be count by now, and CNN and CNBC is juicing this big time to keep from calling the election for Trump... 😖
If Wisconsin and Michigan cannot finish the count by 0600, a judge needs to come in and make a ruling and shutdown the count at whatever it is at 0600. This is complete bullshit that the ballots cannot be count by now, and CNN and CNBC is juicing this big time to keep from calling the election for Trump... 😖
It's over and they know it. This one was too big to rig. What a historic day.
Let’s not forget to tag our newest brain dead liberal, @TruePatriot

Joined Friday although I didn’t think he’s new. He’s been patronizing and shoveling 💩 all over the board. So nice for you guys to finally give @dbjork6317 a dose of his own medicine.

The Left absolutely threw everything they had at Trump. Every unscrupulous thing they could do. And he knocked them all out. Toughest man I know. America is smiling and looking up today. God is good!

We, the people, have spoken. And we spoke very loud and clear. 🎼I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day🎼. TRUMP🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Let’s not forget to tag our newest brain dead liberal, @TruePatriot

Joined Friday although I didn’t think he’s new. He’s been patronizing and shoveling 💩 all over the board. So nice for you guys to finally give @dbjork6317 a dose of his own medicine.

The Left absolutely threw everything they had at Trump. Every unscrupulous thing they could do. And he knocked them all out. Toughest man I know. America is smiling and looking up today. God is good!

We, the people, have spoken. And we spoke very loud and clear. 🎼I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day🎼. TRUMP🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
May be an image of horizon, twilight and ocean
Republicans flipped the governor’s race in Puerto friggin Rico.

At some point we have to be seriously pissed at the crap that rides our public airwaves. Our weak-ass feckless media WILL NOT speak truth to leftist power.... they tried to remake Harris and mask her overt flaws. They talk about risk to democracy, but the REAL risk is a national media so willing to suspend disbelief and pursue no lines of obvious inquiry against their obvious bias. Possess at least an inkling of journalistic integrity and hold BOTH PARTIES accountable or get the HELL OFF MY AIRWAVES!!!!!
Amen To That Preach GIF by Shalita Grant
Let’s not forget to tag our newest brain dead liberal, @TruePatriot

Joined Friday although I didn’t think he’s new. He’s been patronizing and shoveling 💩 all over the board. So nice for you guys to finally give @dbjork6317 a dose of his own medicine.

The Left absolutely threw everything they had at Trump. Every unscrupulous thing they could do. And he knocked them all out. Toughest man I know. America is smiling and looking up today. God is good!

We, the people, have spoken. And we spoke very loud and clear. 🎼I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day🎼. TRUMP🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

рад видеть свободные и честные выборы. Я все равно буду молиться за тебя и ненависть в твоем сердце. Я уверен, что ты будешь счастлив теперь, когда сможешь ходить на свои митинги Ку-клукс-клана без необходимости прятаться.
Are we? We literally just voted for someone who has said he wants to be a dictator, has expressed support for military tribunals for members of congress, has called sitting politicians “the enemy within,” and states he intends to issue pardons for criminals who were convicted after attempting to directly stop the literal democratic process of electing a president. I’m gonna have to go ahead and disagree that “we the people” are strong/smart enough to stop our own oppression.

You mean the majority of the country isn't OK with a man transitioning to a woman and playing women's sports? The left went too far left and became lunatics. That's just one example. Things like that have consequences. Move closer to the middle, or keep on losing. The Democratic Party better look themselves in the mirror. This was a bloodbath.
@dbjork6317 for the record, I'm glad he did not purse Hilary, even though she committed multiple deliberate felonies WRT to her handling of TS/SCI and SAP data and her subsequent destruction of evidence about her crimes. Her prosecution would not have been good for our country. I am glad he is open to pardoning Hunter Biden---even though that dude is as corrupt has they get. His magnanimity on this point would make considerable inroads in uniting the country and stand in stark contrast to Obama's failure to display magnanimity WRT to race relations (instead, he stoked racial hatred--but that all for another thread).
I wanted him to lock her up….
I wanted him to lock her up….
I have too, at times. Ultimately, it'd be really bad for us to imprison a former high-level cabinet official. I think the best thing to have done would have been to present her with a sealed indictment and the evidence against her and give her a choice: retire from public life or face prosecution.
He is a very reasonable person. We need more like him on both sides.
I recall him being a hyper partisan firebrand as a member of Congress, but I guess that was his role. Either way, he's matured well and is a credit to the lineup at Fox. Definitely wish we had a lot more like him at the various media outlets.

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