So I guess The GOP doesn't believe in the Seperation of Church and State?

Another example of one of my favorite sayings: "The ulta-conservative Right isn't against indoctrination, they are against any doctrine that isn't their own".

It's literally like the Handmaid's Tale and if that doesn't scare you...
Agreed and you'd think a state 47th in education would have better things to do than indoctrinate children with their preferred religion.

Another example of one of my favorite sayings: "The ulta-conservative Right isn't against indoctrination, they are against any doctrine that isn't their own".

It's literally like the Handmaid's Tale and if that doesn't scare you...
Let's get into a pissing contest of Right vs Left. Nobody wins Bubba. Anyone truly a member of either party now has joined HOF liars, cheaters and thieves with little to no common sense.....or common decency.
Let's get into a pissing contest of Right vs Left. Nobody wins Bubba. Anyone truly a member of either party now has joined HOF liars, cheaters and thieves with little to no common sense.....or common decency.

So do you agree with this new law?

It's also really hard to say this wasn't driven by the Right in an extremely GOP laden state at every level of their government. It certainly wouldn't have happened in a more moderate state.

Why are you calling me "Bubba". Are you bothered that I identified this as an idiotic push by Ultra Conservatives?
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It will once it goes to the Supreme Court. There are waaaayyy too much established case history and judgements on Seperation of Church and State.
It'll wind up being ruled that either it has to come down or be given an equal place along with the Five Pillars of Islam and the Seven Fundamental Tenets of the Satanic Temple and any other religious text that wants to go up. Because that's how these things always go, but not before Louisiana spends a boat load of taxpayer dollars to own the libs or whatever first.
Agreed. But will this Supreme Court "find" a way to interpret this as constitutional. Their recent actions and signals are concerning. Win or lose Louisiana politicians are trying to score voting points, but I think they do believe they have a shot with this court. Hope I'm wrong.

I pray that we have some level headed folks. I have a hard time seeing John Roberts agreeing with this. He's conservative,but he's always seemed to al least try to stay with the legal and constitutional positions.

Now Alito and Thomas.... They both should be gone.
I pray that we have some level headed folks. I have a hard time seeing John Roberts agreeing with this. He's conservative,but he's always seemed to al least try to stay with the legal and constitutional positions.

Now Alito and Thomas.... They both should be gone.
I like Roberts... And Barrett and Kavanaugh have been a bit of a positive surpise to me. I can live with these guys. Fortunately for us more moderate folks, Trump's ability to pick the people he THINKS he's picking is really, really bad.
Time for my tinfoil hat - the court will strike this down to appear "moderate" in order to run cover for some other absolutely absurd ruling like giving specific corporations a seat in congress or something stupid like that.

Alito and Thomas should be ****ing gone, but that'll never happen.
I like Roberts... And Barrett and Kavanaugh have been a bit of a positive surpise to me. I can live with these guys. Fortunately for us more moderate folks, Trump's ability to pick the people he THINKS he's picking is really, really bad.

Exactly. It's fairly ironic actually. I have no issue with judges having different interpretations of the law.

I have major issues when they have personal beliefs that they use to change accepted and established case law.

Alitos recent statements and the flags at his house are really,really concerning to me.
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It will once it goes to the Supreme Court. There are waaaayyy too much established case history and judgements on Seperation of Church and State.
I wish I had your optimism on this. It *should* be stricken down but with this court? Who knows. They don’t care about case law, they literally threw out a previously settled Supreme Court decision and took on a case about long settled Presidential immunity.

One of the members has flown an American flag upside down in his property. That should tell you how this court feels about the established laws and institutions that we have always leaned on to shield us from the extreme ideologies out there.
I wish I had your optimism on this. It *should* be stricken down but with this court? Who knows. They don’t care about case law, they literally threw out a previously settled Supreme Court decision and took on a case about long settled Presidential immunity.

One of the members has flown an American flag upside down in his property. That should tell you how this court feels about the established laws and institutions that we have always leaned on to shield us from the extreme ideologies out there.
That same justice was caught on tape showing his true colors

And his wife

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Yeah, that is complete nonsense. Will easily set struck down.
The next thing you know, they will go completely off the deep end and want to allow people who are not citizens that illegally entered the country to vote....
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So Trump decided to weigh in...


He had a small typo, what he meant to say was: "I love BREAKING the Ten Commandments, particularly the part about Adultery."
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This shit is insane. Kari Lake is such a despicable person. FTR, you start talking politics at Church,prepare to start paying taxes.

Boebert is just dumb as shit and sleazy.
Yoshi fantasizes about being the sausage between the MTG Lauren Boebert sandwich.
It's such a surprise the state of SC consistently ranks towards the bottom of the country in education when people like this are constantly being elected.