The Debate

I think if you read the transcript of the answer on the fentanyl question, Biden clearly gave a better, more substantive answer that made some logical sense. But Trump just delivers his answers with such force and authority that it doesn’t matter that most of it is stuff he’s just making up, and it doesn’t matter that he’s not really stringing together cohesive thoughts, he comes off stronger.

He says things like “we had the best h2o numbers in history” and that just doesn’t mean anything at all, but you can’t help but go, hm, wow he must have done a really good job.
Trump is the king of superlatives. That’s for sure.
Biden did not meet the low bar for expectations. He shuffles his feet so its’s not surprising.

Biden stumbled over his words. Lost his train of thought several times. Made several weird faces. And stared into space at times.

Trump performed well enough. He didn’t shout or make too many weird faces. Was somewhat respectful.
Trump started out respectful but he did start attacking more as the debate went on. He didn’t answer all of the questions either.

Make no mistake though - he clearly won.
Trump did well enough. He didn't interrupt Biden. Didn't make too many sarcastic faces. He showed well thought out responses, even though many will not agree with his stances. Basically he needed to not step on his own d!ck and I think most would agree that he accomplished that. He fought the abortion question to a draw which is hard to do for a Republican. He successfully hammered the immigration issue, which is his strongest issue.

Id give Trump a B+.

Id give Biden a D-.

I do think that Joe needs to step down. That is the only way that he is not the candidate.

Polymarket showing a WHOPPING 10 point swing to Trump after the debate.
Your grades seem fair. Biggest thing Biden had to do was convince the public that he is still mentally sharp. And he failed to do that.
i could not possibly care less about either guy’s golf. thanks for asking.
Your name on here suggests otherwise.
Did @TigerGrowls pass you the baton for the daytime hours?

Insults aside (Which you shouldn't do man. It's not a productive endeavor no matter how nasty people are; be better!)

The belief by some about how evil a man Trump is has massively escaped the gravity of who he actually is. They need him to be this demon in order to justify their alarmist pathology. That's what's behind all the fake stories, trumped up charges (that phrase has new meaning now) and unhinged nazi references. We saw Biden clinging to a lot of that last night and pretty much none of it was true.

Oh and it bears noting, Trump's foreign policy was awesome. It was easily the best part of his presidency.
I know I should be a better man. I'm not joking, as Ole Joe would say.

That should apply to all of us male, or female. We should all seek to be better humans.

However, last night, and today should show you what we are dealing with. These people want to retain power. You think any of them would agree with my first sentence? Not a chance. Joe flopped, so now they want him replaced. After years of saying he is some great guy.

It's like I told a very good friend of mine just a few minutes ago. Most democrats are either Atheists or Agnostic. They don't believe in GOD. Politics is their religion.

Joe "claims" to be Catholic, but he whole hardly supports abortion. How does that make any sense? Or for any Baptist that shows up in church every Sunday.
I'm going to do this one last time since I've found out people like you (SOROS funded) get paid for replies.

Just backs up all the things I always thought of you and your character.
? You're going to one last time do what?
Thanks for helping me rake mo' Benjamins! 💸
The debate last night was an absolute shyt show from both candidates in my opinion.

I was talking to a couple of my counterparts in London, and South Africa this morning. They are absolutely perplexed as to how these are the two candidates that our country has to offer to run the free world.

Biden looked horrible on stage, and Trump spouting off lie after lie although he did present himself as more capable.

Then having these two argue about who the better golfer is on the world stage is very embarrassing for our country.
"Trump spouting off lie after lie".

Spout them off. Let's hear them.
Lol. The way you just conjure up shit like it's a fact rather than your own uninformed baseless ideas.....
So, why do you even respond to me? Do you need a hug?

(dr) Jill is the only one capable of campaigning. Keep it going. I hope y'all run that cadaver Biden. He was dead before last night, but last night sealed the coffin.

Sucks to be you "flo".
"Trump spouting off lie after lie".

Spout them off. Let's hear them.
This has been the latest HOAX from the democrats.

That cringey video of Jill Biden praising Joe. “ you answered every question!” “ you got all the facts right!”

“And most importantly, Donald Trump is a liar!”

But we all know that Joe Biden told the most lies of anybody last night. It’s not even close. They are well documented and he is a liar liar. Liar. A demented liar!
This has been the latest HOAX from the democrats.

That cringey video of Jill Biden praising Joe. “ you answered every question!” “ you got all the facts right!”

“And most importantly, Donald Trump is a liar!”

But we all know that Joe Biden told the most lies of anybody last night. It’s not even close. They are well documented and he is a liar liar. Liar. A demented liar!
Wrong. They counted
I've read the fact checks on last night's debate. A lot of what they call out was pretty weak sauce and I just don't agree with some of the points the supposed experts are making. President Trump did lie some, but not even close to the way Biden did. Example, we did not have the best economy ever during his presidency. The best economy doesn't run up massive deficits (not even considering Covid). And if we're running up deficits during high tide, that's a really, really bad sign. It's indicative of the systemic issues we have with our federal budget which no one is going to deal with. If Trump wins, I hope he'll be honest about this and help lead the way to a bi-partisan solution that everyone can get behind because this isn't something that can change back and forth from president to president.

  • 2019 - $984 billion budget deficit
  • 2018 - $779 billion budget deficit
  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit
That's just bad!

The best economy I have seen was when Clinton was president and he decided to work with Gingrich to bring about consequential change in the structure of our spending. In his second term, here's our spending:

  • 2001 - $128.2 billion budget surplus
  • 2000 - $236.2 billion budget surplus
  • 1999 - $125.6 billion budget surplus
  • 1998 - $69.3 billion budget surplus
  • 1997 - $21.9 billion budget deficit
We need this desperately right now. I know that Trump believes we can grow our way into good budgetary territory and that's partly right but we have massive issues that have to be dealt with. The interest on our debt is more than any spending our government does outside of Social Security. We've never seen this kind of thing before. It's something I've lamented for a long time...all the way back to when Bush took us to war without implementing a war tax to cover our costs.

But let me get back to what you asked about...

Trump has always had a casual relationship with the truth. More than lying, he exaggerates about so many things. He just can't help himself and it really impacts his credibility. My personal belief is that to restore the character of our nation, a key ingredient is our leaders having actual character. That is sadly absent across the board in both parties.
I've read the fact checks on last night's debate. A lot of what they call out was pretty weak sauce and I just don't agree with some of the points the supposed experts are making. President Trump did lie some, but not even close to the way Biden did. Example, we did not have the best economy ever during his presidency. The best economy doesn't run up massive deficits (not even considering Covid). And if we're running up deficits during high tide, that's a really, really bad sign. It's indicative of the systemic issues we have with our federal budget which no one is going to deal with. If Trump wins, I hope he'll be honest about this and help lead the way to a bi-partisan solution that everyone can get behind because this isn't something that can change back and forth from president to president.

  • 2019 - $984 billion budget deficit
  • 2018 - $779 billion budget deficit
  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit
That's just bad!

The best economy I have seen was when Clinton was president and he decided to work with Gingrich to bring about consequential change in the structure of our spending. In his second term, here's our spending:

  • 2001 - $128.2 billion budget surplus
  • 2000 - $236.2 billion budget surplus
  • 1999 - $125.6 billion budget surplus
  • 1998 - $69.3 billion budget surplus
  • 1997 - $21.9 billion budget deficit
We need this desperately right now. I know that Trump believes we can grow our way into good budgetary territory and that's partly right but we have massive issues that have to be dealt with. The interest on our debt is more than any spending our government does outside of Social Security. We've never seen this kind of thing before. It's something I've lamented for a long time...all the way back to when Bush took us to war without implementing a war tax to cover our costs.

But let me get back to what you asked about...

Trump has always had a casual relationship with the truth. More than lying, he exaggerates about so many things. He just can't help himself and it really impacts his credibility. My personal belief is that to restore the character of our nation, a key ingredient is our leaders having actual character. That is sadly absent across the board in both parties.
You are framing your definition of what a good economy is here. I agree that spending was too high but we had an incredible economy that benefitted all Americans during the Trump term and that's a fact. Trump giving opinion on how good stuff was is not a lie. Give us some real lies or this is BS.
And you trust that insane grifter Trump? Lucky the military held him at bay last time. Might not be so lucky if he gets back in there.
This is so pathetic!! What proof do you have that the “military held him at bay.” You guys throw crap on the wall all the time hoping something will stick!
Bring on Shapiro who is a snake or anyone else. Any candidate the dems nominate will govern the same basic way that Joe does. The dem/deep state structure is run like a hive and I am betting at least some of the top command is offshore. We are at war and the enemy is here.
For the country this sucks. I didn't vote for him, but I have to fight for him because I swore an oath. For all you mouth breathers it doesn't mean much because you didn't swear to defend this country either.

For the political side...Go Joe, Go Joe, Go Joe. Keep showing the world how stupid you are. Everyone knows you can't tie your own shoes. Since you are a POS, your wife is a whore, and your son is a crackhead, you might as well take the whole country down with you. Keep doing you Joe. I hope this makes it until election day. It will be a landslide.
You got selected to be the pivot man on the circle jerk!

Good on you d!ckpicks.

Sorry the whole debate thing didn't go your way. Serves you right though. Stupid follows stupid.
Is your pronoun Duh? Because if you think Old Yeller had a great night just because Biden didn't, you're dumber than a bag of toenails.

Keep in mind that things don't always turn out the way you expect them to and a lot of the buzz today was about what a nasty, lying asshole TFG was. If he keeps it up, it could totally backfire on him and you'll be crying in your PBR come November, so I wouldn't get too cocky if I was you.

.And a word of advice for you - @loveoysters is a good Christian man and he gets all up in his feels when people are rude and call others names, so you need to be pleasant when he's on the board. ... Oh wait.. he liked your post so he's a sniveling little hypocrite just like I always thought.
Is your pronoun Duh? Because if you think Old Yeller had a great night just because Biden didn't, you're dumber than a bag of toenails.

Keep in mind that things don't always turn out the way you expect them to and a lot of the buzz today was about what a nasty, lying asshole TFG was. If he keeps it up, it could totally backfire on him and you'll be crying in your PBR come November, so I wouldn't get too cocky if I was you.

.And a word of advice for you - @loveoysters is a good Christian man and he gets all up in his feels when people are rude and call others names, so you need to be pleasant when he's on the board. ... Oh wait.. he liked your post so he's a sniveling little hypocrte just like I always thought.
Trump had a great night. No two ways to slice it. It was a knockout punch.
Is your pronoun Duh? Because if you think Old Yeller had a great night just because Biden didn't, you're dumber than a bag of toenails.

Keep in mind that things don't always turn out the way you expect them to and a lot of the buzz today was about what a nasty, lying asshole TFG was. If he keeps it up, it could totally backfire on him and you'll be crying in your PBR come November, so I wouldn't get too cocky if I was you.

.And a word of advice for you - @loveoysters is a good Christian man and he gets all up in his feels when people are rude and call others names, so you need to be pleasant when he's on the board. ... Oh wait.. he liked your post so he's a sniveling little hypocrite just like I always thought.
Hello Tinkerbell.

There's no fixing you. You were raised broken, and you're still broken.

Yeah, I forgot. You get money for all the replies you get. How are those ramen noodles?

My name is Jondavid R. Longo. I’m the Mayor of Slippery Rock, Pa and a Combat Veteran of The United States Marine Corps who served in Afghanistan.

Joe Burden claimed on the debate stage that he is the best President for the military and has done the most for us.

I’m here to remind you that Joe Burden fired over 7,000 military men and women because they refused his precious Big Pharma COVID shots while allowing 10 MILLION unvaccinated illegals into the US

Joe Burden’s failure has forced nearly 30% of our military to go on food stamps/suffer food insecurity

Joe Burden’s failure led to a 7.5% increase in homelessness amongst veterans. The number is still rising.

Joe Burden’s failure to plan the withdrawal from Afghanistan led to the death of 11 Marines, 1 Sailor, and 1 Soldier,

Joe Burden’s failure to plan the withdrawal from Afghanistan forced our military to abandon $7 BILLION worth of equipment. Our military men and women were even charged for the gear they were forced to leave behind.

Joe Burden has been eligible to serve in 13 American conflicts but never had the guts (or the honor.)

Instead, Joe Burden got 5 Vietnam War draft deferments at the height of the war and then sent other young Americans to Grenada, Panama, Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria.

Joe Burden was Vice-President when his collective administration with Obama and Clinton left 4 American Veterans and a US Ambassador to die in Benghazi.

Joe Burden has never and will never speak for or represent the members of the military or the veterans of this great nation. We despise him because he’s failed us time and again during his 54 years in government.
Is your pronoun Duh? Because if you think Old Yeller had a great night just because Biden didn't, you're dumber than a bag of toenails.

Keep in mind that things don't always turn out the way you expect them to and a lot of the buzz today was about what a nasty, lying asshole TFG was. If he keeps it up, it could totally backfire on him and you'll be crying in your PBR come November, so I wouldn't get too cocky if I was you.

.And a word of advice for you - @loveoysters is a good Christian man and he gets all up in his feels when people are rude and call others names, so you need to be pleasant when he's on the board. ... Oh wait.. he liked your post so he's a sniveling little hypocrite just like I always thought.
I keep laughing that you actually still believe in Biden.
I'm going to do this one last time since I've found out people like you (SOROS funded) get paid for replies.

Just backs up all the things I always thought of you and your character.
You people like to accuse others of doing what you are doing. Right out of trump Putin playbook. I believe you are either traitors or just gullible dumb asses who are not capable of logical thinking.

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