Trump Tests Positive for COVID

This is the only stat that should really matter. Cuomo made the decision to send those elderly people back to their respective nursing homes, that decision wasn't made by Trump.

Also, when Trump did try to mandate at the federal level all he got was abuse from the Governors who said they would fight him in soon as it got overwhelming for said Governors, they all just pointed the finger saying they didn't get help.

Cuomo should be the recipient of one massive class action lawsuit from all of the families that lost loved ones in nursing homes.

There's plenty of blame to go around for sure. EXCEPT for Trump, right? He's handled this PERFECTLY right? In a time of crisis, people should be working together. But that ain't Donald Trump. Instead of calling for calm and cooperation in public... he's busting the chops of the governors that he doesn't like. Basically telling them that they are weak and crappy. THEN he wonders why they won't work with him...
Again, there's PLENTY of blame to go around (except for Donald Trump). But sometimes you have to stop the crappy partisan antics and work together for the good of the country. When it matters, a real leader steps up and provides that leadership and reaches across the aisle. That sort of thing HAS to start at the top. Trump failed miserably here... offering support and slamming people he didn't like at the same time. Sometimes you have to work with people you don't like and they have to work with you... Trump can't do that.
who in this thread said they hope Trump dies?
Who has said they hope he dies? Have you seen anything like that on TI? There are always a few people who are wackos. Don't assume they represent the vast majority of people opposed to the president.
That's complete bullshit. Just b/c you WANT it to be true doesn't make it true. I'm sure there are a few asshats that think this way (just as there'd be folks on the right laughing if something happened to Biden). But most people DON'T wish death on other folks. Now I'd laugh my ass off at Trump if he got a flaming case of the clap and had to get a shot so he could pee w/o that burning sensation. Wish death on him? Not so much.
I didn't say anyone on TI said it. But the Democratic party is a party of hate don't be blind. Antifa, BLM, and let's see what former Obama white house staffer and Hillary spokeswoman said.

I have only the best wishes for the president and first lady and anyone in the campaign or others, esp regular working folks around those places, even the mega money donors who got exposed.

But can we all FINALLY treat COVID with the respect it deserves?

I've had so many conversations on here with folks who have lived in denial or have attempted to minimize at every turn. This should be the 'emperor has no clothes' moment (not to stop supporting Trump or any ideology but to realize that public health and safety and science should stand above partisanship despite how messy dealing with a pandemic can be). And if it isn't the moment--then what would that even look like?

I appreciate the conservatives who are saying that liberals need to show compassion--they should and they should take the high road, but if this were Obama there would be congressional investigations into when someone got infected and how many people Obama put at risk and it would be turned into Benghazi...(and if it was Hillary--yeah, lets not would be just as ugly and weaponized just like her pneumonia was in 2016).

Also--the hubris of the WH needs to stop. Meadows walking out, potentially exposed to reporters WITHOUT A MASK to try and maintain the appearance of strength and once again downplay the virus is what drives independents crazy. It is dumb (shows a lack of understanding once again of what asymptomatic means...uggh) and poor leadership. The swamp creatures around the president are the worst.

(Also, also--can everyone finally agree QAnon is full of garbage and knows nothing...)
There's plenty of blame to go around for sure. EXCEPT for Trump, right? He's handled this PERFECTLY right? In a time of crisis, people should be working together. But that ain't Donald Trump. Instead of calling for calm and cooperation in public... he's busting the chops of the governors that he doesn't like. Basically telling them that they are weak and crappy. THEN he wonders why they won't work with him...
Again, there's PLENTY of blame to go around (except for Donald Trump). But sometimes you have to stop the crappy partisan antics and work together for the good of the country. When it matters, a real leader steps up and provides that leadership and reaches across the aisle. That sort of thing HAS to start at the top. Trump failed miserably here... offering support and slamming people he didn't like at the same time. Sometimes you have to work with people you don't like and they have to work with you... Trump can't do that.

Everyone can always do better in a crisis. Trump certainly has challenges in playing well with others which I openly acknowledge, he wasn't perfect.......far from it. That said, the question I continuously ask is what former president would have gotten the response right? SARS wasn't super well responded to by the Obama administration, we just got lucky that it fizzled out instead of catching on like Covid did. No other administration has been prepared for a full blown pandemic foreign to the US.

Most other countries have questioned leadership regarding response. If you haven't noticed, Sweden's leadership have been questioned up and down and they went another direction entirely. Boris Johnson was abused in the media for his response, etc what Government has really shown flying colors with how they've responded?
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That wouldn't prove anything at all. We already know that some people have mild or no symptoms. And yet....hundreds of thousands of people have died.
none that matter*
I have only the best wishes for the president and first lady and anyone in the campaign or others, esp regular working folks around those places, even the mega money donors who got exposed.

But can we all FINALLY treat COVID with the respect it deserves?

I've had so many conversations on here with folks who have lived in denial or have attempted to minimize at every turn. This should be the 'emperor has no clothes' moment (not to stop supporting Trump or any ideology but to realize that public health and safety and science should stand above partisanship despite how messy dealing with a pandemic can be). And if it isn't the moment--then what would that even look like?

I appreciate the conservatives who are saying that liberals need to show compassion--they should and they should take the high road, but if this were Obama there would be congressional investigations into when someone got infected and how many people Obama put at risk and it would be turned into Benghazi...(and if it was Hillary--yeah, lets not would be just as ugly and weaponized just like her pneumonia was in 2016).

Also--the hubris of the WH needs to stop. Meadows walking out, potentially exposed to reporters WITHOUT A MASK to try and maintain the appearance of strength and once again downplay the virus is what drives independents crazy. It is dumb (shows a lack of understanding once again of what asymptomatic means...uggh) and poor leadership. The swamp creatures around the president are the worst.

(Also, also--can everyone finally agree QAnon is full of garbage and knows nothing...)

This is perfectly said. I wish I could like it 10 times
Everyone can always do better in a crisis. Trump certainly has challenges in playing well with others which I openly acknowledge, he wasn't perfect.......far from it. That said, the question I continuously ask is what former president would have gotten the response right? SARS wasn't super well responded to by the Obama administration, we just got lucky that it fizzled out instead of catching on like Covid did. No other administration has been prepared for a full blown pandemic foreign to the US.

Most other countries have questioned leadership regarding response. If you haven't noticed, Sweden's leadership have been questioned up and down and they went another direction entirely. Boris Johnson was abused in the media for his response, etc what Government has really shown flying colors with how they've responded?

I hear you man. I personally don't think that Trump has done the terrible job that everyone on the left says. Personally I'd give him a C on his response. Not coordinating the PPE/venalater supply among the states and essentially setting off a bidding war was bad, that should have been done at the federal level...

BUT it never got so bad that any state's medical resources got blown down. He shut down travel when he needed to. He provided federal help when he needed to. BUT there are a lot of dead Americans in places that opened up too soon that didn't have to die. We HAD it on the way down in early May. Deaths were down in the 300s daily... what we were doing was working. Another two weeks would have paid off big time. Instead, opening up and not having mask mandates in place allowed the virus to hit in places that had been spared... Fl, Tx, Arizona, NM. That's straight up on him... Those governors followed his lead. We are STILL up around 1000 deaths a day...

But the worst thing he did was publically say things that were not correct from a science point of view. Because he doesn't listen to his own scientists. That's not a killer thing by itself... I'm sure that plenty of politicians don't really listen. BUT again, Trump being Trump, he can't just say my bad... what Fauci said was correct. He has to be right and can't make a mistake. So he says crazy stuff that completely goes against what the committee just said, THEN he attacks the committee ... because he HAS to be right.

That's just stupid and undoes all the good things he did.
I didn't say anyone on TI said it. But the Democratic party is a party of hate don't be blind. Antifa, BLM, and let's see what former Obama white house staffer and Hillary spokeswoman said.

so one person who used to work for Hillary tweets and deletes that and you are lumping all dems in that group? You seem reasonable.

Hey, how long have you been a neo nazi associated with the proud boys? You racist pig. I love this game.
Praying for the president and family.

I really hope the media and the left take the high road on this, but they wont

Reading some of the tweets in response shows so much ignorance and how the left has fed lies to the people with what they have blamed on the president. Heck even Biden blamed Trump for hurricanes and wildfires.

What I do know is that when the 2 weeks is up, Trump will have a HUGE rally.

Meanwhile, I heard Biden should be getting up soon and will get the news shortly.

Would trump take the high road if Biden got it? no.
I hear you man. I personally don't think that Trump has done the terrible job that everyone on the left says. Personally I'd give him a C on his response. Not coordinating the PPE/venalater supply among the states and essentially setting off a bidding war was bad, that should have been done at the federal level...

BUT it never got so bad that any state's medical resources got blown down. He shut down travel when he needed to. He provided federal help when he needed to. BUT there are a lot of dead Americans in places that opened up too soon that didn't have to die. We HAD it on the way down in early May. Deaths were down in the 300s daily... what we were doing was working. Another two weeks would have paid off big time. Instead, opening up and not having mask mandates in place allowed the virus to hit in places that had been spared... Fl, Tx, Arizona, NM. That's straight up on him... Those governors followed his lead. We are STILL up around 1000 deaths a day...

But the worst thing he did was publically say things that were not correct from a science point of view. Because he doesn't listen to his own scientists. That's not a killer thing by itself... I'm sure that plenty of politicians don't really listen. BUT again, Trump being Trump, he can't just say my bad... what Fauci said was correct. He has to be right and can't make a mistake. So he says crazy stuff that completely goes against what the committee just said, THEN he attacks the committee ... because he HAS to be right.

That's just stupid and undoes all the good things he did.

First, let me just say that I really appreciate your views. It's nice to be able to not see things the same way but have an open and honest conversation about it......thank you for that, it's refreshing in 2020.

You make some really good points above. The only argument I'd make is that the lockdown was never meant to be long term, it was to flatten the curve to avoid overrunning the hospitals. The assumption was that the virus would always make its way across the country so even states that fully locked down with mask and shelter in place mandates, would have eventually had rising numbers. Rural parts of states would eventually pick it up from more crowded, well traveled cities., etc etc.

Also, I don't think it's fair to attribute the rising numbers to just opening back up. At some point, we all have to collectively admit that thousands of people protesting, rioting and looting very likely also had major contributions to the rising numbers in many states. Simply put, we can't encourage people to take to the streets to express themselves but point the finger at the people who wanted to get back to work, open up their businesses and get on with everyday life as the reason we are in this mess.

Fauci has openly said he thought he did a good job of messaging but I do think you could sense tension between them with one side wanting to remain cautious and one wanting to get the economy going again. I can understand both sides here, the economy is important for long term health just as much, if not more than curtailing covid. It's a tough position to be in.

I do think he could have worked harder to find common ground with state level leadership but his ego typically won't let him. He could easily be better.
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so one person who used to work for Hillary tweets and deletes that and you are lumping all dems in that group? You seem reasonable.

Hey, how long have you been a neo nazi associated with the proud boys? You racist pig. I love this game.
Do you support Antifa and BLM? Has Biden denounced either one of those 2 groups? Let's look on video of what Trump thinks. Please post video of Biden saying that about 2 groups I posted above. You not black if you don't vote for Biden. That's racist. Sheep you are.

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Do you support Antifa and BLM? Has Biden denounced either one of those 2 groups? Let's look on video of what Trump thinks. Please post video of Biden saying that about 2 groups I posted above. You not black if you don't vote for Biden. That's racist. Sheep you are.

you are changing the subject because you know are wrong. Stick to the issue we are discussing.
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Do you support Antifa and BLM? Has Biden denounced either one of those 2 groups? Let's look on video of what Trump thinks. Please post video of Biden saying that about 2 groups I posted above. You not black if you don't vote for Biden. That's racist. Sheep you are.

They ran a full 5 min clip of countless speaking engagements he did where he trounces all over right extremists and white supremacists. 5 full minutes of 30 second clips.
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you are changing the subject because you know are wrong. Stick to the issue we are discussing.
Thought the issue was about hate? I'm giving you more issue about hate from the Democratic party including Racist Joe Biden. You can't win that issue so let's deflect that. Typical liberal agenda. So you would like to discuss the virus? If you like to discuss which one would have handled it better? Go ahead you gonna lose that argument also.
Anyone who is joyful and feeling vengeful that anyone is sick needs to check his or her heart and humanity. That being said... my President will kick the China Virus’s butt. All he does is win.

look who is talking. another poster in this thread already posted a video of trump mocking hilary's pneumonia in 2016. But you have different rule for Trump right?
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It proves everything......he's in a higher risk category so if he has flu like symptoms for a week and comes back full strength, you get the economy opened back up. What's your estimated death toll for poverty related deaths? What about depression from losing your job or addiction related?

"hundreds of thousands" is already being questioned. There is a difference between dying from or dying with.......the flu would likely kill high risk elderly for example if it ran through a senior citizen home.

So you are saying if trump dies it's not from Covid but from his morbid obesity?
  • Haha
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Thought the issue was about hate? I'm giving you more issue about hate from the Democratic party including Racist Joe Biden. You can't win that issue so let's deflect that. Typical liberal agenda. So you would like to discuss the virus? If you like to discuss which one would have handled it better? Go ahead you gonna lose that argument also.

I have never lost an argument to you and never will. We were talking about your assertion that all dems are hateful and want trump to die because one random person said that on twitter. I called you on that and took you to task, so you tried to change the subject.

It's not my fault you are too dumb to see that.
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So you are saying if trump dies it's not from Covid but from his morbid obesity?

I don't think Trump classifies as morbidly obese but I do get your subtle point and It's a fair question but what if someone morbidly obese caught a bad strain of the flu for example, would they be at a higher risk than say someone not morbidly obese?
I have never lost an argument to you and never will. We were talking about your assertion that all dems are hateful and want trump to die because one random person said that on twitter. I called you on that and took you to task, so you tried to change the subject.

It's not my fault you are too dumb to see that.
Like the name calling shows the type of character you have. Well the lack of character you have. You've lost every argument with me LOL. I didn't say every Democratic person I said the Democratic party. And Antifa and BLM are part of that party whether you admit it or not. That's why you don't want to talk about it. I'm not responding to you again in this thread no need to. Loser to me again. Go Tiger's and have a great weekend!
Like the name calling shows the type of character you have. Well the lack of character you have. You've lost every argument with me LOL. I didn't say every Democratic person I said the Democratic party. And Antifa and BLM are part of that party whether you admit it or not. That's why you don't want to talk about it. I'm not responding to you again in this thread no need to. Loser to me again. Go Tiger's and have a great weekend!

You are going to have to translate this into English for me.

Biden just pulled all his negative ads out of respect for trump being sick. Class. I guarantee you trump would not do the same.
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You are going to have to translate this into English for me.

Biden just pulled all his negative ads out of respect for trump being sick. Class. I guarantee you trump would not do the same.
This was sent out today...such a classy guy. A model Christian
  • Wow
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I don't think Trump classifies as morbidly obese but I do get your subtle point and It's a fair question but what if someone morbidly obese caught a bad strain of the flu for example, would they be at a higher risk than say someone not morbidly obese?

Of course fatasses like trump are at a higher risk than most people when they catch something like Covid or the flu. That still does not mean that it’s being a lardass that would be the thing that kills him. It would be the covid.
He’ll beat this, too... and then retain the belt on 11/3. It’ll be glorious.

I run across people I don’t like now/then... I’d never wish harm on them. Some of you best look out for karma. The universe keeps a backlog.
What if this is karma for him 🤔
Of course fatasses like trump are at a higher risk than most people when they catch something like Covid or the flu. That still does not mean that it’s being a lardass that would be the thing that kills him. It would be th

So in your post, you list out stats about the job market and the economy mentioning that it's the worst since WWII and you attest that to Trump's presidency but yet it seems like you're arguing against opening things back up.

I don't want to quote the definition of irony here but it seems fitting, no?

-The S&P 500 was up 56% before Covid, all specific to reducing regulation on Wall Street.

-Manufacturing, though not as strong as he promised, was up 3.7% compared to 1.7% under Joe and Obama. In addition to that, 400k jobs were added here.

-Unemployment, though technically falling under Obama (credit given where it's due), continued to fall under Trump with his administration creating 7 million new jobs, which when you reduce the tax burden on corporations they typically repay you with job growth.

So flagging up that the economy is in the worst shape ever but arguing points to remain locked down make little to no sense.
So would the President
I do agree with one thing in it though: this is the most important election ever. And Trump and his followers are going to get quite the message on Nov. 3.

If he loses, what is that message?

This country is now full of degenerates?