OT: trump verdict reached nm

My last post in this thread. Everything the left touches turns to 💩. They are destroying our country. The party of “tolerance “ unless God forbid, you disagree with them. Then they will personally attack you, lie about you and put you on trial for bogus crimes and use every unscrupulous, unlawful tactic they can to silence you because you are a threat to their power. This country is in a sad state. God used MANY imperfect men in the Bible to fulfill HIS purpose. I believe God is using Trump. He will prevail.

This board has 4 or 5 liberals who I never see talking football…they just swoop into every political thread and are so predictable with their vile attacks. Can’t disagree civilly.
Again ….the party of tolerance. They have ruined this board. Sickening.
My last post in this thread. Everything the left touches turns to 💩. They are destroying our country. The party of “tolerance “ unless God forbid, you disagree with them. Then they will personally attack you, lie about you and put you on trial for bogus crimes and use every unscrupulous, unlawful tactic they can to silence you because you are a threat to their power. This country is in a sad state. God used MANY imperfect men in the Bible to fulfill HIS purpose. I believe God is using Trump. He will prevail.

This board has 4 or 5 liberals who I never see talking football…they just swoop into every political thread and are so predictable with their vile attacks. Can’t disagree civilly.
Again ….the party of tolerance. They have ruined this board. Sickening.
Fox news? I guess I am still a registered Republican since they keep sending me mail. Not a Dem or Republican. Both candidates are too old, but I would have a hard time voting for Trump over Putin.
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The entire country has a dog in this fight. Weaponizing the judicial system. They can’t beat Trump so they will sink to corruption and unscrupulous acts to attempt to interfere with the election. It is a disgrace.

The entire country should be scared to death. If they can do this to Trump…what can they do to the rest of us? It’s scary. Trump is going to win big in November. The American people will deliver the final verdict November 5.

They can’t beat Trump? Seems he and his hand picked candidates have been getting beaten easily the last three elections.
My last post in this thread. Everything the left touches turns to 💩. They are destroying our country. The party of “tolerance “ unless God forbid, you disagree with them. Then they will personally attack you, lie about you and put you on trial for bogus crimes and use every unscrupulous, unlawful tactic they can to silence you because you are a threat to their power. This country is in a sad state. God used MANY imperfect men in the Bible to fulfill HIS purpose. I believe God is using Trump. He will prevail.

This board has 4 or 5 liberals who I never see talking football…they just swoop into every political thread and are so predictable with their vile attacks. Can’t disagree civilly.
Again ….the party of tolerance. They have ruined this board. Sickening.

Unhinged. I'm still waiting for you to answer my question about judges recusing themselves from the bench in the Supreme Court.
Putin has robbed Russia blind
He's taken so much land from Ukraine under the Obama and Biden administration. There's no denying that. Even ISIS took large swaths of countries under Obama/Biden. When you are a weak leader, our adversaries take advantage.
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It’s not exactly rocket science. Just simply means that Trumps supporters will be even more determined to put him back in office. It means nothing will keep his supporters from going to the polls. It means trump supporters will passionately use influence to sway undecided voters. The bear has been poked.
Oh my bad. I didn't realize there was a cohesive plan.
My last post in this thread. Everything the left touches turns to 💩. They are destroying our country. The party of “tolerance “ unless God forbid, you disagree with them. Then they will personally attack you, lie about you and put you on trial for bogus crimes and use every unscrupulous, unlawful tactic they can to silence you because you are a threat to their power. This country is in a sad state. God used MANY imperfect men in the Bible to fulfill HIS purpose. I believe God is using Trump. He will prevail.

This board has 4 or 5 liberals who I never see talking football…they just swoop into every political thread and are so predictable with their vile attacks. Can’t disagree civilly.
Again ….the party of tolerance. They have ruined this board. Sickening.

Wow that was fast. Usually it takes you at least a day to declare yourself a victim after you jump into a political thread and spew vitriol. This was like 15 minutes.
Thank you for answering. I understand what you are saying but who is protecting the rights of the FETUS? A FETUS with a heartbeat that is moving. I think that needs to be considered too. It's not as if the FETUS chose to be conceived.

It wasn't a gotcha question. Are you always this defensive?
Fixed it for you.

Question - when do we assign a social security number? Would you argue that needs to happen at conception?
Fixed it for you.

Question - when do we assign a social security number? Would you argue that needs to happen at conception?
That's a very sick way to look at it. You honestly think a baby at 36, 37 weeks is not worthy of human decency or rights? The right to not be killed. Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.

What you are suggesting is murder and in many places in the world when a soon to be mother is killed, you get murder for the baby as well.

You are a sick and disgusting human being.
The entire country has a dog in this fight. Weaponizing the judicial system. They can’t beat Trump so they will sink to corruption and unscrupulous acts to attempt to interfere with the election. It is a disgrace.

The entire country should be scared to death. If they can do this to Trump…what can they do to the rest of us? It’s scary. Trump is going to win big in November. The American people will deliver the final verdict November 5.
They’ve been doing it for decades, just not to the people who live in your neighborhood.
That's a very sick way to look at it. You honestly think a baby at 36, 37 weeks is not worthy of human decency or rights? The right to not be killed. Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.

What you are suggesting is murder and in many places in the world when a soon to be mother is killed, you get murder for the baby as well.

You are a sick and disgusting human being.
I am a father. I also support a woman’s right to choose in the first two trimesters.

Tell me you don’t have a daughter without telling me you don’t have a daughter.
I am a father. I also support a woman’s right to choose in the first two trimesters.

Tell me you don’t have a daughter without telling me you don’t have a daughter.
I have 2 daughters. I just cant with good conscious imagine killing a baby that has a heart beat and is moving. The 2nd trimester you already know the gender and the baby is kicking. I stand by my statement that you are a sick and disgusting human being.

At some point, adults need to be adults and don't bring a child into the world if you are not ready.
That's a very sick way to look at it. You honestly think a baby at 36, 37 weeks is not worthy of human decency or rights? The right to not be killed. Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.

What you are suggesting is murder and in many places in the world when a soon to be mother is killed, you get murder for the baby as well.

You are a sick and disgusting human being.
I don't think there's anyone on this forum that supports an abortion that late term when the life of the mother/child isn't at risk. Majority of people I know believe in some sort of middle ground cutoff, in that 20weeks range for non-life threatening abortions.
I have 2 daughters. I just cant with good conscious imagine killing a baby that has a heart beat and is moving. The 2nd trimester you already know the gender and the baby is kicking. I stand by my statement that you are a sick and disgusting human being.

At some point, adults need to be adults and don't bring a child into the world if you are not ready.
That’s fine. You are meaningless.

I truly hope it doesn’t take a medical emergency for you to learn your lesson on why a woman’s choice is important.
I don't think there's anyone on this forum that supports an abortion that late term when the life of the mother/child isn't at risk. Majority of people I know believe in some sort of middle ground cutoff, in that 20weeks range for non-life threatening abortions.
Once there is a beating heart and the baby can feel it, that's too far. Don't have the unprotected sex if you don't want a child.
Once there is a beating heart and the baby can feel it, that's too far. Don't have the unprotected sex if you don't want a child.
I understand your position, but abstinence isn't a realistic solution. Teenagers have unprotected sex. Adults have unprotected sex. There's no stopping that from happening. The current best course of action is to provide a humanitarian avenue for dealing with unwanted pregnancies in a safe and sanitary manner.

I don't know anyone that WANTS to have an abortion. It's an incredibly difficult process that actually lowers the woman's chance at getting pregnant again in the future. I would be more open to hearing about abortion restrictions if the party clamoring for them had any plans whatsoever for pre/post-natal care, medical/insurance costs for delivering a child, additional maternity/paternity leave, gov't funded school meals, etc. It rings hollow when one side claims to be pro-life and then as soon as the child is born they say "welp good luck!"
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That’s fine. You are meaningless.

I truly hope it doesn’t take a medical emergency for you to learn your lesson on why a woman’s choice is important.
Abortion rarely is about a medical emergency. It’s killing babies for birth control. In the rare occasion when a woman’s life is truly in danger, she could have the baby taken safely by a c-section. There’s no good reason to murder babies.
There is a choice. Don't have unprotected sex.

The baby you are murdering is the one without the choice.

Women should not have their health jeopardized because some Christian fundamentalist was brainwashed into this issue.

I have a family member who had a miscarriage. Fortunately she lived in a state that protects women’s rights so she could have a D&C. If she hadn’t, she would have been forced to carry a dead fetus around and risk an infection that has a non-trivial probability of death.

But go ahead and call me sick.
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Our political "leaders" have sold us out for a long time. 35 trillion in debt. As the poster pointed out to you, we are all getting robbed.
There was a paper written by a Swiss banker (Lipps?) around 1950 that made a really good argument about why fiat currencies fail The bottom line was that the masses would vote for whoever promised them the most out of the National Treasury. Fiat currency puts the fox in the hen house.

Most politicians don't have the choice if they want to stay in office. Some go in with a different view, but Fiat currency draw just feeds the monster. All is good as long as the USD stays in demand
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There was a paper written by a Swiss banker (Lipps?) around 1950 that made a really good argument about why fist currencies fail The bottom line was that the masses would vote for whoever promised them the most out of the National Treasury. Fiat currency puts the fox in the hen house.

And with the majority of global trade in US dollars and central bank needs for it as reserve currency there has been demand for that Debt if we lose that advantage ...
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Abortion rarely is about a medical emergency. It’s killing babies for birth control. In the rare occasion when a woman’s life is truly in danger, she could have the baby taken safely by a c-section. There’s no good reason to murder babies.
You clearly do not understand this issue.
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Ferdinand Lips. Thiis is a book he later wrote if anyone is interested.

Just messing around with you. We disagree on some stuff. Every body has a right to his own opinion.
All good 🍻 I was kidding too. I really wish both sides of the culture wars could calm down enough to come together and realize we should be fighting a class war together, against our corporate owned politicians, instead of a culture war against each other.

But I know it's a pipe dream.
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Abortion rarely is about a medical emergency. It’s killing babies for birth control. In the rare occasion when a woman’s life is truly in danger, she could have the baby taken safely by a c-section. There’s no good reason to murder babies.

Except in some red states now she can't get that needed medically necessary abortion.

It's literally illegal and she will be prosecuted as will her Doctors.

Nobody is in favor of an abortion. There is nobody sane out there cheering for people to get abortions.
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