The Debate

You're not paying attention if you think our dedication is to Biden because we aren't like you and we don't allow ONE degenerate villain to bankrupt us morally in deference to his insatiable desire to destroy the country as we know it so that your "perceived" enemies can be punished. We care about the country as a whole while your dedication is to one demonic felon who hates 55% of the country and all of our allies in friendly democracies.
Do you honestly think Trump is bankrupting us morally? You are not as smart as you think you are lol. Our country’s morality has been going down the crapper since your side allowed a sexual predator to sit in the Oval Office in the 90’s…google it!! And you have me waaaaaaay wrong if you think my dedication as a patriot is to one man. He was not my first choice or my second choice but now he is definitely my only choice. I love this Country and I hate what you guys allowed Obama and Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Biden to do. You guys don’t care about this Country, if you did you’d be pissed about the boarder, you’d be pissed about the Russia hoax, your be pissed about the lawlessness and the riots allowed in our streets, you’d be pissed about what the Democrats allowed to happen on January 6…refusing the National Guard, deleting videos of Trump calling for peaceful protest, deleting the video of him telling people to leave the Capitol and to go home. You’d be pissed about the shame impeachment hoax, you’d be pissed about the January 6 committee deleting evidence. You’d be pissed about Benghazi, the disaster withdrawal of Afghanistan, you’d be pissed off about sending billions of dollars to Iran and Ukraine! You’d be pissed about that joke of a trial we saw in NY but you aren’t. You don’t give a crap about this Country so stop acting like it and defending what you saw on Thursday night!!
You haven't been paying attention if that's your take-away because I've been pretty clear that I don't think Biden should be running after that debacle. What I do believe in is what he represents and that's decency, democracy and a hedge against the extremists that seek to undermine the Constitution to take away our freedoms. Laugh all you want but there's an ugly storm gathering and we'll all be screwed if you get your way, future Gestapo man.

I'm sick that these are our choices but I'll be damned if I won't put up a fight against the dark clouds coming from the Right.
The irony is, conservatives see the left just the same.

Tomato, tomato.

Give me the guy with the best financial policies. Run it like a business, let me keep my hard earned $, and allow me to give where I see fit, and keep the fringe lbgtq out of my kid’s lives.
So with that context, would you vote for Nikki Haley over Joe Biden? No criminal or moral issues. Somewhat moderate. Could bring the country to the middle. Could diffuse vitriol on both sides. Clearly a more competent executive than Biden.

If you care about the country as a whole, and are supporting Biden simply to keep Trump out, know Biden is a horrendous candidate … it seems that a vote for Haley would align with your rationale.
Put it this way, the only reason it would give me pause is because I fear giving the Right more power than they already have. I'm sure you've witnessed first-hand what an epically dysfunctional Republican Congress this has been, with power being consolidated around the crackpot fringe of fruitcakes like MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Gosar and Comer Pyle.

If I thought she would be a bulwark against the MAGAnuts, I'd be perfectly fine with her as President, but something tells me she'd buckle. After she spent months railing against Trump's bad character, she turns around and endorses him SMH.

All in all though, yes I would give strong consideration to voting for her.
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The irony is, conservatives see the left just the same.

Tomato, tomato.

Give me the guy with the best financial policies. Run it like a business, let me keep my hard earned $, and allow me to give where I see fit, and keep the fringe lbgtq out of my kid’s lives.
But he didn't run it like a business, in fact he added over 8 trillion dollars to the deficit, including 2 trillion from the unnecessary tax cuts alone. And now 16 Nobel prize-winning econonmists are warning that not only will Trump's policies not fix inflation, they will make it much worse - they also said Biden's plan was superior. So now that you can't use that as your excuse for why he's the better option, let's look at the rest of your statement.
keep the fringe lbgtq out of my kid’s lives.
Exactly what we suspected all along from the maga brigade - you believe other human beings should be erased and cancelled simply because they aren't just like you. How dare they believe they deserve to live and be treated like every other human being - they shouldn't be allowed to exist!
Do you honestly think Trump is bankrupting us morally? You are not as smart as you think you are lol. Our country’s morality has been going down the crapper since your side allowed a sexual predator to sit in the Oval Office in the 90’s…google it!! And you have me waaaaaaay wrong if you think my dedication as a patriot is to one man. He was not my first choice or my second choice but now he is definitely my only choice. I love this Country and I hate what you guys allowed Obama and Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Biden to do. You guys don’t care about this Country, if you did you’d be pissed about the boarder, you’d be pissed about the Russia hoax, your be pissed about the lawlessness and the riots allowed in our streets, you’d be pissed about what the Democrats allowed to happen on January 6…refusing the National Guard, deleting videos of Trump calling for peaceful protest, deleting the video of him telling people to leave the Capitol and to go home. You’d be pissed about the shame impeachment hoax, you’d be pissed about the January 6 committee deleting evidence. You’d be pissed about Benghazi, the disaster withdrawal of Afghanistan, you’d be pissed off about sending billions of dollars to Iran and Ukraine! You’d be pissed about that joke of a trial we saw in NY but you aren’t. You don’t give a crap about this Country so stop acting like it and defending what you saw on Thursday night!!
Absolutely I do. What other politician that we've ever had in this country could get away with acting like a demented buffoon, while pathologically lying about an election that he lost for years, inviting his cultish followers to the Capitol to hang his VP, do millions of dollars of damage to the building, injure 150 police officers, including one who died and four who committed suicide shortly after and NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE for any of it nor feel the least bit of shame about it? And now you want to reward that guy by putting him in charge again??

How do you live with yourself, seriously? Think about what you have to accept in order to see him as someone deserving to run this country. Think about the mental gymnastics you've had to jump through to make yourself believe he did nothing wrong. Think about what that says about your moral compass. THINK

As far as the rest of your repeatedly debunked list of insane conspiracies that you have to believe in order not to feel guilt, you need to recognize how easily you've been corrupted in order to swallow that bag of bullshit. It's you dude, you're the problem.
You haven't been paying attention if that's your take-away because I've been pretty clear that I don't think Biden should be running after that debacle. What I do believe in is what he represents and that's decency, democracy and a hedge against the extremists that seek to undermine the Constitution to take away our freedoms. Laugh all you want but there's an ugly storm gathering and we'll all be screwed if you get your way, future Gestapo man.

I'm sick that these are our choices but I'll be damned if I won't put up a fight against the dark clouds coming from the Right.
"What I do believe in is what he represents and that's decency, democracy and a hedge against the extremists that seek to undermine the Constitution to take away our freedoms."

What's disturbing is you actually believe this sh!t.

What does "ole Joe believe in, outside of making deals with our enemies to enrich his family?

Decency? This may be the biggest POS to ever hold office.

Democracy: We don't live in a democracy idiot. This is a republic.

I would love for your dumb ass to tell me what "extremist" took away your freedoms.

You can move to Gaza anytime you get ready. I'll help you pack, and pay you're airfare.

Outside of that, you can GFY. Just collect your check from the taxpayers and STFU bitch.
Yep. And the dumbasses on the other side missed a chance to nominate someone like Nikki Haley, who would have governed well and neutralized much of the vitriol we see in the country.
No, she would not have governed well. She would have done whatever the deep state operatives told her too, just like Joe Biden. She fell for the DEI race hoaxes hook line and sinker. She should be no where near the presidency.
That’s the only one I think I could understand coming out of his mouth lol…the rest were fjeuhrish heidkdnehwud dowkdnfuebwhdu
Fair enough.

You were on a roll though.
Do you honestly think Trump is bankrupting us morally? You are not as smart as you think you are lol. Our country’s morality has been going down the crapper since your side allowed a sexual predator to sit in the Oval Office in the 90’s…google it!! And you have me waaaaaaay wrong if you think my dedication as a patriot is to one man. He was not my first choice or my second choice but now he is definitely my only choice. I love this Country and I hate what you guys allowed Obama and Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Biden to do. You guys don’t care about this Country, if you did you’d be pissed about the boarder, you’d be pissed about the Russia hoax, your be pissed about the lawlessness and the riots allowed in our streets, you’d be pissed about what the Democrats allowed to happen on January 6…refusing the National Guard, deleting videos of Trump calling for peaceful protest, deleting the video of him telling people to leave the Capitol and to go home. You’d be pissed about the shame impeachment hoax, you’d be pissed about the January 6 committee deleting evidence. You’d be pissed about Benghazi, the disaster withdrawal of Afghanistan, you’d be pissed off about sending billions of dollars to Iran and Ukraine! You’d be pissed about that joke of a trial we saw in NY but you aren’t. You don’t give a crap about this Country so stop acting like it and defending what you saw on Thursday night!!

Give me more please.

These Communist have to be stopped. That's what they are.
But he didn't run it like a business, in fact he added over 8 trillion dollars to the deficit, including 2 trillion from the unnecessary tax cuts alone. And now 16 Nobel prize-winning econonmists are warning that not only will Trump's policies not fix inflation, they will make it much worse - they also said Biden's plan was superior. So now that you can't use that as your excuse for why he's the better option, let's look at the rest of your statement.

Exactly what we suspected all along from the maga brigade - you believe other human beings should be erased and cancelled simply because they aren't just like you. How dare they believe they deserve to live and be treated like every other human being - they shouldn't be allowed to exist!
Feel free to take part in whatever lifestyle you’d prefer (sans pedophilia). However, keep your lifestyle out of the face of my kids. You’re welcome to exist, enjoy your life, just keep it to yourself and stop pushing it on everyone as if we must agree to it.

I don’t have a bumper sticker on my vehicle which says, “I love my wife’s p****y”. And I do… I love it, I simply keep that between me & my wife.

Simply put, your guy and your side of politics is finished for the next 4 years. I hope you can keep it together with Trump as President. We stayed cordial with your guy, and what a disaster it was.

Deal with it.
No, she would not have governed well. She would have done whatever the deep state operatives told her too, just like Joe Biden. She fell for the DEI race hoaxes hook line and sinker. She should be no where near the presidency.
Nikki Haley is a piece of trash. Anyone want to explain why she cheated on her husband TWICE while he was deployed defending this country? FNH. I hope she's listening......"I will never vote for you b!tch".

I will never again vote for Lindsey. I will never vote for a demonrat, but I will NOT vote for him. I guess I'll just leave that block blank.
Fair enough.

You were on a roll though.


Give me more please.

These Communist have to be stopped. That's what they are.
It’s amazing how they ignore fact and deny truth! They have an agenda and that is to destroy this Nation. They say the love America but they elect leaders who would love to see it burn. They elect politicians who hate everything America…clowns like Warnock, Jeffries, AOC, Cori Bush, Ihan Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, Bowman and ect... They want liberal policies, defunding police, murder of the unborn and extreme states like New York and Virginia passing infanticide laws. And again, they love America 😂😂😂
Feel free to take part in whatever lifestyle you’d prefer (sans pedophilia). However, keep your lifestyle out of the face of my kids. You’re welcome to exist, enjoy your life, just keep it to yourself and stop pushing it on everyone as if we must agree to it.

I don’t have a bumper sticker on my vehicle which says, “I love my wife’s p****y”. And I do… I love it, I simply keep that between me & my wife.

Simply put, your guy and your side of politics is finished for the next 4 years. I hope you can keep it together with Trump as President. We stayed cordial with your guy, and what a disaster it was.

Deal with it.
"I don’t have a bumper sticker on my vehicle which says, “I love my wife’s p****y”. And I do… I love it, I simply keep that between me & my wife."

This may be the greatest post ever on TI.
Feel free to take part in whatever lifestyle you’d prefer (sans pedophilia). However, keep your lifestyle out of the face of my kids. You’re welcome to exist, enjoy your life, just keep it to yourself and stop pushing it on everyone as if we must agree to it.

I don’t have a bumper sticker on my vehicle which says, “I love my wife’s p****y”. And I do… I love it, I simply keep that between me & my wife.

Simply put, your guy and your side of politics is finished for the next 4 years. I hope you can keep it together with Trump as President. We stayed cordial with your guy, and what a disaster it was.

Deal with it.
I don’t have a bumper sticker on my vehicle which says, “I love my wife’s p****y”. And I do… I love it, I simply keep that between me & my wife.

This is my second time responding to your post. The first wasn't liked by the Overlords.

This is one of the greatest post ever on TI.
It’s amazing how they ignore fact and deny truth! They have an agenda and that is to destroy this Nation. They say the love America but they elect leaders who would love to see it burn. They elect politicians who hate everything America…clowns like Warnock, Jeffries, AOC, Cori Bush, Ihan Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, Bowman and ect... They want liberal policies, defunding police, murder of the unborn and extreme states like New York and Virginia passing infanticide laws. And again, they love America 😂😂😂
Everyone you mentioned, loves what AMERICA provides.

None of them, IMO love America.
But he didn't run it like a business, in fact he added over 8 trillion dollars to the deficit, including 2 trillion from the unnecessary tax cuts alone. And now 16 Nobel prize-winning econonmists are warning that not only will Trump's policies not fix inflation, they will make it much worse - they also said Biden's plan was superior. So now that you can't use that as your excuse for why he's the better option, let's look at the rest of your statement.

Exactly what we suspected all along from the maga brigade - you believe other human beings should be erased and cancelled simply because they aren't just like you. How dare they believe they deserve to live and be treated like every other human being - they shouldn't be allowed to exist!'re 100% wrong. No one is saying for anyone to be erased from the face of the earth. BUT, the .01% that want to do something against science shouldn't mean the rest of the 99.9% should be made to adapt.

If you want to change out your piece, fine. But don't expect everyone else to be ok with you entering the bathroom of the opposite of what you were. Don't expect everyone to be ok with having books in our elementary schools that teach this warped mindset. And don't be pissed off at others because they don't accept the way you want to live your life that is choice. The color of someone's skin is not a choice. What you chose to change yourself is a choice.

It's crazy that you do not see this logic.
But he didn't run it like a business, in fact he added over 8 trillion dollars to the deficit, including 2 trillion from the unnecessary tax cuts alone. And now 16 Nobel prize-winning econonmists are warning that not only will Trump's policies not fix inflation, they will make it much worse - they also said Biden's plan was superior. So now that you can't use that as your excuse for why he's the better option, let's look at the rest of your statement.

Exactly what we suspected all along from the maga brigade - you believe other human beings should be erased and cancelled simply because they aren't just like you. How dare they believe they deserve to live and be treated like every other human being - they shouldn't be allowed to exist!

I mean how many times are you going to fall for the same fvcking propoganda? "Russian Collusion", "51 Intelligence agents". "16 Nobel Prize Winning economists" . You do realize this shit is concocted out of thin air, right?

Clemson needs to do better y'all.'re 100% wrong. No one is saying for anyone to be erased from the face of the earth. BUT, the .01% that want to do something against science shouldn't mean the rest of the 99.9% should be made to adapt.

If you want to change out your piece, fine. But don't expect everyone else to be ok with you entering the bathroom of the opposite of what you were. Don't expect everyone to be ok with having books in our elementary schools that teach this warped mindset. And don't be pissed off at others because they don't accept the way you want to live your life that is choice. The color of someone's skin is not a choice. What you chose to change yourself is a choice.

It's crazy that you do not see this logic.
"It's crazy that you do not see this logic."

It's not crazy at all actually. This is that fvcks job. He gets paid to try and piss you off. He doesn't care about Clemson. He probably lives in Utah or something, maybe China.

He is a professional "sh!t disturber". That's what he does.

He/She/It has told me more than once that I should kill myself. What kind of fvcktard does that?
I mean how many times are you going to fall for the same fvcking propoganda? "Russian Collusion", "51 Intelligence agents". "16 Nobel Prize Winning economists" . You do realize this shit is concocted out of thin air, right?

Clemson needs to do better y'all.
I can't say that I am part of Clemson, but the human race needs to do better than dickpick73.
Feel free to take part in whatever lifestyle you’d prefer (sans pedophilia). However, keep your lifestyle out of the face of my kids. You’re welcome to exist, enjoy your life, just keep it to yourself and stop pushing it on everyone as if we must agree to it.

I don’t have a bumper sticker on my vehicle which says, “I love my wife’s p****y”. And I do… I love it, I simply keep that between me & my wife.

Wow, what a place Milton must be with all those gay dick decals all over the interststate being shoved into your family's face!

Here's the thing, you down own this country and you never did- it's not YOURS! This country belongs to everyone, even people you don't like. Your feelings don't matter more than theirs do and you don't get more rights than they do just because you love your wife's pvssy.

Anyone different should be muzzled and hidden from view says the guy who worships a pussy-grabbing, sexual assaulter who cheated on his first wife with his second wife, then cheated on his second wife with his third wife, then cheated on his third wife with a porn star while she was pregnant with their baby. You don't mind shoving that kind of behavior in our faces now do you?

Funny how revealing it is when you push a maga's buttons enough the truth eventually comes out and that's why we fight you.

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I'm not a Trump guy by any means and find it laughable that the leftists consider themselves the moral police.

Wow, what a place Milton must be with all those gay dick decals all over the interststate being shoved into your family's face!

Here's the thing, you down own this country and you never did- it's not YOURS! This country belongs to everyone, even people you don't like. Your feelings don't matter more than theirs do and you don't get more rights than they do just because you love your wife's pvssy.

Anyone different should be muzzled and hidden from view says the guy who worships a pussy-grabbing, sexual assaulter who cheated on his first wife with his second wife, then cheated on his second wife with his third wife, then cheated on his third wife with a porn star while she was pregnant with their baby. You don't mind shoving that kind of behavior in our faces now do you?

Funny how revealing it is when you push a maga's buttons enough the truth eventually comes out and that's why we fight you.

Ironic that you're spewing hate all over this thread and then call the other side hateful. But dpick is going to dpick
And you choose Putin with no thought for the future. Do you even listen to the stream of incoherent lies that trump spews? Your goals seem to align with the propaganda our country is being bombarded with by our enemies. Are you so miserable and angry that you just want to tear this country apart. If that is your wish, Russia will welcome you with open arms and treat you as a hero like Steven Segal. Their population is decreasing.
I can see nothing from the trump zealots that distinguish them from agents for Russia.
I keep asking you abcxyz++ou812 folks to put out the "incoherent lies". So far, you and your girlfriends have never even given me 1 lie that has been told.

You spew this drivel but you provide nothing to back it up.
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Absolutely I do. What other politician that we've ever had in this country could get away with acting like a demented buffoon, while pathologically lying about an election that he lost for years, inviting his cultish followers to the Capitol to hang his VP, do millions of dollars of damage to the building, injure 150 police officers, including one who died and four who committed suicide shortly after and NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE for any of it nor feel the least bit of shame about it? And now you want to reward that guy by putting him in charge again??

How do you live with yourself, seriously? Think about what you have to accept in order to see him as someone deserving to run this country. Think about the mental gymnastics you've had to jump through to make yourself believe he did nothing wrong. Think about what that says about your moral compass. THINK

As far as the rest of your repeatedly debunked list of insane conspiracies that you have to believe in order not to feel guilt, you need to recognize how easily you've been corrupted in order to swallow that bag of bullshit. It's you dude, you're the problem.
Interesting viewpoint on what's occurring.

Now that the dust has settled, here’s what I believe happened with the debate:

The war between Biden machine & the Obama machine spilled into the open

Democrat leaders on both sides are truly panicking about Biden’s crashing poll numbers

Biden knows if he’s out of power, his crime family will be prosecuted and disgraced and Jill Biden has gotten way to used to the lifestyle - she won’t give it up

Obama team knows their mafia operation will be prosecuted under Trump as well

So both sides are desperate and fighting over whose strategy is best to beat Trump

Obama machine launched a final sneak attack to pressure Joe to drop out after the debate that they knew he would be awful in

It didn’t work

Biden met with Obama the next day, made clear he wasn’t quitting, and now Obama machine puppets are all backtracking, including Obama himself

It’s now clear that Biden controls the DNC machine while Obama controls the media machine

The Democrat machine as a whole is begrudgingly unifying behind Biden in hopes that he can pull it off

But make no mistake - these people are truly scared of what’s coming down the road for them under Trump

I’ve never seen them act this desperately

These are not the moves of a confident & powerful regime

They are divided and desperate

If Trump wins, we will truly destroy the Deep State and they know it

Push forward with everything you’ve got b/c these weakened criminals are on the ropes
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They both looked about how I expected.

Biden is very old and sounded like it. It was difficult to hear him. I didn’t get the impression he’s out of it mentally. He’s going along with the view of an average 40 year old living in DC that went to a snooty college. Toeing the Dem party line, not dynamic.

Trump is an egomaniac and sounded like it. He didn’t want to talk about January 6 and predictably brought up Hunter. Nobody’s going to talk about interest rates in debate. He gets away with a complete disdain for detail, but it works. “Well thought out” isn’t a term I’d use. He’s always got a simple solution to a complex problem that won’t work out as implemented anyway. Tariffs are an example. Repeal and replace Obamacare until it turned out there was never any serious idea of a replacement.

This particular debate won’t decide the election, too early. Was much better for Trump though.

I’d much rather chance it with 4 more years of Joe or the Dem party line than Trump’s clown act. I don’t see any economic “disaster.” I don’t see a weak executive as an inherently bad thing either. Less can go hideously wrong

A corpse would be better than 4 years of Trump. I don't care what anybody says.

But yeah, the dems should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.
Interesting viewpoint on what's occurring.

Now that the dust has settled, here’s what I believe happened with the debate:

The war between Biden machine & the Obama machine spilled into the open

Democrat leaders on both sides are truly panicking about Biden’s crashing poll numbers

Biden knows if he’s out of power, his crime family will be prosecuted and disgraced and Jill Biden has gotten way to used to the lifestyle - she won’t give it up

Obama team knows their mafia operation will be prosecuted under Trump as well

So both sides are desperate and fighting over whose strategy is best to beat Trump

Obama machine launched a final sneak attack to pressure Joe to drop out after the debate that they knew he would be awful in

It didn’t work

Biden met with Obama the next day, made clear he wasn’t quitting, and now Obama machine puppets are all backtracking, including Obama himself

It’s now clear that Biden controls the DNC machine while Obama controls the media machine

The Democrat machine as a whole is begrudgingly unifying behind Biden in hopes that he can pull it off

But make no mistake - these people are truly scared of what’s coming down the road for them under Trump

I’ve never seen them act this desperately

These are not the moves of a confident & powerful regime

They are divided and desperate

If Trump wins, we will truly destroy the Deep State and they know it

Push forward with everything you’ve got b/c these weakened criminals are on the ropes

You are so completely unhinged that it's fascinating to read your rambling, incoherent thoughts.
We wouldn't be having this conversation if you brown shirts weren't so hell-bent on installing an indecent, authoritarian felon because owning the libs is more important to you than our democracy.
Says the guy whose party nominate a corpse. Any decent candidate on either side would win by a landslide against the other.
Says the guy whose party nominate a corpse. Any decent candidate on either side would win by a landslide against the other.
Wait a minute. Trump had to win the republican nomination and did it convincingly while the DNC made sure that Joe was unchallenged. There is no evidence to support that anyone would do better than Trump.
The long running narrative that Trump lies continues. Meanwhile Joe lies every time he opens his mouth. Now they are changing it up to say that they are both bad. It’s all garbage. Why are so many afraid of President Trump?? I can’t wait for DJT to get back in office. Only one is bad and it’s not Trump but that’s obvious to anyone with common sense.
I'm not a Trump guy by any means and find it laughable that the leftists consider themselves the moral police.

Ironic that you're spewing hate all over this thread and then call the other side hateful. But dpick is going to dpick
How about you take a look at the board first thing every morning and tell me what you see. 30+ threads with 75+ posts with nasty made-up conspiracies about the Democrats and you don't say a word.

How about you pay attention and notice that even when I make an innocuous post, a pack of rabid hounds descends and one rabies-riddled redneck to slander and trash anything I've said and you don't say a word.

I'm way outnumbered on this board but I will not be intimidated and I will punch back even harder than I'm punched, so if that sounds like hate, so be it. If you're not going to say anything to anyone else about the malignant level of hatred that gets spewed by the others, how about keeping that rock in your pocket the next time you feel the urge to join in the stoning. K?
Don't play stupid man - he already tried to take my vote away because his ego was bruised and he's already intimated that if he's re-elected, there won't be a need to ever vote again. Also, read project 2025 and get back to me.

You seriously can not be this unintelligent. He doesn't care if you vote in four years bc he will not be running, lol.
Wait a minute. Trump had to win the republican nomination and did it convincingly while the DNC made sure that Joe was unchallenged. There is no evidence to support that anyone would do better than Trump.
That is just an asinine take, unless all the people who love trump would vote for biden or stay home if trump was not the nominee. Are you telling me you would rather see Biden in office than another pub candidate?
See the links below. She was polling better against Biden months ago before Joe's number fell even further and there was more evidence he was a vegetable. Particularly after the debate, I can assure you she would bring in much more of the independent vote and more pub women who did not vote for him last time and likely will not this time.

That is just an asinine take, unless all the people who love trump would vote for biden or stay home if trump was not the nominee. Are you telling me you would rather see Biden in office than another pub candidate?
See the links below. She was polling better against Biden months ago before Joe's number fell even further and there was more evidence he was a vegetable. Particularly after the debate, I can assure you she would bring in much more of the independent vote and more pub women who did not vote for him last time and likely will not this time.

You can't see the forest for the trees here brother. Trump beat the competition decisively head to head and will continue to. The vague polls they were feeding that Haley and others would do better than Trump against the dems were not legit imo. It's all about the establishment working together dems and rinos to take down Trump at any cost. I give not a lick of credence to what I consider fake polls from back then. I and a few others called it way back when everyone said Trump had no chance and here we are. The Trump Train is steaming ahead and he will make you and a lot of other haters extremely happy when he starts fixing the current disaster.

You would of gotten business as usual and slow but sure ruination for the citizens if Haley was the nominee. Trump is the fix for the people and that's why they have fought like hell together to stop him. Use logic people. Use common sense to explain what has occurred the last 8 years.