Special Counsel Robert Hur Stands by Testimony Biden Too Cognitively Declined To Be Charged - Vindicated

For those of us old enough to remember our SC Gov Carroll Campbell got dementia at a very early age.

There is a fine line between being senile and weird. I fear the rule could be used against "unconventional" candidates unfairly. The power would probably just fall to the deep state if not done correctly.

If I remember correctly Gov CC started around 60.
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Don’t the people Have a right to hear the interview? Don’t democrats want to hear the interview?
Why won't Merrick Garland #releasethetapes?

I don’t like the Democratic and Biden policies however I realize two things

First Joe is no longer competent to be President and has not been for years

Secondly I agree with the premise that due to Biden’s health he us not competent to be tried in a court of law
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Is anyone else concerned they have not released the tapes yet? Seems like a pretty big deal.

Also, doctoring the transcript to cover for Biden should be a crime If it happened
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Is anyone else concerned they have not released the tapes yet? Seems like a pretty big deal.

Also, doctoring the transcript to cover for Biden should be a crime If it happened

The tapes will eventually be released

Probably after the election

Probably won ‘t any more than the next weeks as Biden fumbles constantly in the public
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