The first four on your list fall under the same umbrella but I'll never understand how people could be so outraged over temporary measures that were put in place to save lives. The mandates weren't for everyone, but for healthcare workers(makes perfect sense), federal workers and companies with 100 or more employees, but they could also opt to undergo weekly testing instead. Did they get some of it wrong - maybe, but this was a once in a century event and they were learning as they went. This was NOT the deep state trying to control people's lives, it was about saving them. Personally, I don't have a lot of sympathy for Republicans who refused to take a few minutes to get a simple shot that wouldn't harm them, simply because they wanted Biden to fail - deny it all you want but we all know it's true. Additionally, Trump ordered the original lockdown.
As far as the twitter files nonsense, a reminder that it happened under Trump's tenure so if there was suppression, it happened under his government. As far as twitter employees, when the layers were peeled back, it revealed they were conflicted about what to do over their concerns about responsible, accurate reporting. All that noise over a temporary hold on sharing the laptop story - a story that could have been read in many other outlets by the way AND a story that shouldn't have had a bearing on the election anyway because there was nothing in it that proved that Biden was connected to any crimes. Just a bunch of FoxNews talking points, grasping at straws to scare people into believing it had an impact on Trump's loss. Ridiculous
The rest of your points could be construed as something both parties are guilty of so not seeing anything here that says Democrats are dangerous, and certainly not nearly as dangerous as the MAGA agenda.