Trump Policy Proposal - No Tax On Overtime Pay


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2002
Great way to incentivize the work force. I love it!

No tax on tips and no tax on overtime. Maybe we will start to see pre-pandemic levels of customer service.

It’s obviously better than the the left’s position of more taxes on hardworking successful Americans and giving more money to people who don’t contribute to society. But it’s still an attempt to buy votes and a tax reduction mostly on people already paying very low tax rates (ie <15% effective rates).
It’s obviously better than the the left’s position of more taxes on hardworking successful Americans and giving more money to people who don’t contribute to society. But it’s still an attempt to buy votes and a tax reduction mostly on people already paying very low tax rates (ie <15% effective rates).

Exactly. It's pandering for votes. It's exactly like his attempt to give a bigger check during the pandemic when it was clear he was going to lose the election.

All politicians do it, but Trump will change his position at the drop of a hat when he knows he's losing, or he's gonna make a buck.

It's one thing to change a position over time as you gain more info, learn more, have new experiences, ir whatever. That's what we all do. To change your position on Abortion for example multiple times in a few days as Trump did is pretty wild.
Exactly. It's pandering for votes. It's exactly like his attempt to give a bigger check during the pandemic when it was clear he was going to lose the election.

All politicians do it, but Trump will change his position at the drop of a hat when he knows he's losing, or he's gonna make a buck.

It's one thing to change a position over time as you gain more info, learn more, have new experiences, ir whatever. That's what we all do. To change your position on Abortion for example multiple times in a few days as Trump did is pretty wild.

It’s infinitely better than the pay-for-votes student loan forgiveness scheme. Because here we’re letting people keep money they’ve earned and only by working >40 hours, so we’re keeping the break out of reach for lazy people. But again, it’s still pandering, buying votes and reducing taxes on mostly low bracket folks. But that’s politics now.
It’s obviously better than the the left’s position of more taxes on hardworking successful Americans and giving more money to people who don’t contribute to society. But it’s still an attempt to buy votes and a tax reduction mostly on people already paying very low tax rates (ie <15% effective rates).
Fair criticism and point taken.

But we all know Democrats are king of the handouts. How is one supposed to compete with "here, have this" ?

Republicans must be competitive in earning votes in order to win the election. I respect this route much more than i do handouts. Plus, this structure will incentivize behaviour. Have you noticed how poor customer service has gotten since the pandemic? I have.

1) This will encourage people to work overtime.
2) Hell, it may even encourage employers to pay overtime.
3) It will incentivize employee retention. Thus improving customer service.

As a counter question and point, what behavior does eliminating someone's student debt encourage and how does said behavior benefit society?
It’s infinitely better than the pay-for-votes student loan forgiveness scheme. Because here we’re letting people keep money they’ve earned and only by working >40 hours, so we’re keeping the break out of reach for lazy people. But again, it’s still pandering, buying votes and reducing taxes on mostly low bracket folks. But that’s politics now.

Agreed as I've stated before I didn't like the student loan forgiveness plans.

I would have been fine, and probably agreed with some changes to the requirements for offering student loans, better disclosure, less preditory practices etc, particularly with Sallie Mae who had a huge fine for doing this stuff.

I had loans so I could go to college, It sucked to pay basically a second car payment for 25+ years lost college, but it was an investment in training that enabled me to make substantially more money so it worked out for me.

Trump however will literally change overnight due to polls, it's wild.
Fair criticism and point taken.

But we all know Democrats are king of the handouts. How is one supposed to compete with "here, have this" ?

Republicans must be competitive in earning votes in order to win the election. I respect this route much more than i do handouts. Plus, this structure will incentivize behaviour. Have you noticed how poor customer service has gotten since the pandemic? I have.

1) This will encourage people to work overtime.
2) Hell, it may even encourage employers to pay overtime.
3) It will incentivize employee retention. Thus improving customer service.

As a counter question and point, what behavior does eliminating someone's student debt encourage and how does said behavior benefit society?

How about we pay people better, hire more people and don't require people to work overtime? We are the richest country on the planet, and our workers work, by far the longest work weeks, with the least benefits of any other Western Country.

This would be one more way for employers to utilize a smaller workforce. It is far cheaper for them to pay one employee 1.5 times for OT than hire a second employee they have to pay double for that same work.

We love to act like we are helping workers while we supplement corporations bottom lines.
Agreed as I've stated before I didn't like the student loan forgiveness plans.

I would have been fine, and probably agreed with some changes to the requirements for offering student loans, better disclosure, less preditory practices etc, particularly with Sallie Mae who had a huge fine for doing this stuff.

I had loans so I could go to college, It sucked to pay basically a second car payment for 25+ years lost college, but it was an investment in training that enabled me to make substantially more money so it worked out for me.

Trump however will literally change overnight due to polls, it's wild.
You have seen the side by sides of Kamala debating herself right?
What i sense is frustration that Republicans are competing on the traditional Democratic playing field.

This would be a policy that i think your traditional southern democrat would support. It's throwing a bone to strictly the working class people. The fringe left won't like it because it's Trump's idea.
What i sense is frustration that Republicans are competing on the traditional Democratic playing field.

This would be a policy that i think your traditional southern democrat would support. It's throwing a bone to strictly the working class people. The fringe left won't like it because it's Trump's idea.

What I sense is that you have never been in charge of a workforce and love letting your company screw you over by paying you half what it would cost to pay another person for the work.
Fair criticism and point taken.

But we all know Democrats are king of the handouts. How is one supposed to compete with "here, have this" ?

Republicans must be competitive in earning votes in order to win the election. I respect this route much more than i do handouts. Plus, this structure will incentivize behaviour. Have you noticed how poor customer service has gotten since the pandemic? I have.

1) This will encourage people to work overtime.
2) Hell, it may even encourage employers to pay overtime.
3) It will incentivize employee retention. Thus improving customer service.

As a counter question and point, what behavior does eliminating someone's student debt encourage and how does said behavior benefit society?

Yea, in the game of handouts and buying votes, this is a much better way to approach it than the left. As I said above, at least this is letting people keep money they earned and it only applies to people putting in extra effort.

By contrast, imagine supporting programs that take more money from people who earned it and give it to people who haven’t done anything to deserve it. I can’t fathom supporting that approach.
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What I sense is that you have never been in charge of a workforce and love letting your company screw you over by paying you half what it would cost to pay another person for the work.
As usual, your senses could not be further from reality. Nothing to see here, carry on people.
As usual, your senses could not be further from reality. Nothing to see here, carry on people.

So you have no rebuttal since you don't have actual experience to understand how this would impact people??

I ask again, what do you do for a living? What is your profession?

You have never answered @OleFastball, we know it's not professional gambler since you wouldn't last long not paying your lost bets.
Great way to incentivize the work force. I love it!

No tax on tips and no tax on overtime. Maybe we will start to see pre-pandemic levels of customer service.

lol Didn’t Republicans just move to block the DOL’s increase on eligibility for overtime pay?

Republicans: no taxes on overtime pay!

Also Republicans: get rid of overtime pay!
To be fair, if there was no overtime pay, no one would be paying tax on it
Both ideas are stupid but at least no taxes on OT doesn't advantage one type of working class employee over another. I desperately hate both ideas, though. Everyone benefits from the government (maybe not every individual person on net) and a person's income shouldn't be advantaged simply because it's tips, capital gains, or overtime. Income is income.
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What I sense is that you have never been in charge of a workforce and love letting your company screw you over by paying you half what it would cost to pay another person for the work.
What I sense from you is that it's never been YOUR money involved in the workplace. I overtime pay, both parties WIN. The employer pays half the wages and no workman's comp fees on the overtime wages. The employee gets more money to feed, clothe, and house his family per week.
I OWNED a small mfg. plant for 35 years. The way we all felt when one benefited, ALL benefited.
By the way, we had to get by on fewer employees because of Obamacare, so our employees, who were happy for the overtime pay, had to work more hours because that STUPID requirement that if you had more than 50 employees you MUST have to sign up and pay for everyone's insurance and a company our size would have gone out of business with that expense added. Another govt regulation put in by people that could not or have run a lemonade stand.
Aother reason tonever vote for demonrats, because they have no understanding or have ever run a business.
I sold 2 years ago before these idiots raised the capital gains tax to to take money out of MY pocket that they did NO work for, in spite of what Obama said. I never saw his ass on my floor.
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What I sense from you is that it's never been YOUR money involved in the workplace. I overtime pay, both parties WIN. The employer pays half the wages and no workman's comp fees on the overtime wages. The employee gets more money to feed, clothe, and house his family per week.
I OWNED a small mfg. plant for 35 years. The way we all felt when one benefited, ALL benefited.
By the way, we had to get by on fewer employees because of Obamacare, so our employees, who were happy for the overtime pay, had to work more hours because that STUPID requirement that if you had more than 50 employees you MUST have to sign up and pay for everyone's insurance and a company our size would have gone out of business with that expense added. Another govt regulation put in by people that could not or have run a lemonade stand.
Aother reason tonever vote for demonrats, because they have no understanding or have ever run a business.
I sold 2 years ago before these idiots raised the capital gains tax to to take money out of MY pocket that they did NO work for, in spite of what Obama said. I never saw his ass on my floor.

I appreciate your input and experience. I admit that I have worked predominantly for major corporations so my experience and yours may be different.

I have seen and participated in major corporations takibg advantage of every single way they can to make more money. From reductions in Fulltime employees to avoid paying Taxes and Benefits, to use of salaried positions to avoid paying OT.

I can understand your positions, and I would agree that the size of your job would make many of the labor laws more challenging. I would certainly be in favor of allowances based on employee amount or revenue or something.

The beauty of how our government is supposed to work is we start from different opinions and work toward a compromise were while we both might not win, neither do we both lose.
Both ideas are stupid but at least no taxes on OT doesn't advantage one type of working class employee over another. I desperately hate both ideas, though. Everyone benefits from the government (maybe not every individual person on net) and a person's income shouldn't be advantaged simply because it's tips, capital gains, or overtime. Income is income.
Are you saying short term capital gains should be the same as long term?

I think it’s good to incentive longer term investing as I think it produces better results for the consumer.
Are you saying short term capital gains should be the same as long term?

I think it’s good to incentive longer term investing as I think it produces better results for the consumer.

It's an interesting point and one that I'm sympathetic to. I guess I see there being some value in incentivizing long term gains over short (though I'd love to see some data on the negatives of short term investing). I do think that long term gains are taxed too little, though.

To save you a little trouble with me, I generally want more government programs and the tax revenue to accomplish that. Taxes with relatively low costs are the most appealing to me so things like estate taxes, capital gains, and progressive income taxes are higher on my list.
It’s obviously better than the the left’s position of more taxes on hardworking successful Americans and giving more money to people who don’t contribute to society. But it’s still an attempt to buy votes and a tax reduction mostly on people already paying very low tax rates (ie <15% effective rates).
Or, we could just have the taxpayers pay off loans for people who took them out.

Sounds like a great idea.