Here's Trump's plans for his second term as told to Hannity:
"Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s an — a very important meaning.
I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times. All of a sudden, I’m president of the United States. You know the story. I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, ‘This is great. But I didn’t know very many people in Washington. It wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody, and I have great people in the administration.”
You make some mistakes. Like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people."
Typical liberal as based on your comment you are focused on style over substance. I am focused on accomplishments and actions by Trump and he is one of the best we have ever had in that regard.
Just a quick but not complete list of accomplishments off the top of my head.
-Numerous low unemployment records for minorities.
-Made the US the number one energy producer in the world.
-Multiple record highs in the stock market.
-Created the USMC trade agreement with Canada and Mexico.
-Destroyed ISIS in short order.
-Rapidly building southern border wall.
-Made Mexico police and guard the southern border.
-Discontinued catch and release.
-3 scotus placements.
-Into the hundreds of federal judges.
-Pulled the US from detrimental international groups and agreements.
-Average family income up in 3 years much more than 8 years of obama.
-Middle East Peace agreements.
-Peace President bringing our troops home.
-Rebuilding depleted military.
I could go on, but you should get the point.