Trump supporters with teenage daughters

There's no federal law enshrining abortion. what's the alternative to leaving it up to the states?
He can’t even tell you the substance behind why he’s afraid of his daughters’ rights being in danger. Can’t specify exactly what right, besides abortion, and will just move the goal post when his talking points are depleted. He went from asking about abortion and states to saying “EVERY debated issues that’s not consensus should be sent to the states.”

His well has run dry.
How much do your daughters hate you right now? What’s the discussion at dinner like? “Sorry honey I had to take away your rights to own the libs”

What??? Who would want to own one of them…I can hardly live with them...😆
You think it affects a clump of cells more than the woman carrying it? Weird people say you guys don’t give a shit about women’s rights.
We can debate when life actually begins. I think based on evidence it begins when there is fertilization. I think that life is certainly present by time their is a heartbeat which is around the 5th week. A woman may not even realize she is pregnant by this point. So, yes I think abortion affects the baby.

What I find ironic is that the left and the democratic party have always tried to say that they stand up for the oppressed or the "voiceless." But not in this case. The baby has no voice so it's OK to kill it. I think that speaks to broader problem that the left has. They have created this huge block of voters in the working class who feel like the left has ignored their voice and these people are voting for Republicans now. You see it with minority groups especially males. These groups are starting to realize that the left has used them for decades and essentially kept them voiceless. The Republicans' especially Trump, started listening to them, And many of them showed up to vote for him. That is why he won.
Ok so if I'm understanding you correctly. The state governments have a right to make this choice. Thats how it should be. That the government, gets to decide.
You’re truly worried about your daughters’ rights in America? Or is this just a cool thing to say?

I worry about a lot of stuff for my daughters, but I have no concern over their rights.
We can debate when life actually begins. I think based on evidence it begins when there is fertilization. I think that life is certainly present by time their is a heartbeat which is around the 5th week. A woman may not even realize she is pregnant by this point. So, yes I think abortion affects the baby.

What I find ironic is that the left and the democratic party have always tried to say that they stand up for the oppressed or the "voiceless." But not in this case. The baby has no voice so it's OK to kill it. I think that speaks to broader problem that the left has. They have created this huge block of voters in the working class who feel like the left has ignored their voice and these people are voting for Republicans now. You see it with minority groups especially males. These groups are starting to realize that the left has used them for decades and essentially kept them voiceless. The Republicans' especially Trump, started listening to them, And many of them showed up to vote for him. That is why he won.
The dem party has basically given lip service to minorities and low/no wage earners for decades with little results to improve their actual quality of life. In large part, that can only be done through work opportunities that make people no longer dependent on govt.
In reality, their political goal is continued repression and forced reliance. The truth is they have basically said keep voting for me and I will keep letting you stand in line and get your govt cheese, flour, etc.

Under Trump, real wages, labor participation, wage gaps between rich/poor(particularly with minorities) were all at decades level positive levels. The groups that benefitted the most may not have known those statistics at the time, or even now, but they "knew" it when they were living through it based on their improved quality of life. They also know it is not that way now. Trump did the exact thing dems have been promising(and failing) to do for decades.
I think there is a balance to be struck. It's absolutely no joyous thing for the woman. It's also not a joyous thing to terminate life. Regardless of how far a woman was into a pregnancy, I would always feel more disturbed by someone kicking her in the stomach than a woman who wasn't pregnant. Seems as though even the potential for full-fledged human life is something we should value and do subconsciously value

Do you think a woman has an absolute right over the baby because she's carrying it? I doubt anyone here is pushing for abortion to be legal during the third trimester. At some point people believe that society's interest in protecting a life outweighs the individual woman's interest in ending one. Is that unfair? It doesn't even need to be a religious thing.

What if I told you that you don't give a shit about human rights if you don't protect human life? It'd get us nowhere, and there's no point insulting you or anyone else.
Lots of gibberish there to make yourself feel better. Real question; third trimester mothers life at risk. Kill the fetus or kill the mother. Which do you choose?
You think it affects a clump of cells more than the woman carrying it? Weird people say you guys don’t give a shit about women’s rights.
I think you have to have a framework, though. The “clump of cells” has a heartbeat and is 100% life. The argument on which week is purely deciding what is most palatable for an individual’s conscience. For most women, this is a HUGE decision, and the reason is because you are destroying a life. If it’s just a “clump of cells”, then no woman would think twice about abortion.

I totally respect someone having that choice without govt interference. I think it’s silly we tie it to a week. Why should the govt remove a woman’s right to make a choice about her body at week 24, at week 34? That’s inconsistent. You can’t logically be pro-choice at week 15 but not at week 28. There’s no logic.

The reason is it is simply more palatable to destroy life before it looks too much like a baby. And we have to consider if we actually want unwanted babies clogging up our system.

But I am 100% in favor of less govt interference, less taxes from govt, less regulations, etc.
You’re truly worried about your daughters’ rights in America? Or is this just a cool thing to say?

I worry about a lot of stuff for my daughters, but I have no concern over their rights.
You’re more than happy to reduce their rights because of your beliefs. You sound like a dad every girl would dream of.
Hope your daughters don’t have the misfortune of a condom tearing or forgetting a birth control pill. Would be an awful, preventable tragedy if one of them were to become permanently infertile after a delay in care due to shit abortion laws.

I would feel genuine sympathy for you and your family. Although I guess you and your wife would just disown her from the family because she will have deserved it.
Maybe they'll be informed that actions have consequences. And getting pregnant while having protected sex is one of the outcomes.
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This is too much of a nuanced issue to really reach a consensus on. I dislike abortion, but I also believe there is nothing more tragic than an unwanted baby being thrown into this world. But in reality, is it really such a tragedy to have to drive up to Charlotte to get your abortion?

This country was designed for the states to have most of the power…if the majority of your state wants a 15 week abortion ban, you live by those rules. The federal government has too much power, and I’m glad to see them giving some of it away.

Oh, and @johnhugh, do your wife and partner know about each other, or have I just misread you all these years? Congrats on getting married though!
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As per each separate state’s law, yes.

And there’s still between 1,500 and 2,500 abortions PER DAY in America.

The abortion laws are rarely preventing the actual abortions from happening, when desired, even in a lot of the 6 week ban states.
Should slavery be decided by the states? What about legalizing murder? Isn’t the federal government supposed to guarantee life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? By passing down to the state for a ban on abortion, IVF, no fault divorce, you are violating all three.

Sorry but I’m not a fan of violating the constitution because a bunch of pussies are scared of letting women decide what to do with their own bodies.
Should slavery be decided by the states? What about legalizing murder? Isn’t the federal government supposed to guarantee life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? By passing down to the state for a ban on abortion, IVF, no fault divorce, you are violating all three.

Sorry but I’m not a fan of violating the constitution because a bunch of pussies are scared of letting women decide what to do with their own bodies.
STFU moron.
He can’t even tell you the substance behind why he’s afraid of his daughters’ rights being in danger. Can’t specify exactly what right, besides abortion, and will just move the goal post when his talking points are depleted. He went from asking about abortion and states to saying “EVERY debated issues that’s not consensus should be sent to the states.”

His well has run dry.
My well hasn't run dry. I just went to bed at a sensible hour.
Also, I'm asking questions, not accusing people of things.
My concerns and fears are that the Heritage foundation will have top advisors in the white house pushing for a federal ban. will protect,(or better) on abortion.

We will defend the court victory by advancing pro-life legislation in the states and at the federal level and blocking the Democrats’ efforts to enshrine abortion on demand in federal law. The steps outlined below represent significant progress toward these goals that can be achieved even in a divided government.

My concerns are not unfounded as I take these people seriously. They are organized and will execute on their plans.
Only about 4-5% of abortions in the United States are because of non-viable fetuses, rape, incest, and most justifiable reasons to have an abortion. The rest are basically an elective procedure because two people (1 man with XY and 1 woman with XX.. I know this confuses a lot of you) make a mistake and have a pregnancy..

I get there’s some variable as it pertains to abortions in state’s with 6 week bans and such, but that’s only 13 states, and the numbers are the numbers. I guess we can agree that maybe more abortions happen because of the justifiable reasons in some of the 13 states if the laws weren’t as strict, but not enough to really move the needle much.

You’re afraid of a hypothetical that has a very minuscule chance of even happening.
This right here!

The left always uses a situation that occurs >5% to try and prove a point.
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Should slavery be decided by the states? What about legalizing murder? Isn’t the federal government supposed to guarantee life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? By passing down to the state for a ban on abortion, IVF, no fault divorce, you are violating all three.

Sorry but I’m not a fan of violating the constitution because a bunch of pussies are scared of letting women decide what to do with their own bodies.

You are an idiot.

Slavery is a moral issue for sure. No one should be subjected to such an awful practice.

Killing babies is a moral issue for sure. No baby should be killed.

Your opinion is that slavery should not be sent to the states but are content with the fed government abolishing it. You believe that abortion should also be a fed issue.

I personally don’t disagree EXCEPT, you are for killing babies. In your crappy example, that’s like saying you’re ok if the fed government allowed slavery for all states.

There’s a major difference in your idiotic example. Slavery (bad) is abolished (good). Killing babaies (bad) was not abolished (bad).
Lots of gibberish there to make yourself feel better. Real question; third trimester mothers life at risk. Kill the fetus or kill the mother. Which do you choose?
You are using a less than 3% example to justify the other 1 million elective procedures.

The issue to the pro abortion folks isn’t the 3%. That’s a front.

The issue is just that they want the right to decide wtf they want to do period, even if it’s killing a baby. And if they make that decision, they want no penalty for it even though morally, its as bad as murdering anyone else. No accountability for a nasty decision.

We are truly living in a fallen world. Thank God he’s provided an answer, but unfortunately most won’t take it.
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To answer the OP's thread daughter voted for Trump. She's 22 so not in your "teenager" wheelhouse.
My well hasn't run dry. I just went to bed at a sensible hour.
Also, I'm asking questions, not accusing people of things.
My concerns and fears are that the Heritage foundation will have top advisors in the white house pushing for a federal ban. Heritage enterprise will protect,(or better) on abortion.

We will defend the court victory by advancing pro-life legislation in the states and at the federal level and blocking the Democrats’ efforts to enshrine abortion on demand in federal law. The steps outlined below represent significant progress toward these goals that can be achieved even in a divided government.

My concerns are not unfounded as I take these people seriously. They are organized and will execute on their plans.

In the least shocking news of the day, Lib circles back to yet another hoax boogeyman.

2025 is the proverbial ghosts that I have been referring to.

Thanks for the rational discussion, but I’m through with our conversation. I hope your daughters never have to make a decision on whether to abort a baby or not.
How much do your daughters hate you right now? What’s the discussion at dinner like? “Sorry honey I had to take away your rights to own the libs”
My wife is a lifelong Democrat and she is quite pissed that I voted for someone who "doesn't support women's rights". It was quite a shock to see her reaction when he won. I needed some defense, so I did some research. I found this:

More than a million abortions were provided in the U.S. in 2023. That's a major finding from a report published Tuesday by the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that supports access to abortion.

To be precise, researchers estimate there were 1,026,700 abortions in 2023. "That's the highest number in over a decade, [and] the first time there have been over a million abortions provided in the U.S. formal health care system since 2012," explains Isaac Maddow-Zimet, a data scientist with Guttmacher.

The Guttmacher report also found that medication abortions rose to 63% of all abortions in 2023, up from 53% in 2020. The research was conducted by surveying all in-person and virtual abortion providers in the country and adding up their abortion counts. Guttmacher has been doing this research since 1974.

2023 Abortion Statistics

This doesn't look like a ban on abortions to me. It is obvious that people can still get abortions. It may be harder, but IT SHOULD BE hard to get an abortion. I am pro-choice myself, but it wasn't a deciding factor for me.

If Trump does ban abortions from the Federal level, I will certainly have issues with that, but as of right now, your argument stands on shaky ground.
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In the least shocking news of the day, Lib circles back to yet another hoax boogeyman.

2025 is the proverbial ghosts that I have been referring to.

Thanks for the rational discussion, but I’m through with our conversation. I hope your daughters never have to make a decision on whether to abort a baby or not.
Glad it was informative for you.
I'm relieved to hear you feel that the Heritage foundation will have no say in what the Trump administration executes on.
What about when it fails? It’s not 100%
Dude , are you just stupid or what?
People like you aren't even reasonable

You deal with it as a family, whether thats 1,2,3 or 8 person family, no one REASONABLE is going to disown a child for that.
If its important to the family to abort, simply go to another state that allows them.
It puts the decision back in the state and their voters hands.

I do not have the right to tell someone what to do with their body or love who they want, that's their decision and whatever Higher Power they believe in will pass judgement on them good or bad.
BUT you cant go around aborting fetus up to 9months,
Just like NIL and pay for play there has to be guardrails to protect from abuses. And people with more knowledge than we own should decide what they are.

I believe most people feel there should be a time frame, say 20weeks~~ , after that it should only depend on the safety of the mother/child or if their are other factors with the baby- deformity, retardation, etc... which will be the persons choice to make.

I'm a moderate and I vote for who I think is what the country needs at that moment.
I have voted for Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Buch II, Obama, Trumpx2.

I don't agree with him on everything, I'm not a fan of his antics or how he treats some people, i voted for him because the other option over the last 4years has this country running off the rails. EVEN a good many Democrats believe that in the exit polls.

You guys voted for a man who had dementia? then hid it for over 2years until the decline couldn't be covered up.

Be reasonable instead of being a drama queen dude.
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Hope your daughters don’t have the misfortune of a condom tearing or forgetting a birth control pill. Would be an awful, preventable tragedy if one of them were to become permanently infertile after a delay in care due to shit abortion laws.

I would feel genuine sympathy for you and your family. Although I guess you and your wife would just disown her from the family because she will have deserved it.
don't you have a "partner" or have we misremembered? I think the media blitz and Obama devil's empire has fried the libs brains about the truth - Trump says it's a state issue - end of story - no federal mandate promoted by Trump - if you somehow get pregnant or identify as pregnant, you can go to states whose constituents approved abortions in lawful balloting
How much do your daughters hate you right now? What’s the discussion at dinner like? “Sorry honey I had to take away your rights to own the libs”
Are you really a licensed medical professional--or am I incorrectly inferring this from your recent posts?

I have two teenage daughters--and they spend a lot more time hating me right now than I'd prefer. I suppose this is a natural consequence of being a parent instead of a friend to my girls and attempting to instill discipline in them and fortify them with a strong moral code.

Still, my girls have not lost any rights. Thier reproductive rights, what I presume you are referring to, remain perfectly intact.

I recognize you don't subscribe to this, but sanctioning the slaughter of the innocent simply because they are weak or otherwise have no advocate, robs us ALL of our humanity. The truth of the matter is existential. The being exists--else there would be nothing to abort. Treating what we KNOW in our core to be human life as refuse to be indiscriminately snuffed-out and discarded is a dehumanizing act--in much the same way that war and the death penalty are dehumanizing acts. The only thing that has been taken away is the sanction of this evil practice at the federal level.

For a personal anecdote: I have had two people very close to me elect to have an abortion. Both of them regret it deeply and carry a shame they will bear forever.

One of these people was my mother. I have a bother two years older than me that never got to experience life outside the womb. My mother died in hospice care--a slow suffocating death from COPD exacerbated by a slow growing lunch cancer. I spent considerable time at her bedside as she slowly perished. My mother left my father when I was a toddler and went on to have two more marriages and divorces before I was even out of middle school, thereby sentencing me and my two brothers and sister to a life of relative poverty. The short of it is, there was a lot in her past she regretted; but when I asked on her deathbed what she wished she could do over, it was that abortion.

The other was the first great love of my life--my girlfriend of more than 7 years. That relationship came to a spectacular end not long before I met the greatest love of my life, my wife and mother of my children. This girlfriend also had an abortion--long before she met me. Not that that mattered much at the time as I was staunchly prochoice then. Still, her abortion devastated her in a way that she gets counseling for it--I presume to this day.

In summary, decisions such as these clearly affect people in different ways. We have friends that miscarried rather late in pregnancy, recovered quickly and don't give it much thought. Conversely, my wife and I lost the only son we'd ever have at 19 weeks' gestation, and it devastated us (this is also the point when I became staunchly pro-life). It's been more than 15 years, and my wife still mourns, deeply. We have a birthday party for him every year.

I get that clinicians deal with life and death on such a regular basis that they become highly skilled at compartmentalizing--either that or they become thoroughly dehumanized and desensitized to the majesty, fragility and the tragedy of human life. For you, sir, I sure hope it's the later.
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You are an idiot.

Slavery is a moral issue for sure. No one should be subjected to such an awful practice.

Killing babies is a moral issue for sure. No baby should be killed.

Your opinion is that slavery should not be sent to the states but are content with the fed government abolishing it. You believe that abortion should also be a fed issue.

I personally don’t disagree EXCEPT, you are for killing babies. In your crappy example, that’s like saying you’re ok if the fed government allowed slavery for all states.

There’s a major difference in your idiotic example. Slavery (bad) is abolished (good). Killing babaies (bad) was not abolished (bad).

Calling me an idiot and I’m guessing you are another fool who probably failed out of high school and got his GED.

I don’t support killing babies. But I do support a women’s right to terminate a fetus prior to the 3rd trimester. And I support all abortion when it is a matter of the mother’s health.

But you guys would rather have a mother die and a baby grow up motherless. Hopefully you don’t have a wife and kids and if you do I feel sorry for them.
I have 3 (no teenagers yet). And a wife (who voted for trump). Their rights are no different today than they were yesterday. I’d be a pretty shitty father if I based my vote on their ability to maybe or maybe not kill an unborn baby because they made a bad decision at some point in the future.
My wife is more staunchly pro-Trump than I am. She voted for him in every primary (and general, of course). I did not vote for him in either primary, but I certainly voted for him in all three general elections. The same is true for most of the women in our circle of friends and family.
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Agree 100%
Then why wouldn't the left accept compromise? They used Roe to sanction abortion at any time and without any restriction.

Roe was bad for jurisprudence and needed to be struck down. This will allow for either a state-by-state decision on abortion or for simple legislation to define it federally. As long as Roe was in place, this could not happen as abortion was judged to be a constitutional right. As such only the much higher bar of a constitutional amendment could override this piece of juristic malpractice.
Interesting. So any debated issue that not everyone agrees on, should be left to the states. Got it.
We are a Constitutional Republic. So yes, anything not otherwise enshrined in the US Constitution is a matter for the states. That is also a concept known as federalism. Surly this is all familiar to you? These were deliberate controls put in place to protect our unique system from the well-known failures and weaknesses of a pure democracy.

To quote Jean-Jacques Rousseau, circa 1762:
There is no other government so subject to civil wars and internal agitations as democratic or popular government, because there is none that has such a strong and continual tendency to change to another form, or that needs more vigilance and courage for its maintenance as it is. It is in a democratic system above all that the citizen should arm himself with strength and constancy, and say every day of his life what a virtuous Count Palatine said in the Polish parliament: ‘Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem’[*].

A population of gods could have a democratic government. A government as perfect as that is not for men.

[*] I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery
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Why , may I ask, is abortion a states issue by not say; murder, or car jacking?
Murder and carjacking are 100% state issues. Those are state laws prosecuted by state officials, remanding the condemned to state custody in state prison.
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Lots of gibberish there to make yourself feel better. Real question; third trimester mothers life at risk. Kill the fetus or kill the mother. Which do you choose?
Bruning car: you choose to save passenger A but don't have the time or resources to save passenger B. Did you murder passenger B?

Now to your question, it's a judgement call. Sometimes the mother makes the call. Sometimes is has be the doctor. Either way, it's the same as the burning car analogy.
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Dude , are you just stupid or what?
People like you aren't even reasonable

You deal with it as a family, whether thats 1,2,3 or 8 person family, no one REASONABLE is going to disown a child for that.
If its important to the family to abort, simply go to another state that allows them.
It puts the decision back in the state and their voters hands.

I do not have the right to tell someone what to do with their body or love who they want, that's their decision and whatever Higher Power they believe in will pass judgement on them good or bad.
BUT you cant go around aborting fetus up to 9months,
Just like NIL and pay for play there has to be guardrails to protect from abuses. And people with more knowledge than we own should decide what they are.

I believe most people feel there should be a time frame, say 20weeks~~ , after that it should only depend on the safety of the mother/child or if their are other factors with the baby- deformity, retardation, etc... which will be the persons choice to make.

I'm a moderate and I vote for who I think is what the country needs at that moment.
I have voted for Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Buch II, Obama, Trumpx2.

I don't agree with him on everything, I'm not a fan of his antics or how he treats some people, i voted for him because the other option over the last 4years has this country running off the rails. EVEN a good many Democrats believe that in the exit polls.

You guys voted for a man who had dementia? then hid it for over 2years until the decline couldn't be covered up.

Be reasonable instead of being a drama queen dude.
It’s not always as simple as going to another state. What if you can’t afford to?
Should slavery be decided by the states? What about legalizing murder? Isn’t the federal government supposed to guarantee life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? By passing down to the state for a ban on abortion, IVF, no fault divorce, you are violating all three.

Sorry but I’m not a fan of violating the constitution because a bunch of pussies are scared of letting women decide what to do with their own bodies.
This is strange to have to say... you do know that not only can the government not "guarantee" any of those of those things, but that you're citing the Declaration of Independance?

It is the constitution that binds us and that establishes the charter for the federal government and states. Its aims are thus:
[...] [to] establish Justice, insure [sic] domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence [sic], promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

But I also recall you insisting that VP Harris was the only candidate to ever serve in all three branches of government... :rolleyes:

Again, for the record, DA and AG are aligned under the Executive Branch--and Kamala served these roles at the state level. But I get it; this is all confusing. Perhaps somewhat paradoxically--at least on the surface, the Department of Justice--to which the AG belongs--is aligned under the Executive branch of government, not the Judicial Branch.
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It’s not always as simple as going to another state. What if you can’t afford to?
In some places it doesn’t matter if you go to another state. They can charge you just the same.
Bruning car: you choose to save passenger A but don't have the time or resources to save passenger B. Did you murder passenger B?

Now to your question, it's a judgement call. Sometimes the mother makes the call. Sometimes is has be the doctor. Either way, it's the same as the burning car analogy.
Is this a trick? The car analogy is not close to the same. There is no court on this planet that would uphold a murder charge in that case. Abortion on the other hand…
I’m on a yacht in the BVIs right now and of the 4 families aboard, there are 5 daughters. Zero Kamala voters. All educated successful people @johnhugh

There’s a big world out here and the liberal echo chamber can be escaped. Free yourself.
“Escape the echo chamber” as he vacations with 4 families who think exactly like him lol
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