OT religious issue

Seriously though, is this like a thing in the area? Or are my parents on their own program and crazy talking? Anyone heard of this stuff?
I‘m not familiar with the whole part about trying to stop the seed of Christ or the 3 year old prophet who went to heaven, but the whole angels mating with women thing sounds a lot like theyre talking about nephilim, which are briefly and kind of ambiguously written about in the Old Testament. Some people think that angels mated with females and their offspring were these giants called nephilim who were great warriors. Some people think that Goliath was one of these nephilim. I’m by no means a scholar on this subject, but someone I knew in college was unhealthily obsessed with this topic and so I’ve heard a decent amount about it. I wouldn’t ever base any part of my core theology around nephilim bc it’s really just kind of vague. Here’s a brief synopsis on where it comes from in the OT:

As far as the whole situation, I’m sorry it’s causing stress in the family. I would definitely suggest sitting down in person (or via Zoom or phone) and talking with your parents and discussing your concerns.

Also, as a Christian, I’d strongly encourage you to not let this push you away from the faith. I think we’ve all seen people or churches that adopt strange theology or frankly just false doctrine that is bizarre. In spite of that, that doesn’t diminish my love for Jesus or waver my belief in him. As other posters have mentioned, being involved in a Christ-centered, theologically sound church is such a great, life giving thing.

If you’re not sure what you believe or don’t know where to start in regard to finding a church, I’d recommend looking for a church that is running an alpha course in your area. They’re free, they’ll feed you, and it’ll provide a safe, non-judgmental place to ask any questions you have about the faith. My wife and I went through it and loved it.

I don't think this really has anything at all to do with the Southern Baptist Convention of churches. It almost sounds like they've joined a cult. I suggest asking your pastor what he recommends when people are falling into heretical cults, or having their pastor or a pastor they respect talk to them. They can probably cite specific scripture and doctrine that your parents might pay attention to.

It also sounds like your sister and brother could help, with their backgrounds. They're probably even more concerned about your parents than you, since they're in ministry.

*I looked up the pastor of the church you said your parents go to, and he's got a PhD from Southern Baptist seminary and teaches at Anderson College. He seems like somebody who would really know his stuff, and who your parents might listen to. Maybe try emailing him.
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Your kids are young and I understand the angst. Just know that they spend 99% of their time with you. Truth is that grandparents are more like mascots. They don't demand much discipline from their grandchildren and don't get much respect in return.
Well, I mean you make a good point... but believing in Jesus is a lot easier than believing in some random kid from Wisconsin or wherever he was from. I know God works in mysterious ways. But come on. A 3 year old? I can’t just believe everything and then expect my kids to do that to right? I’m not really looking for a religious conversation, just how do I approach this with a very religious family? I was hoping maybe someone on here had gone through that?

You approach them honestly. Tell them how you feel about what they are teaching and telling. If what they are teaching or telling the kids doesn't align with your beliefs then it is your job to ensure that they follow the guidelines and boundaries that you set. They're your children, not theirs. Ask them how they would have felt had this been their kids and their parents. Your parents have waited a long time for you to be your OWN man, now is that time.
Please don’t paint all Southern Baptists with the same brush. I’ve been in that denomination for a long time and I can’t imagine anyone saying a 3 year old went to heaven and became a prophet.
After 30 years I left the Lutheran Church because they started conforming to social norms rather than teaching what God, Jesus, and the actual text of the Bible says. Many of the directives and motives coming straight from the Bishop on downward. My parents also left after 64 years.

Wife and I are now Baptists. If you asked me if I would have ever be a Baptist or leave the Lutheran Church 10+ years ago I would have laughed at you.

I am thankful that the Church we now attend regularly tells us to be weary of someone's interpretation or perversions of the Bible to make it fit a certain agenda or lifestyle they have chosen. That's not how it works. You are supposed to conform to God and the Bible without twisting its words. Our Church isn't some radical legalistic place of worship. They simply preach the word of God as the text is written and it doesn't make excuses for when it doesn't fit today's culture.

I have never heard that nonsense before. If they really are teaching that and even believe it themselves you absolutely need to intervene.
You really have 2 choices..

1. Stop letting the kids visit your parents. Your parents aren't changing their views for you.

2. Sit down and explain to the kids about what you and your wife's views are after each trip to the grandparents. Again kids are resilient and smart. Also explain to the kids that they don't need to say anything to the grandparents about your beliefs.
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My friend, I will spend hours online or on the phone with you.
Supply Biblical verifications and do whatever is necessary to help you.

Too many people in this world want a one word answer to questions that are beyond the scope of humans to understand.
It's not that easy. There are NO one word answers.

PM me if you like.
You're in a difficult position.
A CRITICAL position for your children AND your marriage.

What you are dealing with is evil.

Ignore it at you and your family's risk.
At risk? At risk of what?
Interesting string of posts. Some have touched on it, but I think it is a great opportunity to explain to your kids that the world is filled with different opinions and it is up to them to listen to all sides as they develop their opinions thru life. Then explain your positions and why you came to them.
Those that suggest you should cut the kids off from the grandparents or tell the grandparent to knock it off are missing the point that your kids WILL go out into the world on their own one day. If you try to program them to your way of thinking without teaching them that different opinions are ok then they will have a harder transition to their adult life.

I WANT my kids to come to the same conclusions I have but I will not force anything on them by trying to keep them away from other opinions. All I can do is raise them the best I can, release them to the world, and provide advice/guidance when requested.
I would only suggest that you tell your parents that unless it is written in the Bible that you would appreciate them not sharing other theories with your children.
This is the only answer regardless of what they are telling anyone and how long they have been in whatever church or not. The Bible is the final authority for faith and practice. Period. Tell them that and there’s no way they can get offended if they’re true believers; sister or brother in law either.
That’s basically what my wife said. Its hard though. Went to church 3 times a week for 18 years. Sister is a missionary. Brother in law is a preacher. Difficult conversation. Seriously should I just rip the bandaid?
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Some of that seems to be what is mentioned in Genesis about the Nephilim:

The Nephilim are mentioned just before the Flood account in Genesis 6:4, which states: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.

The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים‎) are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explanations interpret them as fallen angels. The main reference to them is in Genesis, but the passage is ambiguous and the identity of the Nephilim is disputed.

According to Numbers 13:33, they later inhabited Canaan at the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan.

A similar or identical biblical Hebrew term, read as "Nephilim" by some scholars, or as the word "fallen" by others, appears in Ezekiel 32:27.

I used to get a kick out of watching the History Channel's show, Ancient Aliens. They would interpret these Nephilim as being proof that aliens had visited (and were living) on the earth in those days, and having relations with humans, producing half human/alien children. I think we have a few of those here on TI (ha!!!)?

As mentioned, they were interred as being powerful or prominent people who were living in those days. It may not mean anything but that. it may not mean angels were having relations with humans and producing children (half human/angel). But this certainly seems to be at least part of what your parents believe?
You have to tell the grandparents to knock it off. As many have said, they are your kids. If my parents started telling my daughter about something contrary to my guidance specifically on religion, then I would put the hammer down. Grandparents are in a position of authority and whether you believe it or not, they are sowing some seeds with this cult belief.

I don't know what your future plans as far as religion is for you and your family and children, but that is your decision. I am praying for you to gain the right words and path for you and your family.

If the grandparents used to be Christians and still profess to be, then they need to be called on the carpet for this new belief. The Bible is clear - you dont mess with the word of God. And this preacher is a false prophet.

It is a big deal about the teachings to your children, but possibly even a bigger deal is that there is a false prophet leading this church. Make sure your parents are not giving all their money to this church and havent made any other huge life changes. You should be concerned for them.

Revelation 22:18-19

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Proverbs 30:5-6

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

Deuteronomy 4:2

You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.

Deuteronomy 12:32

“Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it.

Revelation 22:18

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,

Matthew 24:24

For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
I honestly don’t know what the preacher is teaching. Don’t want to bad mouth him. My parents could have gotten all of this from books or from tv. I’m getting from all of your comments that this isn’t a normal belief. So it looks like they have gone on a path of their own somehow.
Seriously though, is this like a thing in the area? Or are my parents on their own program and crazy talking? Anyone heard of this stuff?
What your parents are telling your kids needs to stop. Period. End of conversation. If you value your marriage, tell your folks to cease and desist immediately. That what they're telling them doesn't come from the Bible and visits will stop until they do. Period. As has already been said....grow a pair. Your parents should know better.

Serious question....have you been to church with your folks since this started to hear it for yourself?
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I would only suggest that you tell your parents that unless it is written in the Bible that you would appreciate them not sharing other theories with your children.
This. Tell your Parents to knock it off.

You may want to pull your Parents to the side and discuss with them about changing to a different Church.

Actually, I live in Anderson now - which Church is it? Preaching "Angels mating with Human Women" is pretty messed up.
I’ll take religion out of it a bit for this bit of advice. Set boundaries. There is a great book all about boundaries. But when anyone is selling you crazy or even more when someone is selling your kids crazy, you need strong boundaries. With your parents you will need to give an explanation as to why, but don’t mix words and try to love them as you share.

mom/dad, we are concerned by some of the conversations you have had with the children. We love you and we also are the kids parents. This isn’t ok.

then y’all maybe don’t let the kids be with them unattended if no positive response.

loving crazy is hard. Been doing it for years!
What your parents are telling your kids needs to stop. Period. End of conversation. If you value your marriage, tell your folks to cease and desist immediately. That what they're telling them doesn't come from the Bible and visits will stop until they do. Period. As has already been said....grow a pair. Your parents should know better.

Serious question....have you been to church with your folks since this started to hear it for yourself?
No, they just told me these things. I have no idea if the church is preaching it. I haven’t heard it from other family members who attend the church, which leads me to believe they got it from a book or online preacher.
So, grew up in Anderson did all the standard southern Baptist stuff till I was 18 then left for the military. I believe a large part of it. (Wife grew up in the northeast not religious but complied.) now we have kids that visit SC every year to see my mom and dad. My parents started talking about angels mating with human women and this whole conspiracy to stop the seed of Christ a few years ago. I mostly ignored it. These last few years they have talked about this 3 year old that claims he went to heaven and how he is basically a prophet of the lord. I’m like “A 3 year old?” Really? God chose a 3 year old to bring us the message? Big issue is they are telling my children this is true and I’m not sure I’m ok with that. Wife hates it.
If you believe in this I don’t want to hear your opinion...
I only want to hear from other guys who have had similar issues with families in the local southern Baptist community that moved away and had to cope with evolving beliefs. How do you handle these issues with your families?
Well. I'm Southern Baptist and know hundreds more. In don't know anyone who believes what you're saying.
I would only suggest that you tell your parents that unless it is written in the Bible that you would appreciate them not sharing other theories with your children.
This is the best answer and the root problem that I've seen for most of my life. There are tons of things that people talk about and believe as church traditions that are simply not biblically supported.

The best thing for you to do would be to actually read the entire Bible through yourself if you never have. Get one of those "one year Bible's" or a Bible reading plan that will cover it in a year (these typically have some old, new, Psalms and Proverbs each day). Once you've done that, you'll be able to talk to your parents on much firmer footing.

I've had to have critical discussions during Sunday Schools and even Men's Bible Studies that were incredibly uncomfortable, but ultimately when people are claiming things that aren't supported in the Bible itself (especially in an educational context) it has to be addressed. Teachers are judged more harshly for a reason.
No, they just told me these things. I have no idea if the church is preaching it. I haven’t heard it from other family members who attend the church, which leads me to believe they got it from a book or online preacher.
Why don’t you just ask them where this came from. It’ll allow you to see if maybe they’re going crazy, are starting to follow a cult leader, or are getting it from their pastor. Those are important things to know.
And ignore @dbjork6317
He’s a good dude but not who you want religion advice from. He likes to poke fun at us believers because we are so “simple-minded”

Because it takes a complex mind to reject the concept of religion and it's effect on society. Right? I don't think so.

In all seriousness, if religion is a fraud (which I don't subscribe to) it would have to be the biggest and best con every concocted. To be honest, I just don't think humans are smart enough to carry on a con job for 2200 years. Hell, today's idiots can't keep a secret past walking out the door.
Because it takes a complex mind to reject the concept of religion and it's effect on society. Right? I don't think so.

In all seriousness, if religion is a fraud (which I don't subscribe to) it would have to be the biggest and best con every concocted. To be honest, I just don't think humans are smart enough to carry on a con job for 2200 years. Hell, today's idiots can't keep a secret past walking out the door.

Oh, and if we (the religious believers) are wrong, nothing happens. We just wither away as dust. But If they (the unbelievers) are wrong, man hell is going to be an eternal bon fire. Is that really a risk worth taking?
Southern Baptists have some views I don't agree with. That being said, your parents church is not southern Baptist. If they are teaching this, I'm sure the association would separate itself from this church.

Difficult conversation to have with your parents but one that has to happen.
And ignore @dbjork6317
He’s a good dude but not who you want religion advice from. He likes to poke fun at us believers because we are so “simple-minded”
I’ve never, at any point, called people simple minded for being religious. That’s your own insecurity.
Oh, and if we (the religious believers) are wrong, nothing happens. We just wither away as dust.
What it means is you just spent your entire life, the only one you’ve got, dedicated to a falsehood. You made important decisions in your life based on this falsehood, you built your personality around it, you created behaviors and habits in your life around it. You let your entire life be dominated by something that wasn’t real and you’ve passed on this false lifestyle to other people, who will also spend their lives dedicated to something that’s not real.
What it means is you just spent your entire life, the only one you’ve got, dedicated to a falsehood. You made important decisions in your life based on this falsehood, you built your personality around it, you created behaviors and habits in your life around it. You let your entire life be dominated by something that wasn’t real and you’ve passed on this false lifestyle to other people, who will also spend their lives dedicated to something that’s not real.

Yet my life is just fine and exactly how I want it to be. If I am wrong, so be it, it won't matter. In the end I will still have lived a fulfilled life knowing that I did the best that I could to better the world around me through Christ. These are the choices that we all have to make. I, as I am sure you are, am secure in the choices that I have made in how I want to live my life.

My advice would be to focus on discussions with your children. Whether it's your parents, their friends in school, some random youtuber or anyone else.. they need your help in developing the skills to start making decisions themselves.

Yes you want to protect them, but you can't forever. Arm them with the skills to navigate these situations.

From a religious perspective, I would suggest you and your wife getting on the same page (or close to it) from a faith standpoint and what you want taught to your kids.

Prepare your kids before the go to grandparents house, believe me they can tune adults out better than we ever realize.

As someone else said, I doubt you are going to be able to change your parents' beliefs but you can still love them.
So, grew up in Anderson did all the standard southern Baptist stuff till I was 18 then left for the military. I believe a large part of it. (Wife grew up in the northeast not religious but complied.) now we have kids that visit SC every year to see my mom and dad. My parents started talking about angels mating with human women and this whole conspiracy to stop the seed of Christ a few years ago. I mostly ignored it. These last few years they have talked about this 3 year old that claims he went to heaven and how he is basically a prophet of the lord. I’m like “A 3 year old?” Really? God chose a 3 year old to bring us the message? Big issue is they are telling my children this is true and I’m not sure I’m ok with that. Wife hates it.
If you believe in this I don’t want to hear your opinion...
I only want to hear from other guys who have had similar issues with families in the local southern Baptist community that moved away and had to cope with evolving beliefs. How do you handle these issues with your families?

You have three options as I can see it:

1. Be honest and tell them to knock it off, but make sure they know it is coming from you and not your wife. The last thing you want is them perceiving that it is only your wife that has the issue.

2. Send the 3 year old prophet $100 and ask him to do it for you.

3. DM @areeves and get his thoughts. Honestly, we shouldn't be having a religious discussion without him.