Trump 2024


This voter is not maga. He is not even a Trump supporter and he didn’t even wanna vote but listen to him tell you how he’s going to vote for Donald Trump because there is no way we can handle another four years of Democrat rule.

Propaganda is not working anymore. That’s why they’re troubling and making themselves look even stupider every day.

BREAKING: A federal judge has ordered Georgia and Fulton County election officials to appear before him to explain why he shouldn't rule against them in an election integrity case that will force them to remove thousands of ineligible names off the voter rolls

Judge Steve C. Jones sent an order to the officials "commanding Defendants to appear and show cause why the relief demanded herein should not be granted." That hearing is tomorrow morning.

As I previously posted, election integrity warriors @JasonFrazierUSA and @_CitizenAG filed the lawsuit after a Fulton County official admitted on camera that they don't do routine maintenance of the voter rolls as mandated by federal and state law. They are requesting the judge to issue a writ of mandamus compelling the officials to clean and maintain the voter rolls and to ensure the integrity of the 2024 election, unlike what they did in 2020.

This is a CRUCIAL lawsuit, and I pray the judge follows through with his intention to do the right thing.
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As to the top video, what a freakin' p***y. He's going to call the cops for signs someone else has on their property????

This is why you should never vote for Demonrats! This is why you never live where there is an HOA! Living on social security "Norm & Norma" have nothing better to do than drive around the neighborhood on a golf cart and complain about other people. F**k these people.

Somewhere on the "interwebs" right now, that little pansy is talking about how we need to save "DEMOCRACY".

What a POS!
Must happen.

They don’t finish counting on election night for 1 reason

To figure out how many votes they need to cheat, then slowly commingle those fake ballots in with the real ones

We know they do this

Question now is, can we stop them this time?

Poll watchers must refuse to leave at any cost

Make them DRAG you out b/c that is when they are going to cheat the most

And when you see them cheating, get video of it and call the RNC legal hotline to get immediate injunctions filed

Remember this Pennsylvania case when it went to court and Trump and his lawyers were telling you how the Republican observers were locked out? THEN the bibles came out and people had to start testifying under oath? Remember what Trump's lawyers said then? I bet you do!!! Remember? "There were a non zero number of observers in the room."

ZERO court cases where Trumps claims were proven true but SEVERAL cases where Trump and company were busted just flat out lying.