The Debate

Fail Old Man GIF
Trump needs to answer the questions. Biden is screwing himself without help.
I think if you read the transcript of the answer on the fentanyl question, Biden clearly gave a better, more substantive answer that made some logical sense. But Trump just delivers his answers with such force and authority that it doesn’t matter that most of it is stuff he’s just making up, and it doesn’t matter that he’s not really stringing together cohesive thoughts, he comes off stronger.

He says things like “we had the best h2o numbers in history” and that just doesn’t mean anything at all, but you can’t help but go, hm, wow he must have done a really good job.
I think if you read the transcript of the answer on the fentanyl question, Biden clearly gave a better, more substantive answer that made some logical sense. But Trump just delivers his answers with such force and authority that it doesn’t matter that most of it is stuff he’s just making up, and it doesn’t matter that he’s not really stringing together cohesive thoughts, he comes off stronger.

He says things like “we had the best h2o numbers in history” and that just doesn’t mean anything at all, but you can’t help but go, hm, wow he must have done a really good job.
Biden "Women who are raped by their sisters can not get an abortion." Great answer there Joe
Why wont Dana or CNN ask Biden is he will accept the results of the election?

Are we forgetting the multiple years of russia collusion investigation after Trump won. We were told russia and trump colluded to win. Hillary did not accept the results.

Neither party will accept the results. Gore didnt accept the results.
Biden did not meet the low bar for expectations. He shuffles his feet so its’s not surprising.

Biden stumbled over his words. Lost his train of thought several times. Made several weird faces. And stared into space at times.

Trump performed well enough. He didn’t shout or make too many weird faces. Was somewhat respectful.