One thing I don't understand about the Protesters...


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 30, 2002
Why are they mad and destroying their city? Seriously?

Is it due to racism shown by the police? Is it the lack of city leadership? Is it a new Presidential policy?

I really don't understand the collective theme on why they are burning their on city.
It's an inside job set up by the government so they can embezzle tax payers money by saying it's going towards reconstructing the city. Wake up America!
The protestors aren't the people that are rioting. The people that are rioting aren't protesting.
If media would stop covering it, the idiots would stop. If not, let them destroy their own neighborhood.
Maybe if they let them burn the city they would all starve to death.
The best I can come up with is Robin Williams was in Good Morning Vietnam. He wants to play 7 degrees of Robin Williams?

The problem is lack of leadership from any one any where. That is where it starts, from parenting or lack thereof, to a government that not only lacks leadership, but sole purpose and only reason to be is to continue to subjugate a people and cause division so that they can continue to remain in power and control.. Until we take our families back and stand up to this piece of shit government (THAT IS TOTALLY INCLUSIVE) that is taking over our country we are ****ED! Wake Up! The shit is hitting the fan! You smell it now, If you wait until you taste it, it will be to late!
The problem is lack of leadership from any one any where. That is where it starts, from parenting or lack thereof, to a government that not only lacks leadership, but sole purpose and only reason to be is to continue to subjugate a people and cause division so that they can continue to remain in power and control.. Until we take our families back and stand up to this piece of shit government (THAT IS TOTALLY INCLUSIVE) that is taking over our country we are ****ED! Wake Up! The shit is hitting the fan! You smell it now, If you wait until you taste it, it will be to late!
Bravo! However, I fear we're too late. I hope my past posts become just me calling wolf. I'd gladly be willing to be called a fool. Common sense says differently, and that is severely lacking in this country now. That and the REAL love for this country.
Protesters weren't doing the damage. Criminals and Gang Thugs were stealing and burning all that they could. Mayor and Police Chief did dismal job of containing the violence. Whatever happened to the man who died will be known and justice will prevail. Rioting and looting was typical response from gangs who only objective is to steal.
Protesters weren't doing the damage. Criminals and Gang Thugs were stealing and burning all that they could. Mayor and Police Chief did dismal job of containing the violence. Whatever happened to the man who died will be known and justice will prevail. Rioting and looting was typical response from gangs who's only objective is to steal.
Why are they mad and destroying their city? Seriously?

Is it due to racism shown by the police? Is it the lack of city leadership? Is it a new Presidential policy?

I really don't understand the collective theme on why they are burning their on city.
Some investigations and social media study are revealing that many of the protestors are "professional protestors" and not from Baltimore. Many spent weeks at Ferguson and some were also at North Charleston. There is some organizations or individuals paying people to stir the pot and invoke the locals as well. They have expense accounts even to stay and protest for weeks.
Just read the posts on social media, tons of troll profiles, with people backing them. I really believe there is an concerted effort to divide the country.
Just read the posts on social media, tons of troll profiles, with people backing them. I really believe there is an concerted effort to divide the country.
We agree? Seriously, spot on IMO. It will only get worse unless Congress grows some balls and puts the brakes on on the Muslim's mayhem. I'm not holding my breath. Marshall Law is a goal for them right now. JMO.
I'd say it's fair to assume the ones doing the damage aren't educated to the level of the posters on here. When we say things like, "why are these thugs destroying their own town" we are seeing it through our own eyes.

What these events need to show, is the level of desperation these people are living with. No one is saying the rioting is acceptable, but everyone someone brings up how they can see why it's happening, the other side jumps up and down, screaming how wrong it is.

Urban decay is a problem that must be solved. as long as the inhabitants of these locations are dehumanized and neglected; as long as the police remain untrusted; and as long as America treats these as isolated incidents we are doomed to repeat it.
I'd say it's fair to assume the ones doing the damage aren't educated to the level of the posters on here. When we say things like, "why are these thugs destroying their own town" we are seeing it through our own eyes.

What these events need to show, is the level of desperation these people are living with. No one is saying the rioting is acceptable, but everyone someone brings up how they can see why it's happening, the other side jumps up and down, screaming how wrong it is.

Urban decay is a problem that must be solved. as long as the inhabitants of these locations are dehumanized and neglected; as long as the police remain untrusted; and as long as America treats these as isolated incidents we are doomed to repeat it.
This is the truth. You can't ignore what a lot of people are saying in this thread, but you're a hypocrite if you also ignore what this poster is saying.
There seem to be some extreme thoughts ITT. When 2 or 3 people are thinking along the same lines as Tiger Guy you know something is wrong.
Why are they mad and destroying their city? Seriously?

Is it due to racism shown by the police? Is it the lack of city leadership? Is it a new Presidential policy?

I really don't understand the collective theme on why they are burning their on city.
The protesters in Baltimore were mostly teenage kids. The real question is, why were teenage kids doing out on the streets on a school night? The answer is that welfare is destroying the black family. growing up in the South in the 60's, all my black friends had a Dad at home that taught them right from wrong. If they steeped out of line, there was hell to pay. Now under the welfare society, you have black mothers with multiple kids from different black males. There is even one black man who has been on social media bragging about having 18 children by different black women. Dr. Walter Williams, a Black man with a PHD. has said that welfare has hurt the black family unit more than slavery ever did. He says that he thanks God every day that he was born before welfare because he had to work hard to get where he is today. Welfare is needed, but the Democrats have turned it into a voter drive for them. Question. What if all these illegal aliens Obama is trying to get American citizenship were registered Republicans. Do you think he and the rest of the libtards in Washington would be pushing for them to become American citizens and allowed to vote?
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The protesters in Baltimore were mostly teenage kids. The real question is, why were teenage kids doing out on the streets on a school night? The answer is that welfare is destroying the black family. growing up in the South in the 60's, all my black friends had a Dad at home that taught them right from wrong. If they steeped out of line, there was hell to pay. Now under the welfare society, you have black mothers with multiple kids from different black males. There is even one black man who has been on social media bragging about having 18 children by different black women. Dr. Walter Williams, a Black man with a PHD. has said that welfare has hurt the black family unit more than slavery ever did. He says that he thanks God every day that he was born before welfare because he had to work hard to get where he is today. Welfare is needed, but the Democrats have turned it into a voter drive for them. Question. What if all these illegal aliens Obama is trying to get American citizenship were registered Republicans. Do you think he and the rest of the libtards in Washington would be pushing for them to become American citizens and allowed to vote?

Slave owners were able to keep control by keeping the slaves ignorant and dependent. No different than what Democrats and the welfare program do today. The plantation of today is Washington DC.
Have y'all ever seen "The Purge"? I'm beginning to think it might not be such a bad idea...

Let them burn their city, then take their welfare checks to rebuild it....

I'm done with the poor, poor, pitiful me mentality in this country! We are BLESSED to live here yet so many bvtch & moan about every little thing that happens...& don't get me started on the sense of entitlement in this's ridiculous! Was everyone born with a silver spoon in their, but I can promise you that the situation here is much better than Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Russia...the list goes on & on! Be thankful, come together & stop all this bullshvt!
The protesters in Baltimore were mostly teenage kids. The real question is, why were teenage kids doing out on the streets on a school night? The answer is that welfare is destroying the black family. growing up in the South in the 60's, all my black friends had a Dad at home that taught them right from wrong. If they steeped out of line, there was hell to pay. Now under the welfare society, you have black mothers with multiple kids from different black males. There is even one black man who has been on social media bragging about having 18 children by different black women. Dr. Walter Williams, a Black man with a PHD. has said that welfare has hurt the black family unit more than slavery ever did. He says that he thanks God every day that he was born before welfare because he had to work hard to get where he is today. Welfare is needed, but the Democrats have turned it into a voter drive for them. Question. What if all these illegal aliens Obama is trying to get American citizenship were registered Republicans. Do you think he and the rest of the libtards in Washington would be pushing for them to become American citizens and allowed to vote?

Some of you have to be borderline retarded. You really think you are smart spewing this social commentary based in bullsh*t.

First of all taking the opportunity to blame the Muslim as if rioting hadn't happened under each of the last 5 administrations for various reasons. Did you blame the Christian in the white house each of those times. You are an effing joke! And any of you that subscribe to this nonsense.

Also you stupid idiots who are blaming the black families when there were thousands of peaceful protestors, 10k reported, none a part of these people and then you have hundreds of young people rioting after the peaceful stuff was done, yes being stupid but such a small part of the black population. Do you know how many black people are in the Baltimore area? Over a million I'm sure but hundreds rioting and it becomes an indictment on the black family? Shouldn't you be concluding that the majority of black folks are staying out of this. The overwhelming majority are at home. It's like when AL and Jesse come with their SMALL crew of paid outsiders people still act like black people are somehow in agreement with whatever they are doing. Get your head out of your ass.

Give the majority of black folks who are staying at home or showing up to help the respect they deserve and stop lumping all of them together. Some of you are pathetic.

When Kentucky fans were rioting did you blame the leadership in Lexington or the white culture and the privaledged assholes burning and destroying because a basketball team didn't win. What about the Penn state students who riots because their football coach was fired destroying city property and causing injury and tons of damages. Protecting the dignity of someone who allegedly helped protect a child molester. Where were you calling them thugs, criminals, ANIMALS. Some of you think you are so damn smart but you don't have a freaking clue what's going on. And yes you ARE clouded by race even if you don't want to admit it. Maybe you honestly don't even realize it.

I do appreciate those of you who have approached this with brains so if that's you I'm not referring to you. Thanks for not being afraid to speak up for others in the name of common sense.

Reading some of this makes me wonder how we can even root for black people if we think so little of them. The moment they're not acting like we want them to or disagree we flip the script instantly.

I sure hope none of the student athletes read this board. I was asked to read this thread and give a response. I wish I hadnt. I'm ashamed to be associated with some of you by mere fandom.
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There seem to be some extreme thoughts ITT. When 2 or 3 people are thinking along the same lines as Tiger Guy you know something is wrong.
Do you freaking remember last November's Election? I am FAR from isolated. I witness my politics like I witness for Him. Honestly. I don't dispute Libs rights to their thoughts and I don't chastise hose thoughts on here. Quite frankly, I don't give 2 shits what you or any other Liberal think of me. The reality is most every swinging dick on this board lives a Conservative life. Where I differ from Libs is I know our Government is evil. It's there in living proof everyday. It's a shame the media isn't unbiased. It's worse they are held accountable. They, with the Left, are this country's problem. God Bless you and America.
I'd say it's fair to assume the ones doing the damage aren't educated to the level of the posters on here. When we say things like, "why are these thugs destroying their own town" we are seeing it through our own eyes.

What these events need to show, is the level of desperation these people are living with. No one is saying the rioting is acceptable, but everyone someone brings up how they can see why it's happening, the other side jumps up and down, screaming how wrong it is.

Urban decay is a problem that must be solved. as long as the inhabitants of these locations are dehumanized and neglected; as long as the police remain untrusted; and as long as America treats these as isolated incidents we are doomed to repeat it.
I'd say it's fair to assume the ones doing the damage aren't educated to the level of the posters on here. When we say things like, "why are these thugs destroying their own town" we are seeing it through our own eyes.

What these events need to show, is the level of desperation these people are living with. No one is saying the rioting is acceptable, but everyone someone brings up how they can see why it's happening, the other side jumps up and down, screaming how wrong it is.

Urban decay is a problem that must be solved. as long as the inhabitants of these locations are dehumanized and neglected; as long as the police remain untrusted; and as long as America treats these as isolated incidents we are doomed to repeat it.

Yep. Chapman High School in 1969...small riot first day of integration. Chicago. Watts. Money has been spent. TRILLIONS. Intelligence? Not the freaking problem. The problem is their family structure as a whole, and more importantly, the lack of male leadership. At least leadership that teaches good and evil...right and wrong. They have to fix that. You can't and money can't.
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Slave owners were able to keep control by keeping the slaves ignorant and dependent. No different than what Democrats and the welfare program do today. The plantation of today is Washington DC.
Thats the illuminati's plan and its working.
Some of you have to be borderline retarded. You really think you are smart spewing this social commentary based in bullsh*t.

First of all taking the opportunity to blame the Muslim as if rioting hadn't happened under each of the last 5 administrations for various reasons. Did you blame the Christian in the white house each of those times. You are an effing joke! And any of you that subscribe to this nonsense.

Also you stupid idiots who are blaming the black families when there were thousands of peaceful protestors, 10k reported, none a part of these people and then you have hundreds of young people rioting after the peaceful stuff was done, yes being stupid but such a small part of the black population. Do you know how many black people are in the Baltimore area? Over a million I'm sure but hundreds rioting and it becomes an indictment on the black family? Shouldn't you be concluding that the majority of black folks are staying out of this. The overwhelming majority are at home. It's like when AL and Jesse come with their SMALL crew of paid outsiders people still act like black people are somehow in agreement with whatever they are doing. Get your head out of your ass.

Give the majority of black folks who are staying at home or showing up to help the respect they deserve and stop lumping all of them together. Some of you are pathetic.

When Kentucky fans were rioting did you blame the leadership in Lexington or the white culture and the privaledged assholes burning and destroying because a basketball team didn't win. What about the Penn state students who riots because their football coach was fired destroying city property and causing injury and tons of damages. Protecting the dignity of someone who allegedly helped protect a child molester. Where were you calling them thugs, criminals, ANIMALS. Some of you think you are so damn smart but you don't have a freaking clue what's going on. And yes you ARE clouded by race even if you don't want to admit it. Maybe you honestly don't even realize it.

I do appreciate those of you who have approached this with brains so if that's you I'm not referring to you. Thanks for not being afraid to speak up for others in the name of common sense.

Reading some of this makes me wonder how we can even root for black people if we think so little of them. The moment they're not acting like we want them to or disagree we flip the script instantly.

I sure hope none of the student athletes read this board. I was asked to read this thread and give a response. I wish I hadnt. I'm ashamed to be associated with some of you by mere fandom.

Yup, sure was. No excuse for any of those riots. Didn't matter the race of the rioters then or now.

There seem to be some extreme thoughts ITT. When 2 or 3 people are thinking along the same lines as Tiger Guy you know something is wrong.
This. Though, I have to admit, I do love reading some of @tigerGUY @catchandrelease advanced commentary on the moral breakdown of society. I especially like when they include phrases like "I can see the evil in his (BO) eyes", "(stating doctors name) a black guy with a PHD" and etc.
In Baltimore, the overwhelming majority of leadership is black. The mayor and 60% of the town council are black. 50% of the police force, including the chief I believe, are minority. The government is overwhelmingly Democrat. Yet, somehow this is still perceived to be a race issue in large part and republicans are thought to be racist by the black community. The facts, however, do not support this fallacy.
The fact of the matter is that more government $ will not solve the problems in most black communities. New York school districts spend absolutely outrageous amounts of money per student in districts where 80% or more of students never graduate. Clearly, more money has not helped. If you look at places where it is the worst, large urban areas like Philly, Chicago, etc, these are areas that are overwhelmingly Democrat and where enormous amounts of money have been spent and the situations have only gotten worse.
The only way things are going to get better is by the black community helping themselves. They have to start policing themselves, people have to make a conscious effort and decision to better themselves. To some degree, we have enslaved an entire portion of our population, not only black Americans, by making it too easy barley get by on government assistance alone. We have taken away the desire and necessity for people to NEED to better themselves through education and hard work. We have created a culture where able bodied people expect and believe it is the governments duty to provide for them.
Harlem is a perfect example of what needs to happen. For years, Money was thrown at this area of NY and things only got worse. But, then that community decided they were going to take charge and show everyone what they had to offer. They started having what they called "Harlem Days" to showcase and welcome "outsiders" to the community. Community leaders started encouraging members to help rid the area of criminals instead of protecting them. This was done by the people in the community. After a while, businesses began to believe it was safe and advantageous to invest in the area and things improved from there. I am not saying the government quit spending money there because that simply is not true. The point is that things only improved when the people in the community decided they were going to change things. You can not make things better for people simply by giving them more money. People have to be willing to make things better for themselves.
"White flight" is about to be death of cities like Baltimore. Other ethnicities(not just white) are genuinely scared of blacks more now than I have ever seen in my near 30 years of life. Yes. Scared to be around them. They do not hate them per se. They just don't want to be around them because of the last 5 ish years starting with the Trayvon Martin stuff. It's been one instance after another of rioting and protesting and it is pathetic. Utterly pathetic. There are over 400 million people living in this country. Math says cops will make mistakes. If proven to be in the wrong by our legal system, they will be punished. White/Asian/Indian, teens/adults/elderly are taken down forcefully by police almost daily in this country. Some are killed in the process. No riots and no protesting to this degree take place. 1 common denominator in all of this is I have yet to see ANY case where some innocent person without a record and was not doing anything wrong was gunned down for no reason. Every single one was a felon or criminal or preforming and illegal act. If these are the types of people the blacks want to make martyrs over and destroy their own city so be it. Go ahead and worsen stereotypes that were beginning to dissipate for years and years. Ruin all the progress that has been made. It wasn't were it needed to be but it was improving slowly. Now throw it all in the garbage.........

Everyone will leave and want nothing to do with them. The term "white flight" this time is brought on by their own actions. If something like this happened near me I would be gone ASAP. I can't fix it and neither can anyone else. They need to fix themselves and stop the blame game.

/ of personal opinion I'm prepared to get slammed for.
This. Though, I have to admit, I do love reading some of @tigerGUY @catchandrelease advanced commentary on the moral breakdown of society. I especially like when they include phrases like "I can see the evil in his (BO) eyes", "(stating doctors name) a black guy with a PHD" and etc.
You're a trip....and tripping. Do you create this stuff or get it from Liberalism for Dummies?
Why are they mad and destroying their city? Seriously?

Is it due to racism shown by the police? Is it the lack of city leadership? Is it a new Presidential policy?

I really don't understand the collective theme on why they are burning their on city.

what do st louis and baltimore have in common?
In Baltimore, the overwhelming majority of leadership is black. The mayor and 60% of the town council are black. 50% of the police force, including the chief I believe, are minority. The government is overwhelmingly Democrat. Yet, somehow this is still perceived to be a race issue in large part and republicans are thought to be racist by the black community. The facts, however, do not support this fallacy.
The fact of the matter is that more government $ will not solve the problems in most black communities. New York school districts spend absolutely outrageous amounts of money per student in districts where 80% or more of students never graduate. Clearly, more money has not helped. If you look at places where it is the worst, large urban areas like Philly, Chicago, etc, these are areas that are overwhelmingly Democrat and where enormous amounts of money have been spent and the situations have only gotten worse.
The only way things are going to get better is by the black community helping themselves. They have to start policing themselves, people have to make a conscious effort and decision to better themselves. To some degree, we have enslaved an entire portion of our population, not only black Americans, by making it too easy barley get by on government assistance alone. We have taken away the desire and necessity for people to NEED to better themselves through education and hard work. We have created a culture where able bodied people expect and believe it is the governments duty to provide for them.
Harlem is a perfect example of what needs to happen. For years, Money was thrown at this area of NY and things only got worse. But, then that community decided they were going to take charge and show everyone what they had to offer. They started having what they called "Harlem Days" to showcase and welcome "outsiders" to the community. Community leaders started encouraging members to help rid the area of criminals instead of protecting them. This was done by the people in the community. After a while, businesses began to believe it was safe and advantageous to invest in the area and things improved from there. I am not saying the government quit spending money there because that simply is not true. The point is that things only improved when the people in the community decided they were going to change things. You can not make things better for people simply by giving them more money. People have to be willing to make things better for themselves.
Let me preface this with I do NOT believe in segregation. What I am saying is prior to integration there were viable black communities, schools, businesses, churches, etc. that had leaders that were proud and were able to get the community to think and act independently for the betterment of themselves. The Federal Government destroyed that. Albeit for Integration...which is no doubt a good thing. I believe busing was the catalyst that started the tearing up of their community by splitting the children up from their own community. With the obvious lowering of education standards for everyone (because somehow the Government had a silly, stupid notion blacks were inferior intellectually..which was bullshit), the problems started.

I certainly don't have an answer, but what I do know it's not money and freaking Liberalism. You libs believe what the heck you want and can continue to deceive yourselves...along with the "Big Government" Republicans. If the black leaders like Jessie and friends truly wanted to help their people, they would have approached it differently after MLK was murdered. They sold themselves out. And here we are today.
You are witnessing the results of the destruction of the traditional American family. It's going to get a lot worst before it gets better, a lot worse (see Porter Stansbury). Gay marriage, abortion on demand and partial birth abortion are not practiced without consequences. I heard Congressman Cummings on Morning Joe today blame the riots on lack of education, "all I hear is 'we need education' when I walk around here. My constituents are starved for more educational opportunities so they can get jobs." The dropout rate in his district is over 70%, hardly an education starved populace.
In Baltimore, the overwhelming majority of leadership is black. The mayor and 60% of the town council are black. 50% of the police force, including the chief I believe, are minority. The government is overwhelmingly Democrat. Yet, somehow this is still perceived to be a race issue in large part and republicans are thought to be racist by the black community. The facts, however, do not support this fallacy.
The fact of the matter is that more government $ will not solve the problems in most black communities. New York school districts spend absolutely outrageous amounts of money per student in districts where 80% or more of students never graduate. Clearly, more money has not helped. If you look at places where it is the worst, large urban areas like Philly, Chicago, etc, these are areas that are overwhelmingly Democrat and where enormous amounts of money have been spent and the situations have only gotten worse.
The only way things are going to get better is by the black community helping themselves. They have to start policing themselves, people have to make a conscious effort and decision to better themselves. To some degree, we have enslaved an entire portion of our population, not only black Americans, by making it too easy barley get by on government assistance alone. We have taken away the desire and necessity for people to NEED to better themselves through education and hard work. We have created a culture where able bodied people expect and believe it is the governments duty to provide for them.
Harlem is a perfect example of what needs to happen. For years, Money was thrown at this area of NY and things only got worse. But, then that community decided they were going to take charge and show everyone what they had to offer. They started having what they called "Harlem Days" to showcase and welcome "outsiders" to the community. Community leaders started encouraging members to help rid the area of criminals instead of protecting them. This was done by the people in the community. After a while, businesses began to believe it was safe and advantageous to invest in the area and things improved from there. I am not saying the government quit spending money there because that simply is not true. The point is that things only improved when the people in the community decided they were going to change things. You can not make things better for people simply by giving them more money. People have to be willing to make things better for themselves.

"White flight" is about to be death of cities like Baltimore. Other ethnicities(not just white) are genuinely scared of blacks more now than I have ever seen in my near 30 years of life. Yes. Scared to be around them. They do not hate them per se. They just don't want to be around them because of the last 5 ish years starting with the Trayvon Martin stuff. It's been one instance after another of rioting and protesting and it is pathetic. Utterly pathetic. There are over 400 million people living in this country. Math says cops will make mistakes. If proven to be in the wrong by our legal system, they will be punished. White/Asian/Indian, teens/adults/elderly are taken down forcefully by police almost daily in this country. Some are killed in the process. No riots and no protesting to this degree take place. 1 common denominator in all of this is I have yet to see ANY case where some innocent person without a record and was not doing anything wrong was gunned down for no reason. Every single one was a felon or criminal or preforming and illegal act. If these are the types of people the blacks want to make martyrs over and destroy their own city so be it. Go ahead and worsen stereotypes that were beginning to dissipate for years and years. Ruin all the progress that has been made. It wasn't were it needed to be but it was improving slowly. Now throw it all in the garbage.........

Everyone will leave and want nothing to do with them. The term "white flight" this time is brought on by their own actions. If something like this happened near me I would be gone ASAP. I can't fix it and neither can anyone else. They need to fix themselves and stop the blame game.

/ of personal opinion I'm prepared to get slammed for.

CUT93 I'll attempt to address a couple of your points because they are in the very least good points of discussion if people really are trying to make progress. Your point about the leadership of the city or government is taken but you didn't prove it wasn't a race issue you proved that the abusers can be of ANY race not just white. Case in point, a black officer can more easily abuse his responsibility as an officer against a young black male than he can a white one. And this happens a lot. He's not immune from being an abuser because he is black, as long as the abused is black he'll receive less questions as to the validity or truth of his account of what happened. The abused is the one that lacks credibility. Also, black people aren't immune from being poor leaders as many of you would agree. There are corrupt black leaders that will also take advantage of the weak just like a white leader may. Corruption is corruption. If the leadership was all, white that wouldn't be enough to prove race was the issue so being mostly black tells us nothing as well. Your Harlem example was great but that speaks as if those attempts aren't being made in many places and they are not supported where they need to be. They were fully supported and that was the reason they were successful. Harlem or the attempt to be Harlem is not unique. I agree with some of your political comments in general as far as failed methods to deal with many of these issues.

bflow, excuse me but you are a sad excuse for a human being and thats that. You are beyond ignorant and I'm not sure that will change. I guarantee many on here that generally agree with you even shook their head at some of your comments. You are a piece of crap as a human being. Discussing white flight in the form you are discussing is very sad and irresponsible. White flight isn't about race as much as it is about economics. Thats unfair for you to place white folks in the box you just did. Even black folks participate in that for economic reasons that are tied to more than just race. And to your dumb a$$ point about white people being more afraid NOW. Just wow. White people are less afraid than ever and that is indicated by the freedom in which black issues are supported by white people. White people will support whats right more now than anytime in the history of this country regardless of race. In the past there was a fear that you would be labeled if you supported a "black cause" but now people feel more free to do what they think is right. Even conservatives will support something that makes sense regardless of race more than ever. Perfect? No. But people more freely express themselves in support of others outside of their race more than ever. They are dating and working with one another more than ever.

Then you go on to mention the one instance after another of rioting and protesting. Again you are a piece of crap. How often does your under developed brain tell you these things are occurring? The riots for sports reasons happen WAY more often than riots because of race. We have 2 recently right? Even the ones in Baltimore weren't representative of the majority of people that live there. You're just not smart enough to realize that. Most black people and their kids were at home. 99% of the black folks in the area were at home and not rioting. Even the peaceful protesters were a small part of the population in Baltimore.

Math says cops make mistakes. No one disagrees with that. When the mistakes are based on fear that is based on race its scary to the black folks in general and not just criminals. Your dumb a$$ comment about none of the mistakes happening to anyone other than criminals and making martyrs of them couldn't be more insensitive and inaccurate. There are plenty of innocent people being victimized. You can't hear about all of them and many result in injury not death and they do not have video to support them so there is no case. This doesn't start because a bunch of criminals are mistreated. It happens because innocent blacks are being treated like the criminals. You have zero perspective making a statement like that.

Police in general are not the problem alone but the environment within a station that says you won't be questioned if you kill a black person as compared to a white. This leaves a dangerous place for the few bad people on the force to operate. It also puts good cops in a horrible position themselves where the culture forces them to adhere to silly codes protecting one another. They are between a rock and a hard place and their lives are on the line in a different way.

Even in the case of your "criminals" behaving badly and being killed as a result. Some of the the times when people are killed, their behavior worse case shouldn't result in DEATH. There are tons of examples of cops facing terrible situations and due to the combination of training and their heart condition, people don't die. They are brought to justice and they die if it was the only choice. Plenty of those situations are occurring daily without protest. What happened to shooting someone in the leg? 8 cops shoot center mass at a person who runs toward them without a weapon? Or maybe the person had a knife? There are literally thousands of cops who are handling these situations daily without incident or protest. We need to revamp our system and way of thinking to save lives. Far too many places have forgotten what an officers job is. Its not to shoot people that are behaving badly.

And getting shot and protesting about it doesn't worsen stereotypes unless you are already insanely stupid. You are most likely smart enough to say that the rioters are the bad guys not all people that look like them. Therefore stereotypes don't get worse. Is that clear enough for you? Again I hope many agree that you are a piece of crap but somehow I think deep down inside you have a similar opinion of yourself and thats why you say the things that you say. I truly appreciate the people on here that can have a discussion without making it worse. There are plenty of legit concerns and questions that people not operating in that world can fairly have. Some like bflow probably delight in making things worse with gross hyperbole and plain stupid comments.
Thanks for reading.