OT:ASG moved out of Atlanta

I replied with a few examples to @Joe Cobb .

It's not a partisan statement. This bill makes it harder to vote in 2022 than it was in 2020. And I don't agree that the security concerns necessitate taking away the multiple innovations that were implemented to make voting easier in 2020.

The gaslighting on both sides is obfuscating the debate.

Voting should be easy and secure. You don't have to chose. This debate is about whether the 2020 election necessitates laws that increase security and lessen accessibility. I say it doesn't. You can have secure AND accessible elections.

Look at Colorado.

I have never found voting whether in South Carolina, Georgia or California to be difficult if you follow the guidelines, whatever they are. Basic understanding is really all it takes. To be honest, people that can't understand the basics of how and where to vote probably shouldn't be voting. Doubt they understand the issues at hand either, unless they have been coached as I have seen in certain Churches in the South.
What are you talking about the law makes it harder for people of color to vote period. Why are you so offended I said the country is still racist guess it struck a nerve didn’t it. Wasn’t meant for anyone personally on the board
You have no idea what it takes and the sacrifice to succeed today. Being a non traditional student at Clemson has really awakened me where the real racism lies. Trust me they’re no laws that singled out one particular ethnic group and extorts in any way. Show me and I’ll change my mind
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Why can’t people just admit the law is racist? I don’t understand

Of course you can’t understand. You want to classify and label and call names to anyone who disagrees with your ever knowing self. You feign outrage and if someone challenges it you call names and label. Above poster is correct you aren’t racist you’re a bigot, Intolerance is the biggest form of ignorance there is. My last post to you. I live in Piedmont not GA
Why can’t people just admit the law is racist? I don’t understand

Can you read me the part of the law that specifically calls out where certain races are to be left out of the voting pool? Can you show me where they singled out a specific race as to why they want to revise certain standards by which one has to vote? I'll hang up and listen.
I have never found voting whether in South Carolina, Georgia or California to be difficult if you follow the guidelines, whatever they are. Basic understanding is really all it takes. To be honest, people that can't understand the basics of how and where to vote probably shouldn't be voting. Doubt they understand the issues at hand either, unless they have been coached as I have seen in certain Churches in the South.

One county is being forced to go 32 drop boxes to 8. It's absolutely undeniable that this makes it harder to vote in that county.
One county is being forced to go 32 drop boxes to 8. It's absolutely undeniable that this makes it harder to vote in that county.

How many people live in that county? How many drop boxes existed before the Pandemic? Do they really need 32 or was that done to combat the Pandemic? The pandemic created a unique set of circumstances.
Ive missed these threads. Been about 3.5 months since we had daily turbulence.
How many people live in that county? How many drop boxes existed before the Pandemic? Do they really need 32 or was that done to combat the Pandemic? The pandemic created a unique set of circumstances.

Making drop boxes easily accessible to voters is not just a response to the pandemic. Every county in every state in the country should be doing this.

It's Fulton county...
Not racist...racially charged. They knew that the law would affect blacks waaaaaay more than anyone else. The party that lost feels as though this will give them a better shot of winning the next election.
Way I look at it if you can't get up,have a photo ID, and if you can't find someone to carry you to vote just tough luck. You can add legal American Citizens, have poll watches close enough by law, and I'm sure I could name several more. EVERYONE should have piece of mind in the integrity of a election.
Here for the @tigerfan700 v @BHPTiger ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN
Dude I’m done with this board after my subscription ends I don’t need it for information and it’s way to damn political on here I come on here to avoid political discussion but it’s everywhere on here and I can’t help but click and read it then comment so I doubt the showdown will take place so anyway @BHPTiger not surprised you live in piedmont so to you and @Florida Tiger i leave you with this and @Florida Tiger you have no idea what I have gone through in my life so you can kiss my ass and as I officially post my last time on this board @BHPTiger @Florida Tiger

It's laughable to suggest this is "unbiased". We can go through and talk about individual provisions of this bill, but it objectively makes voting harder and gives the Republican led legislature direct control over election results.

It was drafted and signed by only Republicans. It's not "unbiased".
Show me the part of this bill that says people who want to vote Democrat can’t vote.
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I’m narrow minded f*ck you that is exactly why the included it in the law. This country is still racist. Didn’t say you were racist but the law is racist.
Please explain how the law is racist. And use facts if you don’t mind.
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Show me the part of this bill that says people who want to vote Democrat can’t vote.

Don't waste ur time with these clowns. The same 3 or 4 dudes sit on here all day trying to defend communism. They will likely always struggle in life and always play the victim card because they are told what issues to get upset about or excited about. They can't think logically for themselves. Without those people in the world it would be a lot harder for us to make good money.
One county is being forced to go 32 drop boxes to 8. It's absolutely undeniable that this makes it harder to vote in that county.
Harder if that was your intention to use the drop boxes. Tens of thousands of people vote without using drop boxes in GA. Just be like one of them. And by the way, the election is not next week, it’s 20 months from now. That gives folks a little time to decide how they might want to vote. I checked again, and didn’t see anywhere in the law where it says that people who want to vote Democrat have to stay home.
Show me the part of this bill that says people who want to vote Democrat can’t vote.

This response is hyperbolic idiocy.

The bill was drafted and signed into law by only Republicans. By definition, that makes the bill biased towards their point of view. Namely that poor security or fraud justifies pulling back on the innovations and changes made to facilitate easier access to the ballot box in 2020.
Harder if that was your intention to use the drop boxes. Tens of thousands of people vote without using drop boxes in GA. Just be like one of them. And by the way, the election is not next week, it’s 20 months from now. That gives folks a little time to decide how they might want to vote. I checked again, and didn’t see anywhere in the law where it says that people who want to vote Democrat have to stay home.

Yes. By removing 24 drop boxes in a particularly populus county (filled with democrats I might add) you've objectively made it harder for people to vote (Republicans and democrats). Glad we agree.
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Yes. By removing 24 drop boxes in a particularly populus county (filled with democrats I might add) you've objectively made it harder for people to vote (Republicans and democrats). Glad we agree.
Does that county not have voting stations?

Weird. That's what I've always used.
Dude I’m done with this board after my subscription ends I don’t need it for information and it’s way to damn political on here I come on here to avoid political discussion but it’s everywhere on here and I can’t help but click and read it then comment so I doubt the showdown will take place so anyway @BHPTiger not surprised you live in piedmont so to you and @Florida Tiger i leave you with this and @Florida Tiger you have no idea what I have gone through in my life so you can kiss my ass and as I officially post my last time on this board @BHPTiger @Florida Tiger

Lmao. You complain that this place is too political but you’re out here getting in e-fights with people who don’t agree with you—in a political thread? And you can’t help clicking and commenting on political threads? Are you 7? Learn some self control—it’s not that hard. You sound like a petulant child. Oh, one last thing—grammar is your friend. You should consider using some punctuation once in awhile.
This response is hyperbolic idiocy.

The bill was drafted and signed into law by only Republicans. By definition, that makes the bill biased towards their point of view. Namely that poor security or fraud justifies pulling back on the innovations and changes made to facilitate easier access to the ballot box in 2020.

And yet many of the same changes were urged by Abrams and Fair Fight after her loss in 2018.

But with the Democratic victories in 2020, now it doesn’t need improvement.

This is such a silly argument you are making.

I hate partisan viewpoints. It shows the inability to find common ground.
Some food for thought on the broader issues present in how we are doing things these days. This is from a piece today by Matt Taibbi. He is a well known journalist who has his own business through Substack as well as being a writer for Rolling Stone magazine. He is no friend to conservatives for sure but he's a very important voice in America I believe. The piece is about the vanishing of liberalism in our country and what a devastating thing that is.

He says:

It feels like an odd way to open a film about one of the more controversial figures of 20th century America. However, it makes sense as we realize we may soon also miss Glasser’s brand of liberalism in the same way. Glasser is best known for his leadership of the ACLU after the organization’s much-pilloried decision to represent neo-Nazis who wanted to march in a suburb of Chicago called Skokie, Illinois. The shorthand outlines of that episode are known on Twitter, but the deeply thought-out reasons for the ACLU’s actions back then belong to a pre-Internet era.

The film was produced and co-directed by Nico Perrino, Vice-President of Communications for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a modern speech rights advocacy group. Perrino is 31. He met Glasser at the funeral of former Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff, and didn’t know who he was. Once he got to know the former ACLU icon, he realized that his story was “completely lost on my generation,” but also increasingly relevant, for reasons that become clear minutes into the film.

The 1978 case was horrifying on its face. Skokie was home to thousands of Jews, including many survivors of the Holocaust, to whom the mere idea of Nazis walking past their door evoked not only the terrors of the camps, but the shame and regret of inaction as Hitler’s party ascended in Germany. That was a time when many Jews elected to just pull the shades down as Nazis marched past, in the hopes that they would eventually go away.

What monster could agitate, in the courts, to bring about a repeat of such a scene? If ever there was a moment when speech could be “harm,” rubbing salt in the wounds of camp survivors, who’d spent decades convincing themselves that this leafy suburb in the American midwest was a safe haven, had to qualify.

Mighty Ira traces the reasoning of people like Glasser and ACLU attorneys like David Goldberger, as they connect their decision to defend Nazi leader Frank Collin in Skokie to their years of advocacy in the sixties for black civil rights workers in the South. You couldn’t have one without the other, they argue. “If you give the government the power to stop the right-wing marching in the street,” Glasser says, “they will acquire the power to decide who they think is dangerous enough to stop.”

Glasser doesn’t hide behind technicalities, either, noting that the myriad tricks localities in and around Chicago used to make the speech debate appear to have moved into the private arena, amounted to the same First Amendment obstruction. Requiring that marchers post a $350,000 liability insurance bond, when no private insurer would grant it, was equally a violation. “Those insurance bond requirements had been a classic mechanism by which white Southern towns used to ban civil rights demonstrations,” Glasser said.

Ultimately, the ACLU argued that Skokie was a Tower-of-Babel moment for American law. If you grant the village of Skokie the right to ban hate speech, or require insurance bonds, or prevent anyone in a military uniform from marching, the constitutional edifice comes down and every town in the country will soon be making its own rules. Next thing you know, Forsyth County, Georgia, might be banning Hosea Williams from marching on Martin Luther King Day. “Do you want every little town to decide which speech is permitted?” Glasser asked.

Glasser won the argument then, narrowly, overcoming significant opposition within his own organization. Once he won in court, the Nazi leader Collin decided not to march in Skokie, and was eventually humiliated first by a giant counter-demonstration in Chicago, then by a child molestation charge that landed him in prison.

Mighty Ira goes shows scenes from Charlottesville and the death of Heather Heyer, which serves as the obvious bookend tale to Skokie. The two narratives are eerily similar. The locals awaiting the arrival of white nationalists in 2017 make exactly the same declarations the Skokie residents made, about how “we’re not going to have it here.”

That Charlottesville ended in bloodshed while Skokie did not is blamed on bad policing, the one moment in the movie where Glasser seems to be copping out. The reality is that Skokie could have and probably would have ended in much the same way, had Collin chosen to march. The more honest answer to the question of why Glasser chose the path he did isn’t so much that it’s the safest or most effective in preventing violence (although in the long run, I think that’s true also), but that democracy is messy, and all the other options are worse.

We hear Heather Heyer’s mother make this exact argument, saying, when asked if those white nationalists should have the right to speak again, “I do, and that’s not a popular opinion.” She adds, “I think once we take away the right to free speech, we may never get it back. My big concern is… who makes the decision, what speech is allowable and what is not?”

Definitely worth thinking about.
It targets urban areas, cuts down on voting opportunities, and gives more power to the legislature rather than the elected Secretary of State. Not sure why you think that is a good thing unless you believe that the election was "stolen".

Also remember that the previous system was put into place by Republicans. No talk of changing it until they lost. Coincidence?

Says the party asking hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to cross the border, grant them citizenship and get their vote. Right?
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Also people of color have to wait 4 or 5 times longer in line to vote which is why no food or drink in line and this law makes it more accessible to vote in polling places in smaller counties but nothing to address the areas where most of the people of color live. Sad how racist this country still is.

Is this a joke?
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Yes. By removing 24 drop boxes in a particularly populus county (filled with democrats I might add) you've objectively made it harder for people to vote (Republicans and democrats). Glad we agree.
That’s such a specious argument. Most people return their ballots via USPS...Unless using a stamp is suddenly too difficult for minorities and dem voters. Drop boxes were ADDED in 2020 and caused security and capacity issues.

This Bill standardized where early voting could be. Fulton didn’t need 40 early polling places. Here is the list of early voting locations in Fulton. You’ll notice a disproportionate number of locations in the democratic strongholds and very few in North and South Fulton. That’s how you manipulate the outcome of elections.

Counties like DeKalb and Clayton are abject failures and corrupt. They needed to be regulated. But what folks miss that have never actually looked at Georgia is that about 50% of minority populations are outside Atl and in the black belt that runs from Augusta, to Macon, Savannah to Albany. Those counties are actually expanding their voting opportunities because of this law.
This situation got "out of hand" when the Republicans stated that it was a crime to eat or drink water while in line to vote. Conversations and reading anything in the bill "just went out of the window "after that and rightfully so.

I corrected you in a separate thread on this very topic and you are willfully choosing to lie and propagate misinformation again.

It is 100% legal to eat and drink in line.

The bill provides for self-service water stations for voters in line.

After being educated, you are still posting wildly inaccurate information. Why?
That’s such a specious argument. Most people return their ballots via USPS...Unless using a stamp is suddenly too difficult for minorities and dem voters. Drop boxes were ADDED in 2020 and caused security and capacity issues.

This Bill standardized where early voting could be. Fulton didn’t need 40 early polling places. Here is the list of early voting locations in Fulton. You’ll notice a disproportionate number of locations in the democratic strongholds and very few in North and South Fulton. That’s how you manipulate the outcome of elections.

Counties like DeKalb and Clayton are abject failures and corrupt. They needed to be regulated. But what folks miss that have never actually looked at Georgia is that about 50% of minority populations are outside Atl and in the black belt that runs from Augusta, to Macon, Savannah to Albany. Those counties are actually expanding their voting opportunities because of this law.

Amen. Thank you for taking the time to write this.
I corrected you in a separate thread on this very topic and you are willfully choosing to lie and propagate misinformation again.

It is 100% legal to eat and drink in line.

The bill provides for self-service water stations for voters in line.

After being educated, you are still posting wildly inaccurate information. Why?

You can see it throughout this thread. The truth doesn't work so instead, let's go with lies! Why change when they always get what they want from them? Until people start standing up and saying STFU to these lies, we're going to see this continue.
You can see it throughout this thread. The truth doesn't work so instead, let's go with lies! Why change when they always get what they want from them? Until people start standing up and saying STFU to these lies, we're going to see this continue.

I mean I literally C&P’d the exact language in the bill to that guy. It clearly doesn’t restrict eating and drinking in line. It specifically allows for self-service water stations.

The fact that he repeated the same thing either shows a horrendous ability to process straightforward information or an equally horrendous desire to spread blatant disinformation. Either are just embarrassing to have associated with a Clemson degree holder. Ugh.
Lmao. You complain that this place is too political but you’re out here getting in e-fights with people who don’t agree with you—in a political thread? And you can’t help clicking and commenting on political threads? Are you 7? Learn some self control—it’s not that hard. You sound like a petulant child. Oh, one last thing—grammar is your friend. You should consider using some punctuation once in awhile.
I don’t give a shit what you think I can’t delete my account to Monday so thank you for the compliments appreciate it.
This response is hyperbolic idiocy.

The bill was drafted and signed into law by only Republicans. By definition, that makes the bill biased towards their point of view. Namely that poor security or fraud justifies pulling back on the innovations and changes made to facilitate easier access defrauding the ballot box in 2020.
Is this a joke?
Yeah it’s truly sad how hard people of color have to work to vote in this country. I’m glad you think it’s a joke. Now thanks to this law it will be more difficult and yes that’s why the no food and water being able to be given to people was put in the bill. Early voting is expanded in a lot of small counties, but not in more populous ones. So why do that because more people of color live in populous counties and more poorly educated white people the Republican base live in smaller counties. Really easy to understand their objectives here. Make it easier for white people to vote and harder for people of color to vote. Damn I will be glad when I’m no longer associated with this message board.
No, they don't. It's really very frustrating.

The truth has my deepest sympathies

Where do I send a donation

OK I get it send all of my money to the liberal Washington elites who use ignorance of the many to control them

if I could have one birthday wish on blowing out my candles on my birthday cake this year it will be that all people develop open educated minds in the same form as Solomon
I’m narrow minded f*ck you that is exactly why the included it in the law. This country is still racist. Didn’t say you were racist but the law is racist.

Find yourself a good mirror

Stare into it until you figure it out

At the moment you are enlightened

You will truly understand this message
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A lot of the rhetoric from the left around this bill is overly dramatic, but LOL at anybody that actually thinks the Republicans rushed this bill through to “prevent fraud” and have “free and safe elections”. The bill has some legit common sense reform and also places additional restrictions on people who take advantage of early and absentee voting the most (democrats). Let’s just call a spade a spade.
A lot of the rhetoric from the left around this bill is overly dramatic, but LOL at anybody that actually thinks the Republicans rushed this bill through to “prevent fraud” and have “free and safe elections”. The bill has some legit common sense reform and also places additional restrictions on people who take advantage of early and absentee voting the most (democrats). Let’s just call a spade a spade.

Fair post. It's all completely reasonable and logical while also being somewhat self-serving for Republicans.
A lot of the rhetoric from the left around this bill is overly dramatic, but LOL at anybody that actually thinks the Republicans rushed this bill through to “prevent fraud” and have “free and safe elections”. The bill has some legit common sense reform and also places additional restrictions on people who take advantage of early and absentee voting the most (democrats). Let’s just call a spade a spade.
It’s like the war on drugs.

A lot of black people in so cal do can we make some money and lock up some blackpeople?

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