I would love to know how you know what his policies are. Limited government? He want to create lists of muslims and people who suffer from mental health issues. he also wants to create a GIGANTIC police force to throw people out of this country. is that limiting government?
Fiscal responsibility? How does his past use of bankruptcy procedures lead you to believe he will be fiscally conservative?
The man isnt a conservative. He's advocated for placing GIGANTIC tariffs on chinese goods. Thats protectionist idiocy, and usually advanced by liberals who want to appeal to unions.
His tax reform plan includes, LITERALLY giving 75% of american households a form to send to the IRS that says, and i quote from his website "I win" because they wont be required to pay income taxes.
and to pay for his wall, he is LITERALLY going to steal money from people. has no idea what he is saying when it comes to foreign policy, and is CERTAIN to embarrass us internationally, as well as add to the quagmire that is the middle east. Britain is actually debating refusing his entry into their country. Scottland pulled titles they have given to him. He has already made an enemy of the entire middle east? Its a near certainty a donald trump election plays into ISIS' plans.
his website has only 5 policy sections.
Hillarys has 27. Bernie has 22. Jeb has 20. Rubio has 35. Even Ted Cruz has 10. Kasich has 10.
Those are conservative values?
In my opinion, you're right. This is why I don't understand what the hell people are doing supporting him. No, he is not a conservative. But then, most of the candidates running are not conservatives in the sense that I am looking for. Everyone should pay taxes. Every single American that works should pay at least something. What we're doing exempting people from taxation will destroy the country. Unless we can decide that if you don't pay taxes, you can't vote. I could support that too but then I want everyone to pay taxes so everyone would vote.