Show me a post where I said women should be subservient to men.
i'm not gonna go digging through your post history. i think it's pretty obvious where you come down on a lot of this stuff--and usually it's not in favor of women.
Show me a post where I said women should be subservient to men.
I discount most of this stuff. We promote sex everywhere in our society and then act surprised and expect it not to be in the workplace. These same women use it to advance but complain about it later. Women dress like sluts and put it out there but men are not supposed to notice? Women use their sexuality to get what they want all the time. Just more of the land of everybody gets offended by everything. I am not talking about rape and violent acts. But if someone verbally says something inappropriate in your mind, get the heck over it. These women that have said nothing for years are enablers. And yes I have daughters. I teach them that all men are pigs and to slap shiate out of any man that does something out of line.
i'm not gonna go digging through your post history. i think it's pretty obvious where you come down on a lot of this stuff--and usually it's not in favor of women.
I think OP groped me once while she was operating on my brain. Billed for it but insurance denied.
Yikes. TigaP: those sluts we're asking for it.
I'm a woman and I agree with everything you said.
Didn't mean to imply that it was limited to Hollywood just that that majority of the reports seem related to the entertainment industry. I agree with you that it still exist. While meeting alone can be ok it sets both parties up for accusations. I also don't think these allegations are made up. Sorry if the way I wrote my reply came across like that. As I said I have 2 daughters and I would like to think that they don't have to go to work and be concerned about a boss's or coworkers' behavior on a daily basis. I think males in general can't understand why that's a problem.The notion that the problem mostly lies in Hollywood or the past is just wrong.
Or that you can't meet with a woman alone anymore. If that's your takeaway, you are doing it wrong. People aren't making this shit up. It's pervasive.
Don't sexually harass people. That's the takeaway.
"Showing it all off" doesn't justify inappropriate behavior. But I'm not surprised that you think it does.Think he was implying women who show it all off and then cry foul if a man does some inappropriate flirting.
I didn't hear anything about Reiner and couldn't find anything in a search. Cliff's
This post you are cosigning posits that it's ok to sexually harass women because they dress like sluts. That's pretty anti-woman amy.
Spot on.It is one issue if it is two adults in a non-authority situations. It is easy to write off those type of allegations as misreading the situation especially if the encounter was relatively innocuous. It is also hard to get worked up about verbal allegations unless it was repetitive and becomes harassing.
It is another thing if one party has power and/or authority, prays on young people and/or the behavior is repetitive with multiply allegations against the same person. Obviously that individual needs to be dealt with appropriately.
Almost all of what is coming out today falls into that second bucket and their is no place for that is society. It is a snowball in two ways. One people speaking up makes it easier for others to speak up. People speaking up against a one person has always lead to more people speaking up against said person.
Victim blaming is also the worst. They were asking to get sexually assaulted. Get out with that garbage Sharia Law type non-sense.
Think he was implying women who show it all off and then cry foul if a man does some inappropriate flirting.
You can't figure out what that means? That seems like an easy one. Ask pretty much any woman...
Just because I'm not in allegiance with the Madonnas and Ashley Judds of the world, I'm not in favor of women? That's laughable.
Is that emoji trying to stick its tongue down Scott in cicncy’s Emoji’s throat. Because that’s awesomely appropriate for that arc of this conversation. And completely inappropriate in the workplace or on this message board. Scott’s emoji should call a press conference and lay allegations against Amy’s emoji.Yeah.... That's exactly what I thought.
One thing I'd be interested in is if Harvey Weinstein looked like Brad Pitt would we be hearing much about it?
"That's an interesting dress" - appropriate
So let me see if I have this straight.... a woman who dresses like this should not expect a man to make any comments about the way she's dressed? I'm certainly NOT suggesting that a woman dressed like this gives a man any right to touch or assault her. Absolutely not! But this chick should be expecting a lot of inappropriate comments. Because she's going to get them. Men are very "visual" creatures.
"That's an interesting dress" - appropriate
"That's an interesting vagina" - inappropriate
A little black dress does not mean yes. But it does mean “look at me. I’m attractive and confident.” And that’s a buy signal to some people. Certainly gives no one the right to be inappropriate, but also does not give women the right to be shocked by the attention it brings. I tell my daughters that a little modesty goes a long way in avoiding unwanted attention. They think I’m a fossil with no clue.This post you are cosigning posits that it's ok to sexually harass women because they dress like sluts. That's pretty anti-woman amy.
So clearly you should mention it, right? You see a guy with tight jeans, it's your moral obligation to say "Hey, nice ass buddy"?Well she's trying to show you her vagina.
One thing I'd be interested in is if Harvey Weinstein looked like Brad Pitt would we be hearing much about it?
My guess is no....
So clearly you should mention it, right? You see a guy with tight jeans, it's your moral obligation to say "Hey, nice ass buddy"?
So clearly you should mention it, right? You see a guy with tight jeans, it's your moral obligation to say "Hey, nice ass buddy"?
I have a hard time not believing the ones from Alabama. Setting Moore up to that degree seems impossible. Given the inability to prove anything the only punishment would seem to be getting your ass kicked in an election.What's everyone's take on all these allegations surfacing daily? Some decades old. Is it a snowball effect? One came forward and then others felt comfortable to follow? Don't know if any have a reason to lie.... The allegations against a dead Patrick Swayze seemed unfair.
Bet there aren't too many men on the planet who haven't done some inappropriate flirting. And that goes for lots of women too.
A little black dress does not mean yes. But it does mean “look at me. I’m attractive and confident.” And that’s a buy signal to some people. Certainly gives no one the right to be inappropriate, but also does not give women the right to be shocked by the attention it brings. I tell my daughters that a little modesty goes a long way in avoiding unwanted attention. They think I’m a fossil with no clue.
jesus christ.
yes, i'm positive that if brad pitt did as harvey weinstein did--used his position of power to essentially coerce women into having sex with them or put them in sexually uncomfortable situations--that people would still be upset. read a goddamn book. sexual assault and coercion can have a damaging effect regardless of the "attractiveness" of the perpetrator.
So let me see if I have this straight.... a woman who dresses like this should not expect a man to make any comments about the way she's dressed? I'm certainly NOT suggesting that a woman dressed like this gives a man any right to touch or assault her. Absolutely not! But this chick should be expecting a lot of inappropriate comments. Because she's going to get them. Men are very "visual" creatures.
No. It doesn't mean look at me. Unwanted sexual attention is not invited by showing ones cleavage. Nor is is ok. Women can dress a particular way because it makes them feel good. Or for whatever reason they choose. That doesn't mean they should endure sexual harrassment.
Tell your daughters to tell men who comment on their appearance without invitation to shut the **** up. That it's none of their business.