With reference to schools in Gaza, I'm talking about the fact that the schools there were indoctrinating kids to love Hamas and hate the Jews. It's illustrated by the fact that the vast majority of people in Gaza support Hamas even today by all available data. Your use of "indiscriminate killing of children and civilians" is such an irresponsible way of portraying what's going on. The world has bungled this situation massively and it's led to truly tragic results. Perhaps the results were going to be that way no matter what but what's gone on is one of the most intellectually dishonest things I have ever seen. I'm sorry to see you put yourself in that camp.
As for vouchers, there's not a system we can concoct that the powerful and wealthy won't seek to exploit. Where we live, families spend thousands on tutors, college coaches, SAT training classes, etc. so they can give their kids all the advantages they could ever have in the pursuit of college. It's absolutely absurd what goes on. I have a huge problem with what goes on. We continue to allow people with means to grow the gap between them and everyone else via artificial means and it's not working. It is being revealed what a terrible mess these people are as young adults. Handing kids everything is not the answer. We have avoided in all possible ways parenting our kids that way.
The reason for the above paragraph is to say that because people exploit something doesn't mean we should abandon something that could help others if we work to implement it better. As my post history will demonstrate, I am very much anti-public education as it exists now. It's not because I think teachers are bad or anything else like that. It's because the data shows we're not helping the people who need it most get ahead in life. The framework isn't one that can be successful for those we should be doing all we can to serve. All that is to say it's fascinating your objection to all this is the reason I feel the current system is a complete failure. We have to do things differently and better. Reliance on government to solve any of our problems is the genesis point of overwhelming failures more often than not.