Trump 2024

Trump poll numbers going up so I am not seeing a problem at this point.

Guys like you will get him the republican nomination, but he has zero chance of winning another National Election. He won in 2016 running against Hilary Clinton who was massively disliked, and he was an unknown as a politician.

He was so disliked by moderates and Dems that he lost to Joe Biden in a landslide. He will never win another National election. Doubling down on the crazy hurts him worse.
Guys like you will get him the republican nomination, but he has zero chance of winning another National Election. He won in 2016 running against Hilary Clinton who was massively disliked, and he was an unknown as a politician.

He was so disliked by moderates and Dems that he lost to Joe Biden in a landslide. He will never win another National election. Doubling down on the crazy hurts him worse.
If you are right then you should be happy. Your pappajoe can continue his destruction of the USA.
Russia has been set against the US long before recent events. Naive to think otherwise.
Russia and the US were allies, but we've never been 'friends'. In WWII. Churchill and FDR did not trust Stalin as far as they could throw him.
As much flak as he takes, you really have to give the man credit for working his ass off. He might not talk good but his actions speak loudly that he cares about this country and it's security.

On the other hand, it really is remarkable that the Republican's favorite candidate hates 55% of the population more than foreign dictators that wish us harm. And it must be why the base loves him because it sure is hell aint because he's a great leader.
I will say that I cringe every time Biden speaks.

And while I cannot speak for all Republicans, many I know do NOT want Trump to run again.

I actually saw a sign in Pella, Iowa that was promoting Nikki Haley and Tim Scott as a ticket (or that's what it looked like). I was a bit shocked.
his handlers are probably terrified of him going on stage against Trump and getting emasculated like lil rubio
Biden? Trump actually managed to lose (or at best tie) Biden in the debates in 2020.
Biden? Trump actually managed to lose (or at best tie) Biden in the debates in 2020.
No, i was saying Trump would pants Desantis on the debate stage. Desantis is mentally soft and Trump is a bully, he would insult him like 3 times and desantis would flounder and be toast. The same thing that happened to like 90% of the republican nominees in the 2016 debates
I will say that I cringe every time Biden speaks.

And while I cannot speak for all Republicans, many I know do NOT want Trump to run again.
A lot are also very happy that hes running again.
I actually saw a sign in Pella, Iowa that was promoting Nikki Haley and Tim Scott as a ticket (or that's what it looked like). I was a bit shocked.
Neither Haley nor Scott have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the nomination imo.
Biden? Trump actually managed to lose (or at best tie) Biden in the debates in 2020.
It could be said that Biden managed a tie in the first debate imo with a lot of help from Chris Wallace and it has been proven that Joe was lying heavily in that first debate related to Hunter and other stuff. Trump was off his game a bit that night, but Trump decisively won the second debate.
If Trump wins the nomination, then Biden gets another term. It really is that simple.

Trump could not beat Biden in 2020 and will not beat him in 2024. He cannot do it.

DeSantis can. Haley might can. Scott might can.

Trump cannot.
Time will tell. I am on the Trump train.
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Trump poll numbers going up so I am not seeing a problem at this point.
I wonder how many of these pollsters are capturing the Gen Z vote - who unexpectedly came out in force in the mid-terms and made a huge difference in the outcome. There will be even more of them in 2024 but I doubt they're represented in polling numbers.
Quit being stupid.

I have yet to see you ever, not even once say that there is anything that Donald Trump has done that you disapprove of.

Trump is trash and no reasonable person has a difficult time admitting that he has done some pretty terrible stuff.

Want to change my opinion of you, name something he has done that you don't approve of.
I have yet to see you ever, not even once say that there is anything that Donald Trump has done that you disapprove of.

Trump is trash and no reasonable person has a difficult time admitting that he has done some pretty terrible stuff.

Want to change my opinion of you, name something he has done that you don't approve of.
He'll probably say the development of the Moderna vaccine LOL
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I have yet to see you ever, not even once say that there is anything that Donald Trump has done that you disapprove of.

Trump is trash and no reasonable person has a difficult time admitting that he has done some pretty terrible stuff.

Want to change my opinion of you, name something he has done that you don't approve of.
I do not desire or need your approval. I do not agree with Trump on the vax for sure but he has now come out and said that he is against any mandates so thats good. I wish he would tone down his social media trolling at times but I agree with a lot of what he does and thats a fact so there.
I do not desire or need your approval. I do not agree with Trump on the vax for sure but he has now come out and said that he is against any mandates so thats good. I wish he would tone down his social media trolling at times but I agree with a lot of what he does and thats a fact so there.

Did you really say ," so there"?? What are you, 10?
Yah I'm good with accountability. Social security is a vastly popular program. It deserves the 2% of extra funds to ensure the 98% are well spent.
Member when Dubya wanted to privatize SS with the plan to just put it all in the stock market? Riiiight after the financial crisis happened. That would have been the worst thing ever.

Some services cost money but are worth it. Your concern is valid. Oversight is the solution. ACCOUNTABILITY. Just saying the government doesn't work is so tired
That's a lie, W wanted younger people to be able to invest a small amount of their SS. You're just making stuff up.

Not so fast.

Rasmussen Reports Shows Biden Is Getting Crushed by President Trump in Latest Polling for 2024 Election​

By Joe Hoft Apr. 5, 2023 10:45 am

The latest Rasmussen poll shows that President Trump is crushing Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential race. If polling is this bad, Biden is way behind.
After years of incompetence, incontinence and failure, Americans have had enough of Joe Biden and his gang of thieves, crooks and corrupt actors.
Yesterday’s bogus indictment of President Trump was another corrupt, criminal and unconstitutional effort by the Biden gang to interfere in the 2024 election. The Biden gang knows no one is buying what they are selling and is using lawfare to get at President Trump.
Rasmussen Reports released the results of their polling for President this morning and it shows President Trump with a commanding lead over senile old Joe Biden.
If President Joe Biden seeks a second term in 2024, he faces an uphill battle for reelection against either of the two leading Republican candidates.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the 2024 presidential election were between Biden and former President Donald Trump, 47% of Likely U.S. voters would vote for Trump, while 40% would vote for Biden. Another 11% say they would vote for some other candidate. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
The question in this survey was simple:
If the 2024 presidential election were between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
After yesterday’s criminal acts by the Biden Administration and the Soros-connected DA in New York, this poll has likely changed even more in President Trump’s favor.
The US is being destroyed by the Biden administration. They are allowing military-aged men to enter the country. We have no idea who they are or where they are from.
The economy is falling apart with inflation at record highs and credit card debt as well. The markets last reached an all-time high two years ago, as Biden stepped into the on fire Trump economy.
US foreign policy is in shambles as Biden pushes China and Russia and other countries together after the disastrous surrender in Afghanistan.
American Christians are being arrested for praying outside abortion clinics. While criminals are set free in US cities.
The DOJ and FBI have buckets of criminal activities found on Hunter’s laptop and they have had it since 2019 yet they ignore these many crimes and go after innocents on Jan 6 including President Trump himself.
Yesterday it became clear that America under the Obama/Biden regime has turned into a communist and fascist nation. The crooks are set free while the good people are placed behind bars in the DC Gulag.
This poll is only going to get worse for Biden who should be in jail on a sedition count rather than sitting in the White House. Americans know it.
Election denier ......

"The trial thrust the pro-Trump “alt-right” movement into a spotlight, revealing how a coordinated synergy between the imageboard forum 4chan and the more highly trafficked social media giant Twitter enabled groups of anonymous extremists to plot out sophisticated ways to blunt voter turnout for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Evidence revealed during the trial showed Mackey participating in direct message groups where extremists carefully workshopped disinformation, and then strategically amplified it through Twitter’s algorithm to maximize chaos in a way that benefited Trump. The prosecution's star witness, a pseudonymous extremist turned pseudonymous FBI cooperator known as Microchip, was active in those groups."

Donald Trump is a rock star!!

President Trump Cheered At UFC Miami Event, Crowd Breaks Into “USA! USA!” Chant (VIDEO)​

By Brock Simmons Apr. 8, 2023 10:45 pm

President Trump, Dana White, Kid Rock and Mike Tyson
If there’s any doubt that Florida might not be MAGA country, the reaction at UFC 287 in Miami tonight clears up any confusion. Entering with Kid Rock and UFC President Dana White, the crowd goes wild as Trump enters the arena.

Everyone’s hyped as Trump makes his way through crowd, shaking hands and high-5’ing everyone.

The crowd erupted again when he was shown on the big screen later on.

Iron Mike Tyson would join the trio at cageside.

As expected, the pro-Trump crowds are fired up and galvanized behind the 2024 Presidential candidate in the wake of the sham charges filed by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.
Donald Trump is a rock star!!

President Trump Cheered At UFC Miami Event, Crowd Breaks Into “USA! USA!” Chant (VIDEO)​

By Brock Simmons Apr. 8, 2023 10:45 pm

President Trump, Dana White, Kid Rock and Mike Tyson
If there’s any doubt that Florida might not be MAGA country, the reaction at UFC 287 in Miami tonight clears up any confusion. Entering with Kid Rock and UFC President Dana White, the crowd goes wild as Trump enters the arena.

Everyone’s hyped as Trump makes his way through crowd, shaking hands and high-5’ing everyone.

The crowd erupted again when he was shown on the big screen later on.

Iron Mike Tyson would join the trio at cageside.

As expected, the pro-Trump crowds are fired up and galvanized behind the 2024 Presidential candidate in the wake of the sham charges filed by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.

He’s got FL on lock. Now how do you forecast the vote in PA, AZ, GA, MI, WI, NV? You know, the states he has to flip to actually win.
He’s got FL on lock. Now how do you forecast the vote in PA, AZ, GA, MI, WI, NV? You know, the states he has to flip to actually win.
It's going to be a wild ride. Without the elections being legit then any non controlled repub will have trouble winning. Now I do not have a verdict on DeSantis he controlled by the establishment or not? If he is then they will call him names but probably not cheat to beat him as they want the system to be trusted. If Trump is the nominee then they will pull every dirty trick and then blatantly cheat to win at any cost as he is not controlled by them.

President Trump Delivers Epic Easter Message​

By Margaret Flavin Apr. 9, 2023 4:30 pm

President Donald Trump shared an epic Easter message on Truth Social Sunday morning.

It's going to be a wild ride. Without the elections being legit then any non controlled repub will have trouble winning. Now I do not have a verdict on DeSantis he controlled by the establishment or not? If he is then they will call him names but probably not cheat to beat him as they want the system to be trusted. If Trump is the nominee then they will pull every dirty trick and then blatantly cheat to win at any cost as he is not controlled by them.

So you think Trump would win PA in 2024 as long as there is no cheating? Even though his senate pick couldn’t beat a truly pitiful dem just 6 months ago?
So you think Trump would win PA in 2024 as long as there is no cheating? Even though his senate pick couldn’t beat a truly pitiful dem just 6 months ago?
With that result can any repub win? Its not like Oz was an American First hardcore repub. I am not even sure why Trump endorsed him. I was hoping Trump would endorse McCormick.