It's now 0400 and I have been watch this thing all night long. Michigan a Trump lead of 4 with 84% of the count for 4 hours. Wisconsin has been at a 3.5 to 4 lead for Trump with 93-98% of the voting in and CNN and CNBC will not call either for Trump. yet, they called New Jersey for Harris with her leading by 4 with 89% in, and New Hampshire Harris leads by 4 with 79% and they called both of them for Harris. I am almost afraid to go to bed and wake up and see Harris won those two states by 300,000 each!!!
If they cannot cont the ballots by 0200 then the state should be hit with a big and severe fine. This is bullish!t. I've been voting since 1976 and we always knew who won by midnight until the last two elections. This crap has to stop. We are smarter than this... 🤔
0407 in Wayne County, Michigan and they have counted only 54%!!! They got to be a bunch of slow people there that can't count or read!!!