Trump 2024

Bill Maher Drops Unexpected Conspiracy Theory

He asks how the heck Biden is ahead of Trump in the polls when he lost:

• 14 points among Hispanics
• 43 points among Black voters under 50
• favorability among student debt holders
• 8% of women since 2020

“And yet I read in the polls he pulled ahead this week. Explain that to me.”
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Trump 2024: Elect Me and I'll Never Ask For Your Vote Again *wink wink*

For the slow pokes like @fatpiggy, Trump is saying he intends to rule indefinitely here. You will be voting for an actual dictator.
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A few of the books to be banned:
Canterbury Tales
Romeo & Juliet
The red states keep getting redder

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoes all arts grant in the state​

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed all arts grants in Florida, a move that organizations said is unprecedented and could jeopardize the operations of many.

"Something like this could literally be the death knell for some organizations, and succeed in doing what COVID could not," the executive director of the Symphony of the Americas, Steven Haines, told the Sun Sentinel.

Bari Newport, from GableStage, told Axios that the funding will fall heavily on Miami-Dade, one of the largest funders for arts in the country. "Many of these arts and cultural institutions are already relying heavily on the county to exist," she said.

Overall, the veto cuts $6.5 million for the county, impacting more than 120 organizations, including the opera, theaters and art museums. At a state level the figure tops 600.

The governor's office didn't provide an explanation for the decision, only saying that all vetoes were done "in the best interests of the State of Florida."

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The red states keep getting redder

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoes all arts grant in the state​

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed all arts grants in Florida, a move that organizations said is unprecedented and could jeopardize the operations of many.

"Something like this could literally be the death knell for some organizations, and succeed in doing what COVID could not," the executive director of the Symphony of the Americas, Steven Haines, told the Sun Sentinel.

Bari Newport, from GableStage, told Axios that the funding will fall heavily on Miami-Dade, one of the largest funders for arts in the country. "Many of these arts and cultural institutions are already relying heavily on the county to exist," she said.

Overall, the veto cuts $6.5 million for the county, impacting more than 120 organizations, including the opera, theaters and art museums. At a state level the figure tops 600.

The governor's office didn't provide an explanation for the decision, only saying that all vetoes were done "in the best interests of the State of Florida."

Fascism on the march
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Yep. And they got to keep those voters dumb. Art might distract them from their purpose as peons for the GOP elite rulers.....
Let's be honest here - art and theater are woke and might lead one down the path to being a liberal and that cannot stand in Floridastan.
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Let's be honest here - art and theater are woke and might lead one down the path to being a liberal and that cannot stand in Floridastan.
Good point. Can't have the development of critical thinking skills just running around free. That would lessen the market for conspiracy theories.
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BREAKING: Cathie Wood, one of the most influential people in the business world just publicly announced that she'll be voting for Trump and that he had the best economy in history

"Trump or Biden?"

"I am a voter when it comes to economics. And on that basis, Trump."

What if the Dems don’t swap Biden out?

What if they just stay the course?

Trump might win big. Trump could be looking at substantial majorities in both chambers, and massive public support.

If Trump wins big, it would give him the political ammunition and optics to fully implement the MAGA agenda. He would have the trust of the People, giving him the leeway to do some drastic things, like secure the border, end the wars, drain the swamp, etc.

If the Dems keep riding with Biden, it could lead to an extinction level event for the Democrat Party.

Let the circus continue!
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My President!!

🚨DEVELOPING: Rep. Wesley Hunt went on the Sage Steele show and told his favorite Donald Trump story of when Trump met with Taliban leaders.

Trump told the Taliban “if you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you.”

Trump then reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban’s home, handed it to him, got up and walked out the room.”
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