- Disassembled the pandemic task force
- Downplayed the risks early when he knew the disease was dangerous
- Constantly stated that COVID wasn't dangerous
- Stopped government officials and departments from communicating accurately about the virus
- Refused to say that wearing masks was important and refused to even wear one on camera until like July
- Held large gatherings of people during a pandemic for his own vanity
- Continued to gallivant about the country AFTER KNOWING he had an exposure
If I walk outside and get killed by a meteor, does that prove that meteors are a huge threat? After all, I'm at a low risk for getting killed by meteors.
The fact that
one person doesn't have a very negative reaction to contracting the virus is completely insignificant we have a sample size of millions.
So let's go through these:
1. He ran the task force until the threat had resided and cases were falling and the death rate slowing........those people had more important jobs to do like figure out how to fight/prevent/cure the virus rather than showing up to press briefings daily
2. Yes, he did and I can see why some might be angry here although this happens a great deal in daily life (like your CEO doesn't tell you things like "we are almost bankrupt" or the CIA doesn't tell you about every terrorist threat......it's the same thing, they don't want to generate panic
3. You covered this in #2
4. No proof of that, in fact quite the opposite per Fauci. Tough to even suggest that when the CDC change their stance weekly and he has zero influence there
4.5 - I'm pretty sure it wasn't Trump telling the Nashville mayor/governor to not share that the total number of cases transmitted due to bars and restaurants opening was less than 22 (they are blue not red)
5. If you say so but everything I heard was that masks were effective in helping stop the spread. What he said was that he didn't need to wear them in the briefings because everyone in the room was being tested daily
6. So it's not ok to hold a rally but it is ok to protest, riot and loot? You can't have it both ways so pick a side, either both are wrong are both are right. Pelosi seem to be doing fine breaking all the rules
6.5 - Biden also continued to hold gatherings post knowing about Covid.
7. Pretty sure he went into quarantine as soon as he found out but happy to research and circle back here
It's not one person, it's millions of people that have gotten the virus and recovered. In fact, the US now knows the virus was here well before January so given that it is deemed to have such a high infection rate, wouldn't you assume that tons and tons more people already had it? That would continue to bring the mortality rate to lower percentages.
If you walked outside, got hit by a meteor but only walked away with small lump on your head.......would just never leave your house again until the government made special helmets or would the risk be low enough to carry on with normal life?
Sweden certainly seem to be doing just fine........
What no one on the left wants to acknowledge is even the jobs that some think are safe, aren't. Corp debt is the next crisis, commercial real estate is the next crisis, tax shortages for cities, states, etc will be the next crisis......... the government can't keep pumping money into the economy without ensuring both us and our children carry the inflation and tax burden for the next 50 years.