You are ignorant. Please change your name to "Needing Education." If you actually attempted to get an deserve a complete refund. I feel bad enough for you that I am willing to help lobby for your refund. Wow!
The fun thing about the Internet, perhaps the most fun thing, is that it will, if you allow it to, challenge you and your bubble, and remind you that even though your backward ass belief system is totally normal in whatever shithole backwater you never made it out of, there are people--successful people, even--who see right through your bullshit for what it actually is.
I know that South Carolina and many of its contemporary states had to be dragged into the future by the federal government with congress's passing of the Civil Rights Act, and with SCOTUS's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (and other such rulings). We tend to fall into this deficit of thinking that the good people of South Carolina decided shortly after Martin Luther King's death that, gosh golly, that boy was right about all them things.
No such thing happened. The federal government stepped in and said, "**** you, states that have laws that treat black people like sub-citizen animals. Here's a little sweeping legislation that you'll have to follow." And South Carolina, like Mississippi, Alabama, and other states around it, went crying and kicking and screaming. There was no moral renaissance here that led to harmonious racial policy. There was the federal government's recognition that matters of constitutional importance (like equal protection) couldn't be left to the states, with their racist leaders representing largely racist constituents.
South Carolina and her contemporaries responded just as you might have suspected. By starting schools with the name Robert E. Lee Academy and John C. Calhoun Academy (among MANY others) so they could get their kids away from black folks for very cheap, and so they, themselves wouldn't have to sit and cheer alongside black folks at football games their kids would have never been able to participate in had those kids stayed in their local, integrated schools. They great legacy of South Carolina in the Civil Rights Act era is that even after the federal government made it play nice, the people responded by spending thousands of dollars to give their kid a shitty education in an all-white environment. And in most parts of the state, not much has changed on that front.
My point in all of this is to say, in essence, res ipsa loquitor. The thing speaks for itself. South Carolina of five decades ago was a haven for racism and I see no evidence that anything big happened to change the attitudes of the people who did all of those things way back when. The fantastical claims that their children just evolved beyond it after being raised by the very racists who opposed civil rights is too big a lie to swallow, and it's, of course, betrayed by the current state of our criminal justice system, which is evidence enough that South Carolina of today and South Carolina of 1963 are, if not twins, close cousins.
This is all to say that when a candidate comes into the state with big, brazen talk about building a wall, posting to his Twitter incorrect memes about black people and crime from white supremacist websites, and encourages brutality against Muslim-looking citizens who are doing absolutely nothing wrong, I have NO problem understanding why that person attracts a strong following.
The federal government silenced South Carolinians a few decades ago. Said, "Your brand of racism and discrimination is no longer acceptable" and pushed nasty conversations about Mexicans to the safe recesses of Thanksgiving dinner tables. Now, a candidate gets in front of a microphone and says those things that many South Carolinians have been wanting so badly to say out loud. I get his support completely, in the context of why people
actually like him.
And, of course, these are sweeping generalities that don't apply to every person in the state, and probably not even the vast majority. But they apply to many, a majority of people who will pull the lever for the Donald.