Prediction: Biden will step down before midterms

You know what man, it's not about discussing sexuality at all. It's about pretending that people don't exist because it makes you uncomfortable without caring a bit about the kids that are affected by making them invisible. What happens when in class the kids are talking about what they did over the weekend and one says that he went with his two mom's to the mountains? Will he get in trouble? Will he forever feel guilty about the shaming?

I grew up with Republican parents but I thank god they weren't as prudish as today's Republicans. I remember going to New Orleans on vacation and walking down Bourbon St and seeing all the nude girls with pasties, the drag queens and assorted other freaks and my parents didn't try to hide me from it - they thought it was fun and interesting.

I also remember my mother finding a titty magazine in my closet and she laughed about it.

They didn't shield me from anything and I appreciate that they didn't cause me to grow up to be a phobe of any kind. A kid can handle it, I promise you.

You are so immoral in every way except when it comes to this subject. Show me where the drag queen touched you Puritan Sniffles.

A titty magazine vs surgery and drugs to change your gender. Same thing
who cares what someone else does with their body? why does what they choose to do affect you?

no one seemed to give a shit about the sexualization that our children deal with until LGBTQ started getting more mainstream support. suddenly all of the bible thumping pubs from the country come barreling out of their trailer parks to let everyone know this is a problem and it needs to stop. also, lol at sexual undertones. each one of those children stories' main theme is around a prince and princess getting together. i guarantee you the moment there's a mainstream story depicting a prince falling in love with another prince or knight (like one of the books your libsoftiktok account was crying about) there will be bitching from the resident knuckledraggers on TI about it.

If they didnt expect me to go along with their fantasy and call them something they are not AND didnt expose my children to their mental illness id be ok with it. If you want to be weird, be weird on your own time.
You either are or you aren't. Thats weird, there were no trannies for millions of years. Now all the sudden, boom, trannies everywhere.

If you either are or you aren't why do you need surgery and drugs to become a tranny. You arent born tranny, that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard.
I'm sure you've met plenty of people in your life that acted like the opposite sex. Many of those people actually feel like they are the opposite sex but couldn't do anything about it because we only recently developed the surgical techniques to help them transition. That's why you didn't see them before.

They wouldn't be taking these extreme measures to change if it wasn't something they felt deeply and honestly. And if that makes them happy, I'm happy for them. It doesn't affect my life one iota.
I'm sure you've met plenty of people in your life that acted like the opposite sex. Many of those people actually feel like they are the opposite sex but couldn't do anything about it because we only recently developed the surgical techniques to help them transition. That's why you didn't see them before.

They wouldn't be taking these extreme measures to change if it wasn't something they felt deeply and honestly. And if that makes them happy, I'm happy for them. It doesn't affect my life one iota.

That shit is disgusting.
A titty magazine vs surgery and drugs to change your gender. Same thing
You're missing the point - they didn't try to suppress what I was exposed to in any way, shape or form. And I love them for being that open-minded. It helped shape my view of the world, in a good way.
You know what man, it's not about discussing sexuality at all. It's about pretending that people don't exist because it makes you uncomfortable without caring a bit about the kids that are affected by making them invisible. What happens when in class the kids are talking about what they did over the weekend and one says that he went with his two mom's to the mountains? Will he get in trouble? Will he forever feel guilty about the shaming?

I grew up with Republican parents but I thank god they weren't as prudish as today's Republicans. I remember going to New Orleans on vacation and walking down Bourbon St and seeing all the nude girls with pasties, the drag queens and assorted other freaks and my parents didn't try to hide me from it - they thought it was fun and interesting.

I also remember my mother finding a titty magazine in my closet and she laughed about it.

They didn't shield me from anything and I appreciate that they didn't cause me to grow up to be a phobe of any kind. A kid can handle it, I promise you.

You are so immoral in every way except when it comes to this subject. Show me where the drag queen touched you Puritan Sniffles.
It’s not about discussing sexuality yet here you are defending exposing children to sexual topics

If your parents exposed you to drag queens and nudity when you were a child… That’s a problem dipshit

your mom finding a playboy in your closet when you were 15 isn’t what I’m talking about
who cares what someone else does with their body? why does what they choose to do affect you?

no one seemed to give a shit about the sexualization that our children deal with until LGBTQ started getting more mainstream support. suddenly all of the bible thumping pubs from the country come barreling out of their trailer parks to let everyone know this is a problem and it needs to stop. also, lol at sexual undertones. each one of those children stories' main theme is around a prince and princess getting together. i guarantee you the moment there's a mainstream story depicting a prince falling in love with another prince or knight (like one of the books your libsoftiktok account was crying about) there will be bitching from the resident knuckledraggers on TI about it.

Cool cool, prince chsrming and Cinderella living happily ever after = teaching preschoolers and elementary age kids about sexuality and being confused about what gender you are

The mental gymnastics will never cease to amaze me
It’s not about discussing sexuality yet here you are defending exposing children to sexual topics

If your parents exposed you to drag queens and nudity when you were a child… That’s a problem dipshit

your mom finding a playboy in your closet when you were 15 isn’t what I’m talking about
Maybe to a self-righteous redneck like you but it didn't scar me in any way at all.
I'm sure you've met plenty of people in your life that acted like the opposite sex. Many of those people actually feel like they are the opposite sex but couldn't do anything about it because we only recently developed the surgical techniques to help them transition. That's why you didn't see them before.

They wouldn't be taking these extreme measures to change if it wasn't something they felt deeply and honestly. And if that makes them happy, I'm happy for them. It doesn't affect my life one iota.
This is my view as well, doesn't affect me one damn bit. I obviously don't agree with teaching the stuff at young ages but adults... let them be them. IMO
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why are you so eager to distance yourselves from the confederates? not proud of your heritage?
My heritage? how do you know anything about me? I simply pointed this out to him that calling him a Confederate, whatever the reason being, that would literally be calling him the same thing he would be - a southern democrat...
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My heritage? how do you know anything about me? I simply pointed this out to him that calling him a Confederate, whatever the reason being, that would literally be calling him the same thing he would be - a southern democrat...
I know you're college educated so I'm sure you know that the Democrats back then are today's Republicans. The parties switched a while back.
My heritage? how do you know anything about me? I simply pointed this out to him that calling him a Confederate, whatever the reason being, that would literally be calling him the same thing he would be - a southern democrat...
either this is a joke or you went to a mississippi high school
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I know you're college educated so I'm sure you know that the Democrats back then are today's Republicans. The parties switched a while back.
I'm aware of the 'proud boys', the other white supremacists groups that are on the far right, that is absolutely factual and I absolutely do not condone that behavior whatsoever, and have always said that the far right and far left in our country are amongst of the worst in our society. However, I think 99% of each of the prominent parties is not part of that far leaning group

either this is a joke or you went to a mississippi high school
What do you know about me since you seem to be so informed on my beliefs or what's in my heart? Are you trying to say I'm proud of slavery or racism? The only heritage I consider for myself is my family heritage. Also, I consider myself a conservative, not a republican, so if you wanted to throw a 'political heritage' argument at me, you still struck out. LMFAO kid.
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I'm aware of the 'proud boys', the other white supremacists groups that are on the far right, that is absolutely factual and I absolutely do not condone that behavior whatsoever, and have always said that the far right and far left in our country are amongst of the worst in our society. However, I think 99% of each of the prominent parties is not part of that far leaning group
I don't follow. You said the Confederates were Southern Democrats and I made the point that the Democrats from those days are today's Republicans. The parties switched platforms over 100 years ago.

I'm aware of the 'proud boys', the other white supremacists groups that are on the far right, that is absolutely factual and I absolutely do not condone that behavior whatsoever, and have always said that the far right and far left in our country are amongst of the worst in our society. However, I think 99% of each of the prominent parties is not part of that far leaning group

What do you know about me since you seem to be so informed on my beliefs or what's in my heart? Are you trying to say I'm proud of slavery or racism? The only heritage I consider for myself is my family heritage. Also, I consider myself a conservative, not a republican, so if you wanted to throw a 'political heritage' argument at me, you still struck out. LMFAO kid.
so then you did graduate from a mississippi high school. sorry buddy. i'll go easy on you from now on
I don't follow. You said the Confederates were Southern Democrats and I made the point that the Democrats from those days are today's Republicans. The parties switched platforms over 100 years ago.

"Although the rhetoric and to a degree the policies of the parties do switch places," he wrote, "their core supporters don't — which is to say, the Republicans remain, throughout, the party of bigger businesses; it's just that in the earlier era bigger businesses want bigger government and in the later era they don't."

So is this suggesting the racist rhetoric switched from DtoR but the same core democrats that were once racists are still remain? I don't get it... Regardless, I don't think either political party today is rooted nor made up of racists and, to be fair, the actions of those like 150+ years ago don't reflect you or I today
"Although the rhetoric and to a degree the policies of the parties do switch places," he wrote, "their core supporters don't — which is to say, the Republicans remain, throughout, the party of bigger businesses; it's just that in the earlier era bigger businesses want bigger government and in the later era they don't."

So is this suggesting the racist rhetoric switched from DtoR but the same core democrats that were once racists are still remain? I don't get it... Regardless, I don't think either political party today is rooted nor made up of racists and, to be fair, the actions of those like 150+ years ago don't reflect you or I today
I wasn't making any claims about racism, just that the parties switched platforms. However, poor southern Democrats started voting Republican during the Clinton administration, around 1994. Racist Democrats remained Democrats until they died, and the younger generation of post-Civil Rights Act Democrats in the South migrated to the Republican party just over twenty years ago.
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I wasn't making any claims about racism, just that the parties switched platforms. However, poor southern Democrats started voting Republican during the Clinton administration, around 1994. Racist Democrats remained Democrats until they died, and the younger generation of post-Civil Rights Act Democrats in the South migrated to the Republican party just over twenty years ago.
Actually it went further back than that but they migrated to the Republican party en masse around the time of Clinton's Presidency.
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I wasn't making any claims about racism, just that the parties switched platforms. However, poor southern Democrats started voting Republican during the Clinton administration, around 1994. Racist Democrats remained Democrats until they died, and the younger generation of post-Civil Rights Act Democrats in the South migrated to the Republican party just over twenty years ago.
Got it, my bad on the mischaracterization of your post
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"uneducated" bc you are a bigot and say stupid things like there are schools indoctrinating youths and pushing them to become transgendered. tell me more about how liberal policies in the US are to blame for worldwide inflation? explain to me how new regulations are stifling supply chain? explain to me how biden is stifling american energy independence.
The Biden admin is absolutely trying to force schools to put the trans programming into schools via funding requirements. This is just like they did with common core under Obama and also CRT. Its happening whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

DR. Ronny Jackson, doctor for Obama and Trump, claims Biden is in severe cognitive decline. Something most of us already know. I know, because I watch my mother in law descend from dementia to Alzheimers before my very eyes and Joe shows many of the same symptoms. Sad but true.

This thread is enlightening, started over two years ago and people were already noticing Joes decline and some calling for his resignation.

This clip is from yesterday and you can see that democrats have done a total 180 and now think Orange Man Good. The of course are perplexed having to flip flop orange man issue but it’s nothing new for them so the trudge along.

/end quote

NEW: President Biden reads “end of quote” while rocking his fresh new Trump-inspired orange spray tan.“Justice Sotomayor's dissent today. She hears what she said. She said, in every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law with fear for our democracy. I dissent.”

“End of quote.”

Sharp as a tack.
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