The Debate

Trump needs to answer the questions. Biden is screwing himself without help.
The debate questions were subtly kept in line with topics to damage Trump. The hosts were definitely not the worst ever but they helped Joe. For instance very little time was spent on the economy imo. Trump was forced to try and hammer his topics no matter what the question was and I agree with that.
Do you really want to talk about an administration that lies?
Sure. From what I’ve observed over the last 7 years they’re both full of sh@t. Apologies for coming in so hot with my first response, I try not to be that guy. My nerves are shot after watching that train wreck or something.
CNN and democrats turning on him tonight makes it very, very clear that Biden is done. He will not be allowed to run. He doesn't even run the country now. We all knew that but tonight just confirmed it.

If I am Trump, that 100% was my last debate. No reason to have another one regardless of opponent.
My question is still the same, "who HAS been running the country?" My word, tonight was the biggest landslide of a victory I've ever seen in a debate.

When CNN comes on right afterwards and literally dogs a democrat, you know there's gonna be a change coming for the left.
Sure. From what I’ve observed over the last 7 years they’re both full of sh@t. Apologies for coming in so hot with my first response, I try not to be that guy. My nerves are shot after watching that train wreck or something.
I've always thought of you as middle of the road so that was a bit vitriolic for you, yeesh

We know you know
Trump said the only reason he was running was to get Biden out. Trump said he had not planned on running. So if Biden drops out, trump can too. Then we might have an actual choice worth debating.
Biden did not meet the low bar for expectations. He shuffles his feet so its’s not surprising.

Biden stumbled over his words. Lost his train of thought several times. Made several weird faces. And stared into space at times.

Trump performed well enough. He didn’t shout or make too many weird faces. Was somewhat respectful.
Trump was reserved more than I would like. I wanted him to open up more on china joe but he got it done. Trump won the debate in spite of cnn trying to put 70% of the topics on stuff that is deemed to be negative for Trump. Joe had a number of huge snafus including the one related to medicare which was huge and Trump had a good pounce off it.
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My question is still the same, "who HAS been running the country?" My word, tonight was the biggest landslide of a victory I've ever seen in a debate.

When CNN comes on right afterwards and literally dogs a democrat, you know there's gonna be a change coming for the left.
Go forbid if they bring in Heels Up Harris as the replacement
Of course, it should be mandatory simply because idiot magas say so, even though there's no precedent for it at all.
The way I see it he is the Commander In Chief. All military members that I am aware of are subject to no-notice drug test. The CIC, members of the cabinet, and all members of congress should be subject to the same.
The way I see it he is the Commander In Chief. All military members that I am aware of are subject to no-notice drug test. The CIC, members of the cabinet, and all members of congress should be subject to the same.
Drugs are not his issue.
Trump did well enough. He didn't interrupt Biden. Didn't make too many sarcastic faces. He showed well thought out responses, even though many will not agree with his stances. Basically he needed to not step on his own d!ck and I think most would agree that he accomplished that. He fought the abortion question to a draw which is hard to do for a Republican. He successfully hammered the immigration issue, which is his strongest issue.

Id give Trump a B+.

Id give Biden a D-.

I do think that Joe needs to step down. That is the only way that he is not the candidate.

Polymarket showing a WHOPPING 10 point swing to Trump after the debate
They both looked about how I expected.

Biden is very old and sounded like it. It was difficult to hear him. I didn’t get the impression he’s out of it mentally. He’s going along with the view of an average 40 year old living in DC that went to a snooty college. Toeing the Dem party line, not dynamic.

Trump is an egomaniac and sounded like it. He didn’t want to talk about January 6 and predictably brought up Hunter. Nobody’s going to talk about interest rates in debate. He gets away with a complete disdain for detail, but it works. “Well thought out” isn’t a term I’d use. He’s always got a simple solution to a complex problem that won’t work out as implemented anyway. Tariffs are an example. Repeal and replace Obamacare until it turned out there was never any serious idea of a replacement.

This particular debate won’t decide the election, too early. Was much better for Trump though.

I’d much rather chance it with 4 more years of Joe or the Dem party line than Trump’s clown act. I don’t see any economic “disaster.” I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong
They both looked about how I expected.

Biden is very old and sounded like it. It was difficult to hear him. I didn’t get the impression he’s out of it mentally. He’s going along with the view of an average 40 year old living in DC that went to a snooty college. Toeing the Dem party line, not dynamic.

Trump is an egomaniac and sounded like it. He didn’t want to talk about January 6 and predictably brought up Hunter. Nobody’s going to talk about interest rates in debate. He gets away with a complete disdain for detail, but it works. “Well thought out” isn’t a term I’d use. He’s always got a simple solution to a complex problem that won’t work out as implemented anyway. Tariffs are an example. Repeal and replace Obamacare until it turned out there was never any serious idea of a replacement.

This particular debate won’t decide the election, too early. Was much better for Trump though.

I’d much rather chance it with 4 more years of Joe or the Dem party line than Trump’s clown act. I don’t see any economic “disaster.” I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong
There won’t be another debate. Why would Trump accept another debate?

Democrats need to replace Biden. No way he can serve 4 years
I am curious about all these lies CNN and others keep saying Trump said. But Biden only tells the truth.

It was obvious Bidens handlers keep telling him the same lies to push even after they were proven wrong.
Charlottesville hoax was embarrassing for Joe. Even snopes changed their mind on it just a couple weeks ago.
They both looked about how I expected.

Biden is very old and sounded like it. It was difficult to hear him. I didn’t get the impression he’s out of it mentally. He’s going along with the view of an average 40 year old living in DC that went to a snooty college. Toeing the Dem party line, not dynamic.

Trump is an egomaniac and sounded like it. He didn’t want to talk about January 6 and predictably brought up Hunter. Nobody’s going to talk about interest rates in debate. He gets away with a complete disdain for detail, but it works. “Well thought out” isn’t a term I’d use. He’s always got a simple solution to a complex problem that won’t work out as implemented anyway. Tariffs are an example. Repeal and replace Obamacare until it turned out there was never any serious idea of a replacement.

This particular debate won’t decide the election, too early. Was much better for Trump though.

I’d much rather chance it with 4 more years of Joe or the Dem party line than Trump’s clown act. I don’t see any economic “disaster.” I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong
Not sure who is having a worse night, the never trumpers like yourself or the true dems that just watched one of the worst performances of a dem incumbent in a very long time.

Either way, Trump came out the winner 2nite and likely was his final debate because of how bad it was for Joe.

The cutting of the microphone only helped Trump. It kept him from going off the rails. For him, it was fairly subdued and not like a rally which is what many of us wanted to see.
Not sure who is having a worse night, the never trumpers like yourself or the true dems that just watched one of the worst performances of a dem incumbent in a very long time.

Either way, Trump came out the winner 2nite and likely was his final debate because of how bad it was for Joe.

The cutting of the microphone only helped Trump. It kept him from going off the rails. For him, it was fairly subdued and not like a rally which is what many of us wanted to see.
The mics off also allowed him to change the subject whenever he wanted. They ask about climate change, he talks about immigration. The moderators could not stop him.
They both looked about how I expected.

Biden is very old and sounded like it. It was difficult to hear him. I didn’t get the impression he’s out of it mentally. He’s going along with the view of an average 40 year old living in DC that went to a snooty college. Toeing the Dem party line, not dynamic.

Trump is an egomaniac and sounded like it. He didn’t want to talk about January 6 and predictably brought up Hunter. Nobody’s going to talk about interest rates in debate. He gets away with a complete disdain for detail, but it works. “Well thought out” isn’t a term I’d use. He’s always got a simple solution to a complex problem that won’t work out as implemented anyway. Tariffs are an example. Repeal and replace Obamacare until it turned out there was never any serious idea of a replacement.

This particular debate won’t decide the election, too early. Was much better for Trump though.

I’d much rather chance it with 4 more years of Joe or the Dem party line than Trump’s clown act. I don’t see any economic “disaster.” I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong
Biden went to a snooty college? Never knew U of Delaware and Law school at Syracuse where he was in the bottom of the class was prestigious.
Trump was reserved more than I would like. I wanted him to open up more on china joe but he got it done. Trump won the debate in spite of cnn trying to put 70% of the topics on stuff that is deemed to be negative for Trump. Joe had a number of huge snafus including the one related to medicare which was huge and Trump had a good pounce off it.
Those who were voting for Trump were going to vote for Trump.

This was planned for those who are leaning against voting for him because of how he represents himself. Trump was composed. Didn't interrupt. Could have actually laid into Biden on several accounts, including his gaffes, and largely avoided the trap.
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I agree it was pathetic, but how could anyone think he could answer questions on his own without a scripted teleprompter answer to read from?

It all depends on whether or not Jill can convince him to drop out. Not sure his pride will let him. That's why I hope he gets asked the question multiple times in the next few days and digs his heels in about being capable.
"It all depends on whether or not Jill can convince him to drop out. Not sure his pride will let him. That's why I hope he gets asked the question multiple times in the next few days and digs his heels in about being capable."

IMO, I think you have it wrong. I think the only reason 'ole Joe is still doing this is because of "dr" Jill. She loves being the 1st Lady more than she loves Joe. I think that has been apparent for a very long time.

She has been seeing more of what everyone who watched tonight for a very long time. She should be brought up on elder abuse charges.
They both looked about how I expected.

Biden is very old and sounded like it. It was difficult to hear him. I didn’t get the impression he’s out of it mentally. He’s going along with the view of an average 40 year old living in DC that went to a snooty college. Toeing the Dem party line, not dynamic.

Trump is an egomaniac and sounded like it. He didn’t want to talk about January 6 and predictably brought up Hunter. Nobody’s going to talk about interest rates in debate. He gets away with a complete disdain for detail, but it works. “Well thought out” isn’t a term I’d use. He’s always got a simple solution to a complex problem that won’t work out as implemented anyway. Tariffs are an example. Repeal and replace Obamacare until it turned out there was never any serious idea of a replacement.

This particular debate won’t decide the election, too early. Was much better for Trump though.

I’d much rather chance it with 4 more years of Joe or the Dem party line than Trump’s clown act. I don’t see any economic “disaster.” I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong
"I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong" I know right, like only world wars and sh!T.
"It all depends on whether or not Jill can convince him to drop out. Not sure his pride will let him. That's why I hope he gets asked the question multiple times in the next few days and digs his heels in about being capable."

IMO, I think you have it wrong. I think the only reason 'ole Joe is still doing this is because of "dr" Jill. She loves being the 1st Lady more than she loves Joe. I think that has been apparent for a very long time.

She has been seeing more of what everyone who watched tonight for a very long time. She should be brought up on elder abuse charges.
I don't think you are, but I hope you are right. There is absolutely no way Joe will drop out if Jill encourages him not to.
They both looked about how I expected.

Biden is very old and sounded like it. It was difficult to hear him. I didn’t get the impression he’s out of it mentally. He’s going along with the view of an average 40 year old living in DC that went to a snooty college. Toeing the Dem party line, not dynamic.

Trump is an egomaniac and sounded like it. He didn’t want to talk about January 6 and predictably brought up Hunter. Nobody’s going to talk about interest rates in debate. He gets away with a complete disdain for detail, but it works. “Well thought out” isn’t a term I’d use. He’s always got a simple solution to a complex problem that won’t work out as implemented anyway. Tariffs are an example. Repeal and replace Obamacare until it turned out there was never any serious idea of a replacement.

This particular debate won’t decide the election, too early. Was much better for Trump though.

I’d much rather chance it with 4 more years of Joe or the Dem party line than Trump’s clown act. I don’t see any economic “disaster.” I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong
@24TIGER I know you don’t care for the political discussions and I don’t know if you could or even want to respond to a question I have- if not it’s fine, but here it goes.

In regards to the last line of @LaniKaiTiger post and for the sake of the question let’s assume the President hasn’t been capable of fulfilling normal presidential duties(which obviously I don’t know) could that in any scenario be a potential good thing? I could see that causing massive issues with communication, chain of command, in-fighting and a general internal power struggle. Am I totally off and just don’t understand how the Executive branch operates?
I don't think you are, but I hope you are right. There is absolutely no way Joe will drop out if Jill encourages him not to.
All I saw tonight was more of the same "alarm bells" going off, that have been going off since he was campaigning to be POTUS. The Communist, the liberals, all said I, and many millions like me were stupid and did not know what we were talking about. Joe was fine.

If he wasn't actively trying to destroy this country with every single policy he makes, I might feel sorry for him. If he didn't promote using the DOJ to go after his political opponents, I might feel sorry for him. If he didn't sell out this country for his/his family personal gain, I might feel sorry for him. If he hadn't let millions of illegal aliens into this country on PURPOSE, I might feel sorry for him. I could go on, and on.

Yet, he has done, and continues to do these things, among many others. He is a piece of trash. Always has been. Always will be.

I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.

The question/s everyone should have after tonight (those of us with ears/eyes have seen this for years) is WTF is running this country.

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