This is the only stat that should really matter. Cuomo made the decision to send those elderly people back to their respective nursing homes, that decision wasn't made by Trump.
Also, when Trump did try to mandate at the federal level all he got was abuse from the Governors who said they would fight him in soon as it got overwhelming for said Governors, they all just pointed the finger saying they didn't get help.
Cuomo should be the recipient of one massive class action lawsuit from all of the families that lost loved ones in nursing homes.
There's plenty of blame to go around for sure. EXCEPT for Trump, right? He's handled this PERFECTLY right? In a time of crisis, people should be working together. But that ain't Donald Trump. Instead of calling for calm and cooperation in public... he's busting the chops of the governors that he doesn't like. Basically telling them that they are weak and crappy. THEN he wonders why they won't work with him...
Again, there's PLENTY of blame to go around (except for Donald Trump). But sometimes you have to stop the crappy partisan antics and work together for the good of the country. When it matters, a real leader steps up and provides that leadership and reaches across the aisle. That sort of thing HAS to start at the top. Trump failed miserably here... offering support and slamming people he didn't like at the same time. Sometimes you have to work with people you don't like and they have to work with you... Trump can't do that.