Trump at the NABJ Convention - A Thread

Biden brought tech jobs BACK from Tawain to America. He is eviscerating the cheating and corporate espionage China was doing in order to steal and profit off of American research. It is destroying the Chinese economy.
We are bleeding Russia dry and exposing them for the paper tiger. They are completely exposed right now and whats scary is them panicking and hitting the nuke button. We need adults in charge right now to ensure a peaceful transition happens in Russia. China is now picking fights with them. You don't have a George H. W running, you have a weirdo who loves to salute North Korean Generals.

We are so well positioned right now on the global stage its ridiculous. The next 20 years will see a huge boom here in the USA. Theres no reason to fret over letting go of a weirdo 80 year old reality TV star.
Who is currently in charge? Thankfully George W is not running. Continue on with the weird/weirdo comments.
This is so ****ing weird. Like can you guys not comprehend that someone can be born of two parents? With two different ethnicities? Ya'll are like watching a monkey screw a door knob.
You truly are the biggest dumb lib ass on this board. No common sense and lack of total brain function. Wow 😂😂😂😂
Remind me when you've ever said anything that has a semblance of intelligence or even common decency. Laughy emoji that banjo boy
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Remind me when you've ever said anything that has a semblance of intelligence or even common decency. Laughy emoji that banjo boy
When you’ve showed anything resembling intelligence, you’ll get an intelligent response because you libs are the most dumb, uneducated tards I’ve ever encountered even in Latin America. But the good thing is, all of the illegals coming here aren’t going to vote for socialist dumb ass political parties like you guys love.
Congratulations on allowing a total new voting base to go for the right!!!!
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Can you help what a media calls you? She's both Indian and black. Both things are true. Are you suggesting it's not? That's weird.
Nope, not suggesting that at all…just proving the fact that up until she was running for president in 2020 she always referred to herself as Indian…a fact that Trump pointed out and some ITT got their panties in a wad and stated the whole racist crap again. I agree that is weird…it’s weird how your side loves to play the race card when it benefits them.
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See, it’s this crap that makes you a clown!! Where does “Donald Trump asked Putin NOT to release Evan Gershkovic until AFTER the election SOLELY to use him politically.” in this post…where???
You know he's capable of doing that, whether he did or not. He already dangled the sure release of Gershkovich only IF he won the election.


Don’t make up crap…do better!!
How did he know Putin would only release him if he was re-elected? How could he know that?
This is so ****ing weird. Like can you guys not comprehend that someone can be born of two parents? With two different ethnicities? Ya'll are like watching a monkey screw a door knob.
They asked JD Vance about it since his kids are biracial, and he fully backed Trump. Pathetic.
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You know he's capable of doing that, whether he did or not. He already dangled the sure release of Gershkovich only IF he won the election.

This kinds blows up the whole russia collusion and trump and putin buddy thing does it not? Weird putin would do this if they were pals and had been colluding together for him to win.
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This kinds blows up the whole russia collusion and trump and putin buddy thing does it not? Weird putin would do this if they were pals and had been colluding together for him to win.
I addressed this in another thread but my belief is he sees the writing on the wall that Trump won't be re-elected so he's trying to get out in front with some goodwill now that he knows he won't be reaping the benefits of a second Trump term.
I dont know why I - or we- even bother to listen to this man. Ever. He just lies constantly.
It also shows that he never intended to respectfully answer their questions in the first place. If he can start off with some righteous indignation, he'll feel justified in blowing his top and ignoring their questions, while ranting like a maniac with talking points unrelated to the subject.
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Trump lies more than any other human on the face of the earth. He lies when he doesnt have to lie. He lies when the truth would serve him just as well or better. He is a toxic liar. I dont know any other way to put it.
You've got Stage 5 TDS. Trump, Trump, Trump. How do you even breathe on your own? You should be embarrassed, but beyond that you should seek help from a mental health professional.

Tell me some of Trump's lies. You say there are many, so reminding us of a few should be easy.

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