Trump Shot?

Based on what I know to date she was DEI pick to wreck SS

And what exactly "do you know?" The only way you would know that is if you were the Chief Human Capital Officer of the SS or the hiring official (the person that selected them). Are you one of those two people? Did you see a hiring document that had "DEI selection" checked? By the way, there is no box like that in hiring documents.

So, unless you were any of those roles or saw the hiring documents...You don't know.
So creating a FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION campaign for multiple years by Left and Democrats by Hillary

Having 51 FORMER INTELLEIGENCE OFFICERS sign a lie posted in National News

Creating Lawfare against Trump for, things I have done many times in my life like him on a smaller scale

Trump is THE MAN

There is not another person that I know on EARTH that could have taken the blows your fanatics of hate and fear mongering could have done and the Man stands tall

I do share that Murder and Assassination is in the Playbook even if by Warped People

Keep Going With the Narrative You Closet Violent anarchists believe in and the worse may happen for the Trump Family

My mom used to say if you can't hurt the parents, THEN YOU HURT THE CHILDREN

We could talk all day about Elon Musk exposing the censorship and bias against the Republican Party and Trump but your tightly closed beartrap mind cannot be pried open to hear "TRUTH ABOUT X" or read Truth Social

Enjoy Your world I never plan to visit

EXPECTING ATTEMPTS NOW on his family in the worse of ways

Oh my goodness! That is a lot. Are you okay?
does not approve chris farley GIF

I didn't say that. Those are your words.
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I’m sure heads are going to roll for this apocalyptic security failure… The shooting happened Saturday but I haven’t heard anything yet… the Dems are about protecting our democracy so surely that includes protecting former Presidents… or could I be wrong on this?
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I’m sure heads are going to roll for this apocalyptic security failure… The shooting happened Saturday but I haven’t heard anything yet… the Dems are about protecting our democracy so surely that includes protecting former Presidents… or could I be wrong on this?
What did you think you would hear by now? Its been 3 days after.
News now officially reporting Local Police encounter shooter approximately 30 minutes before shooting but retreated. Building was also used as staging area for Local Police.
News now officially reporting Local Police encounter shooter approximately 30 minutes before shooting but retreated. Building was also used as staging area for Local Police.
Yikes. What a colossal fvck up.
"Channel 4 News can reveal that Thomas Crooks's, [the shooter's] father, the owner of the rifle that was used to shoot at Donald Trump, was held on a database and profiled by the former president's election campaign and identified by them as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. The information was compiled as part of a secret Republican project to gather data on millions of gun owners across America and use it to target pro-gun messages in the run up to the 2016 election...We know they profiled them using secret computer models to identify likely gun owners and enthusiasts, and Mr. Crooks scored very highly, 0.99 out of 1 for being a gun owner and 0.95 out of one 1 being a hunter. In fact, out of more than 19,000 people in Bethel Park who were profiled, Mr. Crooks was in the top 20 and the database classified him as a strong GOP or Republican voter."

"Channel 4 News can reveal that Thomas Crooks's, [the shooter's] father, the owner of the rifle that was used to shoot at Donald Trump, was held on a database and profiled by the former president's election campaign and identified by them as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. The information was compiled as part of a secret Republican project to gather data on millions of gun owners across America and use it to target pro-gun messages in the run up to the 2016 election...We know they profiled them using secret computer models to identify likely gun owners and enthusiasts, and Mr. Crooks scored very highly, 0.99 out of 1 for being a gun owner and 0.95 out of one 1 being a hunter. In fact, out of more than 19,000 people in Bethel Park who were profiled, Mr. Crooks was in the top 20 and the database classified him as a strong GOP or Republican voter."

That means essentially nothing.

What does his voter registration say?
What did you think you would hear by now? Its been 3 days after.
If the POS shooter had gotten off just a slightly more accurate shot (matter of inches), we would’ve had another JFK moment for the world to see, and the past couple days it would’ve been a totally different conversation. This was beyond a colossal and epic security failure like we’ve never seen in this country. If this had been former President Obama involved in the same assassination attempt and scenario, folks at the Secret Service would’ve been fired by Sunday. The lady who heads the SS only came out and said ultimately she’s responsible, but no she’s not resigning … and she won’t be fired by Biden. This is what feeds into conspiracy theories .. and if there’s not some answers there’s gonna be a lot of people buying into them.
If the POS shooter had gotten off just a slightly more accurate shot (matter of inches), we would’ve had another JFK moment for the world to see, and the past couple days it would’ve been a totally different conversation. This was beyond a colossal and epic security failure like we’ve never seen in this country. If this had been former President Obama involved in the same assassination attempt and scenario, folks at the Secret Service would’ve been fired by Sunday. The lady who heads the SS only came out and said ultimately she’s responsible, but no she’s not resigning … and she won’t be fired by Biden. This is what feeds into conspiracy theories .. and if there’s not some answers there’s gonna be a lot of people buying into them.
You just created a scenario that can’t ever be proven and doesn’t work in any debate. Something this big will take a long time to get every last detail out. There won’t be a rush because you would never rush something so important. I get you are upset but you are already creating a conspiracy thought in your own head and it hasn’t even been a week.

This won’t be something that fades away.
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NEW: Soon-to-be unmasked entities bet that President Trump’s $DJT stock would plummet ONE DAY before the assassination attempt.

Shorts against the Truth Social stock more than doubled from July 1 -July 12, meaning, people or large organizations were predicting that by Monday the stock would plummet, something that undoubtedly would have occurred had President Trump died in Pennsylvania.

This could mean some had foreknowledge of the plot against President Trump’s life and tried to profit off the coming calamity.

This also happened on 9/11, where bets were placed against the stocks of major airline companies American and United a day before the attack. An investigation showed that in both cases a single entity and a well placed insider newsletter tipped off investors to miraculously bet against the top two airlines in USA, who took a major hit after the hijackings.
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Doesn’t look like this dude acted alone. Will be interesting to see where the trail leads. Who radicalized this fella?
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Why is the fbi gaslighting the American People?

BREAKING: Gab founder @basedtorba just released an FBI Emergency Disclosure Request (EDR) that names Thomas Matthew Crooks's Biden-supporting social media account after FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate falsely testified under oath to Congress.

According to his Gab account, Crooks supported Biden, lockdowns, and Biden's border policies.

FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate just told Congress that "an account believed to be associated with the shooter" had posted 700 comments in 2019 and 2020 with "anti-Semitic and anti-immigration" views.

"While the investigative team is still working to verify this account to determine if it did, in fact, belong to the shooter, we believe it important to share and note it today, particularly given the general absence of other information to date from social media that reflect on the shooter's potential motive and mindset."

However, the FBI's request to Gab specifically identified Thomas Matthew Crooks's account as "epicMicrowave," which had posted comments completely opposite to what the FBI just told Congress.

Moreover, Crooks donated $15 to a progressive PAC on January 20, 2021, and posted comments supporting Joe Biden's border policies on Gab just weeks later, in early February 2021.

Why is the FBI Deputy Director lying under oath about Thomas Matthew Crooks' views to Congress and the American people?

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