Trump vs Epstein

Trump was convicted on sham charges BEFORE ONE EPSTEIN CLIENT HAS EVER BEEN ARRESTED.

Democrats and their little band of perverts will sell little girls out, but hey they got Trump (it will be overturned)!!!

How far out of control are you spinning today? What does Epstein have to do with Trump and his illegal activities?
How far out of control are you spinning today? What does Epstein have to do with Trump and his illegal activities?

Dude, Trump just won the presidency. I am estatic.

The black vote just turned on the democrats. Mark my words. The justice department treats Trump just like blacks perceive the system treats them.

This is a glorious day, because its the day the destruction of the democratic party begins.

Revenge will be served cold. I'm not even angry.
Dude, Trump just won the presidency. I am estatic.

The black vote just turned on the democrats. Mark my words. The justice department treats Trump just like blacks perceive the system treats them.

This is a glorious day, because its the day the destruction of the democratic party begins.

Revenge will be served cold. I'm not even angry.

Explain how more proof of his infidelity and cheating help him with moderate women voters ....
Explain how more proof of his infidelity and cheating help him with moderate women voters ....
Because even moderate women voters don't like corruption and what the democratic party has become. Moderate women voters do not like mutilating children. Moderate women voters do not like inflation at the grocery store. Moderate women voters already got fed the line "grab em by the pvssy". You think misclassifying a legal expense is going to be the straw that breaks the camels back? Moderate women voters are not that stupid. But good luck!
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Because even moderate women voters don't like corruption and what the democratic party has become. Moderate women voters do not like mutilating children. Moderate women voters do not like inflation at the grocery store.

You need to actually get out of your echo chamber and talk to real people.

Moderate women don't like not having access to health care such as Birth Control or medically necessary Abortions. They don't like asshole cheaters who talk about "grabbing women by the p***y", they don't like men who are found liable of sexual assault.

I love that you guys are just fine voting for a guy like this, and you don't even try to act like it's an issue.

Have you noticed his wife isn't defending him or making statements?
You need to actually get out of your echo chamber and talk to real people.

Moderate women don't like not having access to health care such as Birth Control or medically necessary Abortions. They don't like asshole cheaters who talk about "grabbing women by the p***y", they don't like men who are found liable of sexual assault.

I love that you guys are just fine voting for a guy like this, and you don't even try to act like it's an issue.

Have you noticed his wife isn't defending him or making statements?

It's amazing the amount of people willing to die on the hill of a fraud, cheat, and now criminal.

Seriously reevaluate some of your choices folks
It's amazing the amount of people willing to die on the hill of a fraud, cheat, and now criminal.

Seriously reevaluate some of your choices folks
Exactly! This is ONE man, one terrible man, a terrible, stupid man who tried to overturn our democracy but they see him more as a supreme being that has been crucified and blasphemed and now they're frothing at the mouth to turn the world on it's head because of that ONE idiotic criminal. Move on folks damn
You need to actually get out of your echo chamber and talk to real people.

Moderate women don't like not having access to health care such as Birth Control or medically necessary Abortions. They don't like asshole cheaters who talk about "grabbing women by the p***y", they don't like men who are found liable of sexual assault.

I love that you guys are just fine voting for a guy like this, and you don't even try to act like it's an issue.

Have you noticed his wife isn't defending him or making statements?
As opposed to a guy who is a documented pedophile? You think moderate women are going to let that be the differentiator? The guy that sniffs kids? lol
A documented pedophile? Excuse me?

Rumors don't equal truth.

However, court cases do show who is the actual sexual predator....
Ashley Biden's diary is not a rumor. Is has been substantiated by her and the FBI.

Back to the kangaroo court system argument.
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Dude "probably inappropriate" is doing a hell of a lot of work on your beliefs.

Can you show me even one passage where she suggested she was molested by him?
She took showers with her dad at what age?

And his nickname was what?

pedo pete?
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You need to actually get out of your echo chamber and talk to real people.

Moderate women don't like not having access to health care such as Birth Control or medically necessary Abortions. They don't like asshole cheaters who talk about "grabbing women by the p***y", they don't like men who are found liable of sexual assault.

I love that you guys are just fine voting for a guy like this, and you don't even try to act like it's an issue.

Have you noticed his wife isn't defending him or making statements?
This is only partially correct. It is mainly pub women who will have a problem with his infidelity. Bill Clinton is at least as bad of a human being as trump and had multiple women accuse him of rape and he is still held in high regard and very popular in the dem party.

I am skeptical he can win enough minority/young vote to make up for the loss of suburban women, though.

Also, he has come out and explicitly said he is NOT in favor of restricting birth control, any federal abortion ban, or even state bans that do not allow for exception for rape, incest, or danger to the mother. That is just some bs dem talking points - and quite frankly, I thought you were above that.
Oh look, It's the newest MAGA word they have made up to feel smart.

"Lawfare" apparently is when someone breaks the law, is tried by his peers, and is then found guilty.
Only he was not tried by his peers, and had a clearly biased judge who should have recused himself as a biden donor and having a daughter who is a dem campaign worker.
It was a forgone conclusion he would be found guilty. No to mention the fact it should have never been brought to trial. The doj and federal election commission declined to prosecute the case bc they knew it was bogus.
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Only he was not tried by his peers, and had a clearly biased judge who should have recused himself as a biden donor and having a daughter who is a dem campaign worker.
It was a forgone conclusion he would be found guilty. No to mention the fact it should have never been brought to trial. The doj and federal election commission declined to prosecute the case bc they knew it was bogus.

How were they not his peers? Forgive me, I thought his lawyers had a chance to strike jurors they didn't like.Poor guy was found guilty based on documents that proved his lies.

Dude, maybe if he feared prosecution in NYC he should be have committed crimes there.
Only he was not tried by his peers, and had a clearly biased judge who should have recused himself as a biden donor and having a daughter who is a dem campaign worker.
It was a forgone conclusion he would be found guilty. No to mention the fact it should have never been brought to trial. The doj and federal election commission declined to prosecute the case bc they knew it was bogus.
But wait, we were told this was Biden persecuting his political opponents - how could that be if HIS DOJ declined to prosecute?
This is only partially correct. It is mainly pub women who will have a problem with his infidelity. Bill Clinton is at least as bad of a human being as trump and had multiple women accuse him of rape and he is still held in high regard and very popular in the dem party.

I am skeptical he can win enough minority/young vote to make up for the loss of suburban women, though.

Also, he has come out and explicitly said he is NOT in favor of restricting birth control, any federal abortion ban, or even state bans that do not allow for exception for rape, incest, or danger to the mother. That is just some bs dem talking points - and quite frankly, I thought you were above that.

He has also claimed responsibility for overturning R vs W and it's not at all wrong to show the results of those actions in Red States such as Alabama.

He did that, and this is what happened is far game when he accepts the accolades for the action.
He has also claimed responsibility for overturning R vs W and it's not at all wrong to show the results of those actions in Red States such as Alabama.

He did that, and this is what happened is far game when he accepts the accolades for the action.
This is just utter stupidity. What if I want to claim credit for overturning Roe, will you give me credit as well? I assume you give him credit for everything he claims credit for then right? LOL.
He is an idiot who claims all kind of things. That does not mean he is actually responsible for them. He did not bring the case before the court and also did not decide the case. Not to mention the fact it was the correct decision - it is a states rights issue. The court made the right decision.
Has there been some undesirable fallout? Absolutely. However, it is not the job of scotus to make decisions based on what happens if they rule one way or another. Their job is simply to decide on the constitutionality of the matter at hand.
But wait, we were told this was Biden persecuting his political opponents - how could that be if HIS DOJ declined to prosecute?
This provides Biden with cover. You know as well as I do that if the doj had told bragg not to prosecute , they would have stopped the sham. Like trump or not, anyone who denies this was a political prosecution and subversion of the law is just not an honest person. This will be confirmed when it is overturned on appeal.
Bragg even told you it was coming. He said years ago he would find something to charge trump with - and he did.
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This provides Biden with cover. You know as well as I do that if the doj had told bragg not to prosecute , they would have stopped the sham. Like trump or not, anyone who denies this was a political prosecution and subversion of the law is just not an honest person. This will be confirmed when it is overturned on appeal.
Bragg even told you it was coming. He said years ago he would find something to charge trump with - and he did.
Biden is right not to interfere in prosecutions brought by the DOJ or state level DAs because he respects the need for separation between the executive branch and the judicial branch. He also could have ended the state level prosecution of his own son by the Delaware DA but he didn't.

You know damn well Trump would have ended an investigation into his own son on day one and we saw him repeatedly try to corruptly influence his own DOJ and even replaced his own AG in his criminal attempt to overthrow the will of the people, so pardon me if I don't shed a tear on his behalf.

Good luck overturning it on appeal after the jury took less than ten hours to unanimously find him guilty on all 34 charges. Trump barely put up any defense at all so not sure why you could believe it's a done deal.