@Cris_Ard firstly... so glad to hear your relatives are doing well, and had minimal impact from the virus...
I think one of the frustrating things, at least for me, is that folks use anecdotal stories of either their own personal mild experience with COVID, or of those they know as absolute proof that this pandemic has been wildly overblown... but also be aware that there are likely many of us on this board that also have anecdotes of people in our life that have had a much tougher go of it... I know several personally that have been on a helluva ride lasting weeks/months in trying to shake this thing... Most current being my college buddy... mid 40's, 6'4", 215... zero underlying conditions, and works out intensely 5+ times/weekly... dude is a mountain of a man and tough as nails... He's in his third week with COVID and describes it as BY FAR the worst he has ever felt... 12 days with fever (most of which would be considered a high fever), almost two weeks of low O2 level, and breathing difficulty, which he described as trying to breathe with two 45 lbs plates on his chest... felt like he was turning the corner two weeks in, and went downhill again... back to the doc, and he's now developed pneumonia...
The extremes in experiences is likely what fuels the likewise extremes in opinions... Outside of the obvious (comorbidities) it feels like it's still a mystery as to why some shake it so easily (many times not even being aware that they have it), while others (many who fall into the low risk category) have a really rough go of it... maybe it's t-cells... maybe viral load exposure... who knows? But it definitely feels like it has led to folks on both sides drawing a line in the sand and refusing to budge in their belief.
I don't believe in lockdowns, and being a mental health professional, I also recognize the dangers associated with isolation... But the experiences of those I've known have 100% confirmed that I have no interest in contracting the virus, nor do I wish to spread it others... particularly family/friends... It just seems like there could/should be a healthy balance between supporting the economy, living life, etc. while also taking some fairly benign steps in following medical recommendations.. Sadly it seems there is simply no middle ground for the majority of our society...