Thank you Mr. President

I have PMI, if you don't mind how were you able to roll that into the loan cost? If I read and understood that correctly, that would be something that interests me or it may already be the case, I just do not know.

I will refi once the rates go down which at some point they will. I am still living comfortably with my mortgage, i can still afford to do what I want and buy things that I desire to have or for others. And honestly I save a lot of money by either high yield cash account or my portfolio.

I'm in a $350K house paying about that same amount with a $300 car payment too so I am nor concerned. I am not concerned about myself, graduated with Accounting and Finance and have a Masters too. But I kniow some people in Charleston paying more than I am to rent and that is just not sustainable IMO. Itll take them years to save up enough to buy a home. I am based out of the greater Charlotte area for what its worth.

Go Tigers, and thanks for the response. I don;t have a ton of mentors when it comes to these things so I appreciate it!

I definitely feel for your age group when it comes to housing (I’m 40 fwiw). Current prices combined with high interest rates are a challenging combination, particularly in desirable areas like Charleston as you mentioned. The cost here is a big hurdle. Starter home price in Mt. Pleasant is $7-800K. $2M honestly doesn’t get you anything special. With 7% interest rates, that’s a lot.

We bought our first house for around what you did. This was in 2009. Then moved into our current house in 2016. That house is worth 3X+ what we paid in 2016. And thankfully - I think actually due to a recommendation to a jumbo lender by @Cocks are Number 1 during Covid - we refinanced to a 2.875% rate. So we timed things well, but I’m not sure there will be opportunities like that going forward. At least not in high demand areas. Potentially in future up and coming areas.
This is not a serious answer!!! You are trying to explain the Trump success that occurred in a negative way. LOL!! You also just blew over the fact that Trump had the border under control and doofus Joe blew it up fast.

Im sorry that you don’t understand basic macroeconomics. Near zero interest rates during a 10 year bull market is absurd negligence and Trump openly threatened to remove Powell from his chairmanship if he raised rates because he was more concerned about the immediate optics of stock market go up than the long term viability of the economy.
Meh. Depends on how much you value quality of life. Hard to beat what we have here.
I love Charleston and if my line of work provided opportunities there I’d consider moving. That said, the marginal quality of life in Charleston over that in say…Rock Hill, Greer, Lexington, or Aiken isn’t so great that it overwhelms the inability to save at all because of the price of rent. Financial independence in the midlands > living hand to mouth in Charleston.
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I love Charleston and if my line of work provided opportunities there I’d consider moving. That said, the marginal quality of life in Charleston over that in say…Rock Hill, Greer, Lexington, or Aiken isn’t so great that it overwhelms the inability to save at all because of the price of rent. Financial independence in the midlands > living hand to mouth in Charleston.

Fair, and the calculus has definitely changed in the last 5 years or so. We have an amazing setup here, but I don’t think even we could do it now if we were starting over. I just did some quick math and our monthly mortgage/insurance/taxes would be ~5X what it is now if we were to buy at today’s prices and interest rates.
Im sorry that you don’t understand basic macroeconomics. Near zero interest rates during a 10 year bull market is absurd negligence and Trump openly threatened to remove Powell from his chairmanship if he raised rates because he was more concerned about the immediate optics of stock market go up than the long term viability of the economy.
I do understand the bottom line brother and Trump did stuff to help the American people. The zero or near interest rates were already in place before his term anyway and he fought the Fed to keep them low. With rates now raised due to the smothering inflation it's putting a double whammy on young families that want to get into their first home.
Fair, and the calculus has definitely changed in the last 5 years or so. We have an amazing setup here, but I don’t think even we could do it now if we were starting over. I just did some quick math and our monthly mortgage/insurance/taxes would be ~5X what it is now if we were to buy at today’s prices and interest rates.
I would definitely consider going back to Charleston if the opportunity arose but I’d need a solid pay bump to justify it, especially coming from OKC where cost of living is low and quality ain’t too shabby either.

Probably would more likely move back to Greenville before Charleston.
I do understand the bottom line brother and Trump did stuff to help the American people. The zero or near interest rates were already in place before his term anyway and he fought the Fed to keep them low. With rates now raised due to the smothering inflation it's putting a double whammy on young families that want to get into their first home.
Do you not understand the fact that his violating a century of convention to influence Fed decision making on rates is precisely why we have that inflation and the current necessity of higher rates?

Had Trump allowed the Fed to raise rates in 2018-19 instead of throwing near zero rates on top of tax cuts, a strong stock market, and an already overheated housing market, then the fed’s powder would have been try in 2020 when Covid hit and they would have been able to float the economy with normal monetary measures instead of having to resort to direct stimulus. A decade of low rates + (necessary at the time) stimulus + Covid and geopolitical supply chain disruption + wage growth as the labor market chases the grey wave is why we’ve had the rising prices in the first place.

If you’re going to blame Biden for the higher rates in response to inflation and ignore the fact that his predecessor bares primary responsibility for the conditions that created that inflation then you’re a dishonest clown.
Do you not understand the fact that his violating a century of convention to influence Fed decision making on rates is precisely why we have that inflation and the current necessity of higher rates?

Had Trump allowed the Fed to raise rates in 2018-19 instead of throwing near zero rates on top of tax cuts, a strong stock market, and an already overheated housing market, then the fed’s powder would have been try in 2020 when Covid hit and they would have been able to float the economy with normal monetary measures instead of having to resort to direct stimulus. A decade of low rates + (necessary at the time) stimulus + Covid and geopolitical supply chain disruption + wage growth as the labor market chases the grey wave is why we’ve had the rising prices in the first place.

If you’re going to blame Biden for the higher rates in response to inflation and ignore the fact that his predecessor bares primary responsibility for the conditions that created that inflation then you’re a dishonest clown.
Honestly bro I think your analysis is incorrect and you are trying to complicate what is simple. Trump ran the economy great and it was self-evident to families across the nation just as the polls and interviews show that families are not happy now. Once again I am asking you specifically what actions has Biden taken to improve the economy and help American families?
Do you not understand the fact that his violating a century of convention to influence Fed decision making on rates is precisely why we have that inflation and the current necessity of higher rates?

Had Trump allowed the Fed to raise rates in 2018-19 instead of throwing near zero rates on top of tax cuts, a strong stock market, and an already overheated housing market, then the fed’s powder would have been try in 2020 when Covid hit and they would have been able to float the economy with normal monetary measures instead of having to resort to direct stimulus. A decade of low rates + (necessary at the time) stimulus + Covid and geopolitical supply chain disruption + wage growth as the labor market chases the grey wave is why we’ve had the rising prices in the first place.

If you’re going to blame Biden for the higher rates in response to inflation and ignore the fact that his predecessor bares primary responsibility for the conditions that created that inflation then you’re a dishonest clown.

Have you ever thought about maybe doing something with your life other than spending all of your free time spreading misinformation from bottom-feeding AI bots? Think about the good you could have done if you had used these thousands of hours you contribute to malicious conspiracy peddling to helping those in need instead.
Have you ever thought about maybe doing something with your life other than spending all of your free time spreading misinformation from bottom-feeding AI bots? Think about the good you could have done if you had used these thousands of hours you contribute to malicious conspiracy peddling to helping those in need instead.
What a weird world we live in.
Honestly bro I think your analysis is incorrect and you are trying to complicate what is simple. Trump ran the economy great and it was self-evident to families across the nation just as the polls and interviews show that families are not happy now. Once again I am asking you specifically what actions has Biden taken to improve the economy and help American families?
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Its been well reported from multiple media sources over the last few years that crime is not even being recorded by defunded police departments a majority of the time resulting in reduced numbers while crime is actually running rampant in reality. They are also just choosing to ignore multiple different types of crime by dictates from woke politicians like robbing stores for 999 dollars and beating people up while not killing them....etc. This is a joke. Your brain is damaged if you are unaware of this.
lol, ok, whatever you say. Can you pull that fox news report for us to consider?
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No. I don't give a shit what CNN has to say. It may be true, and it may not. But either way I would not rely on CNN to be accurate. They are peddlers of misinformation and so now anything they say is taken with a grade of slaw.
when i recall the days of the trump presidency, all i see are the visions of people rioting and looting in the streets and anti-americans rushing the capitol to violently prevent the bona fide outcome of a US presidential election. Mustn't forget trump acting like an idiot all day on TV during covid lockdown, showing his unique crisis management skills.
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Any numbers to prove that? Because the FBI crime index (which is what they are siting) is what everyone has historically used to measure crime. (Whisper it!!) Including Donald Trump.

Kind of reminds me of that time you used CDC numbers on mortality to "Prove" that the CDC numbers on COVID were fake and that the CDC was Deep State. That still makes me giggle a bit.
Real question- how do the ‘non arrest’ policies (where they don’t arrest anyone for a crime under a certain amount, etc) that are famous in several large cities affect this?
Real question- how do the ‘non arrest’ policies (where they don’t arrest anyone for a crime under a certain amount, etc) that are famous in several large cities affect this?
The OP was regarding violent crime statistics. I don't know of any violent crimes where people aren't getting arrested. I know that some cities have implemented non-arrest policies for nonviolent crimes, but nothing for violent ones. I'm happy to be proven wrong, though.
Real question- how do the ‘non arrest’ policies (where they don’t arrest anyone for a crime under a certain amount, etc) that are famous in several large cities affect this?
I honestly have no idea. I was just pointing out that the FBI reports are pretty much what we use to rate crime and that's what we've been using for years. Folks were bitching about the numbers b/c heaven forbit the crime rate comes down. I was just pointing out the numbers, I have no special insights into said numbers. If overall murder and violent crime is down, that's good. Period.

Kind of like the when the COVID vaccine came out and the death rates from COVID dropped (and before the vaccine came out to be fair). There were folks on here saying the CDC was faking the numbers on mortality. While I find that not likely, the REALLY funny part was that they were using earlier CDC mortality numbers to discredit the CDC numbers.

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