The Errors The Lies and The Coverup in the Georgia 2020 Election

Jeff Fulgham correcting the lies coming from GA SOS and his minions. Proof of the steal in GA is incontrovertible at this point.

I'm calling on the immediate resignation or firing of @GabrielSterling from the GASOS Office. State Election Board case 2023-025 was recently heard on May 7, 2024 and confirmed around 3,000 fake double scanned ballot images from Fulton County 2020. These 3,000 were from just one machine count in just one county.

In addition, thousands more fake double scanned ballot images from GA 2020 have been identified statewide by Phillip Davis aka @mad_liberals, the individual who identified the Fulton ballots. Phillip will soon be releasing his updated statewide totals. I assure you that these numbers are absolutely disturbing.

There is at least one county (Ware) in which the fake double scanned ballots were scanned (or somehow reproduced) five days after the board certified the results according to machine scan times. I've filed a lawsuit against the Ware County Board of Elections for information and a explanation of how this happened. Fulgham v. Ware County Board of Elections is ongoing and I have provided evidence to Ware County Superior Court and the Ware County Sheriff.

I filed a complaint (among several complaints to state and federal agencies) with the GA Inspector General in October 2023 against the Georgia Secretary of State Office. Among other things, Gabriel Sterling (with Brad Raffensperger sitting at his side) told the Congressional J6 Committee in 2022 that the 2020 Fulton hand count was dead on accurate. They failed to inform Congress that the reason the Fulton 2020 hand count matched the machine count is because someone (or something) inserted nearly 6,000 gross fake votes into the official hand count totals by duplicating batch entries on the official spreadsheet. They forced a match.

In fact, prior to the June 2022 J6 hearing, GASOS Raffensperger knew that the Fulton hand count was actually off by thousands. He admitted on FYNTV in February 2022 that the Fulton hand count was off by "several thousand" because, according to Raffensperger, ballots had been scanned twice.

If not for investigations conducted by private citizen volunteers, to include Joe Rossi, Kevin Moncla and several others, the GASOS would have continued to cover up this evidence.

We must hold government officials accountable. CISA (DHS) and the GASOS have deceived the People long enough concerning GA 2020. It was not the most secure election in U.S. history as they claimed. Both the machine count and the hand count were manipulated in the thousands. And because many records were prematurely destroyed, our collective evidence provides only a partial glimpse of the total manipulation.

Gabriel Sterling's resignation/firing should be the first of several.


How GASOS Attorney Charlene McGowan deceived the people of Georgia and the nation at the May 7, 2024 State Election Board hearing. In my assessment the GASOS Office is simply acting as defense attorneys for the Deep State Election System.

Claims by GASOS:

1) According to the testimony of GASOS investigators there are only around 519,000 (of a total reported ballots cast of around 528,000) ballot images from the Fulton County Tally #3 Machine Recount. This number contradicts the evidence provided by Fulton County in the Curling v. Raffensperger case. But let's assume here that these numbers are accurate. This means around 9,000 ballot images are still missing from Fulton's Tally #3.

2) GASOS Attorney McGowan argued that even though 9,000 ballot images are missing, the physical ballots do exist in storage.

3) GASOS and Fulton County claim that the Tally #2 hand count proved the physical ballots do exist.

Is this claim accurate? No. This is false information used to deceive those who don't understand the evidence.

The actual hand count evidence:

1) The official Fulton hand count contains around 6,000 gross fake votes in the form of duplicate batches which gives Biden a fake net gain of around 4,000. These fake batches (screen shots below) were first discovered by David Cross @GAballots in May of 2021. David provided this evidence to Joe Rossi, myself, and others.

2) We independently confirmed David's findings and calculations. We then separately filed complaints with both federal and state agencies in late 2021. Rossi first presented the evidence to @BrianKempGA who confirmed the accuracy of David's/Joe's work.

3) Rossi filed complaint 2021-181 with the SEB in late 2021.

4) I provided supporting evidence to the GA AG in 2022 which argued that the batches were intentionally altered and duplicated. I also told FBI agents in 2022 that I believed they were intentionally duplicated to force the hand count to match the Tally #1 Machine Count. Look how Scanner 3 Batch 368 has been altered.

5) Rossi was proven correct in June of 2023 when SEB 2021-181 was settled and confirmed that the batches were duplicates, meaning they are fake. You can't count votes twice.

So in conclusion, we have a minimum of 9,000 ballot images missing from Fulton County's Tally #3 Machine Recount. But even more disturbing is the fact that the hand count evidence reveals a minimum of around 6,000 physical ballots were missing, which forced someone to add fake duplicates batches to make up the difference.

This case filed by Joe Rossi and Kevin Moncla and heard on May 7, 2024 concerns just one county and only provides us a glimpse of the total manipulation in Georgia 2020. It also confirmed 3,000 fake double scanned ballots.

But again, this is just a glimpse. Our available records come from only half of Georgia's 159 counties, and of the counties that provided records, several did not provide full records.

Phillip Davis @mad_liberals, who identified the now confirmed 3,000 fake double scanned Fulton ballots, has published evidence of around 8,000 fake double scanned ballots statewide. He will soon release his updated totals.

As many of you are now aware, I've filed a lawsuit against Ware County (Fulgham v. Ware County Board of Elections) for an explanation explaining how their fake double scanned ballot images were "scanned" or somehow reproduced 5 days after certification.

If we do not resolve these problems now and identify who is responsible, we could see the same thing occur in 2024. We must secure our elections and our borders immediately.


This video is a PRICELESS piece of evidence. Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger is on air shortly after the 2020 election, saying there was only 2% of the vote remaining to be counted, and even if Biden won all of it, the total wouldn't be enough to catch Trump. Note that he says 4.7 MILLION GEORGIANS VOTED. The final official tally was 4.935 MILLION VOTES. So where did the extra 235,000 votes come from, after he made that statement? Are you telling me the Secretary of State didn't know the total number of votes after an election? A difference of almost a quarter million votes is no rounding error. This is your smoking gun. The election was stolen.

Let this sink in.

An election board member called for an Attorney General investigation into the Georgia 2020 election, and suggested the official audit results be amended, because tens of thousands of votes had NO chain of custody among a boatload of other suspicious revelations.

In other words they could be fraudulent! How many National interviews did @GaSecofState do telling everyone all the audits were great and proved Joe Biden won? Every interview where he said that, he lied. And anyone that listens to the entire GA State Election Board meeting from last week can come to that conclusion themselves.

Dominion officials were present. Fulton County offficals were present. Independent investigators that worked with the Governors office were present. And all were testifying and exposing the issues. Go back and watch. Dont take my word.

Legacy media refuses to cover these kinds of investigations and revelations, because they are providing cover for those that benefited from the fraud, and those whose failed leadership allowed it to occur in the first place.

EVERYONE should follow @wmahoney5 and @UncoverDC because she is a lighthouse of truth in the sea of liars that is today’s media. Great work, Wendi.

Also follow @TrueTheVote because they actually provide the solutions on how we can fix all these problems and restore integrity back to elections.
@TigerGrowls is either stupid or unwillingly to admit that he was completely wrong and as such is willfully acting like there was some fraud when he full and damn well knows there isn't proof.

Those are the only options. The amount of garbage that you have continued to spew is insane. Dude, give it up, you have been lied too repeatedly for 3+ years.
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Gabriel Sterling needs to go to jail for a long time.

Georgia 2020 Justice:

My recent call for @GabrielSterling to resign or be fired has gained a powerful following. That post now has 6.1K likes and I've received important phone calls in support.

Gabriel Sterling has deceived the people of Georgia and the nation, and along with GASOS has covered up evidence of thousands of fake, illegal votes.

1) Sterling told the nation and even testified before Congress that the Fulton hand count matched the machine count. SEB case 2021-181 proved that Fulton's hand count contained fake "duplicate" batches with around 6,000 fake votes, giving Biden a fake net gain of around 4,000 and forcing the hand count to match the machine count.

2) Sterling told the nation and Congress that no ballots were scanned and counted twice. SEB case 2023-025 confirmed that 3,000 ballots were scanned twice in only one county, Fulton. The analyst who discovered these fake double scanned ballots now confirmed by the GASOS office has identified around 8,000 statewide. Even GASOS Raffensperger admitted on FYNTV in February 2022 that the Fulton hand count was off by "several thousand" because ballots were scanned twice. But yet they provided false information to Congress several months later.

3) I have filed a lawsuit vs. Ware County Board of Elections (Fulgham v. Ware County BOE) and have presented evidence to Ware Superior Court and the Ware County Sheriff showing that Ware's fake double scanned ballots were "scanned" (or possibly digitally reproduced) 5 days after certification. The Ware BOE cannot explain how this happened or who did it.

4) According to @ajc and other reports Sterling was being paid $16,000 per month/$200,000 per year as a private contractor to implement the Dominion Voting System for Georgia in 2020, before returning to government employee status following the 2020 election.

5) In 2023 I filed a complaint with the State Inspector General agsinst the GASOS office. I'm giving @BrianKempGA time to consider the evidence and then I'll eventually follow up with a letter to the governor himself.

6) What is most disturbing is that the GASOS/State Election Board has failed to defend our election system in Georgia. If not for private citizens, none of these facts or cases would have been exposed. And our research has been limited by funding and resources. Even more disturbing is that our evidence is based on limited records because most of Georgia's election records were prematurely destroyed, despite election codes that called for their preservation.

As a historian I'll say that it is completely accurate to describe Georgia's election system as a Deep State Controlled System. Our evidence reveals that many county election boards were not exercising operational control over the 2020 election. And if @GabrielSterling is not fired it will confirm our suspicions that We the People in Georgia have lost sovereign control of our elections to Washington controlled Deep State corporations and organizations.

Do you remember just over a week ago when Georgia announced that 5,000 ballots were counted several times?

Here is the video that supports that announcement.

It wasn't new information. It was confirmed information and everyone should understand the difference.

This is no longer an accusation. This is now evidence that has been corroborated with more than just this video.

New Update May 16, 2024: Fulgham v. Ware County Board of Elections concerning 2020 evidence of flipped votes and fake double-scanned ballots

It's now been over 6 months since I first provided evidence to Ware County officials showing them that their 2020 records contained fake double-scanned ballots which were "scanned" (or digitally reproduced?) 5 days after certification when the physical ballots should have been locked away.

The Chairman of the Ware BOE, Danny Bartlett, could not explain the evidence. I eventually sued for information only (not even asking for $1 dollar in damages) requesting an explanation of how this happened.

Ware County Attorneys have apparently advised their clients to remain silent. Yesterday, we received Ware County's second response and on both occasions they failed to provide answers or show any evidence which would contradict the records I provided to Superior Court and the Ware County Sheriff. There is also evidence of flipped votes. I'm not sure what flipped the votes, or whether it was machine programming or manually altered. I'm only stating that candidate totals flipped in a batch of ballots. I will add a previous post below with the evidence which I've already published several times.

For the record I have not accused any Ware County employees of wrongdoing. This lawsuit is for information only to ensure that our elections in Georgia are fair and accurate.

My warning to fellow citizens in Georgia and nationwide:

I've conducted extensive research for the past 3 years. In my Georgia research I've worked with highly qualified professionals. I'm telling you that many counties in Georgia 2020 did not have operational control of the machine count or the hand count.

The only way that county officials can truly verify the accuracy of these machines is with a county controlled hand count of 100% of the ballots following the machine count. The RLA (risk limiting audit hand count) they're using is a scam in which the counties upload their votes into software and then someone in a Deep State organization tells the county that the hand count matched the machine count.

Keep in mind that citizen researchers and investigators @KevinMoncla and Joe Rossi have already proven in SEB cases 2021-181 and 2023-025 that the the Fulton hand count was manipulated with thousands of fake votes and the machine count contains 3,000 fake double scanned ballots and thousands of missing ballot images.

Phillip Davis aka @mad_liberals is still finding thousands more double scanned ballots statewide and I'm searching for more flipped votes.

I'll close by saying that if Ware County officials cannot explain the evidence, this will confirm that the counties do not have operational or sovereign control of our elections.
Dekalb County in the crosshairs too. It's coming.

BREAKING: The RNC has filed a lawsuit against DeKalb County, Georgia (Atlanta) to obtain records related to an illegal $2 million grant DeKalb's Voter Registration and Elections department received from Mark Zuckerberg heading into the 2024 election

In May of 2023, Gov. Brian Kemp signed a bill into law that banned private funding for election administration. That was because Mark Zuckerberg bought the 2020 election with $400 million across swing states.

This new $2 million grant also comes from Mark Zuckerberg's Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), the guy the law was literally written to stop. Now it seems he's back for round two


"I observed thousands of mail-in absentee ballots in pristine condition being counted at the back of the room. These ballots caught my attention because the paper looked perfect with no folds nor creases ... I noticed that the print on the ovals looked perfect as well. The ballots had the appearance of being copied off a printer. I thought that was unusual, but up to that point, I did not realize it was a potential issue. It was a couple of weeks later at a Senate hearing that I heard another lady testify that she saw the same type of pristine ballots being counted in Fulton County (Georgia)."
Great development!!

BREAKING: Attorney and lobbyist Ed Lindsey, a massive election fraudster in Georgia who supported allowing no-excuse mail-in voting has resigned from the Georgia Election Board. The House Speaker has chosen a conservative firebrand Janelle King to replace him

The election board has the authority to investigate election fraud and right now they have big evidence to consider from the rigged 2020 election.

King is Stacey Abrams & Fani Willis's worst nightmare. She is a big Trump ally in Georgia

“I’m going to continue to lean into clear facts and evidence, and let that be the decision maker.” Janelle King

H/T @jeffmfulgham

Breaking Georgia Election News

Attorney and lobbyists Ed Lindsey has been forced to resign from the Georgia State Election Board from public pressure.

You're next @GabrielSterling. You provided false testimony to Congress when you told the J6 Committee that Fulton's 2020 hand count was "dead on" accurate and that no ballots were scanned twice. We now have evidence that the Fulton hand count had fake duplicate entries containing thousands of fake votes, and thousands of ballots were scanned twice.

And we have evidence that the GASOS was aware of this prior to your false testimony to the J6 Committee.

Georgia Election Board member apologizes to the people for not taking election fraud claims seriously after overwhelming evidence of fraud was finally presented to the board

"It took us 3 yrs to hear this case, and I apologize profusely to Mr. Joe Rossi and Mr. Kevin Moncla for that.”

Why is supposed Republican Brad Raffensperger using leftist organizations and personnel to run GA elections?

BREAKING: Researchers have uncovered a plot by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his right hand man Gabriel Sterling to rig the 2024 election. They are partnering with a leftist organization called "Power the Polls" to hire leftists activists to be poll workers

This same group recruited over 700,000 poll workers for the 2020 election and claim to be nonpartisan when it comes to recruitment and say their 14-member advisory board is bipartisan but of course that's the biggest lie ever. The board is made up of every major Trump hater in the country, it has MSDNC puppets, globalists, etc

Not only is this organization funded exclusively by leftist billionaires and other organizations, the one and only George Soros has sent blank checks their way.

According to the War Room's @nataliegwinters, "the group is part of Work Elections, which is a project of the Fair Election Network. In turn, the Fair Election Network is backed by the New Venture Fund, the leading billion-dollar dark money group supports President Joe Biden and counts Soros among its donors."

Resign in shame you corrupt buffoons @GaSecofState @GabrielSterling

New: @GabrielSterling Linked to Anti-Trump/Foreign Election Interference Efforts Based in Switzerland. Sterling Travelled to Switzerland Following 2020.

Background: On May 12, 2024 I called for the immediate resignation or firing of Gabriel Sterling from the Georgia Secretary of State Office. I filed a complaint in 2023 with the GA IG which provided evidence showing that Sterling gave false testimony to the Congressional J6 Committee concerning the 2020 election.

Sterling told Congress in 2022 that the Fulton 2020 hand count was "dead on" accurate and that no ballots were counted twice. We now have evidence from two GA SEB cases proving that fake duplicate batches containing 6,000 gross fake votes (4,000 fake net Biden) were inserted into Fulton's 2020 hand count to force it to match the machine count. And 3,000 fake double scanned ballots have been confirmed in Fulton county alone, and more than 8,000 have been identified statewide. Also, @GaSecofState has now admitted that the Fulton hand count was off by "several thousand" because ballots were scanned twice. Trump reportedly lost GA by only 11,778 votes.

Evidence also reveals that Sterling was being paid a $200K per year private contract salary to implement the Dominion Voting System in 2020.

Now it appears that foreign sources may have paid for Gabriel Sterling to fly to Geneva, Switzerland in October 2021 where he was asked to give a speech on the topic of "Safeguarding Democracy." The Geneva event was sponsored by the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy, a far left organization which was actively calling @realDonaldTrump a threat to democracy leading up to the 2020 election.

The following statements/topics are from Sterling's speech (video link below). Keep in mind this speech was made on foreign soil.

59:00- "Trump is all about Trump"

1:01:00- Sterling states that he received letters from around the world "thanking me for what we did" (in 2020).

1:02:00-1:06:00- Sterling believes Western Democracy is under threat by populist figures. This claim echoes the Anti-Trump theme of the host organization.

1:09:00- Sterling claims President Trump was spreading disinformation.

1:27:00- "Let's say Donald Trump is the nominee again, I guarantee you one thing, he's going to lose."

In addition to Trump bashing on foreign soil, he also attacks @RepMTG and @RudyGiuliani while in Switzerland.

Please contact @BrianKempGA and respectfully remind him that Jeff Fulgham has filed a complaint with the IG regarding Sterling's false testimony to Congress concerning the 2020 election.

Did @GabrielSterling receive foreign money for "Safeguarding Democracy" in 2020?

@FBI Foreign Influence Task Force


This should be illegal. The gates have been breached. The Trojan horse delivered the enemy and it is here.


BREAKING: Conservative Georgia Supreme Court Justice Andrew Pinson has defeated his Democrat challenger to retain his seat on the Supreme Court. Democrats used abortion and came no where close to winning

54% Andrew Pinson
46% John Barrow

This is simply because Georgia is a red state and no amount of gaslighting will change that
Come on Ware County. Time to come clean.

Fulgham v. Ware County GA Board of Elections concerning 2020 evidence of flipped votes and fake duplicate ballots.

My open message to the Ware BOE board members:

Even though your attorneys have apparently advised you to remain silent, I'll respectfully remind each of you that you are obligated by oath to "prevent any fraud, deceit, or abuse...." in the election system. As long as you are still serving on the board there is no statute of limitations for you obligations.

I do not believe that anyone on the BOE is guilty of wrongdoing. But as citizen I believe that you are obligated to come forward and explain to the public how 100 fake duplicate ballots were somehow "scanned" (or possibly digitally reproduced) 5 days after you certified the election.

My lawsuit against the BOE is only for information. If there is nothing to hide, why has the attorney apparently advised you to not answer my 18 legal questions? Is it because no one in Ware County scanned these ballots? Were these ballot images digitally reproduced within the machine without your knowledge or understanding? Or was a Ware County employee scanning ballots and creating fake duplicate votes 5 days after certification? Are the attorneys defending this Deep State election system?

Remember, your oath requires you to prevent deceit and abuse. Please step forward and explain to the people how these fake duplicate ballots were created 5 days after the election when the physical ballots should have been locked away. If we do not understand how this occured, this election system is not secure now, and will not be secure in 2024. It has now been 6 months since I first provided Ware officials with this evidence.


Jeff Fulgham
@WapPride Is this your group.....ACLU lawyer?

Stunning out of Georgia about the ACLU and volunteers having full access to the the Enet system, which is Georgia's voter registration database: 1) the ACLU could cancel your ballots on site, 2) ACLU lawyers also had their own credentials (not just volunteers), 3) Were election officials linking their own emails to accounts of multiple volunteers in Dekalb and Henry? 4) It appears multiple Volunteers in Dekalb and Henry counties are shown after hours logins to Enet. Private citizens, private non-profit had full access to Enet to make changes! Read the internal emails for yourself - Great work by
Typical magat twisting himself in knots to avoid answering the question because it might hurt an insurrectionist President's fee fees.

@WapPride Is this your group.....ACLU lawyer?

Stunning out of Georgia about the ACLU and volunteers having full access to the the Enet system, which is Georgia's voter registration database: 1) the ACLU could cancel your ballots on site, 2) ACLU lawyers also had their own credentials (not just volunteers), 3) Were election officials linking their own emails to accounts of multiple volunteers in Dekalb and Henry? 4) It appears multiple Volunteers in Dekalb and Henry counties are shown after hours logins to Enet. Private citizens, private non-profit had full access to Enet to make changes! Read the internal emails for yourself - Great work by
Yes, and we swapped out thousands of Trump votes for Biden ones. No one will ever catch us either because the deep state is protecting us.
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@WapPride Is this your group.....ACLU lawyer?

Stunning out of Georgia about the ACLU and volunteers having full access to the the Enet system, which is Georgia's voter registration database: 1) the ACLU could cancel your ballots on site, 2) ACLU lawyers also had their own credentials (not just volunteers), 3) Were election officials linking their own emails to accounts of multiple volunteers in Dekalb and Henry? 4) It appears multiple Volunteers in Dekalb and Henry counties are shown after hours logins to Enet. Private citizens, private non-profit had full access to Enet to make changes! Read the internal emails for yourself - Great work by


🚨🚨 BREAKING: VoterGA's Garland Favorito, going over his audit of the Fulton County election in the disbarment trial of Trump's former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark, says they found 200k duplicate-scanned 2020 ballots, but ongoing research has bumped that number up to 375k.

🚨🚨And here it is,

The Georgia State Election Board admits to violations of election laws in the Nov 3, 2020 election,

• 148,000 mail in ballots in Fulton County, NO SIGNATURE VERIFICATION

• 96,600 mail in ballots cast, but no record of ever being sent out,

• 67,000 illegal votes cast and Secretary of State Rat Raffensperger knew before Trump’s call,

• Fani bang bang Willis was in fact duplicated to the District Attorney’s office,

• Dominion voting machines flips Trump batch to 75% Joe Biden,

And Secretary of State Rat Raffensperger counted duplicate ballots, FALSIFIED AUDIT TALLY SHEETS and REDACTED the EVIDENCE to coverup the racket,

📝In other words U.S. Congress certified a criminal enterprise on Jan 6.

In the military we conduct an After Action Review (AAR) following every mission. We review both our successes and failures. Ware County GA must acknowledge and correct their security failure in 2020, or we will not be secure in 2024.

It's now been 7 months since I provided evidence to Ware County GA officials of 100 fake duplicate ballots from 2020. And the county has still not provided an explanation.

I sued them in February for answers. And still no explanation. They hired a lawyer and went silent.

I provided evidence to Ware County Superior Court and the Ware County Sheriff showing that this batch of ballots flipped from Trump to Biden in the first machine count. The flipped (fake) version was then somehow "scanned" (or digitally inserted) for a second time 5 days after certification when the physical ballots should have been locked away.

The 150 fake net Biden votes were never fully reconciled to Trump. There was a partial net reconciliation of 80 votes, leaving 70 fake net Biden votes. This 70 votes equals around 0.5% of Ware's total votes. If this ratio was statewide it would have given Biden 25,000 fake net votes in 2020 and flipped the state of Georgia.

We are missing more than half of the Georgia 2020 counties' election records. They were either destroyed or not provided. We know that many were destroyed.

I've identified flipped votes in several counties. But even the counties who supplied records destroyed partial records which makes it difficult to identify flipped votes.

@mad_liberals has identified more than 8,000 fake duplicate ballots statewide. The net gain goes to Biden. But his findings alone cannot show us all of the manipulation such as flipped votes. And his analysis covers less than half of the counties.

Joe Rossi proved in State Election Board case 2021-181 that Fulton's hand count had duplicate (fake) batches inserted. The resulting fake net gain went to Biden by around 4,000. Even the left-wing Atlanta Journal Constitution @ajc admitted that the Biden net gain in Fulton alone was around 3,000. This was a low estimate, but important because the AJC is biased in my assessment. Trump reportedly lost the state by only 11,778.

I'm a historian. My job is to be as objective as possible. After extensive research I'm not convinced that Biden won Georgia in 2020. And there has been a clear cover-up by the GASOS and CISA (DHS) from the very beginning.

And now Ware County GA cannot explain how fake duplicate ballots magically appeared in the official cast vote record 5 days after certification when the physical ballots should have been locked away.

Only a 100% hand count (not an RLA) controlled by the counties (not Voting Works) can determine if the tabulators are accurate in 2024.

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