The Debate

Almost everything you have ever posted on this site is wildly wrong, including the above. And the hubris coming out of you is remarkable.

Go read some books and develop some ability to think critically.

I do think critically. You never actually say anything of substance. You just tell people they are wrong. I suspect that covers some significant gaps in understanding. I can't help you with the fundamental lack of understanding about anything related to our governmental structure that you display. In that case, you'd have to be the one reading a book or ten. :)
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I dunno … I could see a Michelle Obama/Newsome ticket for sure, but not a Newsome/Obama ticket.

It’s becoming more and more clear why Newsome agreed to debate DeSantis. It was a “test” to see how well Newsome polled and performed. DeSantis gutted him in the debate and the polling was atrocious, sooooooooo ya … Newsomr won’t get the nod.

People LOVE Michelle Obama, qualified or not she would obliterate Trump.

I think we are going to see either Obama or Gretchen Whitmer leading the ticket with Newsome as VP.

Either way, it won’t be Biden.
You're right about Michelle but I'd also love to see Josh Shapiro as an option.
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I dunno … I could see a Michelle Obama/Newsome ticket for sure, but not a Newsome/Obama ticket.

It’s becoming more and more clear why Newsome agreed to debate DeSantis. It was a “test” to see how well Newsome polled and performed. DeSantis gutted him in the debate and the polling was atrocious, sooooooooo ya … Newsomr won’t get the nod.

People LOVE Michelle Obama, qualified or not she would obliterate Trump.

I think we are going to see either Obama or Gretchen Whitmer leading the ticket with Newsome as VP.

Either way, it won’t be Biden.

It's hard to imagine a realistic option more unqualified than Michelle Obama. I agree the left would support her because they don't do a lot of thinking. They're just about how things look. But I do think the middle would struggle and I think Michelle Obama enjoys her place as a highly regarded person in our country. She'd have to become a politician a bit to run for President and that would be hard for her. They are fantastically wealthy and highly regarded.
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You're right about Michele but I'd also love to see Josh Shapiro as an option.

Shapiro is the best option they could put forward. He would probably win and he's a smart politician. In my opinion, he's the best person the Democrats have right now.
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Almost everything you have ever posted on this site is wildly wrong, including the above. And the hubris coming out of you is remarkable.

Go read some books and develop some ability to think critically.
"When you have no basis for an argument abuse the plantiff." --Cicero
The debate last night was an absolute shyt show from both candidates in my opinion.

I was talking to a couple of my counterparts in London, and South Africa this morning. They are absolutely perplexed as to how these are the two candidates that our country has to offer to run the free world.

Biden looked horrible on stage, and Trump spouting off lie after lie although he did present himself as more capable.

Then having these two argue about who the better golfer is on the world stage is very embarrassing for our country.
You're right about Michelle but I'd also love to see Josh Shapiro as an option.

It's hard to imagine a realistic option more unqualified than Michelle Obama. I agree the left would support her because they don't do a lot of thinking. They're just about how things look. But I do think the middle would struggle and I think Michelle Obama enjoys her place as a highly regarded person in our country. She'd have to become a politician a bit to run for President and that would be hard for her. They are fantastically wealthy and highly regarded.

Shapiro is the best option they could put forward. He would probably win and he's a smart politician. In my opinion, he's the best person the Democrats have right now.
I absolutely agree with you that Shapiro is the better choice, BUT … he would’ve been the choice if the Dems ran a true primary but not as a last minute replacement.

Those undecided/not engaged voters have no flippin idea who Shapiro is.

I mention Obama because she would drive people to the polls. The “meh … I’m kind of busy” voter isn’t showing up or taking the time for Shapiro.
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I absolutely agree with you that Shapiro is the better choice, BUT … he would’ve been the choice if the Dems ran a true primary but not as a last minute replacement.

Those undecided/not engaged voters have no flippin idea who Shapiro is.

I mention Obama because she would drive people to the polls. The “meh … I’m kind of busy” voter isn’t showing up or taking the time for Shapiro.

My understanding is that MO has 0% interest in being a politician. She Amy change her mind after last nights Biden performance.
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I absolutely agree with you that Shapiro is the better choice, BUT … he would’ve been the choice if the Dems ran a true primary but not as a last minute replacement.

Those undecided/not engaged voters have no flippin idea who Shapiro is.

I mention Obama because she would drive people to the polls. The “meh … I’m kind of busy” voter isn’t showing up or taking the time for Shapiro.

Which is sad because by definition we're saying people care about name recognition while being spectacularly uninformed. It's a really messed up process through which we end up with bad candidates. It should be about policy and a philosophy of governance.

I don't agree with Shapiro on much, but he's a competent governor. Despite my disagreement with him, our country would be ok with him as president.
I absolutely agree with you that Shapiro is the better choice, BUT … he would’ve been the choice if the Dems ran a true primary but not as a last minute replacement.

Those undecided/not engaged voters have no flippin idea who Shapiro is.

I mention Obama because she would drive people to the polls. The “meh … I’m kind of busy” voter isn’t showing up or taking the time for Shapiro.
Maybe so but if they could get him out there fast and put the machine behind him, you never know. And if he could arrange a debate with Trump, that could seal the deal because he's a moderate and a savvy speaker who would appeal to a broad coalition of people who are desperate for an alternative.
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You see something like last night, and people talk about the 2024 election and this and that.

I am extremely worried about our country because it is painfully obvious that Biden is not and has not been leading our country, and it has been for a while, just not sure how long. Though I expect it has been this way since Day 1 to some extent. At least back to the days of the Easter bunny guiding him around.

The other world leaders have kept their mouths shut, and helped usher him around on the stage.

And screw the mainstream media for continuing the charade. I get a certain extent of trying to protect the strength of the office of the President, but all the Dem leaders and media, and George Clooney who prop this guy up are the problem. And Jilly is a horrible person for even allowing this.

There were signs of this before the 2020 election. So many people were wondering how long until Kamala was President way back then.

It is now obvious, and should be to everyone, even the View hosts. that Biden is not running the country, and the question should be Who is running the country.

I understand if Dems just don't want Trump. And will vote for the homeless guy on the street over him. But the Dems and Reps owe the citizens of this country better candidates.

Biden appeared to be genuinely surprised at some of the things Trump said last night that were true. Like the debunked Charlottsville quotes. And the Losers and such about our troops. Biden has either been told and forgotten, or his circle has purposely kept him out of the loop.

Heck even the CNN moderators, had looks of sympathy a few times for Biden and how he looked.

There are obvious power reasons the Dems have strategized this, I firmly believe the early debate was to give them time to enact an already devised plan to put Gavin or someone else up as the nominee. And the Dems should be upset that they had a choice stolen from them in the primary process, and are instead going to be told who their nominee is.

I am not really sure what policies the average American disagrees with Trump about. Having Abortion at the state level? Support for Israel? Strong borders? Growing economy? What policies do the Dems actually not like from Trump? and how has Biden helped those policies they don't like from Trump?
"I am extremely worried about our country because it is painfully obvious that Biden is not and has not been leading our country, and it has been for a while, just not sure how long. Though I expect it has been this way since Day 1 to some extent. At least back to the days of the Easter bunny guiding him around."

This times infinity.
just curious, what lies did Trump tell last night?

I get that he exaggerates some things - best this or that ever, stuff. But what actual lies did he tell. I am curious, because I don't spend much time following a lot of the talking points. But most of what he said, is at least supported by some portion of truth to my knowledge.

The previous VA governor did try and allow abortion beyond birth, which is murder imo.

That was maybe the one biggest I heard people challenging.

Understood. Perhaps “nonsensical blather” would have been a better word choice than “lies”. But the major point that I was trying to make was that when something approaching 80% of our fellow citizens want somebody, ANYBODY, other than these 2 candidates, then America has a problem! And the most important point I was trying to make is that the folks surrounding and supposedly love Joe Biden are allowing him to put himself in that embarrassing situation are indeed lying when they say that he is well or “sharp as a tack”. That is shameful and disgraceful and they should be held accountable. Again, that is a form of elder abuse IMHO. GO TIGERS!
There should be zero doubt at this point what liars the media and the Democratic Party are at this point. Last night was not shocking at all to anyone that's been paying any attention. I'm not sure what people thought the benefit to lying in such ways with the cheap fakes and all the ridiculous comments about staffers having trouble keeping up with Biden was?

Our institutions are corrupt and failing. They do not live in reality and nothing quite illustrates that better than what we saw last night. Demand better from them. Trump is a damn liar and exaggerator. And he looked benign compared to the unbelievable deception, incompetence and general dishonesty of Biden, his administration and perhaps even more so, the media!
I liked your post because I agree with 99% of it.

Having said that, I do wish you would expand upon this: "Trump is a damn liar".

I get the "exaggerator" part, but why is he a liar? Is it something from last night, during his presidency, or just in general?

Honest and sincere question.
You didn't actually think he would remember the 13 Abby Gate victims, did you? Of course not !! He was too busy checking his watch every five minutes during the transfer... He's a POS...

My favorite Trump line- Joe you never fire anyone do you??
"You didn't actually think he would remember the 13 Abby Gate victims, did you? Of course not !! He was too busy checking his watch every five minutes during the transfer... He's a POS..."

Always was a POS, and will be until he takes his last breath. Then GOD will deal with him. The debate last night should be the least of his worries.
"It all depends on whether or not Jill can convince him to drop out. Not sure his pride will let him. That's why I hope he gets asked the question multiple times in the next few days and digs his heels in about being capable."

IMO, I think you have it wrong. I think the only reason 'ole Joe is still doing this is because of "dr" Jill. She loves being the 1st Lady more than she loves Joe. I think that has been apparent for a very long time.

She has been seeing more of what everyone who watched tonight for a very long time. She should be brought up on elder abuse charges.
Lol. The way you just conjure up shit like it's a fact rather than your own uninformed baseless ideas.....
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All I saw tonight was more of the same "alarm bells" going off, that have been going off since he was campaigning to be POTUS. The Communist, the liberals, all said I, and many millions like me were stupid and did not know what we were talking about. Joe was fine.

If he wasn't actively trying to destroy this country with every single policy he makes, I might feel sorry for him. If he didn't promote using the DOJ to go after his political opponents, I might feel sorry for him. If he didn't sell out this country for his/his family personal gain, I might feel sorry for him. If he hadn't let millions of illegal aliens into this country on PURPOSE, I might feel sorry for him. I could go on, and on.

Yet, he has done, and continues to do these things, among many others. He is a piece of trash. Always has been. Always will be.

I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.

The question/s everyone should have after tonight (those of us with ears/eyes have seen this for years) is WTF is running this country.
Lol. More of your wild assertions about destroying the country, and financial have no idea what truth is anymore, do you?
I only was able to watch a little of the debate.

Biden lost, bigly. He was mumbling, weak, and failed to pounce on trumps lies. He was terrible.

Trump was also terrible. He had zero substance. Like when they asked if his 10% tariffs would affect affect inflation. He said no and immediately launched into some bullshit about millions of terrorists crossing the border. He so fortunate that Biden performed much, much worse.

I hope Biden steps aside, as I have been saying for 2+ years on this forum. I am afraid that someone more progressive could take his place, and then the far left would take over the dem party the same way the far right has taken over the Republican Party.
Well, Rip Van Winkle......the left has already been taken over by exactly who you are worried will.
I dunno … I could see a Michelle Obama/Newsome ticket for sure, but not a Newsome/Obama ticket.

It’s becoming more and more clear why Newsome agreed to debate DeSantis. It was a “test” to see how well Newsome polled and performed. DeSantis gutted him in the debate and the polling was atrocious, sooooooooo ya … Newsomr won’t get the nod.

People LOVE Michelle Obama, qualified or not she would obliterate Trump.

I think we are going to see either Obama or Gretchen Whitmer leading the ticket with Newsome as VP.

Either way, it won’t be Biden.
Scary prospect
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I liked your post because I agree with 99% of it.

Having said that, I do wish you would expand upon this: "Trump is a damn liar".

I get the "exaggerator" part, but why is he a liar? Is it something from last night, during his presidency, or just in general?

Honest and sincere question.

I've read the fact checks on last night's debate. A lot of what they call out was pretty weak sauce and I just don't agree with some of the points the supposed experts are making. President Trump did lie some, but not even close to the way Biden did. Example, we did not have the best economy ever during his presidency. The best economy doesn't run up massive deficits (not even considering Covid). And if we're running up deficits during high tide, that's a really, really bad sign. It's indicative of the systemic issues we have with our federal budget which no one is going to deal with. If Trump wins, I hope he'll be honest about this and help lead the way to a bi-partisan solution that everyone can get behind because this isn't something that can change back and forth from president to president.

  • 2019 - $984 billion budget deficit
  • 2018 - $779 billion budget deficit
  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit
That's just bad!

The best economy I have seen was when Clinton was president and he decided to work with Gingrich to bring about consequential change in the structure of our spending. In his second term, here's our spending:

  • 2001 - $128.2 billion budget surplus
  • 2000 - $236.2 billion budget surplus
  • 1999 - $125.6 billion budget surplus
  • 1998 - $69.3 billion budget surplus
  • 1997 - $21.9 billion budget deficit
We need this desperately right now. I know that Trump believes we can grow our way into good budgetary territory and that's partly right but we have massive issues that have to be dealt with. The interest on our debt is more than any spending our government does outside of Social Security. We've never seen this kind of thing before. It's something I've lamented for a long time...all the way back to when Bush took us to war without implementing a war tax to cover our costs.

But let me get back to what you asked about...

Trump has always had a casual relationship with the truth. More than lying, he exaggerates about so many things. He just can't help himself and it really impacts his credibility. My personal belief is that to restore the character of our nation, a key ingredient is our leaders having actual character. That is sadly absent across the board in both parties.
Which is sad because by definition we're saying people care about name recognition while being spectacularly uninformed. It's a really messed up process through which we end up with bad candidates. It should be about policy and a philosophy of governance.

I don't agree with Shapiro on much, but he's a competent governor. Despite my disagreement with him, our country would be ok with him as president.
Yup …. It’s very sad …. Less than half? Half? Of the country don’t even vote.

And only 50% of the other half (just my opinion based on no research, no data, just feelings haha) are actually informed on the issues and can intelligently articulate why they are voting the way they are.
Understood. Perhaps “nonsensical blather” would have been a better word choice than “lies”. But the major point that I was trying to make was that when something approaching 80% of our fellow citizens want somebody, ANYBODY, other than these 2 candidates, then America has a problem! And the most important point I was trying to make is that the folks surrounding and supposedly love Joe Biden are allowing him to put himself in that embarrassing situation are indeed lying when they say that he is well or “sharp as a tack”. That is shameful and disgraceful and they should be held accountable. Again, that is a form of elder abuse IMHO. GO TIGERS!
That I don't really disagree with. at all.
And you trust that insane grifter Trump? . Might not be so lucky if he gets back in there.
You're a joke dude. A bad joke.

There were no new wars while Trump was POTUS.

"Lucky the military held him at bay last time". Held him at bay from what?

It's pointless arguing with people as stupid as you. You don't even know how the country is SUPPOSED to work (checks & balances).

What's even more sad, is here you are in this thread still shilling for an imbecilic moron, because you don't like Trump. You're pathetic.

You should stick to sitting on your bean bag eating Cheetos, and STFU about stuff you have no knowledge of.
Lol. More of your wild assertions about destroying the country, and financial have no idea what truth is anymore, do you?
Tell me what the truth is. Anytime I want to know what the truth is, I look to "flotiger" for his knowledge. 😂😂😂

You accuse me of not knowing what the truth is, so here is your chance to "splain" to me.

Tell me the truth "flo".
You're a joke dude. A bad joke.

There were no new wars while Trump was POTUS.

"Lucky the military held him at bay last time". Held him at bay from what?

It's pointless arguing with people as stupid as you. You don't even know how the country is SUPPOSED to work (checks & balances).

What's even more sad, is here you are in this thread still shilling for an imbecilic moron, because you don't like Trump. You're pathetic.

You should stick to sitting on your bean bag eating Cheetos, and STFU about stuff you have no knowledge of.
Lol. I guess I should have paid more attention in all those political science classes I had at Clemson. Oh, wait, I did pay attention.

I'm surprised you can spell knowledge, much less use the term. Knowledge is obviously a foreign concept to you. You just wander around making up shit and believing what you want to be true, rather than actual facts. But you're a pathetic little cult member who just believes what he's told to believe.
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I see last night broke several already unhinged members and are currently in the anger and bargaining stages. It's gonna be easier if you start accepting now that Trump will be president. There is nothing Democrats can do to change it
I’m starting to think @areeves and all his NWO conspiracy talk might just be the most reasonable explanation for what we are experiencing right now.
You’re a smart man! Read Daniel 7, the 4th Beast is The NWO…. It’s a Global Government & All Global Leaders answer to The Pope & especially this Pope, Beast/Antichrist, Pope Francis!

Here’s what’s coming, an attack on our soil by China & Russia. Look for China to invade Taiwan in the near future. Taiwan supplies 80% of computer chips for the world. This brings about the pinnacle for hyper-inflation, which is the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse. NATO will retaliate against China & China will retaliate against the United States, with the consent of our government. Nukes will be used on a handful of our cities as well as an EMP, which the Obama Administration launched into the atmosphere on December 13th, 2012. Martial Law will be enacted & citizens will receive a knock on their door by a NWO Authority. Could be FEMA/UN or some other NWO Government Agency. Citizens will be told, “We were attacked by China & Russia. A handful of our cities were hit with Nukes & We were hit by an EMP. It’s mandatory you & your family come with us. We’ll provide food, water, shelter, protection & other provisions for you & your family. Once things settle down, you’ll be able to return home.” This IS A LIE! Once Citizens arrive @ The FEMA Camps, Citizens will be told, “We’re The NWO, This Is The Start Of “The Great Reset. You Have Two Choices, Agree To Be Re-Educated, This Includes Having A Computer Chip (RFID Chip in Obamacare) Implanted In Your Hand Or Forehead. This Will Allow You To Buy & Sell. You Can’t Buy A Loaf Of Bread Without It (Revelation 13) You MUST Worship The Beast/Antichrist & Or His Image. Failure To Do So Will Result In Your Termination By Guillotine (Revelation 13)

Those Who Receive The Mark Of The Beast (RFID Chip In Obamacare) & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist & OR His Image Will Be The Recipient Of One Or More Of 16 Judgements From GOD, Including But Not Limited To Being Stung With Demons With The Sting Of A Scorpion. The Pain Lasts For 5 Months. Men Will Seek Death But Won’t Find It. Painful Boils All Over The Body, The Sun Scorching Men To Death, One Hundred Pound Hail Stones Falling On People, An Earthquake So Powerful Every Island & Mountain Are Moved Out Of Their Places, An Earthquake So Powerful, Every Island & Mountain Were Flattened As Well as Cities Flattened. Worse Of All, Once Those Who Have Received The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worshipped The Beast/Antichrist OR His Image Perish, They Will Spend Eternity In The Lake If Fire.

It’s Late In The Game, Putin Recently Said This After The United States Allegedly Helped Ukraine Execute An Attack On Civilian Beach Goers In Russia Recently, One Hundred Fifty People Were Injured & Four Died, Including 2 Children. This Is What A Russian Spokesman Said, “involvement of the United States, the direct involvement, as a result of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot be without consequences".

An Attack On America Has Been Planned Out For A Long Time. All Government Leaders Are Working Together.

I’ll Say It Again, “If You Haven’t Received JESUS As Your Savior & LORD, This Zia The Time. JESUS Is The Only One Who Can Save Us & I Don’t Mean Physically, I’m Talking About Where We Spend Eternity.

JESUS Said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FAThER But Through ME.”

JESUS Also Said, “Unless A Man Is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven.”

JESUS Said, “If Any Man Would Come After ME, Let Him Take Up His Cross Daily & Follow Me, He Must Deny Himself Daily, Take Up His Cross & Follow Me. For Whoever Seeks To Save His Life Will Lose It But Whoever Lose His Life Gor My Sake Will Find It.”

JESUS Said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels But If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before MY Father & HIS Angels.

JESUS Said, “Strive To Enter Through The Narrow Gate, For Wide & Broad Is The Way That Leads To Destruction & MANY Are Those Who Enter It But The Way That Leads To Life Is Very Narrow & FEW Are Those Who Find It.”

Revelation 20:15 Says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast In The Lake Of Fire.”

JESUS Said This About The Time We’re Living In Now, “If Those Days Weren’t Cut Short, No One Would Survive!”

To Receive Salvation & Have Your Name Written In The Lambs Book Of Life, Say This Prayer…. Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To YOU In The Name Of JESUS, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins, I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Believe JESUS Is The MESSIAH & I Invite The HOLY SPIRIT To Come Into My Heart. Thank YOU For Saving Me!

If You Said That Prayer, Your Name Is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life!

Read Your Bible Everyday, Pray Everyday!
I Can’t Emphasize Enough How Important This Is!

GOD Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek HIM!

GOD Bless You!
You're a joke dude. A bad joke.

There were no new wars while Trump was POTUS.

"Lucky the military held him at bay last time". Held him at bay from what?

It's pointless arguing with people as stupid as you. You don't even know how the country is SUPPOSED to work (checks & balances).

What's even more sad, is here you are in this thread still shilling for an imbecilic moron, because you don't like Trump. You're pathetic.

You should stick to sitting on your bean bag eating Cheetos, and STFU about stuff you have no knowledge of.

Insults aside (Which you shouldn't do man. It's not a productive endeavor no matter how nasty people are; be better!)

The belief by some about how evil a man Trump is has massively escaped the gravity of who he actually is. They need him to be this demon in order to justify their alarmist pathology. That's what's behind all the fake stories, trumped up charges (that phrase has new meaning now) and unhinged nazi references. We saw Biden clinging to a lot of that last night and pretty much none of it was true.

Oh and it bears noting, Trump's foreign policy was awesome. It was easily the best part of his presidency.
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