yea no sht sherlock, of course they don't copy joe. of course you still can't read for sht, because not once did i claim they were "proof." maybe you missed the emails that mentioned the big guys cut, or "h" holding on behalf of. if your brain is turned on, you have a pretty good idea what that means. but sadly, once again, you've been reduced to inventing things i never said because you know you're wrong or you're too preposterously incompetent and delusional to even comprehend how beat you are.
and with trump all i see are well documented crimes or phrases of that ilk, im not even a supporter of the guy. the difference here is i don't need to like someone to recognize right and wrong. in a way i almost respect your intellectual deficiencies that are so egregious you remain totally oblivious to the doormat you've been denigrated to.