Color me surprised someone who hates anything "not left", can't understand someone who "hates anything left". It's fine you can't see it that way. You're entitled to your opinion.Whatev, I've committed myself to confronting misinformation and lies because they're just too important to ignore. It's fine if you don't see it my way because it's a free world and I don't own this board. Doesn't mean I won't challenge you and you're free to do the same. Capiche?
If you were on a mission to stop misinformation, then why aren't you as passionate about banning "Flat earth, Ancient Aliens, Finding Bigfoot, UFO's" all which air on our TV channels every day? You passionate about that misinformation? Or is it just the ones you choose?
You don't want to ban the History Channel for making people think we had ancient aliens here and that Bigfoot could be real? That's dangerous, no? Facebook hasn't banned the Flat Earth society yet? What's taking so long?
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