OT: trump verdict reached nm

It's amazing how civil discourse and reasoning has been removed from the average American's toolbox. It's one extreme or the other. There's no middle ground anymore. How did this happen? Why can't we have reasonable debates anymore? What entity could cause such a shift in our discernment and desire to understand all the variables in a situation that isn't black & white? There's zero gray area anymore that allows folks to agree to disagree.

The dichotomy of our country has been designed to generate revenue: it's just one aisle now.

Maybe the jack ass who calls people losers and attacks anyone who disagrees with him. Maybe that's where it went off the rails.
These are the facts. He lost the election, he was guilty as hell, it was a Democratic witch hunt and had he not be a major asshole during his presidency he wouldn’t be in this situation today. It’s put the country at risk. Some folks want institutions to go away because of historical grievances and if we’re not careful we will crush everything sacrificed by those who came before us. Seems like he’d get a lighter sentence than some violent illegal immigrant or California pedophile, however. This country isn’t some Uber liberal hell hole the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is so overwhelmingly trying to make it into thus we’re fighting amongst ourselves because it’s just not in our makeup. Biden may win, but they sure as hell won’t take the house nor the senate. Might be the best outcome. I’m sick and tired of trumps shit and Biden’s handlers directing policy I could set myself on fire, but I won’t bc I do still have hope.

It's just two teams of sheep battling it out at this point. Enjoy the ride.
Better off? Was that with an economy that isn't holding a candle towards the Biden one? Better infrastructure and real moves to better American lives. Before you hit the "but inflation" lowest in the world. Inflation is a result of pure greed from corporations who are having to be reigned in again because the orange clown took off the shackles to increase the burden on the consumer.
Inflation is where it is because of stimulus, zero percent interest rates, loan forbearance/forgiveness all within an 18 month period. Take any zip code and complete a fdic search of bank deposits from ‘19-‘23 and you’ll see astronomical increases during the ‘20-21-22 figures compared to ‘19 much much higher than historical trends. Inflation is also due to the fact of huge swings in credit card availability which is now drying up and refinances of mortgages. Inflation is here because of neither party but both. So for god sakes make it more political, please. Also, people who benefitted from their investments in stocks and appreciation of real estate need to stop talking out of both sides of their mouth, ie bitching about it because you can’t have that without inflation.
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Better off? Was that with an economy that isn't holding a candle towards the Biden one? Better infrastructure and real moves to better American lives. Before you hit the "but inflation" lowest in the world. Inflation is a result of pure greed from corporations who are having to be reigned in again because the orange clown took off the shackles to increase the burden on the consumer.

Glorious. 🤣🤣🤣
Inflation is where it is because of stimulus, zero percent interest rates, loan forbearance/forgiveness all within an 18 month period. Take any zip code and complete a fdic search of bank deposits from ‘19-‘23 and you’ll see astronomical increases during the ‘20-21-22 figures compared to ‘19 much much higher than historical trends. Inflation is also due to the fact of huge swings in credit card availability which is now drying up and refinances of mortgages. Inflation is here because of neither party but both. So for god sakes make it more political, please. Also, people who benefitted from their investments in stocks and appreciation of real estate need to stop talking out of both sides of their mouth, ie bitching about it because you can’t have that without inflation.

Haha inflation is here from pure greed. It's here from PPP loans being forgiven for people who had NO business getting them. It's from corporations raising prices with no justified reason. Call it like it is

If Donald Trump had the third highest ranking person in his DOJ become a DA in Ken Paxtons office and the they brought charges against Biden before a judge whose daughter made 93 million dollars campaigning for prominent republicans and a jury in a 86% for Trump county came back with a guilty verdict, every major American city would be burning to the ground right now.
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It cost 430 million dollars to the Oval Office in 2020 and it cost 93 million dollars to purchase a Manhattan judge to convict the presidential front runner in the 2024 election.

Zuckerberg, Hakeem Jeffries, Joe Biden, Kathy Hochul are just some of the few names that paid this judges daughter millions of dollars to rig this case.

How much of that money is in his personal bank account now?
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1. Presidents and Former Presidents can be impeached
2. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records
3. Presidents and Former Presidents lose executive privilege
4. Presidents and Former Presidents lose attorney-client privilege
5. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to release private phone records and text messages
6. Presidents and Former Presidents can have their homes raided by the FBI
7. Presidents and Former Presidents can be subpoenaed by partisan committees
8. Presidents and Former Presidents can be repeatedly indicted and arrested
9. Presidents and Former Presidents lose their First Amendment right to free speech
10. Presidents and Former Presidents lose the right to a jury trial
11. VP no longer has authority to question validity of disputed electoral votes
12. The losing party no longer has authority to submit contingent electors when results are disputed
13. Presidents and Former Presidents don't have Presidential Immunity


Maybe he shouldn't have affairs with porn stars, pay them off, and then have such an inept system to hide the payments.

You don't like it, but he broke the law and was found guilty by a jury of his peers.

I thought the Republicans were the party who "respected the rule of law"?
Maybe he shouldn't have affairs with porn stars, pay them off, and then have such an inept system to hide the payments.

You don't like it, but he broke the law and was found guilty by a jury of his peers.

I thought the Republicans were the party who "respected the rule of law"?
Just like Bill Clinton. He paid off that whore when having an affair while president. I’m sure you feel he should have been held accountable for that to. Hypocrite.

How about all the other people that broke the law like Antifa and their autonomous zone. They were held accountable too?

Epstein clients.
Russia gate perpetrators.

November and revenge can’t get here fast enough.
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If doing illegal shit and getting convicted for it is bad for America would we have been better off just letting him commit crimes with impunity?
We will see in November. Something tells me democrats are going to wish they let the “crime” of misclassifying an expense is a felony slide.

Barack Obama better pucker up that butthole when Trump gets reelected
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It cost 430 million dollars to the Oval Office in 2020 and it cost 93 million dollars to purchase a Manhattan judge to convict the presidential front runner in the 2024 election.

Zuckerberg, Hakeem Jeffries, Joe Biden, Kathy Hochul are just some of the few names that paid this judges daughter millions of dollars to rig this case.

How much of that money is in his personal bank account now?
Jesus Christ dude who do you follow? Trump was a dickhead. Had he not been an asshole he wouldn’t be subjected to a witch hunt and wouldn’t have been found rightfully guilty.
Just like Bill Clinton. He paid off that whore when having an affair while president. I’m sure you feel he should have been held accountable for that to. Hypocrite.

How about all the other people that broke the law like Antifa and their autonomous zone. They were held accountable too?

Epstein clients.
Russia gate perpetrators.

November and revenge can’t get here fast enough.

Did Clinton then direct his business to pay her off. Did Clinton then direct his associates to Falsify business documents and break the law in the state/city where his business was located and his actions happened?

He wasn't prosecuted for the affair, everybody knows he is a cheater who loves adultery. He was prosecuted and convicted by a jury of his peers for illegal business practices.
Jesus Christ dude who do you follow? Trump was a dickhead. Had he not been an asshole he wouldn’t be subjected to a witch hunt and wouldn’t have been found rightfully guilty.
Jesus Christ dude, go ahead and prove what she said is not correct if you can.
There are hundreds of people on both sides that should be in jail then. Trump is an outsider that was basically banned from being able to run again. He decided to run again and instantly they decide to raid his home and now charge him with falsifying business records in an election year in which he is leading most polls. Its very political.

Right now you have Trump and Bidens son who are being targeted because its 100% political. It's a slippery slope. I dont think anyone should be cheering about this, including the never trumpers.
yes. Hundreds should be investigated and put on trial for financial crimes. I completely agree.

Trump’s home was raided bc he refused to give up classified documents after correspondence shows there were requests made for like a year for him to turn them in. I doubt they’d have waited that long for any average Joe to turn in classified documents before raiding.

Is it unfair that trump isn’t getting the leeway most rich/famous politicians and celebrities get? Sure, but I’m not gonna lose any sleep over someone getting treated the same way the average citizen does.
Did he lose the 2020 election?
Did he attempt a coup to overthrow the government?

This and every conversation goes nowhere until you answer those questions.
Yes and No.

#1 is proven. #2 is not.

Don’t be a little bitch about this.
Just like Bill Clinton. He paid off that whore when having an affair while president. I’m sure you feel he should have been held accountable for that to. Hypocrite.

How about all the other people that broke the law like Antifa and their autonomous zone. They were held accountable too?

Epstein clients.
Russia gate perpetrators.

November and revenge can’t get here fast enough.
What s next? Clinton raped kids so it's cool that DJT raped kids? Where does the buck stop?
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I believe Trump's stance, as is the Supreme Court's, is to leave that issue up to the states. I think the federal government should have less power and the states should have the ability to determine that.
Is that your stance on everything the ****ing supreme Court has ruled on? Why do they even exist? Y'all are dumb. I say we repeal citizens united on the same premise
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I don't want to hear another damn word about Ukraine.
I don't want to hear another damn word about Israel.
I don't want to hear another damn word about GAZA.
I don't want to hear another damn word about Taiwan.
I don't want to hear another damn word about any other country except the USA, you America-last war pigs.

The fascist Democrat Party has completely destroyed our country from within, we have a wide open border, and they're shitting on the Constitution while you spineless, coward losers get rich on insider trading, rage tweet, and talk about your "principles.

"They're literally arresting their political opponents and their lawyers and having kangaroo communists show trials - and you pitiful, worthless losers are doing absolutely nothing.

If you don't have balls to fight for freedom - RESIGN !!!
yes. Hundreds should be investigated and put on trial for financial crimes. I completely agree.

Trump’s home was raided bc he refused to give up classified documents after correspondence shows there were requests made for like a year for him to turn them in. I doubt they’d have waited that long for any average Joe to turn in classified documents before raiding.

Is it unfair that trump isn’t getting the leeway most rich/famous politicians and celebrities get? Sure, but I’m not gonna lose any sleep over someone getting treated the same way the average citizen does.

Trump barely committed a crime 34 times.
It's not over with at all.

When I say the entire Federal government is corrupt, I mean it---the Democrat Party is the Marxist party, responsible for putting inept and corrupt Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the top of their ticket, putting these two fools in charge of the Federal government. The Democrats are Marxist and they're totalitarian---mandates, DEI, lawfare, turning the border over to the Cartels, bringing in at least 15 million illegals in less than four years, doing nothing about sex trafficking, 300,000 Fentanyl deaths in three years and rigging elections for the past decade. The Marxist party and the Deep State control America. And we won't take it back with half measures and bromides --or faint hearts.
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For the first time in United States history, a former President has been found guilty of a felony.

What was it that he did so egregious that they had to indict a former President?

Apparently he paid his lawyer and filed it as legal fees, but it was supposed to be reported as repayment. This is a misdemeanor, but apparently it was done to conceal another crime, which was to violate campaign finance laws.

This is insane. Democrats broke 250 years of history and customs over a paperwork error. This isn’t America anymore. This is the United Police States of America
Did Clinton then direct his business to pay her off. Did Clinton then direct his associates to Falsify business documents and break the law in the state/city where his business was located and his actions happened?

He wasn't prosecuted for the affair, everybody knows he is a cheater who loves adultery. He was prosecuted and convicted by a jury of his peers for illegal business practices.
Illegal business practice of booking a payment for NDA as a legal expense?

I wonder if he went 36mph in a 35mph zone on the way to the courthouse.

This is obviously so entertaining to watch. We are watching the collapse of the democratic party in real time. It's glorious
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Illegal business practice of booking a payment for NDA as a legal expense?

I wonder if he went 36mph in a 35mph zone on the way to the courthouse.

This is obviously so entertaining to watch. We are watching the collapse of the democratic party in real time. It's glorious
Lots of coping from you since yesterday. Ts&Ps.

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